A X k 'Uz r t TH1 DAILY K1BKAIKAX M ' v , K 'JKtfty Imp lip uv f Oliver Theatre DDAY 2J30 TONIGHT 8:15 "Seven Days" i Mat. $1.00 to 25c Night $1.00 to 50c. ' Friday Night, Nov. 4. , "THE TIME, THE PLACE, AND THE GIRL." Sat. Mat, and Night, Nov. 5. "UNDER 80UTHERN SKIES." LINCOLN ""WtasWHSP ' w ORPHEUM BURNS ADVANCED VADDVILLE Week Starting Monday, Oct. 31st "TOP 0 TH' WORLD DANCERS" AND 7 OTHER BIG ACT8 Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Simmons the Printer PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 23 1 9 3 1 7 So. 1 2th rThe First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST A ' $1 openaan account 180 South Uth Strooi. if iT's PBINTINGY0U WANT Soo Ua -Boforo Ordering lsowhoro Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-18Q No 14th St. SPEGIALGLASSESFORUNIMEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE UTILI-" TARIAN 8TUDIE8. Afternoon and Evening Classes In Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typewrit ing, Penmanship At Nebras- .ka School of Business. EXPERIENCE Of UNIVERSITY MEN The Nebraska School of Business, located W tho Hall Bros, building, 15i9 O street, is organizing special afternoon and' evening classes at con venient hours for university Btudonts who ..wish .to study cither shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping or penman ship. Tho evening classes meet three ,evenlngs each week Monday, Wed nesdayjand Friday University stu dents may arrange for any number of hours per week that thoy may wiBh to take, and tho rates for tuition will be very reasonable. Tho instruction Is given by teachers of long experi ence and recognized ability. Mr. Glerin O. Taylor, B. A., LL. B., speaking from his own experience, says: "I, have no heslfatlon in say ing that I believe tho freshman in col . lege makes a mis take if ho doos not avail himself of .the opportuni ty of studying shorthand and typewriting. 'The student who has a knowledge of shorthand has not only a very rapid means of taking notes from class work to be used later as references in preparation for reviews" and examinations, but also has a knowledge which may bo readi ly turned into money during his spare hours and vacations. Moreover, such student,, when his "college course is finished, is assured immediate employ ment in jthe commercial world." Mr. Fank ates, a student of the N S.' B,, .who held1 a position with the B. & M. in this city last year, is now paying his way through Northwestern, at Evanston, with his shorthand and BbP' f .tvnawrltlne. i r- w Mr ' t! Any university students, interested Fta these special classes are invited; to rCHll ML lUO .IUUUU1 RUU UUWIU Antvuot 'particulars, The school is located ,on O street In the Hall Bros, bttllilir, Just east of the F. Jb M. .haak. ON THE CAMPUS Don Cameron's Cafe, 119 So. 12th. Alpha Oinicron Pi held a house party Saturday at tho chapter house For your pajtles tfa'genslck Orches tra. Auto 2990. 22-5t Miss Bashre Tully, 1910, Is Instruc tor at elocution extension centers for tho university this year. Capin Bros.,x Florists, 127 South Thirteenth street. . The Dolta Zeta sorority gave a house party last Saturday evening a( their chapter house. - Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. v Miss McGovorn Nand Miss Emily Houska were guests at tho Dolta Zeta for the week's end. j " Try a lunch at tho Y, M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. V Have your clothes pressod at -Wob or's Sultorlum, Eleventh and O. w Benjamin Inhelder, '14, was visiting friends at Peru Sunday. Georgo Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vltos and Programs. Miss Funkhouser and Miss Loa How ard of Omaha visited tho Dolta Gam ma house Saturday. Thoy attended the Omaha-Lincoln high school game. Hiltner Bros., Florists,' 118 'So. 12th St. Phones Auto 18?4, Bell 330. Cholco roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. Wo solicit tho university trade. tf HATS STETSON, TWEEN, and GORDON www We are aic O Rll Ia K nil new ones every week runmoncn iwiu nniicn tpsuU 10 pUiUII of these makes. 1325 o street Chancellor Emeritus Andrews called on Chancellor Avery yesterday after noon. Mr. Androws haB improved greatly in health Blnce he reached tho city. 1322N street both phones J, C. WOOD & CO. OLDEST LARGEST BEST Cleaners and Dyers A make-up examination In track ath letics 20 wob held yesterday afternoon In tho armory. Dr. Clapp gave the ex aminations. r Girls Wo have tho exclusive sale of the Perkins Swedish gymnasium shoo. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O St. 21-tf Notice: A meeting of the Interclass athletic board will'be held today at 11 o'clock In tho gymnasium. Tho managers of the class football teams are requested to meet with tho, board. - Tho entirely redecorated hall in the new Wilkinson block, Sixteenth and O, Is now rented only for college, and other select -dancing parties. For dates see Rees Wilkinson, 122 North Eleventh. Auto 1217. ' tf THEr ' . 1 SHOC'' YATES-PRENCH CO. 1220 O Street. " Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p, m. and 5 p, m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unlets paid In' advance, at the rate of 10 "cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. WANTED. Song for the Amos-Nebraska game. Two tlckots to tho game will bo glvon for the host parody on a popular song. Send all songs to the NcbraBkan office, at onco. For Rent. For Rent One large front room down Btalrs, $15. Two largo front rooms upstalrB, $8. All furnished modern. 1328 T St. 2C-Gt G rents any make of typewriter nibU ObMUU V U1VU UiVtlbMUi VUUV applied If machine is purchased. Lin coln Typewriter ExcDango, 122 No. 11th. Richards block. You pass our store ovory day. tf LOST. .Lost Pearl stick-pin In form of a sunburst. Return to "Rag"""omco for reward. 2G-3t Educational. Learn WlreloBs and R. R. Telegra phy. Shortago of fully "10,000 operat ors on a'ceount of 7-hour law and ox tenslvo "Wlreloss' developments. Wo operate under direct supervision of telegraph officials and positively placo all students, when qualified. Wrlto for cataloguo. Nat'l Tolograph Inst., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, Davenport, la., Colombia, S. C, Port land, Ore. tf FULK receiving jlcuciviiih rnnuipiirn tun iiittcd 'Notice, Senior football practice at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Election of captain,' t2 ' Manager. we clean - anything from the ?aine.8fc OWffon' to the heav iest Suit or Overcoat, now is the time Miss Mario Talbot and Air. Charles Stuart, formerly students of the uni versity, were married Saturday In Lin coln. MIbs Talbot 'was a member' of the Pi Beta Phi sorority .whlld In school. Mr. Stewart belonged to Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. kStuart have gone east on an extended trip, -"' Last night Dr, and Mrs, Lyman en tertained the .students of the phar macy school of tho unlyerBlty at a. Hallowo'en party. v , Delta Gamma sorority gave a Hal lowo'en party In .the Temple building Saturday evening. About fifty couples wore In attendance. Notice. The sophomore hop committee will meet Tuesday at 11:30 in TJ112. Ev erybody out. Very important- ilnhhv Tn fihnoc "J ..- w..vW 'trrt til were headquartera tor the kind that please. ' ," jl . . 1 A Judge of Good Clothes will decide in favor of Kens ington Suits and Overcoats every time. They're distnetive. ..Thoy have the quiet ole- gance that only expert tailors cin produce. They fitand stay fit. , Let your next auitbe. a Kon- ihgton and you'll have per- manent delight. $20.00 to $40.00. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street Warthon's $2.50 Shoe Store and the Original Elect ric Shoe Repair Factory 142 No. 12th St. CAPITAL COAL it's A "Money svver HUTCHINS 8c HYATT CO. lOO O ST. BOTH PHONES Talk With LUDWIG 1028 jO STREET FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES WfixWant Your Goal Ordtrs. Qivt Us a Trial Ordtr. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 TYPPWRITFDS LL MAKES Rent applied on purchase I1Ll"n" .cu S0LD or REHTED price Two year written guarantee with every maA . Smith & Bros, visible. -Call or write for catalogue arid CUAUCnHrn '1m. snecial nrice list. B- SWANSON CO., Inc. Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. 13 So. Mth St., Lteoto, Mcfcr. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Photopaphs an Tfci Most UppwiaM '" c u s DeQASTON &HAUCK is r6 O AUTO 1 Hot Drink are now in seasom Do yon know any place where you can get m QUICK SERVICE. as yon can at our now store? No need of beirig crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen S. VV. Corner UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Vovr Patronage Solicited I CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. L. IIALiTj, President "F. B. JOHNSON, Vico-nrcsldont BBMAN a FOX, Cnnhlor W. W, JIACKNEY, JR., Aunt. Cauh. OilS! bbVbbbbbbbbbbV sVZQIbbbbW Herpolshiimtr's Cafe Dinner JJt30 to J30 ORa . Supper 5:30 to 7:30 UG ALSO CAFETERIAN STYLE Hot Willi! with Miplt Syrup lOo About Your Clothes Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge Tin 8rttt UW Walw vmiH M UOUHSt Ladles, Mornings Kxoopt Bundays. ' Oentlcmen. Afternoons and Krenlnui. Indies und Oentlcmen, Monday and Friday Kyenlngs. 141b Hi MtrHtt. ShcIiI futo HU Fw I I J May , ! i? . $ ' i ,!. "r r H...V . if t 'in t. z Vi f a i. r H r . 5" vc. ' !'.i MN ' p 1 J. jr, t- -." h -y . f-.t3 1 i i" , k: : . u . IT?