BlWMIBlIftlMtaiiM atMwawtWWMBiiwaiMimi'MWUiiiwitalBW mnwc MMfi-kneesfssMSiiJS.'tAyiiem THE DAILY NEBRABKAN f THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TfIB PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBIIABKA, Lincoln, JStffrtfniT ffl M Ptibllnhoil by' - ' . THE BT.UDKNT PUDKICATION DOARD EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor , C J. LORD MaWlnR Editor 0. T. LTDDELL Anocltttc Editor....... T. J. HARORAVE Associate Editor A. H. DINSMORH BU8INES8 STAFF. Munugcr' G. C. KIDDOO AKalHtunt Manager., W C. IIASCALL Circulation Mnnngor'..C.'. C BUCHANAN Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. P-os'tbfflce,' Station A, 'Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. , .8lnolo Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683; Bell 1123. N b I V I DtnKtrNOTtCES-wHl-bc-chttrired for at tho rato of 10 comh tho liiBartiot), ror every tirtocn woruH or rrnciion inere of. Faculty notices and Unlvurnlty bul letins will Kindly bo ptiblttihcd. free. Entered nt tho' postofllco at Lincoln, NcbrnBka, an, Hccond'Clnss mall mnttor, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration bufldlno. between 10 a. m, and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen wors or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five tents; five Insertions forty cents. DKC'E.MBISR 20, 1910. THE GLEE CLUB. The tour which Hie university glee club started on yesterday la one of tho best ways to advertise the Uni versity of Nebraska that could have been devlqed. The entire group of men are worthy to represent tho university and will "bring to the people of the qal ryall.ntifin nf Rom,apX the things the university stands for. Football teams may make great rec ords; debaters may win victories, but Convocation r Af. . "Tl?e Messiah" Tuesday, December 20 to take your lady friend to a formal party, except on evenings when tho weather Is stormy 7" Tlfo whole Ul'gmntmtcan-bc-ettled-on those two questions. Ifoth ques tions deal with matters of economy and common Bense. If this was a "rich man's school," tho cabs for for mal parties would be all right ns a part of a formal function. Wo are free and Independent. Why not be Independent and step aside in out attempt to follow In the steps of our eastern college friends, whose "pa-pas" have money by the dray load and whose "ma-nias" count the number of their diamond "dog collars" on an adding machine? WILL BE HELD FEBRUARY 11. Date for the Indoor Meet Between "Freshles" and "Sophs" Set. At a meetjng of the committees of the freshman and sophomore classes Monday evening, the date for the In door meet between the two classes was set for Snturday, February 15. Medals for Hrst place In aTPof The events will be granted. The events will be the some ns the program of TIES 25c Thousands of them- Reaiitifiil flnwinor pnrls 50c grades 1415 O St. BDDD the people of the state do not always appreciate the work of the students through these things. To stand up be foro un audience of Nebraska citi zens and ping to them Is tho most pow erful appeal Tor their support that can be made. The music in humanity can be ap pealed to quicker and easier than any thing elso, and in bo doing the glee club lias the greatest chance to reullj advertise the great institution that many Nebraska people do not realize they are supporting. To tho glee club the duty of win ning the support of the citizens of -thestate fallBi and thoir efforts-Jn.. that direction are worthy In view of tho fact that they have made elabor ate preparations for this tour of tho state, Bingi'ng to; the people ot Ne braska! ' ' . x Ten ssssstssss i J?V. Reasons , i why you should buy your clothing here. The big one is you save money. he-nine-ohers.axeal- most as good. We'll tell about them when you come in. When are you coming? . Speier & Simon N. E. Comer 10th and O Sts. Lincoln Sanitarium. Plunge T6 8rut-5ill Walir -SwIimIdi-PmI- 14th and V Slreilt. Spiclil Parties Arranged For CAB8. "Colis Is cabB." No doubt that the question 1b an old one, but still there is no doubt but that it is a serious one. The men and women of this school realize it. Let us look at tho matter on all sides. To the women of the university we ask this question: "Ib It proper that you should demand that your gen tleman Triend should furnish a cab for yau to rido In to a formal party, when tho weather is nice, and street car facilities are near at hapd?" the interfraternlty Indoor meet, which will also be held In February, with the addition of middle-weight wrestling and boxing matches. The committees decided that a limit of three entries from each class in each event would be placed on the competing classes. In addition to the athletic events, the committees discussed plans for holding- an informal dance after the meet. It was decided that If permis sion wns granted by the faculty, the biggest informal dance of tho year would be held Immediately following the athletic program. An admission often eeniwlU be-chnrged7 Thlsr pfice to admit all visitors to the meet and the informal, If the latter 1b held. It Is hoped by the under classmen thnt by this means the scheme for holding low-priced informal university dances in-the armory may receive an impetus. Points fr the meet will lie as fol lows: a for a first; 3 for a second; 5 for boxing; for wrestling, and 10 points for both tho ftfg-of-wnr and tho relay. Nothing will bo- given or a third 'place in any of the events. For .Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St. BOTH PHONES EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS 9ehih L-ssw K Bl LE' m m .fcr 'r "Tortile-men we "asTr'ThisqueBtlonr Ib it not best to refuse to use a cab COMING EVENTS Vacation. The Christmas holiday recess will begin Wednesdays-December fclr-and ends 'Tuesday, January 3, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Photographs are the Most Appreciated c u s 1 21 6 O -AOTOMfil- i I is V 4 ;i X 3SSG5C