THE DAILY NEBfcASKAN AV Directory of Advertisers - The following, merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln are anxious to serve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Dally Nebraskan they -u.., that thv want vour trade: And VMUTT wy ..-. - m you may be sure that the merchant who Is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who 4s. going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep it. 80 you as well as the Nebras kan will profit by trading with these people: DANKS First Trust & Savings BAKERIES r Folaom BAhBEIt SHOPS ., Qreon'B Capital Hotel CLEANERS -J. C. Wood & Co. . . Wobor'a Sultorlum Windsor Sultorlum CLOTHINQ ' Farquhar . - : , j , Magco & Doomer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spolor &' Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL WliltobroaBt Hutching & Hyatt CQNFECTIONERY- Llricoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS Millor & Palno DRUGGISTS ' J Rlgga 1 f. FURNISHINGS, - Budd Fulk Magoo & Doomor Mayor BroB. Palaco Clothing Co. ; Rmlgo & Guonzol Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS, Budd Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co Mageo & Doomer Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon JEWELERS Hallott Tuckor PHOTOGRAPHERS Do Gaston & Houck PRINTERS Simmons 4 'i Von TlnlT" 'r RESTAURANTS ' Cameron's Y. M. C. A. Spa Miller & Palno HerpolBholraor'a TYPEWRITERS " - " B. F. Swanson Co. (shoes Budd ,' Men's Bootory . I Mnyer Bros. Miller & Palno Yates French - Wharton's SKIRTS , Skirt Store j TAILORS I Elliott BroB., . T T...i.r ' -illuviB 4- ''"j . Kl. M ..M '',fa . V ' iitii?ninpa Oliver Orpheum READY FOR THE FOOTBALL TEAM PREPARE8 FOR CL08ING GAME. WILL MEET THE f RESHMEN SATURDAY NO ADMI88ION WILL BE CHARGED TO THE GAME. Teachers from Over the State Fill the Bleachers Thanksgiving Day. win on "King" Colo's footballlstB 'aro work ing out for the Hiiskoll game, .which will bring the season" to a closo on Thanksgiving day. They were out last night for a brisk signal practice, but spent most of their time perched on the administration bulldng steps get- tng tho official picture taken to print In tho rulo book. By the timo tho Thanksgiving day game rolls around, if everything goes smoothly, tho CornhuBkors will be In condition to put up the most powerful game or the season. Every pian is now In the bes't of physical condition and tho few minor injuries of the past two hard! games have nearly all disappeared. Tho Cornhuslcers will take things easy Saturday in the gamo against the' freshmen and will take no chances on any one getting laid out so ho will be unable to go In against the Indians. The score will be closo In any event, for even if the Cornhusk -era-pu tu n-ilmliL.iHlltfEBL.gniue it will he no easy matter to walk away from tho freshmen. Coach Ewing hah turned out a wonderful team for the first year men and they can play a least as fast a game as some of the teams Nebraska has played UiIb sea son. No Admission. No admission will be charged to the game Saturday. Students are urge'd to attend. A large attendance from the freshman clnss is assured, for-to a man the freshmen aro behind their team and will support it enthusiastic ally when the time comes. Class spirit in the freshman class is as keen as any class has had for years. The HnsUell game is attracting con siderable attontlon, and while bun dreds of tho students wijl bo out of the city, it is expected that the at tendance will io as large ub at' any game so far this season. Teachers from out over tho state, who will be in Lincoln for their annual meeting aro sending in for reservations and the number of visitors wll more than make up for the students who are not here. In (he mkl-w'cst intercollegiate track meet. The team, composed of W. A. Me llck, captain; JL. R. Anderson, V. Bates, O. M. Swanson and F, Hayes, has been in constant training ever since tfic time of Ub selection nnd has received oVory possible Improvement that could be added by Dr. Clapp, coach, and Cap tain Mellck. It is leaving for .Wis consin today highly confident that il there lsany bacon to be distributed, Nebraska will receive her share. The prospects for victory, however, are not what the coacli would like to havo them. As a relteratlo of a statement recently Issued by DV. Clapp, the team which will represeiit Nebraska this year is In many re spects superior to previous teams that have participated In UiIb event It has weakened, however, In one es sential point team work. .Because of such decidedly good team work, the coach and cap tarn mnntnin Nebraska has heretofore been successful in "making ends meet" at Chicago. Individual Runners. This year tho team is composed o what might be termed individual run ners. That they have skill and speed is unquestioned, but whether the will be able to mnnlpulnto this speed toward team work success Is a fact yet to bo proved, Mellck Anderson and Bates are showing off great form and display every Indication that they will finish the course at Madison up with or ahead of the best opposing Simmons the Printer PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 2319 317 So. 12th CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK I2th and O Streets P. L. HALT-.. President F. E. JOHNSON. Vlco-preBldent BBMAN C. FOX. Cushlor W. "W. HACKNEY, JR., Asat. Cash. IF IT'S PRIMTIMR YOU WANT Boo TJa ' Before Ordering Elsowfcoro Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th 8t. The First Trust and - Savings Bank 4 PER CENT INTEREST $1 opens an account " 135) South 11th Street. ARE OFF-TOR (VI '. " CROSS-COUNTRY FIVE LEAVE TO. DAY FOR MADISON. runner. . , Swanson Is nlso showing consist ent speed nnd is expected fo hold his own in tho event. Hnyes, however, lmn nnt produced the speed which lu promisee! to do. In the try-outs ho has received the encouragement of his follow .runners. At .Madison, how ever, ho will have to sail his own shif if the race is to he vton. In fact, the outcomo of the race so far as Xc brnslca is concerned will depend to a great extent on tho form Hayes is in. Team Leaves Today. The team will leave Lincoln this aftdrnoon over the Hoclt Island. They will chnngo at Omaha to the North western and nrrlve in Madison Friday noon. At 3 o'clock Friday 6 very team to he entered in the big race will be taken over the course. Concerning the time or the race, the first nrrangoment8 have been nltered. instead of Having tlio race at 11 a. m., as it previously has been held, il will this year be called at 1:110 p. in. Tho only reason which partially ac counts for this change is that tho big Chlcago-WlscoiiBin football game will take place Saturday afternoon, and tho cross-country race will ho pulled off as a forerunner to tho game. Dr. Clapp has announced that the course at Madison is much, harder than. .Hie one UBedjitXcJirnBk'h. In places It is Very hilly, which Is ex pected to handicap most of the visit ing teams. Tho race will start at Camp Randall, then out to Lake Drive, nnd hack to the flnHsh on Camp Rundall, covering a total distance of five miles. Hot Drinks 1 . . aro now in sonson. Do yon know anyplaco whoro you cun got as QUICK SERVICE . as von cno at our 'now store? No noodf boing crowdod. Lincoln Candy Kitchen 14th & O S. W. Corner Warthon's $2.50 Shoe Store and the Original Elect ric Shoe Repair Factory 142 No. 12th St. fCANNOT PICK THE WINNERS UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A, Tucker JEWELER Si-Si-Sheari OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT . Your Patronage Solicited COURSE AT THE BADGER SCHOOL IS RATHER HILLY". Captain Mellck, Anderson, Bates, SWanson and Hayes to "Do the Stunt" for Nebraska. Everything Is ready for tho start. TireTJniTeTBlty of Nebraska- oross- country team will leavo for Madison, Wis.,'this afternoon at 4 o'clock to en gage in tho annual croBS-cduntry race L For Lunches Put Up 'for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and . Fruit Punches Call at :THE FOLSOM, 1301 BOTH PHONES JSl I