The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 14, 1910, Image 3

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Capital Hotel Barber Shop, 11 &P?P
iTh'o" Chemistry club will robot to
night at 8 o'clock In tho chemistry,
lecturo room.
Chapln Bros., florists, 12t 8o. 13th.
(Tho Alpha Chi Omega sorority an
nounces tho (following pledges:
Mario Fowler, Lincoln; Minnio Staled
ore, Salem, and Agnes Wickstrom,
1 Don Cameron's Cafo, 119 So. 12th.
O .
f Professor and' Mrs. Mills enter
tained tho octivo chapter of Delta
UpBilon at a dinner party Monday
night in honor of Mrs. Mills' brothor,
James Ollson.
GreeTI's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120
No. 11th.
JVVVC. .Mills, Jr., who took his de
gree from tho university at tho mid
wlntor commencement in 1908-09, is
in Lincoln for tho holidays. Mr. Mills,
better known, as "Bill," is in tho
chemical business at Oakland, Cal.,
and has returned to spend tho holi
days with his parents and to viBit old
friends at tho university.
Have your clothes prcsdod at Web
er's Suitorium, Eleventh and O. tf
'Try a lunch at tho Y, M. C. A. Spa,
13th nnd P streets.
of Jewelry uro exceptionally appreciated and no
bettor choico of quality ana pneo can bo had
than from our oxcollont lino of Xmas Goodn.
Uni Jewelry a specialty.
Established i&7HALLETT,
George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth
street, Printers. Calling Cards, Jn
vltes and Programs.
Mrs. Vilena A. Cnouvront, mother
of Miss Cheuvront, who is steno
grapher In tho registrar's office,, died
Tuesday morning. Besides her hus
band sho is survived by one son and
twi other daughters.
Investigate the nifty photoB at
Blazek's studio, 1306 O street. Th'o
only ones in the city like thorn. tf
Adams and Pacific Express compa
nies need experienced mon during
holidays. Only mon with oxporlenco
In oxpreBS business neod apply. Re
port to Y. M. C. A. Employment
Bureau. 54-6t
Tho Students' Debntlng club will
moot tonight in TJ10G at 8 o'clock.
Tho question for debate is "Rosolved,
That federal incorporatiqn of railways
is preferable to the present plan of
' Notice.
A meeting- of- tho froshman, class
will bo heldTuesday, at 11:30 a. m. In
tho Tomple.1 Important business.
Black Satin Party Slippers
Detachable Strap, Short Vamp
r j .
..isi .y ,t.v . j0d -V
Continnod from Pago 1
groups of legislators is an ombarrass-
raent, to tho university's interests.
.' Tho board, authorized tho niacin tr of
Wordor "completing tho pldh'adoptod'
in 1907, namery, tho Installation of a
two-story steel stack of art metal con
struction throughout tho rest of tho
stack room of tho library building. It
is necosBary to place the order now in
order that' the stacks may bo installed
byi tho first of August next.
Tho board adopted tho draft of tho
biennial report to tho governor as
drawn by tho oxecutivo. committee
Tho more important features of this
report will bo given to the public after
It has been duly placed in tho bands
of tho governor. Tho report is writ
ten under tho assumption that tho col
leges of tho university, aBldo from
medlcino and agriculture, will remain
indefinitely and. bo developed on or in
connection with tho presont city cam
pus. Favor Change In "Medic" College.
By formal v6to the board placed It
Bolf on record as favoring giving at
the earllost posslblo momont two of
tlie six years medical course in Lin
coln and. four in Omaha, Instead of
four in Lincoln and two in Omaha as
at present. This is in accordance with
the bcBt authorities on medical educa
tion, particularly tho Floxner roport,
which emphasizes tho need of labora
tory Instruction to accompany tho
clinical instruction in tho two last
years of tho courso. It will also bo of
advantage to tho medical college In
Uni' Jeweler' W3 Lut
the fact that it will enable thoso who
have had two acadomlc years in tho
smaller colleges in this and surround
ing states, to enter without first
spending some tlmo In tho university.
Tho board was in session in all from
11 to 12:30 and from 2:00 to 5:00.
English-Club Venture May Be-8tarted
In January.
A Utorary magazino issued by the
English club is a practical certainty,
as a result of a meeting of tho club
yesterday afternoon. Tho club decided
to publish at least ono edition early in
January, and furthor Ibbuob will de
pond upon tho BUccess of the first at
tempt. Tho magazino will bo com
posed of fiction contributed by under
graduates, whether clulf members or
not, of a short editorial section, n
brief critical rovlow, and a humor de
partment. In sizo and appearance tho
new magazino will be somewhat simi
lar to tho "Coyote," a highly success
ful publication of university students
a decado or mora ago.
TIHtnef-BroB.rT'IclBtB. I18JToT 12UT
St. Phones Auto 1894. Bell 330. Choico
roses, carnations and chrysanthemums.
We solicit the university trade.
$3.00 V
t- . . ' t
I'."1" I , , ,
Classified. Column
Advertisements for this column
should be left at ihe;.kuslness office,
oaiimint Administration building, be
tween 1 1a. m, and 12 m.t or between
2 p. m. and 6 p, m.
Want ads will positively not 4t In
serted unless paid in advance, at the
rate of 10 cents per insertion for
every fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first insertion; three Inser
tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents.
For Rent.
Tho ontlroly redecorated hall In the
now Wilkinson block, Slxtoo'nth and
O, Is now rented; only for collogo and
o.thor Bolect dancing parties. For
datos BCa RAos.WHkfhRnn. 122 North
rBJovontb. Auto 1217k tf
6 ronta, any makeNof typewriter
with stand for thrco months, Rent
applied If machlno Is purchased. Lin
coin Typewriter Exchango,l22 No.
11th. Richards -blocks -You tbbb our
store every nay. tf
Educational. .
Loam WirelesB and R. R. Telegra
phy. Shortago of fully 10,000 operat
ors on account of 7-hour law and ox
tensive "wireless" developments. W9
operate under direct supervision Of
telograph officials and positively place
nil students, when qualified. Write
for catalogu. Nat'l Telegraph Inst,
Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis,
Davenport, la., Columbia, Bt O., P6rU
land, Ore. ' tf
Lost Package of green silk, Mon
day, Nov. 28, between University and
O street. Return to Ncbraskan office
1 or roward. 63-3t
' Lost Last WodrteBday, in or near
tho gym, a bunch of koys. Finder
please return to Ncbraskan office.
Lost Waterman pen, near-gym on
(Saturday. Owner's name on4" barrel.
Leave at Rag office. 55-8t
Found' Hand-book, two pencils, and
fountain pen, in towel box in gym
lockor room. Apply at "Rag" of
fice. 54-3t
New Ideal.Laundry Company
(The Better Quality)
Hand Work Our Specialty
Eithor Phones 8080 1840 O Street
Bell Phone 468 Auto Phono 8400
The Palace Stables
1120-81 M Streot
Board and Livery
Carriages For Parties a Specialty
Take Your Girl To
13th and M
Hot Drinks
are now in season. Do yon know
any placo whero yon can got aa
as yon can at our new store? 2fo
need of being crowded.
Lincoln Candv
Kitchen !w.clr-
Decorate the Christmas
with giftB thnt men will ap
preciate. Don't buy the attic variety.
You'll fihd here everything
that a man likes the best in
quality-and the beqt jn price.
Manhattan shirts-a fadeless
comfortr, $160 to $8.50.
Ties solid colors and soft
tints in aJJ styles, 25c to $2.50.
v Dress, gloves, $1.50 to $5.00
I v ' ' '109 O'Street
Oliver Theatre
Thura. and Frl., Deo, 16-16
Lew Fields Presents
"The Jolly Bachelors"
With Stella Mayhew.
Amazing CasVof Celebrities.
Ned Wayburn Cast of .65 '
Orch.,,$2 and $1.60; Bal., $1; Gal., B0e
Dec. 17, Mat. and Eve., "The 11 max"
I 111 PM II MATINEES (BxctpfMoniUy) 330 f
LIRuULn bvoninos at hho
lEiirwniH inuiyncnui nu c
OTHMT1C 1521
Maurice Freeman A. Co,
8wor A Mack
Ward A Cu'rran
The Fry Twins
Goff Phllllpps
Borani A-Nevarro
Mats. 15c and 25c
Evening 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c
Htrpolsheimer's Caft
Dinner JJt30toJt30 ORn
Supper 5t30 to 7t30 06
Nit Wtflii with Mapli Syrup Wi
Bee Us Before Ordering Elsewhere
Programs, Menus, Announce-
merits, Stationery, Bpoklet--
128-180 No 14th St
The First Trust and
Savings Bank ,
180 Booth 11th Street.
t -c
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