The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 23, 1910, Image 7

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Are now shown in splendid assort
Ifeidge Sr'GiieTMLel G).
For Thanksgiving A very com
plete assortment.
;- -sr
$6,000.00 Worth of Ostrich Plumes
$2.50 French Curl Plumes our
price rf $1.49
$3.50 French Curl PlumeB, our
price $2.49
$4.50 French Curl Plumes, our
prlco $2.98
$5.00 French Curl Plumes, our
price $3.49
$7.00 French Curl Plumes, our
Vice . $4.98
$8.00 French Curl PlumeB, our
price $5.49
$10.00 French Curl Plumes, our
price $6.98
$12.00 French Curl Plumes, our
price $7.98
$13.00 French Curl Plumes, our
price $8.98
$14.00 French Curl Plumes, our
price $9.98
$16.00 French Curl Plumes, our
price . ; $10.98
' And many other values equally
low priced.
Splendid Values 8tlll Remain After Two Big Days' 8elllng. A good Idea of
the Savings We Offer Can be Obtained From the Following Price List.
The Plumes are the Best obtainable.
IHnwii fffffn IpifmiTTTWr
$7.00 Willow PlumoB, our price...
$8.00 Willow PlumeB, our prlco....
, $5.49
$12.00 Willow Plumes, our price. .
$15.00 Willow Plumes, our prlco
$18.00 Willow PlumoB, our prlco
$20.00 Willow PlumeB, our price
.' $13.98
$24.00 Willow Plumes, our price !
$27.50 Wllolw Plumes, our prlco,
$30.00 Willow Plumes, our price
$32.50 Willow Plumes, our prlco
22 . 98
$40.00 Willow .Plumes, our price
26 98
$45.00 Willow PlumeB, our prlco
14 Karat Gold
Sale Continues All Week
The third big FOUNTAIN PEN SALE held in the last two years. Over a thousand Pons,
fully guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction. Every Pen fitted with 14 Karat Gold Point. A
sreclal opportunity for Students and Teachers.
The illustration shows the exact stylo of these Fountain Pons. TheBe Pens are ornamented
with sterling silver, Eome with gold mountings, othors inlaid with mother-or-poarl, some are plain
black with gold bands. Over a dozen styles to choose from, suitable for Men, Women, QlrlB or
Boys. .Many of the Pens are illustrated in our "O" Street Windows. One of the beBt offerings wo
have over made and equalled only by our two big provious sales. Supply your needB this week.
ing of their quality was determined un
til they appeared in uniform ready
to work for a position on the team.
But this year it has been different.
Coach Ewlng has taken charge of the
first-year men, and he haB moulded
.L from that mass of Indotormlnlte ma
terial, a team which is far ahead of
any of the collego teamB in the state.
Not being allowed hy the rules of the
Missouri valley conference to test
their strength on the teams which rep
resent tho colleges of the state, the
freshmen have had to content them
selves in helping build up tho lighting
machine which represents the univer
sity. This they have done in a manner
which has Impressed tho veterans
time and time again. When the new
plays of tho varsity were to bo tried
out it was tho freshmen who, wore to
take tho brunt of tho battle. And wltn
all thlB, Coach Ewlng has been the
man who has formed a team which is
of a standard which any school would
bo proud to have represent them.
Tho loss of several of tho veterans
of this year's team will be felt to a
groat extent, aim" tho men who made
up tho 1910 freshman team are the
men who will have to fill their places.
"That they will Tie well "qualified to do
this is apparent, thanks to the excel-
m . lent training they have received at
the hands of Assistant Coach Ewlng.
" . Receiving his degree this year,
Coach Ewlng wlU no longer bo a stu
dent In the' university and' ho will have
tho task of facing the world as a man.
A Nebraska man, and true, clpan and
honest, he is a man who should win
the love of every student who became
acquainted With him. Any schooj in
Y this broad land of ours may bo sure
h that if Harry Ewlng has charge of
' of their football players that tho team
which ho will produce' will be one of
the best. Should fate declare that he
will haVe an opportunity to coach n
team which should meet the Cornhusk
era on .the gridiron, then will bo tho
-time, for, the.,.w.earer8of thg Scarlet
and Cream to look to their colors,
lest the team which Coach Ewlng will
bo able to develop with a fair amouni
of material may deeat tho team which
will represent his alma mater. To you
Coach Ewlng, wo offer the thanks of
tho entire student body in that you
have helped Nebraska three years at
a member of tho team, and this your
in your efforts to develop men who
will bo qualified to fill the positions
loft vacant by tho loss of several d
the veterans of this year's team.
Cross Cotaimtry
By Dr. R. G. Clapp
The Alumni Committee of tho In
tercollegiate Conference in charge of
arrangements for the annual Western
Intercollegiate Cross Country Run de
cided that Jackson Park, Chicago, is
not a suitable place to hold a cross
country race, and voted to run the
race this year on the University 'oy
Wisconsin course at Madison. This
course is not too hilly or 'too difficult
for a typical croBS-country course, buL
there are some decided objections to
tho -course. The roads are too hard
and rough to permit the using of ordi
nary running shoos and tho air was
so extremely cold and moist that it
proved a serious handicap to all con
testants not accustomed to these con
ditions. In spite of a further draw
backthe difficulty most teams -experienced
In reaching Madison eleven
teams were entered for the race, all
of which appeared at the starting
mark except tho University of Mis
souri. For the flrpt time in the history of
the Western Intercollegiate Crosa
Country Association, the Nebraska
team was entirely outclassed by the
winners. T,he University of WJscon
slii quintet were unquestionably the
Our Thanksgiving Sale
is now on. Suits, Cloaks, Furs, Skirts
Waists, Peticoats, Capes and Kimo
nas at 50 off. Be sure and take
advantage of a sale that does not oc
cur often.
121 North ilih Si.
Litfla Building
fastest and strongest team that has
ever taken part in the annual cross
country contest, as is shown by the
new record, and remarkably fast
time of 20 minutes and 15 of a sec
ond. Provision in Rules.
Cross country rules provide, in caBe
any member ofa team falls to finish,
that such teams shall be disqualified.
The cold Wisconsin air had a disas
trous effect upon Bates' heart and
lungs and cauBed hi mto fall out of
the race twice once at tho end of
the second mile and again, for good,
at the end of the third mile. This, of
course, disqualified the Nebraska
jteam'; however, had Bates been able
to flnlBh where he could reasonably
have been expected to place, the Ne-
Boo Us Before Ordering 'Elsewhere
Programs, Menus, Announce
ments, Stationery, Booklets
128-180 No 14th St.
braska team would still have been
outclassed by Wisconsin although
tho competition would have been
sharp between Nebraska, Minnesota
and Ames for second and third placets.
Tho average standard ot the run
ning was far superior to that of any
previous year in spite of tho fact that
several of tho teams entered this year
for the first time. This Is well .illus
trated by the fact that L. It. Ander-
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