-. te be Hail IRebrashan 1 Vf Vol. X. No. 49 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1910. Price 10 Cents. ft j im RESIGNS A GOOD POSITION E. H. CLARK A8K8 TO BE RE LIEVED JANUARY 1, 1911. TO BE SECRETARY OF A NEW FIRM HAS BEEN CONNECTED WITH U. OF N. FOR TWELVE YEAR8. A Grsduate of Nebraska in '99 and '01 Has Accepted a More Re munerative PoBitlo'n. E. H. Clark, purchasing agent for the "University of Nebraska, has tendered to the board of regents. This res!g nnt'on wns not In the' least suspected by the regents and was mndo volun tarily on the part of Mr. Clark In view jf his acceptance of a more re munerative position. Mr. Clark thus terminates twelve years or continuous offlcial service for this institution. Ho was graduated lrom the university in '99, arts and sciences college, and '01, law, and was appointed secretary to the chan cellor. Ho officiated In this capacity for four years, at the end of which he was elected university registrar. He guarded this position likewise for four years, when he was selected for his present position purchasing agent for the University of Nebraska. In turn, he has Incidentally been em ployed as purchasing agent for four yaT; - - - An Almnus. Aa stated above, Mr. Clark, is an almnus of the university. Taking the combined six year ncademic-law com Be, he was graduated In 1901. While a student, he was quite promi nent In many phases of activities, es pecially so In affairs athletic. It was lie who Invariably piloted his class lootball team, and with no little do gioe of success. He served two years as a student member of the athletic board, Effective January 1. Mr. Clark'B resignation will take ef fect January 1, 1911. His successor has not yet been chosen, but such an election will probably tnke place at the regular meeting or the board of regents, December 111. The position which Mr. Clark has given his prefer ence is that of secretary of the Na tional Silo Manufacturing Co. H's of fice next year will be In the Lincoln hotel building, nfter which he will probably have headquarters at Chica go. His appointment to this position was one of the results of the recent annual convention of the Silo Mann fnctuiing company, held 'n Chicago. Toasts Unlver8lty. Questioned concerning his depar ture from the university and from all university affairs with which he wae connected, Mr. Clark said: 'I have ac cepted the position recently offered to -me-el;vwly bccauBeJtJs-jLjnareunyi Ing proposition and affords a better onnortunitv to rise. In ncceptnnce thereol, however, I hesitated a good' whl'e borore severing all of my adula tions with the University of Nebraska as I shall have to do. I have been In the continuous service of (he universi ty for twelve years,' and it Is with some regret that I cease to actually be one of you. My best wishes will al ways bo with Nebraska, however, and 1 toast to her future prosperity." "DAD" ELLIOTT HERE. .Speaks Before Board of Directors, on Monday. , A. T. Elliott, better known as "Dad" Ell'ott, national Y. M.'C.'A. secre tary, has returned to Lincoln and met Avlth tho University Y.M. C. A. now board of directors -ye'sterday aftor- TYocTTirtr 1- o'dloclc- -Th.1- purpose-of-Mr, Ellott's mission now is tho" same as it was wUen he last visited Nebras-lnr-nniyoly, the promotion of the plan wheieuy a religious. ),worlc director KID" WEDGE IS FIGHTING AGAINST DEATH IN FRISCO Rev. F. H. Wedge, better known at Nobraska nfi "Kid" Wedge, Ib sick in San Francisco. A dispatch yesterday from the coast city stat ed that Wedge had been found sick in a poorly furnished room, nn up staii'B room in tho rough district of the city, in the neighborhood wherp he Is shedding Ills life blood to help save men from lives of debauchery and ruin. "Kid" Wedge was once a welter weight champion boxer. At that time he lived in Omaha. He be came a slave to the drink habit while In that city, later reforming and deciding to get nn education and save men from ruin. "Kid" came to Lincoln and entered the university, where ho wns helped by the Y. M. C. A. and tho min isterial union for a fow days until ho could find work. Ho was soon a changed man. Ho worked nt "any old thing" for many days, but when he got in better health he was able, to get Getter Jobs. Made- Many Friends. Wedge made many friends in the university-- - Ho told-.the-BtQryofj his life to local students, and while a student In the U. of X went out on Sunday to preach at various small churches near the city. He waB willing to do any sort of hon est work that he might earn money to aid the downfallen manhood of the cities. It was while at Xe braska that he decided to give Ills life to the rescue of men of the BllltUB. San FrnnclBco has felt the ef fects of his per8onol work. He has saved - men by the wholesale, straightened them out, clothed them, uald for their meals when he could only afford one meal a day. and fought sickness with the courage or a patriot. And now In IiIb illncsB ho Is being cared for at a hoBpital where he, with the as sistance of nurses and doctors, is fighting against death. His life is almost burned out because or his efforts to Bavo men from mortal death. The cohl on his lungB keeps him gasping ror breath. Visited by Men He Helped. His ninny friends, men whom ho has Btived from aln, tip-toe Into tho room where ho Bleeps, o look upon the man who has been their friend. A month ago some of these snme men reo.led into his quar ters dirty and drunk, but he cheered them, fed them, got them jobs and made honest laborers olit or common drunkards. Wedge Is engaged to be married, but his sickness is so expensive that the wedding JtesUtttteajuay be far ia the future. "But I'll come out of this all right," Ib tho message he sends to his friends, with (the same cheery optimism with which he cheers young men to moral victory. "Kid" Ib known in San Francisco nB the " 'lighting pastor.' who makes men out of nnimals. would bo Installed In tho university. As explained by Dr. Elliott, this di rector must be an expert In religious work, and one with sulllclent expoi'i-i ence to adapt himself readily to his requirements. As proposed by tho plan, this official' must direct the work or both the Y. M. C. A. niftl the Y. W. C A. The only associations 'n the mid dle west at present that are operating on this basis are Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. Tho sclioojs at present being niOht Insistently urged to adopt the same are Nebraska, Iowa and Il linois. Tho plan Is receiving favor able considerat'on from all or these Institutions. "Dad" Elliott gave a very detailed presentation of the plan at the board meeting yesterdny. although no 'definite action whb taken.' "THE NEW CHINA.' Mrs.-Ej-BT-ucker-WIIJ-TelLofJdeC-Qri lental Experiences. Dr. Einma Boose Tucker, who with her husband, Dr. Francis Tuckor, has. spent eight years In China as a medi cal missionary, will tell of some of her, experiences In the Orlont at con--vocntlon today. The subject of hen address w'll be. "The Now China." Mrs. Tucker Is. an interesting speak er, knows her subject, and Is enthusj ustlc over her work. Both Mr. and' Mrs. Tuckor are graduates of the UnlJ verslty of Nobraska. "CORNHUSKER" WORK BEGIN8. Town6cnd Is Again Named as the Of- 'ficlalPhotographer. The work of getting out the 19U Cornhusker has already begun. For several wcekB past the staff has been waking -propnrations-far. lliew.QiJLiia the blgbook which will appear In tho spring. Printers, engravers, and pho tographers have been Interviewed by (the staff and the contracts, for tlu' engraving and photography havo been feigned. As for tho past several years' Town send has secured the contract for tho indlv'dual pictures of the seniors and juniors. His satisfactory service and experience In rormor yenrs, combined with tho very reasonable price which he quoted has made him tho choice or the Cornhusker staff for this vory particular work. Townsend has prom 'sed students who wish their pictures before Christmas that all sittings up to December 14th will be finished before- ibe holidays. The CoruhiiBker stair has fixed Feb ruary 15th as the date on which all Individual photographs must be In the hands or the committee. However, In order to secure the same rate as In former years students will find It nec essary to have their pictures taken before February 1. For the staff have announced that all students having thofr sittings arter February 1 will be "charged twenTyvfTve centB extra. "Tiffs action Is taken in the attempt to get studentB to have their pictures taken promptly. It Is the intention of the staff this year to Issue the Cornhusk er earlier than has been the practice in the past and in order, to do this It 's absolutely necessary that all pho tographs be taken before February IB. TICKETS ON SALE. Freshman Laws' Getting Ready fljr. Big Dance. The tickets for tho annual ball of the freshman law class have been placed on salp. Tho- committee in charge promise that this will bo ono, of (ho best Informal dances of the year. The "hop" Ib the- last to bo held .during the university social sea son before school closes for the holl day recess. JLAYJJlJie.jLe4.d.Pcmber 1(5, Tickets may be purchased of R m, Huseoll, A, It. Raymond. E. S. Mun- eon, A, M. Oberfelder, 13. J. Lee, E. H, rluhno and W. B. Romans. EWING .NIK THE COUGH A88I8TANT COACH LIKELY TO SUCCEED "KING" COLE. UNLESS (OLE HIMSELF IS NAMED HARRY HAS SEVERAL OFFERS FROM OTHER 8CHOOL8. But He Is 8trong for Nebraska and Has a Host of Friends in the Cornhusker Insdtutlon. Rumors on tho campus yesterday had It that Harry Ewlng, assistant coach of the roocball team during I he paBt season, wus tho probable successor or Coach Cole as an all-year-round coach of university ath letics, if Cole hlmseir Is nbt selected for the position. Ewlng played varsity football for threo years hud was ono of tho best till-around lino men Nobraska oyer had. Ah assistant coach ho has had charge of tho freshman team and has succeeded in turning out one of tho fastest organizations the first year men have ever had. Wlhllo Harry Ewlng has had soveral flattering offers or coach positions by other schoolB, some or them In the Missouri valley, ho Is strong for Net braska and would rather be hero than anywhore else. Athlete Boosts Ewlng. " OnoTr tlio "N'nTon" oTThls year," who, by the way, wll bo bnck next year, said: "I believe Ewlng Is as good a man as can bo found ror tho place. Ho certainly knows football, and tho wny he handled thnt team of first-year men allows thnt ho knows how to handle men. ir he gets the place I havo no fear of the outcome ot next year." A prominent upper classman, one of tlio most confirmed rooters, had this to offer: "I would like to see Ewlng selected as coach. If anyone enn pre eervo the stnto of harmony which now exists among tho players, he cer tainly can, for there !b not a man on the team, or in tho whole school, for that matter, who has not a friend in Harry Ewlng. As rnr as ability Is concerned, he has more thnn proven it during the past rour years." The names or all the candidates ror the position or all-year coach havo not been given out. There is a strong Impression that Cole, while he may not be actively soeklng the appoint ment, may be named first and asked te accept afterward. TO CURE THE 8ICK. University of Minnesota to Open a School for Nurses In February, Tho Trafning School for Nurses of the University of Minnesota will re- -celve applications for -admlBBlon ntr this time, to the class entering Febru ary 1, 1911. A first grade high school' diploma Is required for admission, Tho students are entered In a'rpiir months' preliminary course of inBy-.iig- uon, uuaer a uuuon iee or twontvi Hvo dollars. The remainder qL 'the course, covering In,, all .perhiyl of threo years, requires noJee.,)r.Tfye,'.Uni-; Its of numbers in Ui!b, entermp pjags will bo enlarged In view of "the .'open ing of the Elliott Memorial Hospital Building, with 120 beds, in tho early spring. No student will be received whose age Is less than twenty years. Application blanks may be had and applications may he filed with Miss Louise M. Powell, superintendent of Training School, University Hospital, -Minneapolis, Mlnnesqtu. Notice. "5meeung oTthe members of the tr.phomore class will be held Thurs day morning nt 11: 30 in Memorial hall-. . Everyhody out. rjjN i