" - -vJ x. i f.T- . r t & v . - rt .f , ' 1. . . 3. . ftbe wnily Mebta8Kan rf, 1 M IV' " V b; lX ' w tfjl Ml 1 4 K ltr B t & f. VoJ. X. No. 30 EXCURSIOlST TO KANSAS FOOTBALL MM LEAVES FOR KANSAS III A GLAZE OF GLORY 600 HOWLING UNDERGRADUATES WAKE UP THE TOWN Monster Torchlight Parade Held as a Means of Showing Gridiron Heroes that Students are After the Jayhawkers OFF FOR KAN8AS. Chaucer Rathbone Shonka Minor Harmon 8turmer Collins Freltag Hornberger Swanson Elliott r Ray Tmplo Elwell Lofgren Seidef Warner Russell 'O. Frank Gibson E. Frank Anderson These are the men who left Inst night for Lawrence to battle with the Jayhawkor8'"for tho Missouri Valley championship. And these are the men -who-wer-paradod from -tho campusta: tho depot by a band of students num bering nearly GOO, and given a send off which will long bo remembered as one of the liveliest demonstrations in the history of the university. The parade was well worth seeing. and hearing to say nothing of being one of tho torch-bearers, livery one of. the 300 torches was in use nnd many students who were too late to buy one resurrected souvenirs pf by gone parades and increased the num ber of blazes to nearly 400. Made the Town Ring. Stretching out over several blocks the long lino of students made tho town ring with university yells and football songs and mado most of their clothing smell like a kerosene factory. However, a littlo thing like that mado no difference. It was worth spoiling a suit of clothes to be there. The crowd had gathered at the cam pus by 8:30, and from then until the parade started, about 9 o'clock, there was one continual jubilee. Chancellor Avery took his part In tho celebration by hiring a man to ring tho TJni bell, ami its frantic donglng supplied an accompaniment to the yells, songs and general noise which had somowhat the same effect us 100 male voices "sud denly taking up an air sung by a female choir. The chancellor also sent down ah order for .rope for the carry all, and it arrived just about the time the crowd was wondering how the tiling was to be propelled. The march led east on R street to Sixteenth, then-south to O, west on O to Eleventh, south on Eleventh to L, .east on L to Sixteenth, north on Six teenth to O, west on O to Ninth, and north on Ninth to the depot. Clima at the Depot. At the depot the send-off reached ittf climax,' The "torchlsts" packed the apace on tho platform around the CornhUBkpra' train, ,car roofs serving as reserved seats, and then demanded that each pf tho twenty-wo men in the squad make a speech. They Bpoke. The burden of their brief remarks VIA UNION PACIFIC .ft UNIVERSITY pF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, was that every man who goes In the game will strain his every nerve to win for Nebraska. Every man in the squad was Btlrred up to tho fighting point that knows of no defeat. They know the students are back of them to tho bitter end and that knowledge is sufficient. As each player stepped to the front of, the truck-platform he was given a thundering cheer and as each In turn assured his fellow students that he would do his part In the game Satur day he was cheered again. Tho demonstration was continued until the train left tho station. As it mtlln.l ulourlv nut Intn tlm ilni-knaoo .... . .. ' LawayIromihfi-.glare of the0oii more torches, tho throng of students gave one last mighty cheer. The stu dents had done their part. It is now ip to the Cornhuskers to do theirs. Practice at Kansas City. The train left at 10:25, to arrive In Kansas City early this morning. The team will stay in Kansas City today, going to Lawrence tomorrow morning. This afternoon the coach will take his men out for an easy warming up, tho last thoy will have before the game, Yesterday afternoon the practice consisted wholly "of running signals, the coach taking no chances of his men being bruised up and in poor shape for Saturday. Big Crowd Leaves Tonight. A record delegation will leave for Lawrence this evening on the special Union Pacific train. Up to last night the number who had signified their In tention of going had almost reached the limit and only few reservations were loft. However, if it is Impos sible for all to be accommodated in one train and the number wishing to go is large enough, the Union Pacific may rurt tho special In two sections. Any who decide today that they can go are urged to notify the city ticket ofilce at the earliest possible moment. The special will leave Lincoln at 8 p. m., arriving at Lawrence early Sat urday morning. The return trip will start from Lawrence Saturday night at 11 o'clock. The train will consist of standard and tourist sleepers and chair cars. The round trip rate is $7.50. Notice. There will bo a meeting of the Mathematical Seminar Friday, Ntfvem ber 5, at 4:30, In room M302. Prof. Davla will give a report on Minkow ski's Raum und Zelt. H. T. JOHNSON, ' , Secretary, The total enrollment at Chicago university thlB year is 2,410, nn In crease of 70 over Jast year. . .1 V SONO! S0N6SI SQN6SI Tune "Just Because It's You, You, You." Just because you're square, BOY8. Just because you're true. Nebraska we are loyal, And we're strong for you. Keep our goal from danger. 8maBh their line. Get throughl That Is why We love you, Just because you're U-U-U-N-l Ver-Ver-Ver-slty N-E-Bras-KI Oh-Oh-Oh-My. Tune- "My Wife's Gone' to the Country." The Nebraska boys are playing, Hoo-Rah, Hoo-Ray. They'll do their best To take the rest, That's why we feel so gay. Oh, Kansas just so easy, Hoo-Rah, Hoo-Ray. They'll take the scalp, With the rooters' help, For Nebraska today. Brannon. Tune "He's a College Boy." We must take old K. U.'s measure, Boys, we are not here for pleasure, ' ' .., uwu ; J. w IIIUBb WWSftl WlOllla We'll defeat them. We're going to win today. 8how them that you are all right, boys. Hit their line with all your might, boys. Make them fall, boys. A stonewall, boys. You are our football teaTn.Sl We'll cheer for the Scarlet and the Creanv Chorus ' 8carlet and the Cream,, , , r ' ' We'll defeat Jayhawk, ' N., We'll win In a walk, We'll come home to tell. That we simply gave them well. NE BRAS KA. We'll cheer our football boys. For Nebraska Is all the noise. Fight them, boys, and don't give In. For from Kansas we must win. Because we are Nebraska boys. (In the chorus, sing all but the last word twice, and then sing the full line.) Tune "WHat's the Matter, Father?" What'o the matter with N. U.7 She's all right! What's the matter with our team? Watch them fight! Kansas thinks she's awful strong, But wait till we put her hobbles on. What's the matter with oxir team? She's all right! What's the matter with Kansas? She's all In! What's the matter with Kansas? She can't wlnl We'll lick her so bad she'll never forget We'll put the hobbles on her yet. What's the matter with Kansas? She's all In! What's the matter with our. bunch? ', They're Just swell What's the matter wth our bunch?' Hear them yell! Way up In heaven, way down In h I They'll hear the echoes of our yell. What's the matter with N- U.? 8he beats Kansas! ' K NOVEMBER 4, 1910. Tune "Down In Jungle Town." Down In a Kansas town There lives a Jayhawk of renown, And when he meets the Cornhusker team There will be an awful scream. And, I tell to you, The Jayhawk hide Is turning blue, We'll come back, with Kansas draped in black, From poor old Lawrence town. , FOOTBALL 8PECIAL TRAIN To Lawrence, Kansas. The Union Pacific will run a special train to Lawrence, Kansas, leaving Lincoln Friday at 8 p. m.; returning leave Lawrence Saturday evening 11 o'clock. Round trip fare $7.50. The trajn will consist of standard and tour' 1st sleepers and chair cars. The stand ard berth rate Is $2 one way. The tourist berth rate Is $1 one way. Call early and secure tickets and make res ervations at City Ticket Office, 1044 O street. E. B. 8L0880N, General Agent. FRE8HMEN DECIDE ON CAP8. Will Wear Light Grey Headgear with Dark Red Numerals. Freshman caps will be of light gray matorlnl with dark red "14" numerate, This Was decided at a class meeting hold yostordny In tho Temple theater An order for tho first Installment was sent In by tho committee last night and tho caps nre to bo secured with out delay. Tho following were appoint ed a committee on constitution: Chandler Trimble, chairman; Helen Holman, Gertrude Qulgley, Harvey Hesse, Thomas Hyperdon. PICNIC PLANNED. Junior- Laws. Complete Election of Officers. - At a meeting of tho Junior laws hold Thursday morning at 9 o'clock- -the- mlnor class .officers were elected, as follows: Vice-president, H. V. Oakley. Secretary and treasurer, It. S. Mose ley. Plans wore discussed and a com mittee appointed to arrange for a pic nic. "Olo" Motcalfo offered his homo as aiprobablo picnic ground and the offer was enthusiastically accepted. The date of the event Is' not definite, but will probably occur somo time next week. , IlfCORNHUSKER BANQUET! I I i i i I I I I December 3 !- yyagx 8 Price 5 Cents. SENIOR BREAKFAST IS READY FOURTH YEAR STUDENTS TO PIC NIC SATURDAY MORNING. '() HELD TO AROUSE (LASS SPIRIT PROGRAM OF ALL KINDS OF CON TESTS PLANNED. Tickets on Sale To Meet at Tenth and O 8treets Saturday at 6:30 a. m. Tho annual senior, breakfast will be hold on Saturday moriilng in tho woods weBt of tho ponltentlary. This' early. morning hike will bo tho first senior social stunt for tho year. It will bo a "got hotter acquainted meet ing." Nearly ovory sonlor has ar ranged to bo there. Special Cars. Special cars will leavo Tenth and O streets at 6:30 a. m, Tho breakfast will bo hold In Branson's grove, about one-half, mllo west of tho peniten tiary. Tho committee promises plenty to eat, Everybody will get a plenty of everything. Branson's grove Is one of the pret tiest spots In Nebraska. It Is an ideal-Tilcnlc-prouixd. Thc-glant-trcer-hayo dropped their loaves and the sun will shine down upon tho Jolly seniors to warm them up n bit If the temper aturo Bhould bo Uyv. To Increase 8plrit The main purposo Ib to increase class spirit and friendliness and af ford tho upper classmen a chanco to become better acquainted. Coming as It does in tho morning, there will be nothing to lessen tho attendance, The. breakfast Is planned so as to afford an oxcollent opportunity for tho mem bers of the cIbsb to become better ac quainted with each other early in the school year and in this way all the other affairs that the claBs may hold -will-be moro enjoyed. Various forms of contests have been planned. For tho winners of these events t liberal prizes will bo of fered. Tho tickets for tills event may he purchased of any of the committee members, ' Thfe;prlce Is 35 cents, whlch.iloes not Include .carfare. Tha mombeVs of-tho committee are: W. H, Plasters, chairman; Grace Richards, Mabello Davis, W. T. Wolvlngton and Herbert Ford. CADET8 MEET. - , A A Elect Officers and' Name Dance Com mittees. ' A meeting of the commissioned' of ficers of the cadet regiment ;wa held Thursday night in the commandant's ofilce. -Ofllcers Tor the year were elect- ed as folloWf , i C. J. Kreamer, president. W V. vyibb, vice-prcqmenu- H. A. Coulter, secretary F. E. Rodhe, treasurer. . Tho men who will have charge of the ofllcfcrs'hoi) are as 'follows: H. C. Hathaway, chairman; H. N. Cain, master of 'ceremonies. A meeting of the noncommissioned Officers was also held at whlnh fha I men who are to manage the ' I mm" hnn 'wars aIoaaJ fbu. iui & L. A, Welsh, chairman; J)t Jr',fc HDusen, master of" cereraonlee. -'", q P.WL V vC v &)fcH JH 4 "V, V. i v.. v, . v U V tf.l