The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1910, Image 1

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    r.j 4 u j r H'ZA7 .:ux
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Vol. X. No, 56 ; NivkRSITYOFNkBRASKA, LINCOL, THUJPA PPCEMBER 15, 1910, . Price, WiCtaA'l
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' t i. (S ' i ii i it . . a
I if j - t r i j ft ft . i rt .an .
I-a t i' r.x i . ' i
i M.
Question of Debate Will Be on
Proposed Enlargement of..
the U. 8. NaVy.
With tho announcomont that flfteon
lore bcJiooIb havo already boon, added
to tho Nebraska Dobatinc loaKuo. and
jbo prospect of, jonn greater Jn-
reaBo by December 20, this organiza
tion promises to bo tho largos in tho
tinlted States this year. In fact, it
liold that distinction last year with
& membership of flfty-olght schools.
5 Tho Nebraska. Debating league was
qeflnltely,vorgam'zed four years ago.
Under tho -leadership of Professor -M.
M. Fogg, thirty schools agreed to
Jnter for tho purpose of promoting
arystomdtle; special training In 'debato
for high school studonts, and, by in-
troaucing mo oniiro siaio leaturc, to
stimulate actual intorest among likoly
contestants'. The desired result has
certainly been " attained. 'Prom' tho
present outlook, tho 1910-11 league
membership will roach and probaoly
pass slxty-flvo schools. Attendant
yjlth thla remarkable growth has been
an 'increaBo' in secondary school stu
dorit Interest superior to any over wit
nessed in Nebraska interscholastic
activities. ' ' .'
1 Addltli'ri&l Members.
jTho fifteen additional members of
tho organization' to date are: Beatrice,
Superintendent ,E. J, Bodwoll; Crete,
Superintendent '' E. W,I Marcollus;
Dlllor, Suporltondont X' A. Eastwood:
tiunbnr, Suporltondont Thomas Bar
raoknyra Franklin, Suporlntondent
E. MHussOng; Indlanola, Suporlnton
dent C P. Gordan Madison, Superin
tendent. W. T. Stockdalo; Merna, Su
perintendent C. W. Mottinger; Mln
den. Superintendent J. O, Lyno: Ne-
Hgh,v Superintendent O.'A'. MohrmanH
Orleans, superintendent p. w. Pe
poonj A Stae , (Temple), Suporlnton
dent Gdorgo Crokor; Stromsburg, 'Su
perintendent E. A. Boostrom; West
Point, Superintendent O, A. Browner '
J Duo to tho Increased membership of
tho league, and also to tho. crowded
condition of yomii ofthe" districts last1
year, it Ib- generally boll'ove'd "thatr, a
reorganization of territory may bo ef
fected this year,xaccompanlodby the
addition of seyero.1 now districts. Tho
southeastern and north central dis
tricts 'were somewhat crowded", last
yar, They, bad an individual mem
bership of more than "eight schools
composing fqur palra, for ,tte- initial
debates? andls1 before the additional
onrbllmont. "'
' Membership of District. - -'
The 1910 'membership of the eleyon
districts- "in " the Nebraska Debating
league is as follows:' v
' Central dlsrict--Centrai City, Fair.
monx,(jTiema, ,urfuiou, ubuuvb, ubcq-
' Etekerndiatrlct-BIair, David ."City,
CubB! CABS!! CAB81I! Ij feel tbht both sides should havo a
The Xtliraskan reporter, who has part In' tho 'discussion,
been swtlmped with volumes ofj We would like to know why our
"cab dlBCUBslon" for sovornl days? frlond from "tho llttlo dink ytown"
had a dream. Ho dreamed ho died comes down horo and expects to
and 'was about to stnTt for'tho' revolutionize university circles and
place of his reward. Ho called, tf ' have the girls trail through six
... n.iL.i.1 ...7lii ...... - . .. .
cab nothing like doing things tip
in style and sot out for tho placet
He drove up before the gate,'
, alighted and knocked. Mr. S. Peter,
olllcer pt the day, opened tho slldo
"peVp-nole, and' tasked what was4
wanted. Ho was told. Mr. Petot
I, j. was just about to open tho gate.
when he caught sight of the cab
and tlie driver waiting for his'
$3.50. "'
"What's that?" he asked,
"A cab," answered Iho 'roporter.
"I'll bet a dime you'ro from Lin
coln," said tho gate keeper.
"I am," tho reporter returned.
"Got back In thdt cab; you've
"laWTr-mistake,'' and thowcover
slld- over the pecp-holo.. . .
Ho woke up.
All this by way of Introduction.
But this cnb question, llko every
other luomontous question, hnB two
sides. The other sldo has been
heard from' In the following lot
tor, dropped Into tho Nobraskaii
office unsigned, a co-ed expresses
Jher opinions on tho subject lii
i torraB which nnyoioj can, under
sWnd. Tho letter was headed,'
"The University Girl Has a Mind
of Hor Own": v- t
In reply to tho "fratornlty man's
mlrfd" In Tuesday's "Rag," w$
would llko to sdy that if this matf
ter of qnbs is to bo decided( we.
inches of slush to formal parties'
In Lincoln? Ho oxpocts thd girl
ho Invites to bo rnlantly beautiful
at tho formal dance, but ho does
not consldor tho dampening effect
of n walk over' tho cobble stones
upon shimmering sntln.
"Cabs Ib cabB." "Trains 1b trains."
"Slippers is slippers."
What a sight for tho Inhabitants
of Lincoln, to see our gallant
young men walking down O street
accompanied by young womon
vainly endeavoring to hold up tholr
skirts with one hand, balancing
their flowers with tho other, and
at tho same tlmo keeping tholr
gloves spotless and their tempers
serene; ' -
Why should wo of the university
conform to tho social standards of
tho small town, ns defined In yes
terday "Uag"? which W think
rattier an unjust stab at small
''Wo appreciate the fact that for
malpqrtles qro ..expensive. ' But
"formols Is'fbrmnls." Why not cut
down expenses by ,not trying to
take Jn ovory social event, formal
orvlnformol, given In the univer
sity? Ifxyou arc cutting down ox
pcnsesT nro you going to begin by
eljnfTnntlng those th'lngs which
innko for tho convenlenco and
pleasure of your guest and not
w.TRMHirrr .sMit bMfits
) '((
. if i.i
Muph Comment on Cab System--Many
Students' Feel that It'U Useless ;
"custom With No' Benefits.
lng Water.
East-central district Ashland-,
Seward, Syracuse, University Placo.
, Northern districtsAtkinson, Valen
tino, O'Neill.
North-central district Albion, Ful- this In previous district debates,
lorton, Pierce, itandolpiC Wayne. The third annual "Bulletin" of
lses to be fully as good a question for
spirited , forensic combat as did tho
labor question of last year. Ono or
two of the districts now In tho league
have debated a question similar to
district Alliance league Is at present bolng dispensed
Cbadroh, Crawford, Gordon, Rushvllle,
Southern district Edgar, Fairfield,
Hastings; Hebron-NelBon.4; .-
Fallsr City, Humboldt, Nebraska, Cltyy
Stella,' 'Pawneo City, Tecumseh, Wy?
more. ,. -, r - w '
Southwestern district Beaver City,
Bloomlngton, Franklin (academy),
McCook, Trenton. ,
' '' Westora dfstrlct Kearney, Gothen
burg, Nortti Platto. j ? fc C J3 -.
SWost-contral district BrokenvBow,"
Ord, Ravenna.
Question for D'lscutsioq. !,
J Tho 'question fo Jho tloaguovdlscus-
sion this year is: "Resolved, That tho
.policy of maintaining-, tho United.
Statee- naVyi'at-itaipresent strengtb is
preferable to the policy, of substantial
y "Increasing it.'.' Thl" -ViU bejin -Instructive
"subject lo'"fiigtf'chool,"s6ij
dents In thelr'Tesearchea." ftnoTprom-
to tho schools of tho state. This bul
letin, edited by M. M. Fogg, president
of the league, contains a detailed
summarxoUilLlliQjiappfiiIngsJn the.
debating leagno for the paBt year, In
cluding n brief, account of each debate
that occurrod? pictures of the contest
ants in the state championship debate,
tho league constitution, and other in
teresting mntter,
Without tho InfluonCo of tho faculty
Ihp. momuers of th' Irpp 'SphlnV,, a
sophomore secret society of tho state
university, announced Wednesday that
herenfter tjio momborshlp would bo
non-secret, and that tho policy would
be ono of social benefit.
Tho Iron Sphinx Bocioty Is ono
which for the post four or llvo years
has como In for a great deal of criti
cism both from tho undorgrnduato and
faculty members of tho university be
causo of their actions In mutters por
tioning to tho student body as a wholo.
Tho general opinion was hold; that tho
society, which was composed of se
lected members of the sophomoro
olassr stood-for-tho-seourlng political
positions for its mombors in all
classes in tho university after the sec
ond year, of. their, school career, '-?
' '- ;t Sharp Criticism: - . ,-,
ThlB criticism -has boon so sharp
this year and last that the members
of tho organization feel tbnt thoy havo
more to gain by making tholr mem,1
borshlp known, and standing for soclai
benefits instead of political action as
has been supposod.. .
To further this matter it was1 del
cided at a meeting of the society
TuoBday night that tho first formal
party of tho university social season
would bo held January 14, by the or
ganization, at which tlmo no cabtf
would bo UBed In going to and from
tho Lincoln hotel, whoro the formal
party will b& held. '
Tho abolltiqn of cabB at tho univer
sity has caused a, groat deal of com
ment, slnco tho matter was taken up
Ina meeting of tho Jnterfraternlty
council, and a favorable discussion of
this custom was hold. Studonton"
tho wholo are desirous of such a move
as a large percentage of them believe
that thero Is no need of the use of
cabs inasmuch as many of them have
but," a few blocks to go to tho place
that the party Is being held.
Y. W.-Y. M. Function to ft Held Sat
urday Night.
Tho Y'. M.-Y. W. O.'A. Christmas
party will be given next Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock in the armory.
Efforts are being made' by tne com
mittee to make this one of tho biggest
social' events of the year and a happy
entrance to Christinas vacation. Many
unique" and novel stunts are promised,
for alL those, who will attend.
Big Musical ( Program Ar.ran.ged for,
- Convocation. )
The regular musical f convocation
will be given In the Temple this morn
ing at 11 o'clock, with Vera Augusta
Upton, soprano; - Arvld Samuelson,
pianist, and Lauretta Sponcer, accom
panist. ; . . ,
The program is as follows: f
Prelude, C sharp minor ... j .. i
...- ......,.-., Rachmaninoff
The Nightingale Has a Lyre of
, 4Gold. . , ..,...- f;. . .-. -Whelpley
I Know' a Lovely Garden... d'Hafdelbt
In My -Garden ..'.-......DMaip
Tho Lark ....... .-. .GllnkarBalaWrjew
Ind"ervith6' MistletoeI .". . ..', , .'Bollock
SeSora'n Rose. ........'. i .'.. , . ArditI