THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ON THE'CAMPUS at ... W FRESHMENDON MOrVrATTtOArlbS CapItftf Ylotel Barber Shdp, 11 P. - Donald E. Plum, 1910, is oraployed In' Denver, Colo. Ho Imb chargo of' a BUb-station of the Denver Traction Co. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. Arthur Palmer, ox-1910, is pursuing his studies at Harvard university this year. I?, .. ( Don Cameron's Cafe, 119 So. 12th. 4 Harry. Ankeny, 1912, Is confined at " hii$1iome with a slight attack of the la grippe. nt Greenes Sanitary Barhor . Shop, 120 No. 11th. The Phi DeTtFTheta fraternity will hold a house party Friday evening al their chapter house. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and. P streots. n The Tjhibn Literary, spcloty will hold their annual banquet Friday evening at the 'Lindeii, hotel. . r ' . t, tt " 'Have ytfur clothes pressed at Web er's Suitorlum, Eleventh and O. tf Tho Peru club will meet Saturday ovening at 8 o'clock at 1942 Euclid avenue. All students who were for merly, students at Peru are cordially invited. Students in Library Shocked by First Year Students. Marching solemnly, into the univer sity library Tuesday -Tnorning.'flvo freshmen girls bolonging)to tho Knppu, Alpha Thota sorority shocked tho staid and dignified seniors by wearing lho mortar board caps, the sigh of senior superiority which Is supposed to adorn only the heads of the fourth year girls. A wave of suppressed oxcitement swept around the room and not to allow any one to miss tho cause of tho "oh's" and "whys" that came froni betweon the sot teeth of the upper class the freshmen marched out into the hall. Returning again with all their assumed dignity, tho freshmen received tho threatening looks and glances of tho upper class girls with smiles and suppressed laughter. No longer ablo to permit such frlv-olous-lreatmont of tho signs of su- porlorlty,. a senior membor of tho so rority marchod across the room and seizing one of tho mortar boards, pulled it off the head of tho resisting freshman, much to tho Jqy of the stu dents who sat watching tho Btruggle. This affair gave a sorlous appearance to tho joke and tho Xroshmen girls soon beat a hasty retreat, where they could.djBCUBB'tho little affair byythbm-, selves and nave no piercing glances from the upper classmen to ropronch ihbm. ; , Classified Column Want ads will positively not be in serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. For Rent. ! --Jk. . t a Tho entirely redecorated hall In the now Wilkinson block, SlxtoonlGand O, is now rented only for collego and other select dancing partieB. For dates see Reos Wilkinson, 122 North Eleventh. Auto 1217. tf ?6 rents any make of typewriter with stand for throe months. Jtont applied if machlno is purchased. . Lin coln Typewriter Exchange, 122 No. 11th. Richards block. You pass our storo evory day. tf " fc. - JsT . m -iiirfL tt.IL' Educaitenal. W. T. Elmore, 1896, A. M. 1897, will give an illustrated lecture on "India" at the First Baptist church next Sun day evening. WE WANT YOU to see our high-grade Neckwear, Mufflers, Sox. Bath Robes. Smokino- .Tank fits! Suit Cases -Bags, Men's Jewelry, and Fancy FURNISHER AND HATTER blurts lor unriBtraasTjresents: rrys o'3TRrrr FULK Learn WirelesB and R. R. Telogra phy. Shortago of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ex tensive "wlrol6sB" developments. Wo operate, .under direct supervision of telegraph, officials and positively ,p.laco all students, when qualified. Write for catatogu. . Nat'l Tolegraph Inst, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, Port land, Ore." '. tf Its a Kensington! Kensington Suits and Over coats command recognition and quick appreciation. Perhaps its tho perfect fit unu me exqiusuo tailoring. Perhaps its simply the un usual patterns and attractive coloring of the fabrics we've chosem LOIT. Ixst Last Wednesday, In or near the gym, a bunch of 'hoys. Finder please return to Nebraskan office. G5-3t George bros.t 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. Dr. and-Mrs. Poynter will entertain the women of the medical classes at their home Friday evening. Hiltner .Bros., Florists. 118 So. 12tB Bt. Phones' Auto 1894,, Bell 330. Choice 'roBOB,. carnations and dErysanthemiims. Wo -solicit' the. university trade. r f Professor Pearson of the mechan ical engineering department. Is report ed to be rapidly recovering from an acute attack of stomach trouble. Investigate the nifty photos at Blazok's studio, 1306 O street. The pnly ones in the city like them. tf , The December meeting of the Latin club was held Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Hunter. A Roman wed-dlng-anda" short story in. Latin by Miss Hallwelltwere features of the occasion. u Adams -ami Pacific Express compa nies need jexperjenced, men 'during holidays. Only men with experience In bxpressbusFness need aplly. Re port to" Yr-luY C. A. Employment COMING EVENTS Lost Waterman pen, near gym, on Saturday, owner's namo on barrel. Leave at Rae ofllco. B5-3t FOUND. ' I ! !! I I Found Hand-book, two pencils, and fountain pen, in towel box In gym locker room. Apply at "Rag" of flee. 6T3T At any rate tho result is tho same-KenBington Clothes are comparable to nothing else in Lincoln. $20.00 to $40.00. MAOEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street Bureau. 54-0t f Convocation. Thursday morning at convocation, in Memorial hall, program of Christ mas carols. Organizations. Deutsche Germnnistiscbo vereln will meet Thursday" evening at 1418 L street. Tegnor society will meet Saturday evening in science hall of the Temple. Eight o'clock. German dub meeting Thursday evening. Peru club meets Saturday evening at 8 p. m. at 1942 Euclid avenue. Komensky club meets at 8 p. mt Sat urday evening in science hall of the Temple. Platrorm club meets Thursday evening at 7:30 in science hall of the Temple. The Pershing Rifles meet Thursday evening at 7:15 In tho armory. Social. ' Y. M.-Y. W. C. A. ChrlBtmas party will be given Saturday ovening In tho armory aFS 6clbcK7 " Freshman law hop, Friday evening at 8:30, In Fraternity hall. Simmons the Printer PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 2319 317 So. 12th Oliver Theatre TONIGHT AND FRIDAY Lew Fields Presents "The Jolly Bachtlors" With 8tella Mayhew. , Amazing Cast of Celebrities. Ned Wayb'urn Cast bf 65 Orch, $2 and $1.50; Bal., $1; Gal., 60d Deo. 17, Mat. and Eve., "The Climax" Take Your Girl To LINCOLN "SaW a;ao ORPHEUM mitmitH uiiinun f WTMUTK IBM 13th andJVl Black Satin Party Slippers ! Detachable Strap, Short' Vamp XM AS PRESENTS M 'HWSf' ? jMJtti;:iV:.:.''.:'al00 IWV V; vj i - CJMI TZ 1J " 1-1 1 A . Mmmm m ,hp If Mi . . K - j m. jh.j w.ii: j ii. TrrTTr" . t. - V' ;-i... .- n . tZE& .-VOyQiStireet;, UNIVERSin JEWELER 4 OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 STREET, YELLOW FIMT Vovr Fatronaic Solicited Maurice Freeman &lCerw 8wor & MaoK Ward A Cur ran The Fry Twins Kajlyama Qoff Philllpps . Boranl A Nevarro Mats. 15c and 25c Evening 15c, 25c, 35c and 56c Jgim mR&&lwT EPPJ3 Hot Drinks .'axe uow?in season, Do you kxum ' any place whore yon can got m QUICK SERVICE aa yon can at onr new storet,. Jlo . neeel of being crowds. "', ;' I inroln Cfnidv "" . ". t ;r7pw-v- j.i si Ij, v, .W.tJp Cmtnmtt Kitchen ?. g g T Hlrpolshiiimr's Gaft ZlMnaerHt30toh30 OK Supper 5t30 to 7t30 QU - ULSOMFETERIflll STYLE Mat Wtllii. with' Mailtyriv W IF IT'S PPIMflBfeYdU WAIT Bee Us Before Qjrge.ring Elsewhere Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery,, Booklets-' VANTINE PRINTING CO. - J 128-180 No" X4th'8tlT j j ' i. tvl The First.rust and savings oariK; - 4PIt CENT INTEREST. $jft j $iopeB.ic,cWr,vif;' ' torn ouutti iiw atrovu . 11 fc1-- ( ' - , I ,