I " V ," ' fi " f" ,". . V ( J, .,,-.- UU.nKl4.lJt4- I - c . , a--,03a tfAGi&i 1 ." 'r.r i 01 r. 2. I Vol. X. No. 46 ''liriivfiRSiW OF NEBRASKA, LINCdliN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER j, 1910. Price 10 Cents. SATURDAY NIGHT ft " ' .. .i j o . il Wtebrasfcan i Ml -! ' 1 1 , V t ' LLh win F 1 LW "mAwmLY V "W -av V w -m H "V r- 'F' r Ai - i 'i k.K- -r "-VHX1 n r . u t . JllIOSI SB EUBED ENGINEER8 PLAN TO HAVE A M0N8TER CROWD. bANCE IS LIMlffDr'TOf' EIGHTY .. ,'k, i . .-; ; , , WHAT WILL THE LINCOLN HOTEL . MANAGEMENT DO? ; , V, 7 -i . 1, University Wag Adds a Cipher to the -Flgxii'et4'80,,-ahd' Great-Ex cttement Prevails'." " 1 wMtflsgoingto Happen next? The Jatost notice pqstc.d' on. va university bulletin board makles necessary- -nib enlargement: ho Llnpoln hotel. No annmincRmnnt has' been mado bv the hotel . managers; but a blue bulletin- (posted : just, wobl or xuo uumiuiBiru-tlon-sbulldlng. yesterday makes the startling assertion which is astonish ing the students. Will' the Lincoln hotel MiuthorltieB- yield' to the popular demand and enlarge the dancing hall so that'ltwlll accommodate eight hun dred couples? Uinittea 'to 800. ' The sign abovo mentioned1' makes Mm ntjirtlliur statement that the cn- -glnarB" hon -will bo "Limited to 800." Tho proliont capacity ofth"bhnll-l8- nWv niiniit- lTivcoi-rtn nr Ttuir mimner. Life-nniHa-thA.-ftnp-fHannounced. for De cember 10, tho needed Improvorfents coma naraiy do mauo uuioio mm time. 5 IJho Nobraskan reporter who first dlspovored the sign was unablp to lo cate" the" author o tho statement. No ono was willing to back up tho state ment Attempts havo been mada to limit university dances to only ono hundred couples, and fair success bas been tho reward, b'ufwhoovor thought of limiting one to only 800 couples? Will wonders never cease? May Be Changed. j-As a result of thiB discovery, the chairman.oX tho. engipeera' hop com xnltCbo v will "310 Idoubt remove tho sign and" replace it with a now oho which reads "Limited to 80." Of lato a groat many signs on the campus havo boon mutilated by college bred wags, f. In this particular case tho change, which would make necessary a change of thousands of dollars in Improve ments on a local hotel, is a very seri ous oho, Tho. wag has not yot been caught. 1 1 1 1 kMJS8lON STUDY BEGIN8. 8lx Lectures Will Be Given During ' Next 8Ix Weeks. palgn.was formally opened lastHlgT at a. meeting fot twenty men at a 0 q!clobkluncheon. J Six courses; wiy. be given during tho three weeks before the Christmas holidays and tho three weeks just after tho, holidays, ono each week. From eighty to ono hun dred" lantern: slides'" will bo shown at each lecture, illustrating conditions In tho mission fields being studied. Tho-lectures will take tho placq of tho regular Y. 1M. '0., A. mid-week meetings.- 0- admission will'' be charged, and all arb' invited to be present, n t. J h , - . i" V . Trr- ' I C0RNHU8KER BANQUET TICK ET8 ON 8ALE AT "RAG"-OFFICE. 4)Efiii!ES3iiB: THE GORNHUSKER BANQUET FOR ALL . v. :. . ' ..! . 1 . . ' -J ; .';.,'f J, A Saturday night, December 3, will see tho custom of holding an annual banquet in honor pi tho members of tho football team, again In Ydguo. Ne braska haB not alwnyB had a football team, Tmt w"hehtniB,-d6pilrthiorit d( athlotlcs started in the university thbVd may "have been "feeds" In honor of. tho men whowere defending .tho Scarlot and' Cream on tho grid iron. - Recbrds"do not show that this was ;the crtso, but thp loyalty of tbo jnonof tho university then was of a different sort than is found at Jo braska today. College atliletlcB wore "Btlll "a" now featuroTn flib university, and many of tho men of tho institu tion knew nothing about athletics, and tho percentage of irion who cared nothing- afrout' them wero much larger. True It was that tho .men of tho school no doubt knew that the team was representative of the Institution wRtch was then In its youth, and that ihfiso. things were jpart of thogrowth 01 tno school, but -the development or tho university was a thing which com manded their attentlonvmoro than, the support of the men ol the team who wore endeavoring to make tho foot ball squad of the university have a reputation that could not be bettered. Coming of Booth. .With, tlio' coming of Booth to Ne braska, football took on a now appear ance, and tho efforts of tho students wore centered In making tho team ap preciate their support.; With tho all victorious team of 1902 when NobraB ka acquired tho title of tho "Big Out sider" on account of tho triumphant season .through which tho team had paBsod, student enthusiasm know no bounds, and all ,tho undorgraduates concentrated their efforts to show the men which had been led by Captain John Westovor that Nebraska stu dents wero behind them to tho core. Nebraska spirit and enthusiasm flowed freely from the fountain which would not be quenched, and tho men of tho school oven worked 'on the minor details of "The First Annual Banquet of tho Team of 1902" with an ene'rgy'.whlch -today has . not been equaled. Tho great outburst of student' ort thuslaBm at that time would come and go like thcnobbof he-tldornnd-tho loss of a few battles in tho years to follow seemed to give each under graduate who was not at heart a truo Nebraska man more of less of a de spondent feeling. However, tho first FORE8TCLUB MEETS. Professor Bruner Lectures on Forest - -i Insect?. -rTho regular meeting qf tho. Forest club' was held, "in Nebraska hall last night. Professor Bruner addressed tho foresters on tho subject of "Tho Forest Insects of. Nebraska." -Profes- KS THE CORNHUSKERS roal banquet which was accorded the members of the toam was followed the next year by another "feed," which nearly equaled tho first, but tho nanio was now changed to that of tho "Cornhuskor Banquot." Tho flow of tho tldo again carried to the Scarlet and Cream school tho greatest amount of enthusiasm that has over boon shown, and tho year of 1910 was no exception. ThiB yonr hap done moro to dovelop real enthusi asm and real love for the university than anything for at least fivo yoars, and tho banquot which will bo hold this year in honor of tho Missouri Valley champions haB been planned to bo tho greatest that has ever beon hold. The Banquet. Tho CornhuBkor banquot from the day It was originated has beon con sidered as a banquet in honor of the football team alone. This 1b a view which should no be'GEenT anlTtoday, tho idea is growing that the Cornhus kor banquet of the. future will be chiefly In hcfnBr of all tho athletic departments of the university ihBedd of tho footbdll team alone. NobrnBlcn Is one. of tho broadest schools in the wostnB Jar as athlotlcd are con cerned. . It is necessary that all phases of. .athlotlcs bo considered when tho name "Cornhuskor" is an-' piled' o the school, and. In the Corn,- nuskor banquot or tnis year, tracic, baseball, and basketball will bo given a sharo of tho honor along with the men of the football team. Nebraska men afo Cornhuskors, and through this title, which is applied with as much frequency as tho term "Gopher" is to Minnesota men or "Jnyhawker" to tho men of tho Sun flower state, wo havo become known. Tho homage of tho men of tho school to their athletes can bo paid in no better manner than by their prosonco at tho Cornhusker banquet of Decem ber. 3. A banquet for Nebraska men, and a banquet for Cornhuskors. Plans have been made which are completo In every detail. Men ojt Ne braska who have gained a great prom inence In tho world since thoy wore graduated will speak, 'and all efforts "Will bo directed lir-brlnglng-to-tbe-aU tentlon, of each man tho athletic situ ation at tho Cornhusker1 school, as well as other things which concern tho student body the Corrihuskors of Nebraska. ' . Bor Brunor said that although Ne braska has few real forests, tho orna mental trees and pineries, of the northwest aro attacked by more kinds of Insects than tho trees in a forest This is because of tho 'fact that the natural enemies of these. In sects aro now scarce, The lecture was illustrated by lantern slides. WIS. OFF FOR THE "SUMFJI" STATE DEBATER8 LEFT FOR URBANA WEDNE8DAY. WISCONSIN WILL . ARRIVE . TODAY MAUPIN PRAI8E8 THE WORK OF THE 8QUAD, Wisconsin Well Balanced Must, Sell More Tickets Faculty Seats May Be Placed on 8ale. Tho pessimistic prophecy,, instituted by somo of tho indlsponfiablo univer sity "chronic critics," that tho trud Nebraska sporit, that helpod .rout overy football toam In tho Missouri Valley conference, would not bo "at homo" at tho crucial tlmo for things argumentative, was ovorturnod y'os; torday afternoon at tho tlmo of tho doparturo of tho lntorcollogldto dobat lng team for Urbana. Although not aided by political campaign- torches, somo of tho best univorslty spirit of tho year was displayed by somo of tho most earnest and enthusiastic "rooters" that over gave a "sond-off" to a representative team. Thoro is at present very little opportunity for tho "Mold youBO" Pst motomromarks, The team "which" "will medtT "NbTnriB ka in behalf of Wisconsin university loft Madison this afternoon.- Tbo ex act timo'of their-arrival hoVnot yo't boon announced.. ' . ' ' . Tho members of this team are: Harry V. Molssner, law '12, who had been aulto prominent lnoratorlcal and dramatic circles; Raymond W. Boll, law '12, representative of tho Athonao society, who also has distinguished himself in tho department of oratory, and H. Spohn, tho leading man in tho Hesperian society, having ongaged in three debates of that society. Tbo members of tho Illinois team are: C. At O'Connor, law '12, a gradu ate of Township high school, Dokalb, 111.; R. J. Robinson, '14, a member of tho college of literature and arts, and also of Phllonathean Literary society, and J. V. Stevenson, '12, of tho col lego of science. Ho was propared for academic work at Streator township high school. He 1b a member of Adel phlc Literary society, Chi Beta frater nity, and Delta Sigma Rho. Incident-, ally, ho Is tho only member of tho team with experience lnjntorcollegiato debating, having been a member of. tho toam which defeated Indiana last year. t Must 8ell'More Tickets. Tho last statement of tho manager of the local debate concerning the"' probable financial outcome of'tha do-TratolshatninleBsTnbrolcKotsxarb-sold in proportion to tho present, sale' of them, tho debate will bo another financial failure. All faculty 'members' are urged to order their seats fn'tho section reserved for them by tombr?' row night, or these will bo placed on' sale. 'Every effort Is beJhE made "by' those in charge to prove'that tho' stit- dents of Nebraska are' interested ' In' debate and will co-operate, ylth' tho' officials to guarantee successful re sults. ' As a result of a three hour seance-.' with tho University of Nebraska squad,' W, M; Maupln, the deputy labor' Continued on Pago 0' rMMYiJflGHT