Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1910)
Pf.v ' -A "' i vv : M V & u 3 'X "fT')k' -' rGf-iW ' .. - -."' --. d I (4. . " J ' . .' 3i ... 'fl'SPPi ' 1rmE1- iPBIBH -! ! "' P '.,,'Jt' " fSjattat ('''-& " hi J j - - f . ni Qhe milv k 1 VI lf vj v : ;-. . L -T T F W r 'J'f .4l r Mr ar r r r Lf Js-S-I HH kr F S IF ir r Mr H r L ft - bOMLUtf Vi ( ' I S " L?2h - m J ', V.-. r Vol. X. No. 33 AMES STANDS IN THE WAY CHAMPION8HIP GAME WILL BE PLAYED HERE 8ATURDAY. PENNANT "DOPED" UP FOR NEBRASKA CORNHU8KER8 ARE CL08ING SEA SON WITH m "SPLURGE." 8carlot and Cream Line Is One of the Best Ever Put Out jn the Valley. ' Nebraska will play Ames for thc MlBBourl Valley championship on Ne braska flold Saturday aftornoon. Cole thinks his men xjan win. 'Nut Sed. While a number of tho Cornhuskors are stiff and sore from tho fierce Bcrap down at Lawrence, no one is In a seri ous condition and Saturday will see jUBt as strong an eleven aB faced tho Jayhawkers. If Amos wins It will bo because they aro In tho same class as Harvard and Minnesota. Ab the record stands now, Nebras ka's claim to tho title Is not disputed, and It Is generally conceded that Ames will go down In defeat In SaCur days contoBt. Iowa and Ames have both been tramped in the dust, and KanBas and Missouri have both" lost. Whllo Nobraska, does not play Mis souri and Iowa this year, a comparison of the three teamB puts tho Nobras kans far in the lead. Nebraska's ono dofeat at the hnjids of tho powerful Minnesotans . does not enter into tho CQJUildorationr ItfuoeuTlho" CorhhulkT ers aro to bo given credit for holding tho Gophers to only 27 points". This was almost tho Bamo aa the Minne sota score over Chicago. Whirlwind Finish. With Amos and Haskell yot to play, both games In Lincoln, 1t. looks aB if tho CornhuBkers will bring tho season to a whirlwind finish. Thoy have mado a good start and tho homo stretch is in sight. Tho CornhuBkors .got better each week. The lino getB stronger, If such a thing is possible, and the backs got faster and faster. Nebraska's line is one that will bo romombered as long as football Is played at Nebraska. It Ib, all things considered, one of the most powerful, and at tho Bamo timo ono of the fast est, that has ever lined up for tho Scarlet and Cream. Shonka and Temple at ta.cklo.aro the bright and shining stars, unequaled in the west. Chaunor and Lofgron on tho ends dre as fast as any In tho Missouri Valley. Harmon, Hornbergor and-Elliott fur nish better material for tho guards than any throe men on any ono team this pldb of the Mississippi. Collins Is playing a bettor game at center than ho over nlayod in his life, and that 1s saying a good deal. Tho back field is nono the less brilliant than tho lino. Owen Prank, Minor, Warner and Rathbone aro putting up a speedier and more consistent gamo than, any back field In the Valley. Tho Ames gamo, which will decide Nebraska's right to tho pennant be yond all question, will doubtless bo a drawing card and will probably bo witnessed by,,,the greatest crowd of-the season. PREPARING FOR EXHIBIT. Pictures Are Arriving and "Are .Being Put. In Place. The' annual art exhibit, conducted ' under the auspices of thevort aVsoola-, tion, will open ;riext Saturday." The pictures nave already arrived and Are now tfelng placed in the exhibition Tialls. All classes inder Professor Ming in European history and"Trf Howard Jn political science and goclolog. which" Tiave been, meeting in L306", will, dur ing: the xMBft, meet in the music, hall of the Tfmple.s . " , UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1910, GIRL81 GIRLSI! GIRL8II! The tickets for the girls' section at the Ames game will be on sale at the two book stores. TEGNER 80CIETY MEET8. Students Hold Enjoyable Meeting in Temple. Last Saturday nn enthusiastic moot ing of the Swedish Boclety was hold In the Temple. The attendance was larger than over, and twolvo persons applied for membership. Tho program .consisted of nn interesting lecture on Tegner's early llfo, by Rev., Gustaf Erickson, declamation (from Fritlofs saga) by Mr. Frank CarlBon, and sing ing by the society. After the program refreshments were served, and an en joyable social hour was spent. A3HBY HERE. Former Nebraska Student Visits U. of N. on His Way East. Robert C. Ashby, 1908,' Is in Lincoln en route for Washington, D. C, whore ho has been called by business Inter est b. Mr. Aahby was recently appoint ed head of tho farmers' Instituto of tho State College of Washington. Ac cording to Mr. Ashby, his appointment makes tho eleventh nppointment of n Nebraska graduate to the faculty of this school. , Whllo in the University of Nebras ka Mr. Ashby was prominent in school affairs, 'ty&wns a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Shortly aler graduation, he became iin ...assistant at the state farm and later went to tho State College of Washington, where he hold a like position until his recent promotion. CONVOCATION DATES. Important Speakers to Appear on the University Platform. Professor Qrummnnn of tho convo cation committee announces the fol lowing speakers have been engaged for convocation on the following dates: S Thursday, Nov. 10 The art exhibit, with Illustrations. Dr. H. B. Lowry. Tuesday, Nov. IS Mr. Chas. P. Dole of Boston, Mass., "Leadership In a Democracy." Thursday,' Nov. 17 Rev. S. Mills Hakes, "Some PhaseB of European Lire." Tuesday, NovV 22 Thanksgiving program. The speaker for tomorrow is Dr. H. B. Ix)wry. Ho will speak on tho nrt exhibit. Several of the Important paintings which will be on exhibition after Monday In the art gallery will be hung In Memorial hall lor. this, .ad dress, and Dr. Lowry will point out several of the important features in these works of art. He will also ex plain tho exhibit and point out the advantages which students may obtain from attending tho exhibition. r IN UNIFORMS TUE8DAY. Cadets Appear in Suits for First Timer Ths Year. For tEe first time this year the uni versity cadets appeared last night In full uniform The appearance was rather "natty" In view of tho fact that every cadet had the uniform white gloves and 'white linen collars. The uniform 'this year is exactly iho Bame as that jiow,-iQd in the U, S. regular army,, with the exception of the trim mirigs. TJie pripd of the uniform this yea,r Ja $12.40, thla figure being some: -what cheaper than tho price charged cadets last year for uniforms. The cadet manual, being, formulated and written by H. S, Yatea, comman dant of the uniYeralty cadets, is rapid ly Hearing completion and Unexpected to be la. pfBB' by the end qt the, month. This manual is being written primarily for Nebraska oadet uee. ! SING THE NEBRASKA SONGS UNIVER8ITY CHORUS APPEAR8 AT CONVOCATION. MANY CONTRIBUTIONS SENT IN TWO TICKET8 FOR BE8T 80NG FOR THE AME8 GAME. Parodies on Popular Airs Aro Needed for the Game With the Aggies Noxt 8aturday. The University Chorus hns takon the lead in getting new songs for tho university and under tho diroction of Mrs. Raymond 1b able to present a collection of songs that aro a credit to tho university. At convocation Tuesday these songs wore sung by tho chorus and each ono mot -with hearty applause "Our Ne braska" Is a Nebraska product, tho words and music having boon written by tho Misses Hartloy and Bullock of last year's class. It Is a part song, haB nn inspiring rythm, and is sultablo for any university occasion. Professor Stevens has already mado his reputation as tho composer of the "Cornhusker," but his new song, "Col lego Memories," is dedicated to tho alumni. The words expreBB tho trua Nebraska spirit. The rest of tho Bongs that the chorus sang wore parodies onJ popular airs. TeSIKg"T6r Ames. It Ib to bo planned thatat the ATnoB game the rooters will take a hold of these songs and sing thorn tho way that they shoujd bo sung. Tune "Just Because It's You, You, You." Just because you're square, B0Y8. Just because you're true. Nebraska we are loyal, And we're strong for you. Keep your goal from danger. Smash their line. Get throughl That Is why we love you, - Just .because you're U-U-U-N-l .. Ver-Ver-Ver-slty N-E-Bras-KI fc Oh-Oh-Oh-My. Tun "What's the Matter with Father?" What's the matter with N. U.7 She's all right! What's the matter with our team? Wa'tch them flghtl Ames thinks she's awful strong, But wait till we put her hobbles on, Whafs the matter with our team? She's all right 1 What's the matter with Ames? She's all In! What's the matter with Ames? 8he can't wlnf We'll lick her so bad she'll never forget. We'll put the hobbles on her yet What's the matter with Ames? 8 he's all Inl A I I rniJWHiTQKrn BANQUET J Decenijber a What's the matter with our bunch?- They're Just swell I What's the matter with our bunch? Hear them yell! Way up In heaven, way down In h They'll hear the echoes of our yell. What's the matter with N. U.? 8he Beats- Ames! Tune "What's the Matter with ' Father?" What's the matter with Nebraska? She's all rightl What's thet matter with the good old 8carlet and Whlte7 Though they have husky warriors at Ames, We have the team that wins the games. What's the matter with Nebraska? 8he's all right! What's the matter with the Aggies? They're all In! What's the matter wltfrthe Aggies? Where have they been? Your line and backfleld are certalny slack, Oh! Ames, It's a. cinch that you can't come back. What's the matter with the Aggies? They're all In! - Tune"Jlngaboo Man." Ames, you team Is mighty wise, You've got a great big team that tries, But when they try that forward pass, Something always seems to slip, alas Your trick plays don't gain at all, They stop when they butt Nebraska's old stonewall. Work, wok, 'Ames, Just as hard as Xoupjease Nebraska's going to get you, to bring you to your knees. Tunc"l Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now." I wonder who Is beating them now? I wonder who's been teaching them how? Wonder who's waiting to see the score As It grows, grows and grows. I wonder who's gaining the goal? 8ure, It's the team of that mighty King Cole. Wonder If Ames ever thought they could win? I wonder who's winning the game? Sure it's Nebraska who ls..wlnnlng the gapie! Ames for them Is altogether too tame! Nebraska keeps going right through their line, 8corlng five and four make nine. It's Nebraska who's surely to Win, For to Ames they will never give Inl Queer that Ames ever thought they could win, For It's Nebraska who's winning this time. ARE THE FAVORITES. Nebraska or Minnesota Expect to Win the Championship In Cross country. A forecast-ofr the intercollegiate cross-country run to bp hold on 'No vember 19, seems tojndicate that tho real Btrugjle .'will bo between Minne sota and "Nebraska. Minnesota won the contest, last year and la coming back with an equally strong team, while reports from Nebraska" indicate that a wealth opfftrong material ia available for the coaches, The situation at Wisconsin is not as promising as mighj be lipped. Some of last year's men have come' out, but there Is a lamentable lack of good men to draw on in case of injury to any of the" regular; The try-out a week ago did not raise any especially rosy prospect Unless the. situation 'improves considerably, Wisconsin will be hard pressed to make' a good show ing on Npvember1 W; The colleges parjUoipiitiBg iaHtke rwi will le WIoa'ilB, Nebraaka.hlowm, Illinois, Purdue MlanwoU, IkeUuM. Chloato, " Northwestern aM fotrtl Damt.paijy Cardinal. v , . i. 1 Price 5 Cent. MAY BE DECREASED IN SIZE ' A" ' ; NEBRA8KAN MAY BE CHANGE'lS TO A FOUR-COLUMN 8HEET EXPENSES ARE TOi HIGH NOW it PUBLICATION" BOARD TO MEET' TO CONSIDER CHANGE. Advertising and ind Subscriptions HaVf bJHftg". . ." Grown,- but :-peflclt Has Been In- ''$&?''!? from Expense of ".': .'I''' curred Printing. TllA nilhUnntlnn" lirtnrif ...III L-i. in ' --.-Ai.: J-t ovoning to consldor tho ilnnnclal con- ai&fe 6 umuu oi xuu'UHuy iNODiasimn. Blnco iiik '. ii. ...rv.ii.. t . . . . f k . tho enlargomont of tho paper two yonrs ago from a, four-column papor to Its prosont -flvo column form, tho "nag" has nover boon flelf-aupportrag. A surplus, of ovor ?C00 accumulated whllo tho papor was a four-coluran Bhcot has all beotf used up and' the: papor is now facing a deficit. Expenses Increased. This condition of affairs lias boon caused not so much by any decrease in receipts as by. tho groatly Incroasod: oxponsos Incurred by enlarging tho papor and anjncreaso In Iho prlcea chargod by the printer. Tho receipts from advertising and subscriptions have always grown steadily, although tlo number of subscribers among the fltudonls is not as la.rgo as it should be. Tho students at Nebraska are gottlng-a-bottec-collogo any uuier bcuooi, m mo west and yet i'jrjf?:' inquiries addressed to otbor schMlste. i???- havo shown 'thai the number of Yub J',fl n.. 11.. 1. . .. .. . W . rt scrlborshoro is far below what It is In othor schools, Thoro Booms to'bo but ono course of action open to tho publication 'boards 'M y$ ;l and that is" to'chango tho paper haclc -T' ,' J to itrold four-column- slzo. Expert - . once' has shown that the students of Nobraska Will not aunriort tho Unnnr In -.Ayuii- . V" L' Its present size, and tho only alterna- -VH xivo seems to be to give thorn ono that they will support,4 It Is vory probable that some defi nite action will bo takon at the nieet- jv;$L ing of the mombors of tho publication: iV 'in board this evening. Tho publication, ' board has; control of tho paper and' ' -?' thov Will vlhnlfTn -wlinf will Iia. Atrtx 1- t dr)-' . "tho way-of the change which is .con ' ... ..... v.w .n . . JWi,., 4 sidered. Tim 'Tine In nwnnil hv a fnp. o j VAy .' wV poratlon of "which the regents own a & vj'4.: ; rmtrnlll.1.. 4?.l mi.. tiA, " i V J vvuuuuiug IUIU1VDU illU UHMHY. -hares are owned by two tlunntoC, i--Vi Nobraska. y ; .; .- - , ' ' Over two Years. J V'-r'' Thn V1ll-nalriin Una Vinnn fun ". " prosont size for a little over two -years, the-present sonYestor. being, thy;1 orth semester of tho paper being is sued as a five-column sheets. :ifltk w. Daltv 1st in hn UnnraaanA in rl '4 '-l will be made to tho former foicdl sC ;; limn nnnnr wlilnh If wo a hfit. 4Wt,. , ,J; surplus was accumulated by tneb-rfl- yfi'Ki.?- jioss department' ..' iit (v '.'-'"'-.. X FRESHMAN iOCIAL, ? , First Year.tudents to le Enttrtalni by the Y. M. C. A. -'f The big freshman stag social, which is being, conducted under the taa-age-met of tho university T. M. 'C. A., wJH. take place next Friday ..evening at; 8 O'clock in Memorial hall. Thia4s a newi feature in the T. I. 0. A. sopiil ',, . nrASYam art A At- n.xMl.'a. j4 l- ? W' mark4 success. TJi'cawesvwhlV '. prompted such a ree'kwlja W&rZi t jn the desire to gel the ftrst Veer ni ' together, to arouee pome renuhtelsjia , spfrit. Many Biw''B4':atoflVaiBibi.' ,"'' have been plaanel by .the social' eofc-j wX.. ai . 1 'i: ' ,-" :...' i Bitiv m iu w7 01 proviaing.iHUHh n-ta thaf will a1A"-L. - U. li tlir aoahl-ted wit- fel' fUw r.ifc'iJ. jliL '. .'. . - '.rv' '... ..-'. - rl- :A-;-i,' '". '4 .' .. sWekt o-tW Meljvtkm oft Mlw . '(. . i X- ,1 - VJ 't, ,.-.' ? ' nt ;: 'Slf -h f , . i -l.S i U U j. . .. 't' i w- i Jl y '4' r ' ?v f . , K - . i . .-,. Jr." ''. i : " i1 f ''Hwi -, . . . t ' i-:kM. . ijH-T.. -iU n "i v , ... -1 M't .4K l) k j ! KT- ' ,' a' i ,1 V " '"z-X: tl v .y 1.4 & l.1 rt , . I O' 1" 4.: .if -.- '..' ' . ? . , jL', :.. a n S" - ' A A f'l'h" . h , iJ- it 7Z " -T-'-,. -,' (, 'j-" .J, 1, vj Vtt&ri r'''.".-.'." . .. , V j I . . . ' iv - J H.. . '' 1 -?--' -V-'W,i.4e,. '' .-J -,-!.?.''" .'..::...-. it... ., ..4 ' t. a 1 .J - . ' ' ' ' ', f '