The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1910, Image 1

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Ibe Sa(l IFlebraskan
SftTTS "
. Vol X. No. 48
Price 10 Cents.
.. t
Tickets Going Fast -Record Breaking
Attendance Promised Com
mences at 6:30 Sharp.
Arrangements for the annual Corn
husker banquet of the students of the
university In honor of the football
team have been completed. In con
trnRt to fho usual ciiBtom of having
a business man of Lincoln as toast
master of thlB banquet, Fred M. Hun,
tor, superintendent of schools at Nor
folk, Nob., has boon selected for this
. position of honor at the annual unl
vorslty celebration, wlilch will bo herd
this evening at the Lincoln hotel.
Graduated In 1905.
Air. Hunter Is an alumnus of the
university, rocolvlng his A. B. degreo
In, '1905. Ho was ono of tho woll known
men In the university during Ills un
dergraduate years. Ho was a member
of tho football team for three years,
holding tho position of guard and con
tor. As a senior he was recognized
as one of tho leaders of his class,
being olectcd to membership In tho
Innocents, tho honorary sonlor so
ciety, and was president of his class
i7n.a omwrfflrnf hfn nnnlor voar.
His ability jas an orator anoTKoHaTeJ
woro shown as a momoor or ino aeDux
'ing squad for three years, and as Ivy
day orator In 1905. Ho was a mem
ber of Alpha Thota Chi fraternity and
was graduated with Phi Beta Kappa
s honors. Ho was tho first football "N"
n man to attain this distinction.
Slnco graduating from tho univer
sity Mr. Hunter has boon connected,
with educational work. Ho was su
perintendent of schools at ABhland,
Nob., resigning this position to accept
tho ono ho now holds as superinten
dent of schools at Norfolk.
Tho Cornhuskor banquet Is tho larg
est affair of thlB kind hold by tho stu
dents during tho schoof yoar. On this
occasion tho -football team of tho uni
versity aro tho guests of honor. Tho
toast list is composed of speeches by
men of prominence throughout tho
state and in tho university.
Dignitaries to Come.
At tho banquet whlcbwlll bo held
tonight a largo number of tho prom
inent men of this stato havo been in
vited, among them being Governor
Shallenborger, Govornor-olect Aldrlch,
G. M. Hitchcock, popular cholco for
United States senator, 'and members'
. of tho next legislature.
Tho tickets for tho banquet aro go
ing fast and Indications point to a
. record breaking crowd. Tho banquet
will commenco at 6:30 p. m. sharp.
Thb-Tierlod between courses has been.
arranged to be filled In with songs
which aro parodies on popular tunes',
which' deal w(th football and football
Post-8easoh for Sororities Is in Full
' ' ' Swing.
The postseason Bororlty rushing pe
riod is now occupying all the Inter
ests of unlvorslty social circles. .The
season, commonly termed the fmld
Bomester session, opened Thursday
noon and will closo Saturday evening.
All invitations aro to be presented to
tho head of tho intersororlty council
by Saturday night, returned to the re
spective rushees by Monday night, and
answered, in person by tho rushees
Tuesday., This phaBO of tho season is
' slrallar-to -tho.8eason-heliLajL.thQ be-,
ginning of'tho school year.
'Nebraska defeated Illinois at Ur
bana, thus winning both contests
in the Central Debating league.
The Cornhuskers had the negative
side of the "closed shop" question.
The members of the team were. G.
N.oster, A. N. Raymond and C. L.
With clear, concise arguments,
and with a rebuttal which struck a
death blow at tho arguments and
evidence put forth by tho Univer
sity or WlaconBln dobators, tho af
firmative ' team representing tho
University of Nebraska and the
Closed Shop defeated their op
ponents in ono of tho nioBt brilli
ant forensic contests ever fought
on tho iplatform of Memorial hall.
Analyzing I iho arguments .pre
sented by thd-Wisconsin men, the
Nebraska speakers in their rebut
tal brought out tho weaknesses of
tho debating of the men from tho
Badger state and won tho debate,
In tho last three speeches which
they made.
Wonv Through Rebuttal.
It was the rebuttal which brought
victory to tho banner of Scarlet
and Cream. With a steady step
tho Cornhuskers marched on over
throwing argument after argument
'hrnueht un by tho negatlvo in the
v-nnestlon-TJiat the .movoraont of
. - VZr1 T7 ! J." A if Www
organized laDor ior me uiuucu. buuii
should have the support or pumic
opinion," and by a decision of two
to one from tho judgeB tho Corn
huskers who composed tho affirma
tive team retrieved tho dual defeat
administered to tho Scarlet and
Cream in debating circles in 1901),
by Minnesota and Iowa.
The Debate.
On account of tho absence of
Governor Shallonberger In Ken
tucky, tho debate was presided
ovor by Will Owen Jones, editor of
tho State Journal. A few selec
tions by tho cadet band opened tho
program, which was followed by an
.introduction of the presiding officer
of tho evening by Professor Cald
well. In a fow words Mr. Jones ex
plained tho time limit of speakers
and introduced B. C. MarcelluB, who
opened tho contest for Nebraska.
Marcellus outlined the question and
cited somo of tho evidence In favor
of the closed shop. He said' In
"Today, because of competition,
capitalists aro forced to combine,
and labor also because of unre
stricted competition has been- com
pelled to. take the samo steps of or
ganization. Collective action or
bargaining must be tho principal
function of all unions, and this has
secured tho. closo. jdahon. principle.
Tho closed shop does not mean. 'a
, closed union, for It allows tho,. non
, union man to join the union. So
fog three reasons tho closed shop
should receive tho support of (pub
lic opinion; first, because it bene
fits labor as a whole; second, be
cause it insures collective bargain
ing; and third, because it brings
to tho laborer real liberty."
Harry V. Melssner of Wisconsin
was tho first speaker for the nega
tive. Ho said in part:
"Wo must consider tho union
man and tho people of tho nation.
Tho negatlvo recognize the union.
Wo do not consider tho open shop
as fair. Tho success of trado rota
tion rests wholly on tho fairness of
tho employed, and under tho. closed
shop; labor: is Acon trolled. 'By union
men, who exclude non-union men,
For thlB reason wo support a
mixod shop, whoro tho employer
may hire or dlschargo mon, but In
which tho wngo scalo and othor
conditions aro regulated by organ
ized labor. Bccauso of tho closed
Bhop tho unions nro recognized by
tho public as urijiiBt to individual
labor and tho union is placed ahead
of skill and efficiency.
"Tho closed shop shutB out non
union men, while tho mixed shop
does not. Contrary to tho conten
tion of tho affirmative, tho closed
shop 1b not necessary to the main
tenance of tho union."
The Tlhr Speaker.
Tho third speaker was A. M.
Oberfeider for Nebraska. Aftor a
short bit of rebuttal ho pointed out
three favorable arguments In which
he said In part:
"Tho cloBOd shop should receive
tho support of public opinion, first,
because it benefits the laboring
masBes as a whole; Bocpnd, because
it will promote industrial peace
and Insure' 'collective bargaining,
which is caused by an ngreemont
between tho employer and tho la
borer; and third, bccauso tho pub
lic at large would bo bonofitted."
Raymond W. Bell was tho second
speakpr for Wisconsin. Ho out
lined his arguments into three
partB; he emphasized the mixed
sWGp as compared with tho closed
ntiop, ;nd said In part:
"That tnorestnction or approiF
tlces was a marked fault of tho
closed shop, thus tho supply of
skilled labor was decreased and
ability was forced "to the. ranks of
tho unskilled.
"Exorbitant initiation fees were
charged, leading to abuse and mo
nopoly; and third, that tho unions
squabbled between themselves,
thus causing obstructions and dif
ficulties to bo plnced In tho way of
good labor results." ,
The Rebuttal.
The rebuttal of both teams was
tho exciting part' of tho contest.
Wisconsin attempting during this
tlmo to dofend hero position and
Nebraska overthrowing all tho evi
dence advanced by their opponents.
Through quotations from author
ities, Nebraska proved that tho
closed shop encouraged apprentice
ship, and that It was tho employ
ers who caused It to decrease. The
Nebraska mon showed how tho
closed shop would continue and
that the mixed shop was only pre
sumed to continue with no assur
ance that It would.
Pending tho decision of tho
judges, tho crowd, which was one
of tho boat at a debato ovor hold
here, waited anxiously, and when
It was announced that Nebraska
had won, cheers from all parts of
tho hall broke out.
Tho judges woro: HbTT."TfankrW7-
Garst of Coon Rapids, Iowa; Prof.
Prank I Horrlott of Drako unlvor
slty, and Prof. Benjamin P. Sham
baugh of the University of Iowa.
B. H. TTflhrm wnn mnnnrai- l,
debate. Ho was assisted .bv H. M.
Nobjo and W. R. Powers.
Following tho, 'debate, Phi Alpha
Tau, tho public wealdng fraternity,
entertained tho visiting team and
tho Judges at a luncheon" at tho
Lincoln hotel. Toasts were re
sponded to as follow:' ' -"Our,
Lady on Lake' and Hill"...
Carn N. Hill, coach of Wisconsin
"Wisconsin" , ;.j. T.'.Votava
Nebraska" r w. H, Spohn
"Le, Envoio" ....Chancellor Avery
Several other short "talks were
All Receipts Above Expenses to Be
Used in Purchasing New
Tho oxhlblt under tho auspices of
tho Nobraska Art association Is to bb
opon for three days longer than orig
inally planned. This announcement
has been made by tho' officers of tho
association bccauso of tho fact that so
many of tho Lincoln pooplo and uni
versity students havo not boon ablo
to attoiid during tho last week. Tho
hall has been crowdod at most times
by children from tho grade schools
and tho high school, anxious to soo
tho plalntlngs, and thlB has mndo it
rather inconvenient for tho oldor peo
plo who visited tho gallery,
UnlvorBlty 'students aro Just begin
ning to attend the oxhlblt. Yesterday
a goodly number of students and
teachers, who havo heretofore not
been seen In tho gallory, Bpont somo
tlmo in enjoying tho paintings. Grado
school excursions are now about at
an ond nnd tho gallory is therefore
not so crowded.
Pictures Average High.
Tho pictures average up very high
as compared with former collections.
rMlBB Holon-iGi-Sundena-momber oL
tho board of trustees, Bald last night
that it was considered tho best cbl
luctlon shown in the Inst nino yoars.
Several of tho paintings aro vory largo
and aro valued at $5,000 and above.
Tho Akin group of a half dozen
paintings is attracting tho most favor
able comment. Ono In particular, a
scene In tho canyon of tho Colorado,
is a general favorite. "Tho Rod Para
sol," by Richard P. Maynardb is also
a favorite It is .tho moBt prominent
picturo In tho gallory.
Reld Is a Favorite. ,
Ono painting, "Tho Gold Screen,"
which was purchased last season by
tho association, is shown for tho first
tlmo in Lincoln. It 1b tho work of
Robert Reid. Tho whoio picturo Is
luminous with lights and has a har
monious blending of colors, which be
speaks the ability of Mr. Reld to por
tray that In which ho Is most Inter
ested cpjors for tho sako of beauti
ful blenomgs. Tho whoio picturo Is a
blending of delicato colors to repre
sent tho figure of a lady on a .piece of
Association officers aro hoping that
thoro. may bo a good attendance dur
ing tho last days, so that the exhibit
may not bo a failure in any senso of
tho word. Tho association doca not
attempt to realize any financial gains
on account of tho exhibit, and when
ever thoro is a balance In tho treas
ury at tno ciosor"anoxhibitrltTis
used to purchaso pictures -for. tho Ne
braska collection. By ,tho pursuit of
tills policy, tho art association has""
brought to Nebraska thirteen valuable
paintings, which form tho beelnntnar
.of a stato art gallery. Tho paintings
aro on oxnioit in tho art hall of
Library hall. '
Every Other Sunday. Will Be "Open",
Regardless of Date.
Sororities of tho university have
com to an agreement which will do
away , with- tho misunderstandings
which have com up -from time to
tlmo In regard to' Sunday calling. Be
ginning with tomorrow, which, will be
'open Sunday," every othor Sunday
will bo open without regard to dato.