THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 8ERVICE8 P08TP0NED. First Vesper Service Will' Be Held Friday, December 9. Tho regular weekly veBper sorvlcefl which woro to havo boon held for tho llrat timo this yonr nt 5 o'clock this nfternoon havo boon postponed until Friday, Decombor 9. Music will bo a feature of those special convocations. Tho university chorus under tho leadership of Mrs. Carrlo D. Raymond will sing and thoy will bo assisted by a string quartet. Other plans for the vesper services aro being made. DEBATE PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. I 36 UY A BOX of Holeproof Hosiery Six Pair of Hose 1 1 ' ! ' T M i il Affirmative Wins In Discussion Among Members of Debating Club. Tho Students' Debating club met Wednesday evening nt room U10G and hnd for discussion one of tho Impor tant questions which Is confronting tho Amorlcan pcoplo today, I. o., "Re Bolvcd, Thnt municipalities should own nil public utilities." Tho afllrmatlvo was represented by B. 12. Williams and Robert Gllmoro. tho negutlvo by John Bnnchal and Will Forbes. Tho Judges decision was In favor of the ainnnatlvo. Tho question for discus sion next week will bo "Ship Subsidy." CONVOCATION DATES. Program for Services Until Christ mas. Tuesday, December C Mrs. Emma Boose Tuckor, M. D. (alumna U. of N.), "Tho New China." Thursday. Decombor 8 Professor Guernsey Jones, "Tho English Elec tions." Friday. December 95 p. m veBpor Borvlcos. Tuesday, December 13 Professor II. W. Cnldwell. "The President's MeBBago." Guaranteed for six months. Men's Holeproof Half Hose Six Pair for $1.50. Women's and Misses' Holeproof Hos iery Six Pair for $2.00. Holeproof Hosiery are Guaranteed for six months. A new pair of Hojfpr every pair with a hole inside oWsix months. Wlill. V jUM im lomoanu wLnnnum si fiokprooftlosierif rhmnann I.UAft. HliMMMII toll MLi JJUi,J' JU. M Fg"-g-"!J MAYER BROS. GERMAN CLUB INITIATE8. 1 Twelve New Members Have Been Added to the Roll. Twolvo new mombera of tho Ger man club woro Initiated last evening at a meotlng of tho organization at tho homo of Miss Hoppner, 142G South Tenth street. It was well attended, with nearly tho entire acttvo member ship prosent and several professors and fellows of tho department. According to tho report of the com mittee, tho club mado ovor $17 at tho candy booth at tho County Fair. The Initiation committee made a very pleasing report. A program commit tee, consisting of Miss Smith, chair man; Miss Rlnehnrt and' Miss Bnrr was appointed. A committee to dlscusB plans for having a one-act play for the enter tainment of tho club and its friends was nlBO chosen. They consist of the president as chairman, Miss Hnrte, Miss Reed and Mr. Wlobe. NOTICE. Dean of teachers college haB a call for teachers to enter tho service next year In tho Philippine Islands at sal aries ranging from ?900 to $2,000 per year. Interested parties are request ed to call at the desk of the dean of teachers. Notice. A special meeting of the student" volunteer band will bo held this af ternoon at 5 o'clock to meet Dr. Tuckor and MrH. Tucker, recently re turned missionaries to China. TYPEWRlfEIAKEaPPed-'onTurchasej- M W T J.X MMS.M sflLn npHTpn nnVfi TWO VOOK Wflfon. Notice. Tho Komensky club will meet Sat urday, December 10, at 8 p. m., In the music hall' of tho Temple. Notice. Tegner society meets Saturday eve at tho farm, Agricultural hall 30G. Subject, "ProhlBtorlcal Sweden." Tegner Society Meets. Tho Tegner society will meet on Saturday evening In room 30C, Agri cultural hall, at the farm. Tho sub ject for discussion will bo "Prehis toric Sweden." CORNHU8KER BANQUET TICK ETS ON SALE AT "RAG" OFFICE. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS GeJhif cur'Ttorcr s. Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge Tfri Orait Silt Water Swimming Pool lHfiraSfivS4Sk Q5N EgSyJI HOURS t Ladlis, Morions Bxoopt Bandars. 1 np nUB HJ3. Hja,iiimilifH aontlcmon. Attcrnoom and Kvonlnga. Ladloa CC3cM!l:rii Tfrfn ""' and Qfcntlomen, Monday and Friday Uronlnjra. 141b and U Straits. Special Parties Arraipd For SOLD or RENTED price. Two year written mmrnnfJA wif Vi ovorr mo chine sold. Distributors New Model, L. C. Smith & Bros, visible. Call or write for catalogue and D c. yAMert - - special price list B. F- SWANSON CO., Inc. Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. 143 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Hcbr. M iW m w M 'til m iB 1 iM M M II ii mHW all JH M M g B CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Photographs are the Most Appreciated c u s "ZSft? "T-. GsQASlwfe HAUGK Tell Your friend Tell him you got your winter Suit and Overcoat at Speier & Simon's. TJell him you got perfect satisfaction and saved$l 0 on the deak-v-It- will be a favor to him and to us SPEIER & SIMON We Save You Money NORTH-EAST CORNER 10TH & 0 STS. - i f- .! f I --ft xi ' .