The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1910, Image 1

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l.ii.m.l ha-wWBprtHMMHMij" immm-
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Vol. X. No. 45
Price 10 Cents.
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The Bard Who Sprung "What's In a
Name" Is Invited to Look
This Over.
Did you know that the university
had a Fair? It has, but no Carnival
o'r Show. This Is only ono of the
many bits of Interesting Information
contained in tho university directory
which wa -placed on sale by tho uni
versity Y. .Mr. and Y. W. C. A. Tues
day. ' A Nebraskan reporter who lias gone
over the little booklet has found a
great deal of Interesting information.
One thing of interest is that fact tiiat
the university has an AnheuBcr and
a 13 us eh.
Then foo there ore two Cobbs and
a Shedd but no Corn, and a Pool of
two Waters make a Lake.
Colors Are Strong.
In the color line fourteen ure
Brown, eight are Green, but only one
is.-Black . ... '
For a zoo we have a Buck, three
Coons, four Lambs, a Wolfe, a
Badger,. Cattle, three Swans, six
Drakes, one Fox, one Bullock, one
Hare, one Kldil, Lyons, four .Martinis,
a Parrott and a Beaver.
Industry is represented by six Bail
ors, one Carpenter, two Cooks, two
Coopers, two Glaziers, two .Masons,
ono Goldsmith, thirteen .Millers, one
Barber, three Butlors, one .Marshall,
three Porters, one Potter, one Shoe
maker, live Taylors, and four Weav
ers. For one King, one Lord, two Nobles,
one Prince, and two Squires there is
one Temple but no Castle. is one Doolittlo and onb
. Work; ono Mutz ami one Hani; two
PUIb and ono Plckol; one Nesblt, but
no Thaw; nine Johnsons and only two
Jeffreys; two Cooks .and one Peery,
but no Pole; three Cains, but, alas,
where is Able?
Religiously speaking, tilings are
looking up. Four Popes, two Bishops,
and one Priest, helped out by a 0 Imp
line, give -us a Virtue, a Good and a
There 1b a Candy and also a Kidd,
whose Initials are not O. U. One Ladd
has three Llers and four. Bells. Two
Hartes, a ..oon, Arms, a Hugg, Iove
land, Bliss, three Lanes, and - two
P.arks, iMHl what more, can be, said?
A DdVey and a Lapp might hQlp out
a little. Also Christmas is Gumming.
" iFor those who DyetheTein,e "HIST;
Graves; there are also two Burns.
There are five Frosts and one Leh
man. Two Carroils! !are quite suf
ficient, considering that there are no
Birds. A Dunn is able to handle the
Bills T ?- '' "'" " n
f Ono ,-Gunn wllj,-have, to' sufilpe two
Hunters," "three Fowlers "and one
Huntsman op four ChaBes. -
vIn the fqur Fields there are three"
Gates, thr$e.Dales, olght Hills, a Ford,
six" Reeds and Boggs. Hgre the,
Shepherd will find 'bis Flock. There
is also a Crabtree, n"PJuniUp., 'three'
Pools, and only two WoodsT
f: r For the. Enolneers. n r ?
ln the engineering (college ri'otj all1
tho - follpwlhgrare enrolled: 'Emry
Steele, Power, and Hammer. . 4
S; SevenCfilQdludit8 arev"Yoiing ono te
a i Wunderi. "anb'ttier-ls . Stout, onehas
, Shanp, one Smarts one Short, four
An editorial under tho head of
"Our Record" appeared In tho last,
Issue of The Wosleyan. It Ib im
possible for ub to answer it. Por
haps some member of tho student
body may be able to' do so.
Our Record.
"The following appeared in tho
editorial column of tho Daily Ne
braskan, the student publication of
the University of Nebraska:
" 'The Dally NebrnBlran Is to be
decreased in size. The increased
cost of composition and printing,
added to the luck of support in tho
.way of subscriptions, has caused
tlio change. The student body ns
a whole docs not subscribe to the
Daily Nebraska!!. At the present
time there are 071 paid subscribers
to the Dally NebraBkan list; of this
number 2't are high schools over
the st ate and 135 are on the mail
ing lists to alumni and former stu
dents at the university. Tho, 411
subscribers left on tho list are tho
students and faculty members on
the campus.
" 'Does tills look fair that a paper-
should have' actual circulation
Of 411 on tho university campus
when there are 2,440 students reg
istered in the state university, ac
cording to tho actual" figures re
cently published? Ib it fair?
Where lies the blame?'
"The editorial goes on with a
tirade against the 'spongers' and
tightwads, who are responsible for
this deplorable state of affairs. And
right it should. A student body
Who have lack . sufficient spirit to
support their own publication de
serves very Uttlo but the severest
condemnation and roproacb.
"J list let Wosleyan put up the
record of her student publications.
At present the management Is
printing GOO copies. Of theso 111)
go to high schools over tho state,
52 are on mailing lists to alumni
and former students of the univer
sity. The 405 remaining represent
the subscriptions of tho student
body and faculty. In a special cam
paign this week we expect to got
75 or more new subscribers. With
what other subscriptions we will
get next semester the list will
reach 700 at least. Now what do
you think or that? Doesn't this
showing indlcnte .something of the
college spirit that r.revallB here?
"Tho proportion goes something
like this. 2440:700: :G71:.')7(J. With
70() enthusiastic students we are
doing ns much as 2,140 disinterest
ed students. If this Is nn Indica
tion, and wo think it Is, of the sup
port of other lines of college actlv-
tty, which-' bunrhwonld you'TanreT"-
be adUlated with? No stronger ar
gument could be presented for the
superiority or college spirit lii the
small college. Tho management
assures tho student body of Its
deep appreciation or this support
The students have made this rec
ord possible and we are jiroud of
them as the sourco of true college
Chairman Hahne Urges that Students
Show Some of their School
student Is a Minor while another Is
a Mann.
There Is Bunting, but no Flag;
two DobbB -but no Painter, two Pecks
but no .Bushel, a Trump but no Ace,
a Cabin and a House must divide tho
seven Halls and one Garrett, while
the two Barns haye but one Shedd.
There Is a month of May with three
Days. The English, the Welsh and
the Romans do not come from Ire
land. For the Savage there Is Sage, Cot
ton. Rice, a Ring, and a Spear. His
Jewell is a Ruby, and he has a Vine
yard. There are eighteen Smiths at the
University of Nebraska. The Browns
are second with fourteen.
Committee Will Meet Tomorrow to
will consist principally of .p little
sketch. "EIn Knoph" (A Button). It
Is a characteristically German humor
ous playlctte. Tho situation is clever
and mirth-provoking. The cast:
Professor Andrew Schrag, tho man
with the button.
Miss Pauline Kolin, his wife.
Mr. Herman Wlebe, his friend.
MIsB Alvlna Zumwinkel, the hitter's
Begin Work.
Tickets for, the freshman hop have
been secured dnd will bo distributed
among the committeemen and put on
sale tomorrow. While the hop Is not
to bo hold until after vacation; -Janu-,
nry G, all wlio Intend to 'go are urged
to secure ticiteis aim mime uuies ue
fore going home. Vacation does not
end-until January 3, and there will be1
little. time left to. make arrangements.,
A meeting of the"' committee will bo
held' soniq time Thursday, lie time
and -plage to be announced tomorrow,
'morning.-''-'' J
ijpiig ana inreo JuucKey. Jvm banquet roomweunesi
ThoiunlVyeraljtxhaB 'Afuqn, LJbiit only :'4GBharp?ft'An.e1xcellei
"one Shjfe ? '6ne? Stocking One Ibee'ttarrnnged&forXthc
-?, a a i. m : . . .i -wE'3
Temple- Banquet Room Will Be Scene
c The Germanlstlsche Gesselschaf t
will hold Its meeting at thtf" Temple
banquet room Wednesday -evening at
dient program-nas
the pccasloriiXlt
December 16, in Fraternity Hall, the
Tlme'and Place.
Freshman law students announce a
hop to bo held Friday, December. 16,
In Fraternity hall. The number will
be limited to eighty. Walt's orchestra
will furnish music and "Tommy" will
Bervo refreshments. Tho regular price
of adml8slon.T-fl72ur- will-be- -charged?
The limit of eighty couples, decided
upon by the committee, will be strict
ly adhered to, and the sale of tickets
will stop as soon ns this number is
Tickets at Regis
trar's Office Co-
The Intercolleglato debating team
which will represent Nobrnska In her
contest versus Illinois at Urbana, .
scheduled for Friday evening, will,
loavo tills nfternoon at 4:30 o'clock.
Professor .M. .M. Fogg who has direct
ed and coached both teams In their
preliminary preparation, will accom
pany tho Invading team In their for
ensic conquest of Illinois. ProfoBBor
Caldwell, head of the department of
American history, will direct tho
movements and arrangements of tho
Nebrnska-Wlsconsin dobnto at Lin
coln, Friday evening. Thus Nobraska
is to be engaged In a dual debate, a
condition which will affect every
school In tho Central Debating league.
Both teams have put Jn practically
their last "licks" of preparation. At
the tlmo of tho selection of tho two
teams from tho squad, a condition or
high tension was established among
rr-deDnters-which-haH provnlred' lib
to the present momont, aiid which
must receive no little relaxation on
Friday night of this week. Whatever
the fate of the two teams, as decroed
by the respective Jurlos, It Ib gener
ally acknowledged by those who have
observed their operations that from
the standpoint or "grinding" out mate
rial and making extensive researches,
In case of nominal falIuro,no one can
attribute sumo either to tho debaters'
themselves or to tlict management in
general. y- , i ..
Tickets Going' Fast.X ; cV
Tickets ,for tho debate aro going
fast. Nearly all the reservations that
were expected by tho business man
ager have boon requested and made!
Tho last largo ono to appear camo
from tho university farm, reserving
iirty seats. Lincoln high school has
not entered a request as yet, but a
Tairly sized reservation Is expected
from that source.
Quite a number or telegrams lmvo
been received by the debate manage- .
inent from iiiemlinrH of HinL.nJnrnnlwhn,.
at one time had an occasion to repre
sent Nebraska In debate. These have
all been of a "success to you" char
acter and are greatly appreciated by '
tho debaters at tho beginning of their
encounters. As expressed by one of
tho contestants, "If wojyo got the
student body spirit back' of us, we'll
do tho rest. We'ro In It to do our
be"sri.r It results in a cast of Amerl:
cana Insanltla for a climax."
Where Is the Spirit?
Chairman Hahne, when questioned
concerning tho financial outcome of
the local debate, made nthe following
statement: "One of the reasons why
debating Is not supported Tjy the stu-.
dent body-at tlio university is because -,
ilicy think JtJs a 'dry' affair. Most or
these criticisms, howqver, come from
students who have never ye,t wit-,
neBsed an 'intercollegiate debate. The
salvation of tho financial side of this
debate ,1 uCpresoht totally, dependent' t
uppnr.e'nj'r,NjbjttBka spirit. The out
come "of w tho debates "themselves Is'
largely dependent on this snme spirit.
We, donX. necessarily mean that there
njust be a toich light parade pr clam-,
orous rally to save the day, but a
good 'send-off for the team this after-
certainly not be detrimental to the re-'
Continued' on Page H
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