THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tlllfl PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Published by.' . . THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor C. J. LORD Managing Editor O. T.. -LIDDELL Associate Editor T, T. HARQRAVE Associates Editor A. H. DINSMORB BU8INE88 STAFF. Managor O. C. KIDDOO AMlatant Managor V. C. HASCALL Circulation Manager.. C. C. BUCHANAN Editorial and Business Office i BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payabla In Advance. 8lnolo Copies, 6 Centa Eaoh. Telephone: Auto 1B88. Night Phone Auto 1&8j Auto 2683 Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 contn tho Insertion for very fifteen words or fraotlon there of. Faculty notlcoB and University bul letins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under the Act of Congross of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen wors or fraction thereof the first Insertion? three Insertions twenty-five tents; five Insertions forty cents. DECEMBER 1, 1910. Who would havo thought that a lit tle thing Hko tho university directory had so much Interesting Information? Tho season of dances Is on. May they como thick and fast, and then we may bo ablo to turn our attention to tho baseball season which opens some tlmo In April. THE "DEBATERS. Leaving Wednesday afternoon for Illinois throo men will attempt to carry Convocation I Prof. P. M. Buck Today. .II a. m. tho best times to show real college spirit. To do thlB wo would make a fow suggestions. At tho present time tho mombers 'of the freshman law class are making plans- to attend this banquet la a body. Tho junior laws havo also adopted this plan. Would It not bo a good thing If tho momberB of tho engineering cpllego attended In a body, and tho medical college also? Tho agricultural students ought to como together and sit together and In that way each group would, show their spirit and that would all bo com bined in unlvorslty spirit which could not bo bettered. Tho senior laws might organize, and other Btudent or ganizations follow tho scheme which has originated in tho freshman law class and which thoy aro again to fol low up this year. Notice. Student mombers of St. Paul's Ora torio society who havo been homo for Thanksgiving aro asked to note the chango of date for "Tho Creation" to Monday evening, December 5. Also to bo present If possible at tho rally Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs! Probasco, 1710 D street All mombers aro requested to bring their oratorios for a careful rehearsal. Notice. fVv fwAnnmnn lisv ziAmmltfAA twill . ,. "" Aio iHJL' ." "vw " "W meet loaay at u:zv a. m. in una. Hop tickets will bo given out, to be put on sale at once. Tho committee 500 Pairs of New Women's Shoes $2.50 Mostly $4.00 quali ties. Gunmetals, Patents New Lasts SAMPLE BUDD 1413 0 Upstairs tho banner of victory in another lino of university activity out of state across, tho Mississippi rlvor. These men will defend tho honor of tho uni versity In debating, and through tholr efforts tho record of past debating toamB will bo uphold. For a number of years "Nebraska had teams of vic tory tlmo and time again. Those men were as willing to defond tho honor of tho school-on the-foronolo platform as tho gridiron warriors were on the football field. Dobatlng Is' a work which should bo given as careful consideration by each member of tho student body as athletics of any form. That these men will have to perform athletic stuntB with tho brain, and tonguo on Friday nTgni Instead of tfio BbdlesTs a recognized fact, and the rapid thinker who Is also a forceful speaker will carry away tho laurels. Nebraska men have been working for two months on this debate and tholr work In tho Interests of the school should bo appreciated by the ontlro undergraduate body. To do this you should attend tho debate which will bo held In Lincoln Friday night, when threo Nebraskans meet an equal number of men from Wisconsin. Tho subject which thoy will discuss is one of interest to all tho students, as well as tho business and laboring people. Show, your s-plrlt Order a seat at onco and attend this debate, which will bo tho only contest of this nature hold at tho unlvorslty this year. mombors. aro Italf P. Aldrlch, Clark Dickinson, D. F. Meeker, Carl Nagl, Ray Shiroy, LenoVo Richards and Ruth Griovish. GEO. T. LIDDELL, Chairman. COMING EVENTS THE CORNHU8KER BANQUET. TlreTConihuakeranquTirSvhtcnwlll bethels? next Saturday will bo oho of Art Exhibit. Tho Nebraska art exhibit will close on Saturday. Students aro admitted at half rate, 25 cents. Convocation. At convocation on Thursday, De cember 1, Prof. P. M. Buck will give an- illustratodlecture"onr"Iffdla." Friday, December 2, 5 p. m., veBper service, in Memorial hall. 8oclal. Tho Engineering society of tho uni versity will glvo its annual hop at the Lincoln hotel on Saturday, December 10th. Tho Y. W. C. A. will havo a member ship banquet Saturday, Decombor 3, at St. Paul's church. Organizations. The Pershing Rifles, will moot In tho armory on Thursday at 7:30 o'clock. Debate. Friday, December 2, Wisconsin-Nebraska debate, Memorial hall, 8 o'clock.. At tho samo tlmo the Illinois-Nebraska debate will bo held at Urbana. Cornhusker Banquet; Cornhuaker banquet will be held on Saturday, December 3, at the Lincoln7 hotel. Tickets, $1.00. FRAT HALL FRJDAY DEC. 16 Freshman Law Hop Limited to 80 Walt's Orchestra Tickets $1.25 Today is a Day of Grate N o Our Subscribers Who Have V Not Paid Their Subscription Today $1.00 Tomorrow $1.25 Work Galled For and Dollvorod Students Work a Specialty Aindsor 6uitorium Opon Saturday Night All Night WOLFE & YOUNG Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.20 Pressed 60 Auto 4728 BeUF2292 x Lincoln Sanitarium Plangm The Brut Sill Waltr SwlMlog Fni nOUllS t L&dles, Morning Kxocpt- Bandars. Gjpml$tnen,Attcniomsana Kyonlng. Lafllei and GentUmen, Monday andlTrldar RTnlag; .14m fod H strain. Sptclil Pirtlit Arraipd Fit CHRISTMAS PRESENTS 12 1 6 O AUTO 9091 Photographs are the Most Appreciated c u s DeQASTON & HAUCK FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Goal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS Zethitih cxJTP ja t ''V".' .. r . 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