r "TW" '. 'j-7 ' r V I' s . 1 , THE DAILY HKBRAKAN 4' tyAwte ''" "I,1" l 1 i r ' . 3 A If i - I' I. tv. ' ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tim pgorBnTY of TUB UNlVWnTY OP NDBRABKA, , , " LlnMki, Nebraska, . PaMUhcd by '. c THE BTUDWKT EUDMCATION BOAMJ KDITORIAL STAFF. Editor ' 1 1 1 i C. J. LORD MftnaKlnr;Wlter,........0. T. liddeix Aasoolatft JMIter..,. ..T. J, HAIIORAVB Associate Hdlter A. II. DINSMORB , BUSINESS STAFF. Manager i.r.i.,.,.T...a. 0, KIDDOO Assistant MshSkw. V. C. HABCALL, ClrculatJen Manager.. C. C. DUGIIANAN Kclltr(aKanrf Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION 11.00. FnUfflMt tUtlen A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YE An Payabta In Advance. Single Ceples, 5 Cents Each. 1 1 - -r T i ' i - " ' , " Teleahenei Auto 1W, Night Phone Auto 18? Auto 6S3; Bell 11JX .. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES Trill b Tharpcd for at the-rate of 10. cnt th lnArUn for every fifteen words or traction thrp of. Faculty notices anil University bul letins wlll-gtadly be published fre. Entered at the poMofttco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-cUms mail matter, under the, Act or ConRrens of March 5. 1879. MEMORIAL. HALL 4 lit n., a. m; c f 1 vd v s, Hon. H W. Hardy 'ftosfaift -t V. v TODAY Advertisements for the want column shout fee' It ft at the business office, base ment Administration bulldlno. between 10 a. m. ami 12 m., or between 2 p. -m. and S p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for ad verUSIng, St the 'rate of ten cents for each fifteen wera sr fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twentyflve tents; Ave Insertions forty cents. NOVEMBER 3. 1010. """ Everybody owtl Got a torch nnd saow the tenia thnt every student Is behind them, body nnd soul.. Show them that wo hnve tho real spirit nnd Bhow tho men of the foot bull squad that the students nre behind them win or lose. Wo, want them to win, nnd so get out and Join the procession tonight. Tho team needs your pros enco, tho university needs It, nnd you need tho spirit of the rest of tho students. "On to KniiBnB" Is the right slogan It Js typical of the spirit thnt wlns Tho rooters who go to Lawrenco will '"haYOnhopportunlty-to Bhovr-the-Jayn hawkers (hat NobraBku Is "thero nnd ovor." Th'o support of n few hundred yelling .students on u foreign footbull Held does moro to give tlio gridiron heroQsjj.tiio fighting spirit thnn nny- Do not the nsc of education, anyway? All thnt people are on oarth for Is lo add a fov trimmings to tho Inevitable bread nnd butter, and to sot up a little furniture In the care which their ancestors niRdo their home. So why study? "Of course a mnn needs enough arithmetic to Ilguro'the Interest on hlB note for sixty days. He should be ablo to spell tho commou words of business. Somo knowledge of geogrn phy would not come amiss. But this business of wasting yenrs In study lug history, economics, philosophy, biology, Latin, Greek or what not nbsurd! "What difference does it make whether tho Bun goes around the earth or tho earth around tho sun? You go to work" at tho same time every morning, no matter which goes around. Why wnste time lenrnlng how tho planets aro formed? Thnt won't help you sell goods. Then there Is a wholo barrel of nonsense in college speculation over God, nnd destiny and eternal llfo and tho constitution of niatter. What's tho use? Somo chap has said that his idea of happiness was to go out in tho fields with a friend, Ho on his back, look nt the sky "nmrtnllmbQiitrGodrThnrffTibmir as- thlng olse. . So go if you can. let minor reasons stand In tho way. Glvo tho team a good send-off Thurs- which he hns planned to stop the Go pher attack. Tho line-up in the signal drill was tho snmo ob in tho North western game, with the exception of Pierce, whoso plnco at gunrl was filled by .Murphy. Plorco hnd boon laid up In bed since Saturday nnd it will bo severni dnys before the big guard's Jrjb J u red hip will have mended sufficiently for him to get Into tho game. WILL PUBLI8H PROGRAMS. Electrical Engineers Preparing List of Meetings. The university branch of tho Amer ican Institute of Electrical Engineers will soon publish a list of programs to bo given this year. Tho list will be sent to studont nnd assoclato mem bers graduates and to others lntor ested in the elcctricnl field. This oranch hnBsUeen established by the International bureau of electrical en gineers for the purpose of interesting studouts in electrical engineering work and fitting them for tho presen tation of papers beforo technical soci eties. The organization is not only helpful, but it- also affords a social meeting plnco for electrlcnl engineer ing -studentss All -electrical-engineers nre- Invited to the open meeting, a list of which will bo published later. far as these Impractical higher cduca tion folks get. If a man wasn't talk Ing abbut God hoviulght be planning something really worth while how tp An amendment to the constitution make a pile in wheat or how to gat, lot' tho Brown Athletic association rlil of somo common stock to ndvan- requiring that nil athletic players tago. woar brown stockings, Iiob been de "You can never get nnywhero by feated. Cravenettes DRESSY COVERINGS FOR MEN $10.00 BODD day amVjoJha tho rooters' special Fri- going to college. -MoBt millionaires day night; and show Kansas that we have a- sqhopl here that thinks aB much of Its 'football team iib they do .I'- " 18 THIS RIGHT? ' Tho .following 'editorial is clipped , from tho Kansas City Star: "Nochargq lsmado for reproducing tho followIngadvortlBement or a Vol ume uyan enterprising rhicngo busi ness man: . :, A Live Wire on Higher Schooling : :..t, ; ItTV Crno's New Book : : ' (331 Pages) : : Showing he.FalJacy of All Kinds : : of. Higher Schooling. i Foi Sale byvall Book Stores. : V (Aiii," " .'That; thV stuff U Stop this higher schooling. Shutrup'the colleges. Turn "thenmlversltles Into' factories. What's don't know Iatln and never looked insldo a book of philosophy. What tills country needs is moro million aires. Put every boy and girl to work at 14. Then you would' see tho United States of America begin to hum." At KnnsnB University the student council has undertaken an nntl-grart campaign, aiid purposes to eliminate' lucrnttve positions in the school, y COMING INVENTS BADGERS IN "GYM" PRACTICE. All University organizations are re quested tosend in announcements which they desire to have published. Real Winter Weather Prevents Squad from Working on Open Field. Madison, Wis, For tho first tlmo' since tho opening of the season tho Badger squad did not practice at Camp Randall today. A combination of rain, sleet nnd snow rendercd'thd field lin practicable for anyHtlmr-of work nnd Coach Barry assembled tho men In the gymnasium for signal drill, Ho ex plained to the players tho defense S Tll fr, ar SATURDAY r i. - VI" a Senior B reakfast .'.' -. -. - 6 t -V. .iWf v r t I- J6 yi Athletics. The football team will bo given a big send-off Thursday at 30 i). mm. Torches .for the parade will be on sale at tho Nobrnskan office Wednesday and Thursday from 10 to U a. m, anil 3 to 5 p. m. Football gnme. Nebraska vs. Kan sas. Aal J.avvience, Saturday, No vember n, - v -- Organizations. A meeting of the University Agrl cultural qlub will bo held Siturdqx at 8 p. m. In tho Temple. Tho Kearney club will meet In the banquet hall of tho Temple Saturday at 8 pr m. The Komensky club will meet Sat urday at 8 p. m. at 219 South Twenty-, sixth street. ,v Classes. - t , Senior breakfast will bb held Satur day, "November 5. Students to take cars at Ninth nnd O strootB nt G:30 a. m. Convocation. Hon. H. W. Hardy of Llncohr will speat at coAvocatlon this morning at 11 o'clooK. Dramatic Recital. "bllm Alice Howell will glvo an Inter ,pretatIqY Tftjidine; of "Jeanno I'Atc'' in the T)pipW, Saturday f p. m. Work Called For and Delivered StndenU Work- a Specialty lAindeor &iltorlim Open Saturday Night AU Night WOLFE & YOUNG s . , - Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.25' Aolo 4728 Pressed 50c Bell F2292 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS iM mm. .. m. w Gejhtir ctr JVKJGT For Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE , 1307 O St. BOTH PHONES The nlyrslty of Nebrntka urges all young people, who can, to take a four-year high school course and prepare to enter college. Some, however, cannot spend the time required by tho high -school and college courses. For the benefit of these, the University estab-' llBhed, a number of years ago, the School of Agricultures which admits those who have completed , The Country Schools . cultural.. BQtanyjjnd. -Chemistry. Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Domes- tic Science, Farm Machinery, Farm management; Farm Veterinary Courses glvGn in Practical Agriculture, Including Agronomy, Agrl- ti Far Practice, Horticulture and the general branches. Registration at the University Farm, starting October 31, 1910. NEW TERM STARTS NOVEMBEFf 1, 1910 I For informatlonfddress A. E. Davlason, Principal, Tho Unl- . I verslty Farm, Lincoln, Nebraska. I , avVX r M i f ,'-iN. Jr v r Ebcclusive" Custom Shapes $350400 $450$500 REGAL SHOES . If we had all the leading custom bootmakers of New York City working right here in our store designing shoes, we could not give you smarter styles than we now offer you g the new Reral models. Because every one of these Regals is an accurate reproduction of .an exclusive custom model for this season. , ' v 0 f These Regals give you custom-fit and quak'ty, too frunm in anJ 1L 1 " " " wwm. tu wiu luuik. ufcu oyer. speier & smm CORNER ;TONTH AND OJTREETS : y Ju .xi.. .v. i . r V y r. ' L-' r 4- - A ,'j:' n-J j- ; r V -1 e nuttdfiu " !.... -i3c jta rn. ;,i." - C ii'' ' M2wm i&i f Jf I "' '.. -i 1 - -' it,' . t i, "