THE DAILY NIBRAIKAN i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . TIM PROPBUTY OP THH UMVBRSITY OF NEBRASKA, LlneejyNebraflkn. Pushed by . .., TUB BTUDBNT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor C. J. LORD Managing B4ltor Q. T. LIDDELL AMOolate Kdltor T, J, IIAnQRAVE Associate Salter... ... A. H. DINBMORE U1INE88 STAFF. Manager ..; ,..,.., ..a. 0. KIDDOO AfslBtant Manager. V. 0. IIABCALL ClroUlatlon Manager.. 0. C. BUCHANAN , Editerlal und Builneti omcet AS1MENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. PerteWet, ttatten A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PBR YEAR T' Payable In Advance. Ingle Ceptee, B Cents Each. Teleahonet Auto 1888. Night, Rhenee Auto 1888; Auto 2683 1 Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at the rate of 10 corns tho Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of. .Faculty notices and University bul letins will gladly be published free. Entered at the postoulco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-clnss mull matter, under the Act of Congress of March 8. J879. , Advertisements for the want column should bejeft at the business office, base ment Administration building, between 10 a. m, and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad vertlslna, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen were er fraction thereof the first Insertion three Insertions twenty-five tents; five Insertions forty cents, NOVEMBER 10, 1910. Tho ability of NobrnBka graduates to hold down responsible positions spoakB more for tho school and its methods of education than can bo esti mated, Eloven mo a on tho faculty of on Institution shows that at least ono of the most progressive colleges on the Pacific coast knows whoro to got the kind of mon they want for in structors, Tho need of hotter support on tho part of tho students has always boon one of the regrettable things about tho Daily Nbroskan' Tll studont body as a whole has been unablo to see the TllrM'isMhJB.-M Gan-wear-our-shoes-if-they-have-the D---nr Bf C' JMtlLslwlAIH s price. But while we are waiting for K U U U QH their business you want to see those ALDRICH 1415 O STREET 3.50 Sll08S mattor tho samo way as have tho busi ness managers. No doubt if tho Ne braskan is changed in size, it will cauBO many to think that something is wrong somowhorc, and so it is. "TPrdpor support on tho part of tho stu dent body has been neglected in moro than one lino of university activities. Debate, glee club work, athletics; all the bo have felt tho withering influonco of poor student support. Other schools havo aolyed tho problem by levying a fee on tho students and this fco ad mitted them to all tho privileges which now depends upon tho support of only a bare majority. How about it? Is this tho best plan at Nebraska? It appears, that It is7 But what do you think about It? Four parades in four dayB. Surely Nebraska spirit is being demonstrated at last It is tho proper spirit. It is tho spirit that wins. That a demon stratlon of enthusiasm is felt by tho members of the team in a game was shown Saturday, when time after timo when something disheartening would happen so that the Cornhuskers would loso tho ball in the shadow of tho Kansas goal posts, tho Nebraska men would come back and fight all tho - Senior-Junior (, Football Friday, November 11 First Game Called ' at 2 O'Clock CONVOCATION : Jit fcV- Dr. h. 2S. " The Art kt MEMORIAL HALL harder, until finally tho ball was pushed over for victory. Tho parade ub a send-off to tho team showed en thusiasm and spirit. Tho parado after tho gamo showed happiness, tho parado tho night aflor tho gamo was a demonstration of patriotism, while tho parado when tho team roturnod was a truo expression of Nebraska spirit. All four tilings mako a com bination of real spirit which eannot bo defeated. It inspirts a team and tho team supporters to do bettor and greater things for tho university tho university for all truo Nebraskans. Tho annual art exhibit haB in tho past been poorly attended by tho mombors of tho student body. Tho Nebraska Art Association goes to a groat deal of oxpenso in holding this annual art exhibition. Through tho offorts of tho association tho pictures are hung In tho university art gallery. Students on the campus have but to walk a fow short stepB to bo at tho door of art hall. A fow more and you havo ontorod. Tho bonofits of an hour's visit to thlB exhibition will re pay tho visitor threefold for tho time that ho spends at the exhibition. Tho university as a wholo is vory fortu nato to havo such an oxcollent oppor tunity to attend this exhibition. No timo is lost in so doing, as a fow mo ments now and then botwoen classes, or when you would naturally bo sitting around on the campuB, could bo used to cultivate your knowledge of nrt studies and their beauties. Meeting of tho German Club. Tho German club (Deutsche Gesel llgo Veroln) w$l hold a mooting Thurs day evening at tho homo of Miss Eliz abeth Wittmann, 939 H street, at 8 o'clock sharp. All tho members newly elected to tho club nro cordially Invit ed. The club will discuss plans con cerning tho candy booth at tho "County Fair." 'Tho committee ap pointed to take charge of this consists of MlsBes" Wittmann, chairman; Smith, Taylor, Baker, initiation of now mombors will tako placo at tho next meeting in threo wooks. Drake recently hold a track meet among tho freshmen. As their year ling class contains several high school stars, some of tho events are fairly fast. Sophomore-Freshman Games r ( v 3 r Admission to Both Games 25 Cents TODAY - 'i t i . LOWRY - Exhibit" ' VJ A I J A. M. A largo gray skull cap, short visor typo, with an orango button, is tho of ficial freshman cap at Oberlin. Tho two candidates for junior class prosldcnt at Wisconsin havo announced tho respective platforms upon which they will run for office. Kansas university has decided that thero aro too many interests to dis tract the students' attention. Instead of tho faculty the student council will attempt to remedy tin! situation. Kansas state agricultural college has a girl rooters' club which attendB all the football games and 1b said to be equal tho men's organization in en thusiasm, if not in noise. At tho University of Minnesota a prlzo of ten dollars is bolng offered to tho Btudent who made tho most money during the summer vacation. Tho University of Utah was repre sented at tho Utah state fair by a building forty by eighty, feet. Tho committee has only one department represented each year. Thero is an unprecedented Increase of students at Cedar Falls this year. Tho Minnehaha, the humorous magazine of tho University of Minne sota, becauso of mismanagement last year, had to bo organicd under a now editorial board this fall. Students at Wisconsin aro jUBt now in tho midst of a campaign for a stu dont union building, a dean of men, a new bota house, and a seven-game schedule ProspectB for tho attain ment of these ends are encouraging. A new student government system has been ndopted by tho girls of Iowa' weBioyuu college, iney muKO xne rules by which their daily routing is regulated and elect by popularballot a council winch enforces those rules and inflicts all punishment. COMING EVENTS All University organizations are re quested to send in announcements which they desire to have published. Convocation. At convocation Thursdayi November 10, Dr. H. B. Lowry' will bo tho speaker. Social. The annual senior hop will be held at tho Lincoln on Friday, November 11. The Y. M. 0. A. will give a stag re ception Tor freshman students on Fri day evening, November 11, in the Memorial hall. , Organizations. Palladian Literary society will meet Friday night in tho Temple. Union Literary society will meet Friday night in the Temple. Athletics. Football, Ames vs. Nebraska, Ne braska field, 8 p. m. Saturday. Class football games will be played on Friday afternoon. Seniors ys. juniors, sophomores vs, freshmen, i Work Called For and Dolivorod , Students Work a Specialty Windsor SiaitorikUrri Open Saturday Night All Night WOLFE & YOUNG Suits Cleaned and Prated $1.25 Auto 4728 EXCLUSIVE HUYLER'S & FINE CHOCOLATES For Lunches Put also Ice Cream and Getihlf Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St BOTH PHONES The nlvorslty of Nebratka urges all young people, who can, to tako a four-year high school course and prepare to enter college. , Some, however, -cannot spend the time required l)y tho high schoolff uuu coucgo courses. or iuo ouuenc lished, a number of ypars ago, tho School of Agriculture which admits thoso who have completed The Country Schocls Courses given in Practical Agriculture, including Agronomy, Agri cultural Botany and Chemistry, Apimal Husbandry, Dairying, Domes JlcJmceJujriUm Machlnry Practice, Horticulture and the general branches. Registration at the University Farm; starting October 31, 1910. NEW TERIVJSTARTED NOVEMBER 1, 1910 For information addross A. E. Davlsson, Principal, Tho Uni versity Farm, Lincoln Nebraska. W. E G A Wet-Proof Shoes For Men and Women These are the most satisfactory wet-Weather shoes you have ever worn. They have a rubber lining uLi vS. &?sSC between the welt and the J&GALt A1 ,, .. . Tj mud s iuuuci uuuig uu uic ill side of the welt seam, and another rubber lining on the bottom of the inner-sole. m As a result, you are-assured dry feet in wet weather this not only means comfort, but also health. We want to show you thee Regal Wet Proof Shoes at our store and have you try them on. 1 VL. I H $500 SPEIER& SIMON m 1 B3r CORNER TENTH . Pressed 60o BellF2292 AGENCY HUDSON'S AND BON BONS wr Up for Parties, College Ices, and 01 inese, mo university estaD sole. ,. of and AND 6 STREETS ciT7$7cr P m .nil! 7BV I?! II f i Ill H I ffUrvM'JEVv'V . i 1 X I "V'v HPIW