The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 09, 1910, Image 2
-jr. .j" , yv s" .g fW ,': THE DAILY NEBRAfiKAlf f r. ;' THE DAILVNEBRASKAN TUB PROPERTY OP THE UNrVHJUWTY OP NHDRABKA, Lincoln, NobranUa. Published by vBnll1tl TUB STUDBNT PUPLICATIONPOAIID "" EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor ...-........,, C. J. LOIID Managing Editor.. O. T. MDDELL, Awoolato Editor T. J. HAIKIRAVE Associate Editor A. H. DINBMORO BUSINESS STAFF. Manager ....... Q. C. 1CIDDOO AnalsUint Manager V. C. IIASCALL Circulation Manager.. C. C. DUCHANAN Editorial and Business Offlcoi BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postonlee, Station A, Lincoln, nod. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advanco. Single Coplea, S Cent Each. Telephone! Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683; Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES wltl be charged for at the rate of 10 cents tho Insertion for every fifteen' words or fraction there of. Faculty 'notices and Unlvenilty bul letins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under the Aot of Congross of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, bate ment Administration building, between 10 a. m, and 12'm., or between 2 p. m. and D p. m. Cash must accompany all ordera for ad vertlalnorat the rata of ten centa for each fifteen wore or. fraction thereof the flrat Insertion! three Insertions twenty-five tents J five Insertions forty cents. NOVEMBER 9, 1910. CURE THAT HEADACHE. Beautiful weather, Isn't It? Just tho sort to make a man want to get out In tho woods with his bcBt co-ed friend. "Would be flno If you could do that this afternoon, wouldn't it? But supposo you can't Perhaps she has a headache, or a mid-semester, or Bomo other awful thing. What will you, do In that caso? Zero's a suggestion: Get busy and wrlto a song for that Ames game next Saturday.. ThiB is Just the sort of weather to inspire the proper Bort of stuff, and it will bo a tnBk of pleasure Then, when it 1b finished, hunt her 1415 up and road. It to her in lieu of tho trip to tho woods. Maybo it will caso tho h'oadacho and help out tho exam. On any case, try it. Tho team needs tho songs and you need those two re Borved Boats which Manager Eager Is offering for the boB.t contribution. P088IBLE? OR PROBABLE? For tho third time In four years the Conhusker football team has the Mis souri Valloy conference championship almost within its grasp. A victory over Ames noxt Saturday will cinch the tltlo for tho Nebraska team; a defeat will tangle up tho conference in a throe-cornered tio. Victory 1b clearly a possibility, a strong possibility. But just how much of a probability may it bo? Three years ago tho Ames game was tho most critical game of tho Nebras ka schedule. It was In that year that -Johnnio IVollor ooted the hall over tho goal in tho last few minutes of play, thereby pulling a ton to nine vie tory out of seeming' defeat. After that it was easy. ""Tho Cornhuskers went down to Kansas and won 1G to C, and tho Missouri Valloy championship was theirs. Again in 1908 the Cornhuskers wore doped as suro winners. Thoy played a gamo of remarkable strength against tho powerful GophorB and won a practical victory by holding tho Mln- neaotans to a 0 to 0 tie. Cornhuskor stock was soaring. Ames was defeat ed .23 to 17, Iowa 11 to 8, and tho championship seemed surely ours. Then camo thq Jayhawkers, and when tho talo of that day was done, Ne braska had handed tho title toKansas on a silver platter engrossed with tho tribute "20 .to 5." Thus for two years the Cornhuskers wero in a situation similar to that of the. present season, In bno caso they won; in tho other thoy lost, In the following year, tho championship was plainly scarcely to ho honed for. But this year, doughty Kansas is al ..'ready defeated, and Ames Booms to bo easy, Easy,? Seemingly bo; but who BUDD d can toll? Kansas was so thought in in 1908, but tho result was othorwise. Nebraska teams havo been fooled in tho past, as havo Nebraska students as a whole. Victory over AmeB is possible aye probable, but it is not certain. Cornhuskers, team and stu dents, must remembor this fact and take caro. Ames has tho same feeling towards Nebraska this week that Ne braska had towards Kansas last' week. Tho AggleB feel that the chances are against them, yet that very knowledge makes them fiercely determined to use superhuman efforts against Coach Colo's men. Possible? Of course. Probable? Seemingly so. But not by any means a certainty. 8CH00L8 INSPECTED. Flrat List Approved by Accredited 8choola Committee. Tho committeo on accredited schools haB approved tho first list of accredit ed high schoolB of the state. Other schools will bo taken up as the inspec tion by Inspector Reed and Assistant Inspector Vobs Is finished. The schools JS is -always therje - Avitli - Naw - Ideas - jf - you Como in and see those new shades of and especially the new mottled colors in on tho. first list aro all four-year schools, granting sufficient credits for entrance into tho regular colleges of tho university. Thoy aro: Albion, Arapahoe, Ashland, Atkinson, Auburn, Aurora, Broken Bow, Central City, Crete,, Emerson, Fairbury, Geneva, Harvard, Holdrego, Kearney, Lexing ton, Lincoln, McCook, Madison, No Ugh, North Platto, Nebraska City, Nel son, Norfolk, Oakdale, Omaha, Pawned City, St. Paul, Seward, Sidney, Scotts. Bluff, Schuyler, Stanton, Superior, Sut ton, TeachorB' College Modol school, TecumBoh, Valentine, Wahoo, Wllbor. KOMEN8KY CLUB MEETS. Bohemian Students Have a Jolly Meet ing at the "Komensky House." About fifty wero present at tho last KomonBky meeting, which was held at "tho "Komensky House." 319 South 26th street. To most of tho guests it was their first acquaintance with tho attractive homo of tho Bohemian girl students, who certainly mado all foel "at home." Tho "Komensky-mado kolacheB" and other characteristic dishes served, conjured up delightful visions of homo and mother. The club was pleasantly surprised by tho news that a new Komensky so ciety, with a charter membership of fifty-two, had TJeon organized tho evening before at Clarkson, Nebraska. Two now members wero admitted. It was decided to represent the' club at tho "County Fair" by giving tho Bo hemian folk danco. Koclan. the Bohemian violinist who played at tho Oliver Thursday, sent an expression of thanks to tho club for its floral offering. It was tho pleas ure of most of the members to meet the virtuoso after tho concert and to enjoy his friendly wordB and Joviality. After the business meeting, the club enjoyed a musical arid literary program. At thefT invitation of Tlev, Weathorly of All Souls' churoh tho so ciety will meet at his home Friday evening, November 18, ' '" a SEND IN YOUR SONGS! SONGS! FOtfTHE AMES gaivJe. Y. W. C. A. MEETINQ8. Program for This Week Haa Been An nounced. A schedulo for this weok'a Y. W. C. A. noon meetings has boon announced. It is as follows: TuosdayMisB Graco Richards. Wednesday Miss R. Manning. Thursday MIbb Hazel Vlbbard. Friday Dr. Ella Walkor. Registrations In tho Y. W. C. A. Bible study classes has almost closed and tho work in tho courses is pro gressing rapidly. Tho class under Rev. S. Mills Hayes. "Prophets," which was to havo commenced this weok, Is dolaycd on account of his absence from tho city. The student volunteer band was a guoBt of Mr. and Mrs. DorKinderen last evening. Tho mooting of tho rog ular weekly session was held at this place instead qf tho association rooriiB. November 13-19, all of noxt week will bo observed throughout tho world as tho world's weok of prayer for both tho Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. - question itr Brown, Gray $2.50 STREET HATS Patten to Found a Chair. Chicago, 111. Dr. Arthur Edwards has announced tho gift of $200,000 by James A. Patton, former board of trade operator, to found a chair of experimental pathology in Northwest ern university medical school. yTho purpose chiefly Is tho study and oxperlment of tuberculosis and pneumonia. Tho gift was inspired di rectly by tho death from tuberculosis recently of George Patten, brothor of the grain operator. ! Illinois University Visitors. A delegation, from tho University of Illinois recently visited tho agricul tural college and experiment station of tho university. ThiB delegation consisted of Dean E. Davenport of tho collego of agriculture; A. P. Grout of Winchester, 111.; F. L. Hatch of Spring Grove, 111.; F. J. Mann of Gil man, ill.; C; O. Ewing of Decatur, 111.; R. Allen of Delovan, 111.; H. J. Sconco of Sidoll, 111., and W. N. Rudd of Morgan Park, Chicago. Mr. Hatch and Mr. Grout represented tho trus tees of tho university, and tho othor gentlemen of the committeo repre sented tho several state agricultural organizations, which feel tho neces sity of providing more adequate facili ties for tho University of Illinois than thoy now have for purposes of instruc tion. Tho annual exhibit of tho Nebraska Art association will open at tile uni versity art gallory on November 12. Tho pictures havo been, selected from tho works of tho most prominent art ists by Miss Cora Parker, who writes most enthusiastically of her success in securing 'tho co-operation and in terest' of famous painters.- It is ex pected tho oxhiblt will equal fully, if not surpass, tho host of those of previous years'. The collection will bo in tho, city until after tho mooting of tho state teachers' association. The Missouri Pacific Railroad com pany has been cited by tho railway commission to appear November 10 and show cause why it shall not be ordered to restore train service be tween Falls City and Omaha as such eorvlco existed prior to .August 1, Work Callod For and Dollvorod ' , Studonta Work a Specialty Windsor Suitorium Opon Saturday Night All Night WOLFE & YOUNG, Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.25 Pressed 50c Auto 4728 ' BellF2292 EXCLUSIVE HUYLER'S & FINE CHOCOLATES Gejhiih 0 a foBZM ti'K'M i M Wmm kwW KKiit For Lunches Put also Ice Cream and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St. BOTH PHONES Tho nlverslty of Nebrntka urges all young people, who can, to take a four-year high school courso and prepare to enter college. Some, however, cannot Bpend tho time required by tho high school and collego courses. For tho bonoflt of those, tho University estab lished, a number of years ago, tho School of Agriculture which admits Uiobo who hnve completed The Country Schools Courses given in Practical Agriculture, including Agronomy, Agri cultural Botany and Chemistry, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Domes tic 8clence, Farm Machinery, Farm ManagementivrFarm Veterinary PracticerHortlculture and the general brancheBTT" Registration at tho University Farm, starting 'October 31, 1910. NEW TERM STARTED NOVEMBER 1, 1910 For Information address A. B. Davlsson, Principal, Tho Uni versity Farm, Lincoln, Nebraska. MMWWM E G Wet-Proof Sho For Men and Women These are the most satisfactory weUweather shoes you have eyer worn. They have a rubber lining between the welt and the sole,(. &: WW" A1. .M.llA l.n m lliA side of the welt scam, and another rubber lining on the bottom of the inner-sole As a result, you are assured of dry feet in wet weather and this not only means comfort, but also health. We want to show you these RegaKWet FJroof Shoes at our store and have you try them on. $500 " . 'k J 3ttftvL. SPEIER & SIMON 1 CORNER TENTHS AND O STREETS V AGENCY HUDSON'S AND BON B0NS .A "A Up for Parties, College Ices, and I in. v. dlTSUzcr . j A L i mm mm ' ! IJmA 'IH I 1 l Sl ' rnxm m J . K) '7 -: 'HtVf ;i a 1 : 1) f, ife. -h' XtA i .. fi' . Ay. a fo & , !. -7 ! i '.. .-' V w- V -