.ftlf ,, h .. (S4 A it j ,-- - tSA'ilMiwMOHCJr AH&rlvf V.flAt, . i i iUOStfJJAlfi l r - Y : : 'I t .."VlVv )'T s ", . i -i -, -tcr ' r' ff. X. fro. 41, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER p, 1910. . j Price 5 CtntiV;! TEACHERS' MEETINGS NEXT rjtsrfcjfr jrs rlil1 IV irceprasijan anr.- i i - -'-; 'H rTr W ( L J h- r NU EXTENSIVE PROGRAM FOR r STRUCTORS-P.LANNEp. IN- mib SPEAKERS HAVE BEEN SECURED AlC' BANQUETS WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY NIGHT. WSGI1G PRO RAM HAS REEK ARRANGED FOR TUESDAY f4tgweiWill Have Chanee -to , &WMjh9c Camilla arid Take In f Hatkell Football Game. I The aah'ual State Toachors' associa tion, which, it hap been tho fortune of Llncpjn, f6 receive 'through tho Btat6 MnlversltyYwlll assemble in Lincoln tact' week; November 23, 24, and-B6j - Great preparations aro being- made erthcTeceptlon- of- an unusually larg. Attendance and one. ro tap on' tirelynew features -will bo introduced tato the 'session. Arrangements have een made to havo regular excursions vr tha 'university campus to vifft uch .buildings as the museum, art alL-.and library. If tho contempla tions' of those oflclatlngprovo corrects ilwassoclatlon wilrhavo an exception ally ; successful moetjHg JhlB.yejir, and fxfcerlohco a"' substantlal'lncreaso In , Attendance from tho session of Jast var. ' ' ' , - ' r i' i Th's association' Is this year under' the supervision of N. M. Graham, On kU Uflf rare Chas. W, Taylpr vjcoi resident; W. T. Stockdalo secretary, idA. H. StaloyQ troasuror., ,Tho com iraUthamoolhorograithlg 'yjhftf will' bo "Moral Linos in EducaHon?' A selection of many talented speakers has been made who; will address the- , Secure Noted 8peakera. JBVery effort has boon made by tho efUcors of tho association' to secure r fer it the most Txoted and talented speakers of the county. Among some that will. aDlHwr am William ic chan cellor, a recogalzed authority 9n ques tions of interest to hlghTohoolsand nlversRies; Prank A. Crano of Chl cagoarsfeat1 of repute.w a plat foflstf orator, Tffb 'will address tin assembly" on Thanksgiving day' Ed ward Howard Griggs, author of "Tho , New HWjanlsra' "Moral Education," and "MM't-UaVot the TAargln";Hor m&n Harrel Home of New York City, aman versed on moral and ethical ftuesUoa, who will dollver several" addressee ;VHnry Suzzallo, head ot tho tfepartiseat of philosophy of edu "cation inthV teacher's college of Co lumbia university, -tho. editor, of tho. Riverside Press (Educational Mono .oraphs; M. Adelaide Holton, eupei' Ivlsor of primary work In Minneapolis, Who promises to bo a source of In- struoUon to, the primary toachors, of the stat4; ' penry Purmont Eames, a xuisiclan and'locturor of international reputation; and William M. Davidson of the Omaha schools, who needs' no 'jntroductW to the members ot tho ' To obviate many inconveniences, the management havo decreed that admlsBlon to both, tho general and spe cial entertainments may bo bad only $y tho presentation of a membership eadge. These madges may bo obtained for one dollar. P Industrial Exhibition. In connection with the1 aasodatlon, an exhibition of Industrial work ao ompllshed by. tho different schools ver tho Btate will be made at th Aui iltorlum. This is not a. new feature to the a8soclatlontbut Is one that a jways attracts considerable' attention. fAs an incentive for the more indus itrinH. nromlums amounting toJO twill be awarded to successful com petitors,, . v , - f A&Mvtintroduotloa, to the regular fsessjwjote ailatlQ;'ttrjJllB- 7iBv-veninrr-November3MiitWieb. Part I. "Tho PllgrimslV .. f . . . , ..Chadwlck Unlvofslty Chorus, String Quln- .r. n totte and Organ. " -v i t !!Tho breaking waves dashed high Gn a stern ad rock bound opaat And tho 'woods "against a stormy '' I sky Tholr giant branches tQBS.ed,, .And tho heavynighi Jung- dark, tfho hills and waters o'or, -Whon a band of Exiles moored 1 4helr bark 'Z On tho wild New England shoro. Not as tho Conquoror comes, They, tho true-hearted came, Not with tho roll of tho stirring drums And tho trumpet that sings of famo; Not as tho flying come rln BflencQ and in fear, , They shook the dopths of the for est's gloom , With their hymns of lofty cheer. Amidst tho storm they sang. i . And' the' stars, heard, apdithV sea; j-AnLJhoBQundingialsles of the dim woods rang With tho anthem of the -free, ' And tho bcoaniOaglo' soared"' !' From his nest by tho white 1 C yravo's foam, 'I And tho rocking pines of tho forest - roared, ' ""' This was their wolcomo homo. Why khad they como to wither there, , ... Afar from childhood's land? There, wna a woman's fearless 9yo, Lit by hot loyo's deep truth, There was manhood's brow serene ly hlRh. ' And tho 'fldry hoart of youth. What sought they thus afar, Bright JpwelB from tho' mine, Tho wealth of boob, xq spoils of FIVE FOOTBALL MEN BEHIND QUINTET OF.CORNHUSKERS MUST GET fcUSYAT ONCE. (AHKOT WAY UNTH WORK SM ITUt, Thoy sought 'shrine, a faith's pure Thqro wore, men with hoary hair Amid that Pilgrim band. Ay, call it holy ground, Tho Boil, the soil ' whore first they trod; Thoy havo left unstained5 what there-'they found, Freedom to worship God. r ' Part.JL " Alexis Male, Quartet Gorhrfrd Alexis, flrat tenor. Crispin Aloxls, second tenor. Joseph Alexis, first bass. Oscar Alpxis,' second bass. Organ Marcho Trjomphalo. ... ,.,..,, , J. Lemmon8 Gerhard Aloxls. , Quartet ""I 8tormen''' '. . .Durrner Tenor Solo "Sunshine andRain" , . Blumonthal Gerhard Alexis. Quartet "Sunday .Morning'? . . . ...... .....,,,.,,, Alexis "Memories of Galllleo" ..Palmer Organr-Ovorturo Handel Gerhard Alexis. THREE BATTLES ON THE GRAM FOR TODAY. PRO- All classes aro dismissed from It to 12 a. m. will participate. Tho ono of most In terest to university student will., ho for .eollegel Aa&nlvefslty graduates, tho presiding officer being A. E. Tur ned, toastma,Btor, and Dean C. A. Fu mor andr.Professor Lawrdnce Fosslor, mastbrs of ceremonies. Tho banquet for Poru normal students and gradu ates will be conducted by E.'K. Hurst of Falls City as tostmaster, and C. O. Olino of . Lincoln, master of cere monies. Thoro will also be a banquet for tho Kearney andFromont normal students, with President W. H. Clem mons, toastmaster, and 'President A. O. Thomas, master of ceremonies. ' BETTER THAN A CIRCU8. WILL BE A "BIRD." Thanksgiving Number of Nebraskan Will Be Out Wednesday. . Tho u big Thanksgiving j number of tho Daily iNoDraskan will be our Wednesday. All, students should "be. fluro-and, get a copy of. this big ,num bpr. An all-MIsBOuri Valley football foam picked by the Nebraskan will "be a feature. Besides being three or four times as largo as -the regular edi tion, an insert of all the members of tho team "who won their letter this year will bo added. Put in you or der for tho big number now, as tho supply will be limited. Annual County, Fair Promises o Be the Best Ever Held. . , Th annual County Fair; under the auspices of tho Y. W, C. A., will be held tonight in tho armory. Booths have been erected for the stunts, shows and other events which have been arranged, Monte Carlo in min iature has beon promised. A fish pond, candy booths, "snooiruie ctiutes" and everything included in tho list of attractlpns for tho Nebras ka Coney Island, The booths will be in charge of the girls of the different sororities as well as other university nrcnnlintlona. a new vaudeville theater has been promised to 'he tn cnIef cauBe for "sldo-splittlng" laughter. Other events of a similar nature are listed. ! A nw lM.00-etiologlctl ant "zoological building was recently" dedl cated'frt 'the Massachusetts state ag rlcuuural colleger " " ' ji; SPIKES INITIATE. Freshman Society Get Twenty-two New Men. Spikes, the freshman interfrater nity society, held initiation last even ing at the Phi Delta Theta house. Tho initiates who will be tho active mem bers of the society during tho present year were: Alpha Tau Omega, Chand ler Trimble and JohnXutrightr Beta Theta PI, Bob Thompson and Kenneth' Wherry; Delta Tau Delta, d. unene worth and Carl Nagl; I?elta TJpsllon, Arthur Davis and Clayton Andrews; Kappa Sigma, H. Rosser and E. Bran non; Phi Gamma Delta, will, Mng ana Clyde Haul Phi Delta Theta',' Roge:- McCullough and John Andrews; Phi Kappa, P8l,cHira Btryker and George seemann; Bigma, Aipna jmiqn, uave Meeker' and Bud Wldener;, Sigma; Nu, Freshlea and the Seniors Lincoln and Omaha Second Teams Freshles' and the Varsity. -r Reports show that "King" Cole Is handicapped. As a result ot the re ports filed for tho mld-semestor five of his proteges aro In tho clutches of the' delinquency committee and unlesB the back work Is cleared up they will be out of the' line-up when Thanksgiving day' rolls around, ' Stops will bo taken by each of the fl.vo Cornhuskers to got tholr delin quencies olearod up ax once. It U nooessary to do this in order that they' ' can get into the Turkey Day battle against the Indians. Some apodal ex aminations pay have to be taken, or Bomo of tho men may havo to spend the hours required for practice in' the library or laboratory to get straight with tho board' All Kinds of Football. (Football ot all kinds and degrees may bo seen at tho athletic field th,U afternoon. Starting at 1 o'clock there will, bo threo games, enough to satjsfy oven tho" most enthusiastic rooter in Lincoln. Tho three1 games aro to be: I Lincoln, h'lgh'Vschpol second team vjjf. rOmahshizh-r-flchool second team:- sonior class vs. 'freshman-1 class, for class championship; freshmen scrubs' vs. varsity. Tho first gamo, between tho two high school second teams, promises $b be a fast little scrap. Both teams" aro made up of men who have played tb game, many of the'm in games Wh' tho first team, but not 'often enough to put' thorn on tho first team. The same, bitter rivalry exists between tho second teams as, does between the first teams, and each eleven will put up the best kind of football it' knows how. Both Expect to Win. The second game goes without say ing; Both teams expect to win, As far as the mprlts of the two teams is concerned, there is nothing more to say. Their respective abilities' were proven, last Monday. The outcome of tho gamo between seniors and fresh men will dotcrmlno tho class cham pionship, for tho year. The winning team will bo awarded sweaters bear ing tho class 'numerals. ' As a fitting close for the gridiron carnival will come tho clash between freshmen and t regulars, The 'fresh men, expect to carry off the laurels, or at least to glvo tho varsity a run for Its money. The; varsity men are not thinking much about' It The fresh men havo a powerful team thatIs, In practice. What thoy can do in a regular, game J8xetJto.be d(cjcWed1for today they have their flrst opportunity to line up for A real gamo.1 ' lF Sophs Forfeit toFrethlet. It might be well to explain how the freshmen happen to be playing the seniors, when they were defeated tV tho sophomores ' In , last Monday's game. Before going out for the. game the freshmen made sure that every thing was in proper form and that'all men Were eligible. The sophomores' did" not, ' Wh,en the ,battle was over and the sophomores were patting themselves on the back,, sbmeoae' in quired whether o? not Ur the reosae mores, were eligible. Then It 'fcato nened. When the smoke 4ad eleared 's(way it wai, found that just wo Jome sophs who had beea in the game 'really iiuu h. rigni uf piny lae grane wm m-mm-mm - -" w w w - - - wr'' - r r -. -- wb,- s m w -r R. ,T. Aldrlch and Loran Remolds:'! immediately declared forfeited arid Sigma Chi, Harry Cuinmins, and Rex the freshmen, 'will play the sealers :Faller I ..-J' I'for the sweaters. ' . ' ';'W --. ri J v i. y SSSBSSSS &2S&W&S& . r! y.u :j- TTT f .. .tin inmnunii ' i i ." ,, . 1, .. nn iinii( ii 1 1 iiiii-m ataMB