The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1910, Image 3

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A r if '
Capital Hotel Barber Shop, 11 & P.
MIsb Lola Berry, '12, visited at her
home In Falrbury, Nob., hiBt week.
Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Margaret Gilbert, '13 Deltu Gam-
ma, visited In Beatrice over Sunday.
Don Cameron's Cafe, 119 So. 12th.
The debating team returned from
Urbann, 111., Sunday morning.
t Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120
No. 11th,
,; The water In tho clnsB memorial
fountain Iuih been turned off for the
' Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa,
13th and P streets.
Arthur Davis, ''19, Delta Upsllon,
spent Sunday at Plnttsmouth visiting
J, U Rltchey, '09.
Havo your clothes pressed at Web
er's Sultorium, Eleventh and O. tf
Miss Janet "Laurence. '10, Alpha Phi
vlpltod In Lincoln last week.
George-Bros., 218 South Thirteenth
street,- Printers. Calling Cards, In
vites and Programs.
The horticultural Seminar will meet
In Horticultural hall at 7:30 tonight.
Professor Coons will glvo a lantern
lecture on "Somo Important Horticul
tural Diseases." All members In
vited. GIFTS
prom a Men's Store
Suit Cases, Bath Robes,
Smoking Jackets, Shirts,
Suspender Sets, Silk Hand-
JMHTM kerchiefs, Mufflers, Sweat- FURNISHER AND HATTER
ers, Jewelry.
Earl Mallery, ex-'00, has been vis
lt'ng at the Alpha Tim Omega house.
He Is engaged In business at Alliance.
Hlltner Bros., Florists. 118 So. 12tli
St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice
roses, carnations nnd cTTrysanthemums.
We solicit the university trade.
The Acacia fraternity wero enter
tained IaBt evening at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Whiting of 1025 C street.
Thee will be a meeting of the in-
ter-clu3B athlotlc board at 11 o'clock
today. B. M.' Cherrington, Chairman.
The Delta Upsllon fraternity enter-,
tnlned tho mothers and sisters of
their members residing in Lincoln on
Saturday .afternoon.
Miss Lois Fossler, 1010. visited In
Lincoln for the week's end. Miss Foss
ler is teaching Germon and Latin in
the Fremont hfgh school.
Thero will be a meeting of the
Inter-clues athletic board Tuesday
morning (today), at 11 o'clock In the
Elbert Burnet, 'ex-'io; Phi Kappa
Psl, was in Lincoln last week visiting
Just received plenty of
King Cdle Shoes
It's the new, short stubby toe.
1:2:20 O
at the Phi Kappu Psl house. He at
tended the Cornhusker banquet Sat
urday evening.
The horticulture seminar will meet
in Horticultural hall Tuesday evening
at 7:30. Professor Coons will glvo an
illustrated Jocturo on "Some Iniyor
tant Horticultural Diseases." All stu
dentr. Invited.
The Alpha Chi Omega sorority was
entertainod Friday t evening by Mrs.
J. F. Stevens and Mrs. JuIIub Relth at
a dancing party given at the home of
Mrs Stevens. About thirty couple
were n attendance.
Announcement lino been made of
the engagement of Mrs. Minnie Swec
zey. '07, to George Frank Elmendorf.
Both voung people wcro students of
the university and prominent in all
school activities. Miss Sweezey 'b
a member of Kappa Alpha Theta so
rority and Mr. Elmendorf- of Kappa
Sigma fraternity.
About 100 people attended the lit
tle entertainment provided Saturday
evening by the glrlB of tho second
year "gym" class Saturday night in
the Armory. Tho sorles of folk dances
were so pleasing that It was voted to
hold programs of this sort overy six
weeks. Mrs. George Lovelnnd pre
sided and Mrs. II. G. Clapp was the
guest of honor.
Members of University Faculty Get
Special Mention.
The second edition of "Amerlcun
Men of Science," Issued by Professor
J. McKeen Cattell of Columbia uni
versity, has just been published. It
contains the names of nil the scion-
F U t K
1 325 O STREET
tists of America that are members of
the moro important learned societies
as far as they have filled out blanks
that wore sent them. Professor Cat
tell uses the word "science" in 'the
narrower sense. Thus, while special
ists In pedagogy and psychology are
included, specialists in philosophy, so
ciology, history, nnd literature are not
Included. As In the previous edition,
the book has the subject stnrred in
tho case of one thousand men Bui
posed to represent the leaders In sci
entific thought. His mechod or se
lecting the thousand names was to
have In each of tho twelve principal
sciences the names arranged in order
of merit by ton leading students of
tho science. The average positions
and probable errorB were then calcu
lated. The star means that tho sun
ject of the biographical sketch is
probably among the thousand leading
students of science In the United
States, and has nothing to do with
their .official positions. The, starred
men in the University of Nebraska
F. J. Alwuy, chemlstry.
Samuel Avery, chemlBlry.
Charles E. Bessey. botany.
Ellery W. Davis, "mathematics.
Clarence A. Skinner, physics.
Harry K. Wolfe, "psychology.
B. E. Moore, physics.
in Tan for Men
At convocation on Tuesday, Decem
ber C, Mtb. Emma Boose Tucker,
M.D., an alumna of tho University of
Nebraska, will lecture on "Tho New
Art Exhibit.
The Nebraska Art Exhibit will close
on Thursday, December 8th. The gal
lery Is open dally until 10 p. m.
The Pershing Rifles will meet
Thursdny evening in the armory.
Y. M. C. A. Mid-week.
Y. M. C. A., mid-week meeting, Wed
nesday, C:45 p. m.
Classified Column
Advertisements for this column
should be left at the business office,
basement Administration building, be
tween 1 1a. m. and 12 m., or between
2 p. m. and 5 p. m.
Want ads will positively not be In
serted unless paid in advance, at the
rate of 10 cents per insertion for
every fifteen words or fraction there
of for the first insertion; three Inser
tions 25 cents; five insertions 40 cents.
For Sale 'Duo bill on leading pho
tographer in Lincoln. See Nebraskan
manager. tf
For Rent.
Tho entirely redecorated hall in the
now Wilkinson block, Sixteenth and
O, 1b now rented only for college and
other solect dancing parties. For
dates aeo Bees Wilkinson, 122 North
Eleventh. Auto 1217. tf
$G rents -any- make- of-typewriter,
with stand for threo months. Rent
applied If machine is purchased. Lin
coln Typewriter Exchnngo, 122 No.
11th. Richards block. You pnss our
storo overy day. ti
For Rent Furnished rooms, $5 and
$G per month. 510 No. 14th. Bell
A2217. 44-51
Learn Wireless nnd R. R. Telegra
phy. Shortage of fully 10,000 operat
ors on account of 7-hour law and ex
tensive "wlrolesB" developments. We
operate under direct supervision of
telegraph officials and positively place
all studentB, when qualified. Write
for catalogu. Natl Telegraph Inst.,
Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis,
Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, PorU
land, Ore. tf
Lost A mottled Waterman fountain
pen, with rubber holder. Finder please
return to Nebraskan office. 47-3t
LoBt Moore's non-leakablo fouu
lain pen, Binall size. Reward for re
turn, to Nebraskan ofllce. 47-31
Wanted Wo havo a good proposi-tion-to-niake-toaomellyeJuiBtlerfox
the next four school years. J. C.
Wood & Co. 44-5t
First class board for students. 331
No. 13th. 45-lw
The girls in tho University of Utah
held what was called a Greek lunch
eon, seating themselves nnd eating nc
cording to ancient Greek customs.
Columbia has established a students'
bank. It Is connected with the purs
er's office and pays no interest.
Michigan's athletic association has
a membership of 1,596.
Bryn Mawr college celebrates its
twenty-ninth anniversary this fall.
" JolnWrTltsr"AT-BTl7-ATr,09r
visited in Lincoln several days last
week.. Mr. Roberts Is employed In
the ". department of agriculture at
Washington, D. C.
It's Time to Hustle UJ
and hustle into one of our
wmtea overcoats.
A long visit is what it'll bo
for this cold snap.
We've lots of warmth nt
all prices too.
Fine Kensingtons-toe most
exquisite tailoring and perfect
fit $20.00 to $40.00.
For the man who needs the
latest styles at a little loss
we've just tho thing.
1109 O Street
Oliver Theatre
' Silver Threads'
With Richard J. Jose
I'GHT 25c to fljOO,. JVIAT. 50c to 25c
SAT. MAT. and NIGHT, DEC. 10.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Mat. 10c and 25c. Night 15c to 50c
I 111 PR I II MATINEP.S (Bxcepf Monday) 3:30
Howard & Howard
The Police Inspector
Force & Williams
Louin Stone
"Roses of Kildare"
Mats. 15c nnd 25c
I Evening 16c, 25c, 35c and 50c
Herpolsheitner's Gafi
Dinner 11x30 to It30 )CA ,
Supper 5t30 to 7i30 uG '
Hit Waflis with Mapli Syrup IOi
$2.50 Shoe Store
and the Original Elect
ric Shoe Repair Factory
142 No. 12th St.