r n . .i Y;:- ?' -- -'-"tv -f k s3 - v., , " J . ) '4r- ' ' .', ."' ' fi I ' ,v 1' 9 THE DAILY NKBRASKAN c r ' V;.4 Tr$! 2' Oliver Theatre Tonight. 8at & 6at Mat. Haitian's "Superba" Night, 25c to $1.00 Mat. 60c to t5c Ik - . J Mon. & TUes. Oct 31rNov. 1. fcV i iliJi It f F aeven isays Frl., Nov. 4 4The Time, The Place - arid The Girl." ORPHEUM MRS ADVANCED VAUDVILLE ON THE CAMPUS Week 8tartlng Monday, Oct. 24th vmmmxaaaBrtimmmmnmmmmmmw The Rossow Midgets Mats 15c and 25o Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50o Simmons the Printer PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 23 1 9 3 1 7 So. 1 2th Don Cameron's Cafe, 11!) So. 12th. Delta Gamma sorority entertains to morrow night at the Temple. or your pa'rtles Hagenslck Orches- traXAuto 2990. ' 22-5t Thp1 Alpha Tan Omega fraternity ou tortalnB ata house party tomorrow evening. Capiri ' Br6BFi6rhiat 127 South Thirteenth street. V Tho Alicia Chi Omega sorority will entertain at a house partv tomorrow evening at tholr chapter h Classified Column WANTED. WantedMan or 'woman to play piano for men's gym class Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a. m., for 15 minutes. 25c per class. Apply to Mr. Field, armory. 23-31 For; Rent. For Ront Two furnished rooniB; ground floor; gentlemen prof erred; $8 and S5 a month. F2474. 1719 N it. 23-31 rA: ohso. pXl20' the First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST " $.1 opens an account ' 100 Southllth Stroot. if it's PRINTING Y0U WANT Green's Sanitary Barber Sho No. 11th. The Alpha Omlcron pi Bororlty will entertain tomorrow night at tho chap ter house. . Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa; 13th and P streets. Mrs. Catherine Doyle Emund. '09, Delta Gamma, Is visiting In the city Havo your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, Eleventh and O. tf Mlsa Georgia Slmpklns.of Fairbury has been visiting her sister, Gladys, at. the Alpha Phi house. 0 $C rents any mako of typewriter "with stand for throe months. Rent applied if machlno Is purchased. Lin coln Typewriter ExcBango, 122 -No. 11th. Richards block. You pass our store every day. tf , L08T. Nta Bt Now groy overcoat. Was loft on Denver mayors' bencn at tne game Saturday. Liberal roward for return to Nobfaakan ofllco. 22-3t -V N A FOUND. Aw See Us Boforo Ordoring ElBOwhoro Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St. SPECIAL GLASSES FOR UNI MEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE UTILI TARIAN 8TUDIE8. Found Waterman's Ideal fountain pen. Owner mayobtaln same by pay ing for this ad. s -23-3t Read in ihe Stars the Way to Clothes Satisfaction Its enfo nnd sure. You can't go wrong on Konsingtou Clothes. You'll find in them porfect satisfaction. They'll give you porfect fit tho result of perfect tail oring. They aro made of distinction fabrics in the latest style. Our reputation is on Kens ington Clothes $20.00 to $40.00. Hot Drinks are now in season. Do you know-, any place whore you can get as , , QUICK SERVICE as you can at our now storo? No noed of being crowded. ' Lincoln Candy Kitchen s!w. Corner b? t ' UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. 5. Shean . OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yovr Fatroac Solicited K Educational. X Learn Wlroloss and R. R. Telegra phy Shortage of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ex tenslvo "wireless' developments. Wo oporato under direct supervision o( George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth- telegraph officials and positively place street, Printors. Calling Cards, In- all students, wtten qualified. Wrlto vites and Programs. for catalogue. Nat'l Telegraph Inst, fllnnlnnnM. Phnndnlnhln. Afnmnhlp The entirely redecorated hall in tho Davenport, la., Columbia, 8. C, Port- new Wilkinson block, Sixteenth and O, Is now rented only for college and other select dancing parties. For datos boo Rees Wilkinson, 122 North Eleventh. Auto 1217.' tf MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street CENTRAL NKTIOML BANK 12th and, O Streets fJ. Ii. HAL.L., Proldent P. B. JOHNBON. Vice-president niDMAN C FOX. Cnahlor W. W. HACKNEY, JR., "ABt. Cftah. land, Ore. tf Carrie Ehlers, '08, traveled In Eu. rope the. past summer and is now teaching at Whittler, Cal. Afternoon and Evening Classes . In Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typowrlt--- Ing, Penmanship At Nebras ka School of Business. THE QUESTION OF SATISFACTION When you buy a watch or a piece of jowolry, tho quostion . .. .of satisfaction dopondsmalnly upon two things tho selec tion of your ihorchandiso is youra, and npon that you ncod to bestow earful attontion. Tho othor doponds uporrtho skill, intelegence, qlHciepcy and intontions of yonr.doaler. Established 1871 HALLETT, Uni Jeweler IH3 o street 4 EXPERIENCE Of UNIVERSITY MEN .- The Nebraska School of Business, located "in the Hall Bros, building, 1510 O streot, is organizing special afternoon and evening classes at con venient hours for university students who wish ,to study either shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping or penman ship. The evening classes meet three evenings each weekMonday, Wed nesday and Friday. University stu dents may arrange for any number of hours' per week that they may wish to take, and the rates for tuition will bo very reasonable. The instruction is given by teachers of long experi ence and recognized ability. . Mr. Glenn O. Taylor, B. A., LL. B., .speaking from his own .experience, says: "I" have no hesitation in Bay ing that I believe the freshman in col- fv jego muitUB u mm- take If ho does BL avail- himself L ty Buortuuuu , a n u typowrl'tlngf. Tho student who has a 'knowledge of. shorthand, has not only a very rapid means of 'taking notes from class work '.to he used later as references in preparation for reviews and examinations, but also has a knowledge whioh, may be readi ly turne'd into, money during his spare hours and vacations, Moreover, such student, when his college course Is finished, is assured Immediate employ ment in. te c,ojnnierciaJ world.' . , Mr. Frank. Oate's, a student of the ;Nf. $. Bv who lield a pbsIUn with tie 'b. M. Jn this city last year, 1s now spaying his way through Northwtotern,, flvanston, with hla shorthand and Writing. i' Any uiiverslty students interested in thase sneclal classes are- Invited to ?lf CC -fcali arthe scloool an obtain farther Tickets for the senior breakfast may be purchased of W. H. Plasters, Grace Richards,- Mabelle Davis, W. S. Wolvlngton, Herbort Ford and Harold Noble. C. W. Mongol, 1010, Is In the em ploy of tho department of agriculture at Washington, D. C. He is ongaged in the 'capacity as "assistant drainage engineer. Warthon's $2.S0 Shoe Store " '' ' andv the Original Elect ric Shoe Repair Factory l42No!l2thSt ftW j fw Herpdlshtimer's Cafe Dinner JJ:30to Ji30 )CA ' Supper 5t30 to 7i30 LMU ALSO CAFETERIAN STYLE Hl Willi with Miplt Syrup 10 r CAPITAL COAL IT'S f "MXOINBY AVER" HUTCHINS Sc HYATT CO, . ,1040 O SX. BOTH PHONES 1322 n street' both phones e ciean anytlnng from the J. C. WOOD & CO. ?aintiest Chiffon to the heav iest Suit or Overcoat, OLDEST LARGEST BEST Cleaners and Dyers now is the time 'M , y&. Mw l,r Notice. A meeting of the Junior and senior Olympic committees will bo held Fri day at 5 p. m. In U106. . ,.. , -. Notice. A, meeting of the Cosmopolitan club will bo held In U109 at 7:30 p. m. Friday. , Hlltne'r BrosPloriBts, 118 So. 12thC St phones Auto 1894, Bell 330, Choice roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. We solicit the university trade. tf V" Girls Wo haye tho exclusive sale of the Perkins SwediBh gymnasium shoe. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O St. . f 24-tt v Annls S. Chakln, '08, wlo received ler M. A. last June.'ls ongaged In set tlement vor(k connected with the Hart lorn Federation,, NewYork City. Talk With LUDWIG lQS O STREET About Your Clothes FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES mm PH!i i!mHlu i NOTICE. Football Rajly, Tuesday, November 1, at 11 a. m.f In. Memorial hall. Freshmen. A freshman class rally will be held, In Memorial hall Friday from 12:30 to 1 p. m. Everybody out. r, . All freshmen aro requested to meet at Memorial hall Saturday morning :botween 8:15 and 8:30 to march to the athletic field en masse. w. p. g'ilmorb, r Prosident. 0 All freshmen are requested to meet in Memorial, hall today at 12 o'clock to organize teams for "bell rush." I H'reBiimon; i uiis, means you, you ex pect" to win the big scrap.. Be there, on time. L. N.PURDY, ' Chairman. Wi Want Your Coal Ordors. Glvt Us a Trill Ordor. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 IELL 234 t ( v TVDFWDITF1W ALL MAKES Rent applied tn purchwe am. a tt m 50LD w REHxcrj . price. Two year tyritten ' aarantee with every roir v ., Smith & Bros, visible. Call or write for catalogue and n, cuAiicnij rn iil'- flnfio.ial nrio.fi list. r 3WANOW LU, MIC. - Auto phone 2080. Bell phone 1299. i So. 13th St., Lltcoln, Mcfcr. . ( r-- J ; ij- Grlivnette Shoes ori; gH JF-ttilrtOtJS Stage Lcist iFRENCHCQi -.--n--- ---. . Lincoln Sanitarium Plunge TM If Ht Silt Water SvImIh M ' mi i m i HODIlHi Ladle, Morning Kzeevt Bundays. ' Uentlemen. Afternoons and Kyealnai. Indies Had Uentlemen, JJonday and Friday ByubIbkb. .141b 4 H StrMk. $cla! rutin ArraiH Fir . IS t - . '-. w i It wmmlmmJimi m 7 . ' .... ... - j -j a'i ji . -, -J MTl - J.Vt 1 . I .. j i i f K'- rit( .j ' " teiHL J --,l i ji mvr m , ' , ' i 7.r tiiitbfftfii's irt tftt 4 ;' G U S , r, ;.4 i JV. 12X6 '.. .a Y-- -W..jt',J,1 .A .:iV4&,v f'ft ff. -"fcS V"'v &S ttf ' ,. ,?'4'A .. , j- i"-,'i.-i .- .-...I-' . ..! 1 tSbL '. h'.'-W I t I ." " "' f Mi-yV wi ??xrr: fay . r.w . f.- 1 ' ii,' ' 'A .,,7 ' ; it u v ,'f .&'& ' ,'..t A y, ' l l rl .4 '.rE:; At , r V &t y - ii I ..' .;. rm -X-. ' rtlWH. wf f auyj i, ww v- v. .-" ' . i f"-v4'. . ',v w-' w ,. 'T,j," AtT o; trev we iiaii ro, ppuin. rJf. ,- . A..VO - f ,; ) j i : (; ,- -, .3 - S.,f-4 'o ; t- r -fl "tis.' I V .' ?lt. V sziziiri rir'''iQtVii