- ,x,--"'- - 4-,--' "V-- ; ,r :-- , J i ,m f " . THE DAILY KEBRASKAN ' ""- ' ' ' i ., ,a ". jV;T;v1'fT"J. -."H3te',y ' S ; I I' i n,, .1: K " , TIM 4lROPBnTY OF Tim UNiynnwTY of NiannASKA, Itrittln, Nebraska. . . . Published by 1M. TUB BTUDBNT PUBLICATION IttAItD EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor ,..V. ,.aJi. ...,, (i... .C. J. LORD '.Managing1' IMUor.f 0, T. UDDKLL AwociHte Mitor,,;,..'r. J. h Anon AVE Associate Hdltor.. ..-.. A. H. D1NSM0RH 'Arr BUtlNKSS STAFF. , , Manager t, ,,..,.,.. O. C. KIDDOO AMlstaht.Mahagar. V. C. HAHCALL Circulation Manager., C. C. BUCHANAN , Itflttflal and. Butlneit Office) BAtKMKNTt ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. PMUfllM, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR ,t payabl in Advance. " ' )1B' Ceplei, S Cents Eaoh. ,, -;Ttlphonet Auto 1888. Night Pbenet Auto 1B88j Auto 2683; ' . Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at the rate of 10 conta tho Insertion for evferyflfteen word or fniotlon tboro of. Faculty notlcon nnd University bul letins will gladly bo published free Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, rb aeconri.cliiHH mall mat Or, under the, Act of Congress of March 3, 1879,, ; AdveHlttmanU for the want column houlde:eft at the butlneit office, base meritA"tlnihlstratlon bulldlno, between 10 am.and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. rn , Cash mil at accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen won or fraction thereof the first Insertion! ,. three Insertions twenty-five tents; five Insertions forty cents. .;..' NOVEMBER 4, 1910. Heal ,NbbraBka spirit bubbled .ovor last-njght. For the auko or nil you hVldJuoar do not lot anybody turn It Off.' 'Mif''' - & TH Th football, team no doubt felt tlmt they,vwero.api)roclntcd. The efforts of ovbfy Btudont InBt night were centered In ranking enough iioIbo to bo henrd at Lawrence; We sincerely hope that a blaze, of lire similar to the one of lastnlght can move up O street Saturday night. IfXtve win from Kansas we can cele brate In n proper ninnnor If you savo your torches. Keep them. Nebraska students must celebrate a victory over tho Jayhawkers. Get ready for a big pnrndo nnd n monsJLpr bonllro. The University KuiiBnn comes forth In its last IB8U0 with a icrt bit of edl torial which reads as follows: "Nebraska haB always assumed a THE DAILY? NEBRASKAN Ladies Shoes $4.00 and $5.00 Values Upstairs Bllghtly 'uppish' air In discussing ath letics with the University of KansaB, as if tho C6rnhU8kers were conferring a favor by scheduling, games with the Jayhawkers. ' Probably the fact that XobraBka'pctB to play some games with the big teams to tho north and east is responsible for the attitude. A . comparison of .results of Nebraska Kansas football games shows that our neighbors in, tho north have nothing on' us in tho matter of gridiron skill, "Each scnool has eighgames to its credit. The contest next Saturday has additional interest since the tie .will then bo played .off, and one institution will be able, for a year nt least, to claim superiority oyer the other." 5 Of all the Jealous. Individual the JayhawkerB are certainly tho limit. Not satisfied with winning the Mis - . spurl Valley championship, hoy 'come MEN'S 1tt MA1, T1(U Qfvi- -i-T iiwi.i i nrtiuu uiitci,. "' V, . Has those SNAPPY, NEW SHOES with HIGH TOE Aiid HEEL t 0'r-i A&foir ttie POMPADOUR r POLITICAL LABOR TEMPLE Uni sRepublican Club . allv -!-' V . O HAY WARD TO SPEAK back with the Idea thnt for tho reason thnt Nebraska hns a footbnll gnmo with Mlnnesotn ilhnunlty thnt tho Cornhuskers nro "uppish." Wo feel nt Nebraska thnt- wo have got tho best school In tho United Stntes nnd If there Is nny school' In this section of the country thnt hns a hotter football tonm than tho U. of N. then wo will gladly take off our hnt to them. Evidently tho Jayhawkers havo got n slight rosomblnnco to that "funny feeling," and rathor tromblo in tliolr shoeB ovor tho coming invnBion of tho Cornhuskers into tho Sunflower state. Como on, Kansas, stand up nnd tnke your medicine, nnd don't commence to got tho "sour grapes" Iden. Ir your athletic management is unable to schedule gnmos with Minnesota or nny team of similar standing niter you hnvo won tho Missouri Vhlley cham pionship for two years in succession, then get a now athletic manager or make a revision of some sort; but don't sny thnt Blmply because --Nebraska hns a chnnco to piny teams of Jt IeliBjtlndips thn. she Is "uppish." Be men. KnnBns, be men; don't play tho fox stunt nnd mnke your state ments resound with "sour grapes." Bowdoln is to hnvo n new .bonrd track, for which tho fnculty will give as much ns tho student body. All Kansaa university organizations must submit their accounts bfannu ally to a committee of tho faculty. Tho Junior class at Northwestern has elected ten men fo.r chnpol hsh. ora. This custom was established last year. The Michigan debating Bquad has started work on the trl-univorsity debate. The subject was announced several weeks ago, There are twenty-six "preacher stu dents" In Nebrnska Wcsieyan univer sity, Lincoln, who have regular charges. . . The University - of Nevada took forty prizes for llvo, stock at tho. Cali fornia state fair this year. Illinois university has. u married , women's o,lub among its organlza- tlbns, iTHe -,J.,'iy sur.'x?Hn p. : tifin ' . rm ' ; ' '"-TL- .. . -7. -. .; $2 BOOTERY ADVERTISING II O'CLOCK MONDAY 1 TV COMING EVENTS All University organizations are re quested to send in announcements which they desire to have published. Athletics. Footbnll game. Nebrnskn vs. Kan sas. Aal J.mvrenco, Saturday, No vember 5. Organizations. A meeting of the University Agri cultural club will be held Saturday at 8 p. m. in tho Temple. Tho Kearnoy club will meet in tho banquet hall of the Temple Saturday at 8 p. m. Tho Komensky club will meet Sat urday at 8 p. m. nt 219 South Twenty sixth street. Classes. Senior breakfast will bo .held Satur day, November 5. Students to take cara nt Ninth and O streets at C:30 a. m. Dramatic Recital, - MIbb Alice Howell will give an Inter protatlovo reading of "Jeanne d'Arc" in the Temple, Saturday at' 8 p. m. Intercollegiate cross country race to tuke placo at Madison this year instead of Chicago. A Vassar graduate has entered tho dairying course at Missouri. Sho owns and runs a farm. 50 BUDD W W 1415 O ST. A co-operative book store is to bo started at tho Univorslty of -Minnesota. Tho only college paper In the world that is a member of tho Associated Press is the Dally Prlncetonlan. At the University of Minnesota the 80-eds are making use of tho swim ming pool in large numbers. Eighteen nationalities are repre sented la tho Cosmopolitan club at tho University of California, The senior mechanicals of Ken tucky state university havo adopted tho custom of going bareheaded on the campus. On the other hnnd, all freshmen are to wear their head gear or lose their hair. H COLLEGE SHOE STORE ' : J & .'at- r .' s . SetfQur Wihdow. I HE dcTyTVill soon fee. crisp jjlv and cool Nature will don - her glorious Autumn garb And then you 11 want that Fall suit We advise a Kirschbaum Suit as being the best medium to put yourself in touch with"the spirit of the season Carefully selected all-wool fabrics, in tweeds, worsteds, chev iotsthe BEST the mills turn out. Each carefully hand-tailoredcach shape permanently and carefully sewn into the shrunken canvas and hair-cloth' found ation by experts "All-Wool" Raincoats and Topcoats in endless variety some all silk lined Raincoats all proofed by the best process Priestly Cravenette. The Kirschbaum label is the identification mark of the best clothes made at the price. Prices $15 to 25 Palace Clothing Co. 1419 O St. EXCLUSIVE HUYLER'S & FINE CHOCOLATES - -V-7.-J-r.f -.-Ir- - Zejhif For Lunches Put Up fpr Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St. BOTH PHONES 2 Days Sale of Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Thursday morning we placed on sale 665 pairs of new sea sonable Shoes in popular lasts and leathers. Styles to suit all from tfre extreme novelty lasts for young-men to the more conservative lasts for men who prefer aualitv to stvle in Gun metal calf, patent colt, yici kid and tan calf . Tfiese are all welted soles and t come in either Button orlace, someare blucher cut. Sizes range 5 to 14, widths A A to.E We "will also include in this lot a number of splendid shoes in which we haye only the narrow widths but they are regular $5 and $6 Shoes On sale Fri. and Sat. at $.286 AGENCY HUDSON'S AND BON BONS AJ-f.. $2 .90 Pair cuT'ifclarcr w jJt' J !l . M y JaM F 'H k v. H 1 ! i t