.--jUjit;" ''';' i -iA vs. t THI DAILY NXBftAIKAN ' l ! T I 0 S 7 it .', "w I- ,' V. I" . ' ' lv I I.. J- ' r , i 'i. Directory of Advertisers The follwlnfl merchants and busi ness men ' Lincoln are anxious to serve the . University students. By ,'placlm their advertisements In the columns ef the Dally NebrasKan they show thatthey want your trade. And you may, fee sure that tho rnerchant who (shilling to make a llttlo effort to get.your patronage is the one who Is going to treat you honestly and cons(derately In attempting to "keep It. aovjfoti as we'll as the Nebras ka nfcrrwl II profit by trading with these people: BANKS',9 FlrabTrUBfc. & Savings BAKERIES - '7 Polaorn'?',' BARBER SHOPS Green's - CapltallHotel . BOOK STORES Sk 'A. t . . Co-opt -University GLEANERS' J. -0. Wood & Co; , Wobor's SulWrlum ; Windsor Sultorlum CLOTHING Fnrquhnr -J t Mngoo & Deomor - , Mnyer BroB.. Pnlaco Clothirig Co. , Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. ' t COAL Vhltebreast HutchW & Hyatt , , CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS Miller & Patno Rudgo ,& Guoneol , ( DRUGGISTS HSfSS WtoltflS The World's Standard. Tone tyftKrtfirfrifin C clcar mellow and very pow- J bU.1 IU.ULLHO rrfiil. Ahtnlnti1t nrrfrrl- in fylLTtCUZP scale. Finest workmanship. J77ny5 xTice3 irom jpio upward. yxKSr Send for illustrated Cata log to the makers. n..? ro. (05) For ole by alt lendlne music clcalcrn. Dtth D002 CHICAGO MAY BAH NOTRE DAME MEN MICHIGAN QUE8TION8 ELIGIBIL ' ITY OF THRE 8TAR8. THE GAME IS IN THE BALANCE Dlmmlck, Philbrook and Matthews Bones of Contention Meeting Has Not Been Called. .- ;. t J A " ' :' Rlgga ' ENGRAyERS Cornell , 'FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk ... Magee.& Deemer Mayor BroB. . Palace Clothing Co. Rudgo & Guenzel . Speler" & Simon Armstrong; Clothing Co. HATTERS-, f,H, Budd ... " , 4'- Flk xr a . .: ArmstWa; Chrthlag Co. .. Magee & Deemer .v ""Mayor Bros. , Palace Clottyng Co. Vf ' Rudgo'& Guenxel Spoler & Simon JEWELERS Hallett , T.ucker . i - x iVl. . W ,i'jil M " - - LAUNDRIES Evans i -' OPTICIANS Sucan - J! 'I'sj.VJm''.' a ?y' ,. i .w i i, .u,.. .- PHOTOGRAPHERS " De Gaston &'Houck PRINTERS Simmons Van Tine RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch, Cameron's Y. M, C. A. Spa Miller, & Paine Horpolshelmor's TYPEWRITERS -Lincoln Typewriter "Exchange B; F. Swanson Co. . . f - t SHOES Armstrong Clothing Cv Budd f "' - , . Men's (Bootery ( Mayer uros. , 1 Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 2. UnleBS Notre Dame disqualifies threo of its players, whose names aro included In tho list received nore today, there is a remote possibility that the Michigan Notre Dame game, scheduled for next Saturday, never will bo played; while oven if the authorities do ngrco to n compromise In order not to leave a vacancy In- the schedule, the troublo that has been precipitated probably will result in a Soverance of athletic relations botwoen Michigan and Notre Dame. The establishment of a postofuce on Princeton's campus Is being Btrongly- agitated. Tho library of Pennsylvania now contains 300,000 volumes and 50,000 pamphlets. In keeping tab on fraternities, the University of Indiana has raised the organization scholarship standing. Becauso of promising track mate rial, tho women Btudents at Syracuse will hold a track meet. 1 , Miller & Paine Yates French, Wharton's ; , If 1 iit in Wf, ,SiaRTS lSklrt Store TAILORS. Elliott Bros,;' a t ,. Ludwie "' r K try t if M . Michigan authorities refuse to dis cuss tho situation, but It Is known that the athletic officials wore In confer ence during the greator part of tho day. Tho threo players, whom Michi gan is Buiuiosod to object aro Dlmmlck vnd Philbrook, tho votoran tackles, and Matthews, all of whom, it is al legod, have played longer than, al lowed by Michigan rules. Director Bartelme refused today to saj. whether or not the matter had been taken up with tllb Notre Dame authorities, but It is certain that the matter hero Is In the handB of Prof. Holbrook, chairman of the board of control. Meeting Not Yet Called. As the list of players whom Notre Dnmo-is expected to use arrived only last night no meeting of the Michigan board has been held to investigate whether the men whose eligibility is questioned are eligible under Michi gan's rules, which, according to tho contract, are to govern this year's Michlgan-Notre Dame game, Probably the refusal of Prof. Hol brook to discuss the matter is due as much to the fact that Notre Dame holds tho whip hand and. Michigan is not anxious to assumo a position pub licly from which later It may be mnde, to recede. If Notro Dame "Insists on using the three men Michigan either will have to" acquiesce or cancel the game and the latter course will not be resorted to unless all attempts to reach an amicable ngreoment fall. Coach Yost has begun to fear that overconfldonce may hurt Michigan's chances 'in the game, so he has for saken Ills optimistic attitude. Tonight ho gave the players it long lecture on the possibility of holding Longman's men too cheaply. Yost Wacns His Men. v "You can bet tho Irishmen will' be working six or eight hours a. day get ting ready for us," said he, "and there won't be eight .or ton,costly fumbles, They looked .bad last Saturday, but that's going to make It all the harder for us." , . - A hard rain proveuted the dally scrimmage onlght and Yost let tho men off within hard signal drill. All the regulars were in the-tlno-up, which was the samo as ntthe beginning ol the Syracuse game. Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be Tween 'IT aTlrn "alfcnz m., or between" 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. WANTED. Song for the Ames-Nebraska game. Two tlckots to the game will bo given for the best parody on a popular song. Send all songs to the Nebraskan office fat once. The principle upon which flying machines are constructed and oper ated are being Btudled nt the Univer sity of Wisconsin this year. Classified Column Y. M. C. A. Employment Bureau wants men to tend furnaces In private families for room. Wanted Man to do Janitor work for room and board. Walter Wanted First man to apply gets job. Y. M. C. A., Temple, 1 to 2 p. m. 28-2t For Rent. For Rent P street. -Good double room. 1G4U 28-3 1 For Rent One Inrge front room down stairs, $15. Two large front rooms upstairs, $8. All furnished modern. 1328 T St. 2G-Bt f , : $6 rents any make of typewriter with stand for three months. Rent applied if machine Is purchased. Lin coln Typewriter Exchange, 122 No. 11th. Richards block. You pass our store every day. tf For Stile Due bill on lending pho? tographer In Lincoln. See Nebraskan mnnnger. ' tf. LOST. Lost Pair of glasses, In case, and black Watorman's fountain pen. Re turn to Ray office for reward'. 28-3t , i FOUND. Found Two bladod knife on Ath letic Held, which owner may obtain at Ray oillco by Identifying and paying for this nd. ' 28-3t Educational. 'THEATRES . Orpheum k Learn WlreleBs and ,R. R. vTolegra- ' phy. Shortage of fully 10,000 oporat- win uu, uwi;uuiit oi 4-nour iaw anq ex tensive "wireless' dovolopments. Wo operate under direct supervision of telegraph officials and "positively place, all, students, tvnen qualified. Write for..c'ataJoguo, Nat'l Telegraph Inst, Plnnlnnati. Phlladelnhia.. Momnhls Michigan university has "awarded a navnnnnrt T . Columbia. S. O.. PnH, lprlz,ecif $100 for a now gridiron song, land, Ore. tf r Th e y 1 Attention ofourSttb- sctibets ( ) Is called to the fact that sub cfiptions for fe f if st semes ter; if paid by Dec 1, are $1; after December 1, are $1,25. ," a . r ' Save 25 Cents Pay Now AST," i ' i ''' BASEMENT Adm. Building : '! 1 v -K.- A r V ' ' .4?:...-: I vr !-,.. ' ; '," 4 k l .'isiiiijj. c mm j r . -r .IV '. v - i I, f --v T ? r ..AflfJ P Ajt -X. 'I' J A-. yt, 'I, " ' a I "