wauttiacwxflaiaBtaBwriawMjuiiw THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NgQg&SKAS THE PROPEJRTt. Of, r. .. . THE UNIVERSITY OF .NABRAillCAj Lincoln, Nobnuska. Publlshod by THB STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFFS '. Editor i 4 ., m.i'- ! f C.. J., LORD Managing Editor O. T. LIDDELL moclatt Editor, T. J. HARGRAVB. A6clate Editor..,..,. A. K, DINSMORE DU8INE88 STAFF. Manager O. C. KIDDOO AsBlBUvnt Manager Y. C. HASQALL Circulation Manager.. 0. 0. BUCHANAN Editorial' and chii'lnni Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDO. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription price, 2.oofer year Payable In Advance. Single Qoplee, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. NlQht Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683; Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 oonta tho Insertion for every flftooh Words or" fraction thoro of. Faculty notlcqs and University bul letins will gladly bo published froo. Entorod at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nobraska, as socond-class mall matter, under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Advertisements for the want column should bo left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen Wore or fraction thereof the first Insertion three Insertions twenty-five tents; five Insertions forty cents, DECEMBER 17, 1910. Owing to tho fact that this is only n four-column paper and contains a fow advertisements, wo wore unablo to print all tho contributions sent to ub yestordny. However, wo beg leave to run them today, and apologlBo to tho authors of tho articles wo were -unnblo-lo-pubjlah.. .. 1 Have you decided as to whether you will hire a cab for tho next for- $6000.00 NEW n 1 1 n n MENS SHOES DllUU Just in for your Xmas buying $2.50 and $3.50. mal or not? Roraombor It Is a mattor concerning not yourself, but tho uni versity as a whole. What do tho uni versity women think of tho mattor? Wo have had tho Ideas of "but ono girl expressed, In comparison to thoso of a number of tho university men. It would bo pleasing to tho school as a whole to know what tho univorslty women really think about abolishing eabs. THE LAW8. Time and time again severe criti cism has been handed out againBt the students in the college of law, be- cause Tf Is said! Ifiby made lecfmuch: noise between classes. While it is recognized that It is Unfortunate that, this matter, should' como up, all sides of.tho question must bo considered. Tho students in that college are con fined to tho third floor of University hall; Hero they aro not' alono. Tho hood of class rooms has resulted in the scheduling of some of tho classes in the French department on that floor. This the students of tho law collego look upon as an infringement of, their nigts; but nevertheless since the French classes must meet, and as long-as they aro scheduled to meet in rooms -which would not otherwise bo used, tho law students should not complain, Again the noise and cheering bo- --tween cil aB'seB-hjLibjD., gtndantB JjLihe, . law school has earned for them tho name of tho "rough-liecH laws;" It Is CohvdbdiiSn .v s. "TheJMessiah" Tuesday, December 26 a certainty that criticism Is not all on one side. The freshman law class, numbering over one-hundred -studonts, must moot in tho same room for threo hours in succession each morning and to relievo tho monotony they Indulge In a llttlo excitement at occasional times. They perhaps might not bo so bolstorouB in their celebrations, but tho students of tho othor colleges who havo opportunities of going to three classes in succession in as many buildings cannot appreciate the posi tion that tho plaw students are placed. Try it yourself, you who find fault, and see If you would not like to shako off tho caros of recitations' in some way. Slnco you cannot go from one building to another between classes, seo if you wouldn't liko to do a little yelling once in a while. The whole result of tho mattor is that thoro is more genuine university spirit among the members of tho col lego of law than in any other college In the univorslty. TO CONDUCT SERVICE8. University Men to Do Some Religious Work During Holidays. H. W. Plasters, Ray Rice, Joe 1415 0 St. Goldsmlth, W. W. Guidingor and Ben Chorrlngton havo all made prepara tions for going to Rod Cloud, Dec. 24, for tho purpoBo of conducting evange listic services. Tho character of this work 1b such that theBo Nebraska rep resentatives will bo brought in touch with boy high school students and young men about tho town, whereby they may prove moro Influential than older workers In the field. Tho meet ings will continue until Jamiary 1. COMING EVENTS Convocation. A;t convocation Tuesday, "Tho Mes siah" will bo sung by the university chqrus. Vacation. Tho Christmas holiday recess will begin Wednesday, December 21, and ends Tuesday, January 3. Organizations. Tegner society will meet Saturday Evening in science hall of the Temple. Blgqt o'clock. Peru club meets Saturday evening at 8 p. m. at 1942 Euclid ayenuo. Social. Y. M.-Y. W. C. A, Christmas party wijl b,o given Saturday ovonlng in tho armory a 8 Qicjpck, FroBtimah law hop', Friday cveninc at 8:30, In Fraternity hall. ALL SOULS, CHURCH, UNITARIAN A People's fcbrci Corner H and Twelfth 8treets. Services 10:45 A. M. ARTHUR L. WEAT HERLY, Minister. All 8oula Church Is an association which stands for a reverent attitude) toward the Facts of Life, it has the University Ideai, the 8earch for Truth. Therefore It has no Creed. It welcomes io Its membership people of all beP. Ilefs. Such a modern, opoh-mlhdld, facing-the-future organization ought to appeal especially to students. You are cordially invited to attend its services. Sunday morning, December 11, Subject "Prayer" Soclnl Ethics Class at 12:15, Prof. L. E. Aylsworth, leader Capital Punishment Qeneral Discussion. 1411 TYPEWRITFDS M- MAKES Rent applied on purchsjcl x xm. faTTmaKJ S0U) o, hehth, price TwQ yQQt fn chine sold. Distributors New Model, L. G. Smith & Bros. Visible uui or write for catalogue and n c. ,AMCrt . special price list. B- " SWANS0N CO., Inc. Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. 143 So. I3ih St., Lincoln, Hefcr. For Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at 0- BOTH EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS eihtir CHRISTMAS Photographs are the 12X6 O auto agoi c FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES Wo Want Your Coal Orders. Qive Us a Trial Ordir. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST II06-0-STREET - HUHO-MiO BELL 234 Lincoln Sanitarium Plangm Till Qrut Silt Watir SwiMlng PhI i ii1 t. wnmtH. Qentlwnen. Afternoon od Kraal AflJirnlAM and finnlnM TaiU.. and Qsntlamtn, Monday and Friday KTinln. ud H ttni'lt. Spictil rtrtln Arrain. hr guarantee with every in& l30ZOJ5t PHONES m y- PRESENTS Most Appreciated cuT'ltocr US DeQASTQN & HAUCK m V altf V' Mr M'l m Lc? '( 'W: liv IllaMslUfWail w M IWI W m I w -i l U ) ... t ! ' t 1 sd y ; -V.'fl "1 '4'