The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 04, 1911, Image 1

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U'2'5 irffV .- lc .;?.. j
y; i t ,- uirf j
raika Represented ar'Assbclation
tJ -ofKio'dern Tan'ifuaW at' Bfc
.Lptrit. anp Other
.3 J i
. j Judglngrfrom.vcasual obaexyatlojis,
It;, jmlght-apeir..4hat 'Abe, .piMy.eralty
a(ujlenta.1,oro80le'-lqecn," .(or the
Cpf latinos -holidays, and the, only rep
resentatives to 'sdize ad vantage of the
little recess, but,, investigation shows
thqit thVitnlveVslty'.pf Nebraska fac
uM members worV'aiyout afc ftroiupt
aafithe former to accept the holiday
"migratory spirit," even if not having
tti'd; same-jnotive foriJtravellngr.''
i'ilmogt J.witb thia' flrsti break of the
Yuie-tide "h'omegbfnB? "University pro-'
loeyo for yarlos- ioint's Of "the United
8ites..some.,.ot tUem even venturing
sofat"a"ttie' Atlantic coast.
ProfessonvEHery Davlsdean of the
academy olleg(j woud qualify for
xue laxior ctoss. jne just reium(eu
from an &xtendeftTtrlp ttifough m6st
"of ihV Targe eastern cltTes, TncTu3Irig
Baltimore, where he visited his soar
Edwin, 6t Nebraslca, '09, who is at
present 'attending Johns Hopkins. "
Associations and Conventions.
.Most of the other fnoulty members
who left Lincoln have been attepding
some scientific association or general
convention. Professor M. M. Fogg, of
the., rhetprlc department, and .Profes
sdr Tiawrence Possler of the German
department, were Nebraska represen
tatives to j' the American Society of
Modern v Languages, which convened
at: St. Louis. Professor Fossler wob
chairman of this hBSoclation nnd Pro
feasor "Fogg was prominently engaged
la representing the rhetorfc doparL
mjant. Professors Howard, Aylsworth,
Eaves, Virtue and Valgren were dele
gates to the Amorican Association of
Political Science and Economy, which
also' met in, St Louis.
Prof, F. M. Fling and Irof. G.Jones
of the. University history department
spent the holidays in Indianapolis, be
ing present at the American Histor
ical Association. Professor Fling wob
also elected to the membership of the
council of this organization.
i, Qo .to. Minneapolis.
Nearly all of the other, University
pirdfessors represented Nebraska at
the" American association for the ad
vancement of science, held at -Min'
n0&pOll8aUTing' luy JUuriblluuH rwenn.
Of? an asBomblv of two thousand
scientists "from every portion of the
country,-; ten flaunted Nebraska colors
anaKspokje in behalf. of the Untvor-.
slty. The Nebraska departments rep
resented Wre: Botany, entomology,
anatomy Histology, pathology, and
zoology.-, The professors who con
posed the Nebraska attendance of the
assdejation wore; Dean Bessey, Pro
fessors ' Brunor, Swenk, Pool, and
Walker, Dean Wolcott, Dr. Barker,
Dx'Po'ynter,. Dr. PillBbury, and J3r.
5ean Bessey, Dr. Barker, and Dr.
Pillsbury were representatives from
the Nebraska chapter of Sigma XI.
-. Ia-addltloa-tQ-the-presenco-ofahese-Nebraslca'
delegfates, . the University
How "-now', Oh Would-be Poet, .
Oh Gazer at the Moort!
Thou hadst best be getting lessoiiBJ
That'j)loying the, buffoon. .
i '
: -i
Treason! soipeon'e .cryeth K-.! ;
.And whispers in' mine ear.;
Avaunt, say; tho.u Hest!
BitfcrVnliiB, 'tis truer I fear.
tNo'w, lwets 1b would-be poets,
; Juqt the same bb "cabs is cabs,"
: And'"conteBts Is contestB" also,
Math Is Math and Iabs Is Lnbs.
i v -, J-'
Edltor'B Notei-Thls Js tt' answer to the poem appearing In the last
issue of The DailSNebraskrt;' December 20, and signed "A Would-be
Poet,' .-.:;. ' ' u
may also feel justly honored In the
.election of DeanBessey to thof presi
dency of the American association,
ank Dean; Wolcoft iotlfevlceprosl.
Jehcy of tbe1 JAmericaii!;Socle(y of
SolentiHc Investigation nnif. Hcsearch.
Y. Vf. C. A. Bible Study Courses to
Start January 9 t ., T
The second term In Bible study; 'un
der thB-anspicesfnlje-YT-SVrTA;
'befghajj the week of January 9. Stu
dents are requested to watch ouiletins
'arid for later announcement of
sohodules of classes.
To date the schedule Is as follows:
1, Studies In Old Testament Char
acters (second term), Tuesday, 5-G
p. m. Miss Fannie Drake.
2. The Prophets. Rev. S. Mills
Hayes. Wednesday, 11 a. m. '
3. The Sources of the .Life of Jesus,
rtov. Dean R. Lelnnd. Thursday, 5
p. m. ' ' -
4. "Five New Testament Portraits
of Our Lord." .Rev. Doan-R. Lelnnd.
Tu'osdny,, 1-2 p. m.
j. The Leading Ideas of the Four
Gospels. Jte Deaa R. Lelnnd. Mon
day, 7-8 p. m.
G. Life of Christ (Bosworth). Miss
Carrie K. Schultz. 'Monday, 5-6 p. m.
7. Normal - Training (Hurlbut'B
Text). Mrs. C. W..Malone. Friday, 1
p. m.
8. -Christian Fundamentals. Rev. A.
J. Northrop. Tuesday, 7r7:45 p. m.
.First lecture, January! 17. (A series
of five lectures. 'Opportunity for dis
Favorable Report of Red Cloud Evan
-'. .golistlc Meetings. , i
i - . The ilrst gospel team. that ever rep
resented the University of Nebraska
recently returned from Red Cloud,
.where they conducted evangelistic
services during Ihe Christmas recess.
The following Y, M, C. A. delegates,
W. ,H. Plasters, W. W. Guldlnger
,Rn Chorlncton. Joe Goldstlne. Lloyd
Hall, B. C. Hendricks, and Ray Rice,
visited Red Cloud with tne view or
instituting a campaign for cleaner
Jiving, and judging from the, reports
of their work which they return, they
effected tlio deBlred end, and more.
The work was primarily for the young
men of the vicinity, nn effort to con
vince them by religious teachings and
:countryJhilieBliatJ.Ue . JlntyerflUxL
of Nebraska upheld right living and
Bottoi; get hy lessons, I'dot;
..Better let tho Muses go.
Professor Ohatburn has thy record;
And thy grades are very low.
Now, thj President Is Irish,
Tho kind you cannot kill;
Truth crushed to earth shall rise
tj . againr .
And Just like truth is "Oil."
P. S. This 1b absolutely our last
Christian manhood, and was not- a
haven for religious skepticism nnd In
fidelity. The ilnance committee of ' the Uni
versity Y. M. C. A. will meet and eat
with the Bible study committee Thursday-
evening at 6 o'clock.
Prof. C. M. Heck wll lconduct the
mid-week meeting this ovenlng in
Music Hall. The theme for discus
sion will be "China's Teeming Mil
lions," accompanied by stereopticon
views of Chinese customs and condi-
Ltlonju , - ,
Former t Dean,, Rotcoe Pound Teaches
8lx Hours Per Week and Gets $7,000.
E. H. Clark has just received a let
ter from'ROBcoo Pound, formerly dean
of tho law college here, who is now
professor of law at Harvard Univer
sity." In writing of ihe way1 he' Ib get
ting settled in his ne.w position, he
says: . 4 .'
"My ofllce Is big enough for a lec
ture room and well furnished. I hold
some of my smaller clnsBes here. I
teach six hours a Week and have Just
been notified that my salary has been
raised to $7,000, with one more In
crease to look forward to."
Delayed Denouncement Causes Slow
8ale of Tickets.
The first dance of the year to be
given by the freshmen tho annual
'freshman hop will be held at the
Lincoln hotel, Friday evening, Janu
ary 6th. Big preparations have been
made for this hop and it promised to
.be- a success, except that-thejnanngei
ment fear a lack of patronage. Duo
to the fact that the dance will bo held
so soon after tho holidays, the ticket
sale has failed to get a good start,
and at present it appears as though
the receipts would hardly pay ex
penses. It is urged by tho chairman
that every freshman, and upper-classman
as Veil, lose no time In making
dates for "the best dnnco of tho sea
Senior pins may be had at the Uni
versity Book Store, 340 North
Eleventh street, now. Besides those
ordered, a few extra pins have teen
secured, and will be kept only a Bhort
time. Tills Is the last chance to. get
your Iflll pins. H. E. DIXON.
tf Chairman.
; XTENsib al tfiW0it 4I.
.3 -..,tm'
What Wlff the Delinquency 'CoWnilt.
- -tee Do"to" StadsntrV
. .i i
Were Unable to Reach
t Llnooln?
' . I. II ;
r tn.i..
' lltllll
"Who said It wus cold?" Ycstorday:
JuBt .about overy,eBtudont,.0f,4b.e Uni
versity of" Nebraska -passed" arouad..
conipllhiohtB'Oh'tho 'wenthor." '"Ain't
It "cold 7" "GoeTloolt ut the fur caps.''
"Who froze, his- ears," JJNo 'PolIrScl'
cIbbit for me;" TheBe,aro short quo
tajtoW siln'tclie'd, fiom' crihipar cdn-"
vcrBatlon yes,tor,dav. v,VItjti a., sjfffj.
breeze blowing almost nil day and the
thormomoter liquid hovering' near tho
bulb, students .were ,kcpt on the run
while going from one class to' tho
Taxed to Limit.
Tho University heating plant was
taxed to Its limit. The Arctic wind,
which fanned the buildings all day
long, made the firemen a great deal
of trpuble. Under ordinary clrcum
BtnnceB the heating system ls ode-
fliiatej) byline wTbiTof yesterday was
enough to discourage the oldgst fire
man on the force. Rooms were cold
and a number of classes had to bo
dismissed. At ten o'clock tho temper-,
aturo in the art, gallery; was "belowBoI
degrees. No classes werojhjjl&lin wt&J
law school during the forenoon" and
'even some of the afternoonVclassesi
.were frozen out. .-...
Many 8tranded. ?
Scores of ..students," W.bdv had loft 4
their home townB In plenty of time,
to reach Lincoln for thlr'jclasseSjj
were stranded in the blizzard or their
trains so delayed that attendance at
classes was Impossible. One man
came from Dawes county, in the ex
treme western part o fthe state, left
at eight o'clock Monday morning and
did not rench the city until after six
Tuesday. According to a ruling of
the authorities students who did not
report for classes on Tuesday will re-
celve an unexcused absent mark on
the books. It is not known whether t
me ueuiuiutiijuy uumuiiueu mil uiuuo
a special ruling to benefit these forced
iLThe-KlotelL-WIII-Bethe-New Englliti-i-
Club Publication,
Tho members of the English club
who have been appointed to take .
charge of the publication qf the new
magazine, "The Klote," which will ap- .
pear for the first tlmq January. 11, .
are working on the new publication.
K. P. Fredericks of Sutton and RJ R.
Strom of College View Tiave charge of
tho work of getting out the new mag
azine. They are assisted in this work
by Miss Faye Harley of Lincoln and
MIbb JpsBlo Beghtol of Lincoln. The
first lB.sue will contain a department
of fiction and poetry, and a department
of jokes and humorous articles deal
ing with student life at the university.
Several Alpha Phis resident in Lin-
onn rnitertalned Bomeoftheir-frlettdfl-
y?ew Year's eve atfthe sorority house. j