y v .i DSL. vaag" - . i aaaaa P gfWllWIUAJmJPiUl.lJ.1. LJ.LlU-.U.tUU'J 1 1 Ji 'Wtr pH1 TT t ,1 i ii ' " ""I" I " '" "' '- ' "''' ''' " i'"-' .' iBf ! r" ' ' 1 . . , ... . Clearance We have nclXfdeX Overcoats, except oUie Regular $35. 0& SuUsaid7rfpvorQoats, v. raM&OI T C this sale . i . . I - . . '-.. . . '. . . . t .. . Jafatla 'l Regular $30. 00 SultsiUf Qvertforitiy? CjBIT IK this sale go at ance i All blue and black, Suits, all PrincoJfcihurt and Br 10 to 2p:flisB0iHi Prite(ticallvnQvery article" l ' - ." l ' - , V . li- ' sale. All our nHe':Sbu,ts,''yebkweRrt Hosiery, TTr . fc m Sl, f"H We Survived the Holidays , j and are ready to ihow you our complete line of Fobs, Pins; 5 and various other noratletflin UhiVoMity Jewelry. Brushed 187 1 HALLBJyth Uni Jedeler n3 o street .&a ' ON THE CAMPUS Ml TJhipIn Brod., PIoVIbIs, 127 s'o. 13th. t The members of the Instructional force in the Department of ngrlcul tufal engineering presented Professor dhase with a fountain pen as a Christ mas greeting. 4 Don Cameron's Cafe, 119 So. 12th. During the holidays MIbb Rood, Miss PeVrin, Miss Glass, and 'Miss Burr indexed a large part of the material Inthe agricultural engineering office. i . Green'a Sanitary Barber Shop,"" 120 No. llth. ililtner Bros., Florists. 118 So. 12tB St;iP,hnes-Auto 1894, Boll-330. Choice reB, carnations and cnrysanthemumB. W6 solicit the university trade. DISC OUNT Docortinued Linet of 'f-Ij'-'H" Men'i SV 3.;' $4;06 $4.;50 Vue. J2j20 O T.H JGy, D ,A fr Y. Sale of Pine Suits and ift these four lots allur finest grade Kensington L System and 1laek aliid afow sCiindard patterns, $17.15 66 ' , ricit' )H jJ109;QiStreet i . Capital Hotel Barber Shop, 11 & P. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. Have your clothes presacd at Web er's Sultorium,, Elo'Venth and O: tl George Bros., 218 South' Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. Investigate the nifty photos at Blazek'B studio, 130G O Btreet. The only ones in the city like them. tf The entirely redecorated hall In the new Wilkinson block, Sixteenth and O. is now rented only for college and other select dancing parties. For dates see Rees Wilkinson, 122 North Eleventh. Auto 1217. tf The Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Tias Tnoved jnto Its Tiew quarters at 140G O St., where they are ready to show all makes of typewriters with standB. tf V.W . .'.' 'ii SHOES vim' K " ' X f klVI i'l' Street. vN X 3 S AJ8 KA'.N Regular$25. 00 Suits and ;()vropats, Vj,J. TfK ihib sale. . . ; ....;.. 5 . j . I . . . ; . vHta 1 9 ' Regular $22.50 andt$20.0Q Suits and 19 TC Overcoats, this mi lafca I V ess Suits, and all Dress and in our store will sbiire in thd Uridorwear, Fancy Vests, Caps m ueemer --v ! ,' Oliver Theatre 7 J fER TOMORROW NIGHT ' GIONVS. ERNST 50c, 75c & $1.00 FRI., SAT. & 8AT. MAT. JAN. 6-7 Ntwlyweds'and Thtir Baby OU2 HtOfLt Night 25c to' $1.50r Mat. 25c to 75c Take Your Girl To 13th and M WfYlnSITY iEWELEI 4 OPTKIAK , C. A. Tucker JEWELER S.S. SIMan OPTICIAN I IIM I STIEETr YElLIW PIMf Tfwr rtrtmHc SiUtiki TVPPWRITFDS ALL MAKES Reapplied on purchase 1 lrLTTluiLKJ sOUaritCMTp ilr.( p year written ohlne gold. Diitributwf Nw Call or write for catalogue and ' nadal nri ca.lifit. Overcoats aril Stein.Bljoch Suits and I 4 Cravtmtitte Overcoats -will cutting for tllis great clear- will go at big reductions. j ,x . I I II OH I II MATINEES (Bactpf Maiv) atj& NINQSATIJJ30 U binuubn BVENINOS AT MtaO I OHPHEUM SE, ADVANCED VAUDVILLE LUlUULn BVEl Big .New Year's Bill "OLD SOLDIER FIDDLERS And 8lx More Feature Acta IT MATINEES 15c and 25c EVENING 15c, 25c; 35c and 50c Mot Drinkt arc sow in sasoa.r De rem any pjace wnere yon can get aa QUICK SERVICE as yon can at our new atoref Ho need of being; crowdai. Lincoln Candy Kitchen ;$! gwsirara wiw evary map' 1, l, c. wmwm&tirtfo.: B.F.SW ANSON CO., Inc.; v- w is. ' i&tophona;2080. BlJpnI29Q7lTSaT1JUrsnM . '