: v-" CT4 .. " d v. . -.4 iii y ftbe Vtebraekah I 7 " . tt Vol. X. No. 25 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1$10. Price 5 Cents. &. 5Daift 1 " fc V S In; TWO GOOD GAMES TOMORROW NEBRASKA V8. DOANE AND COLN VS. OMAHA. LIN- (OLE SAYS WE MUST BEAT DOANE EVERYONE WHO CAN USE VOICE IS INVITED. HIS Nebraskans Have a Few New Plays Worked Out for the Kansas Game. "We must beat Doane," remarked "King" Cole as he led tho Cornhusk ors out to practlco last night. And the Cornhuskers chorused, "We must beat Doane." - The Doane game vlll be played to morrow Immediately following tho game between tho Lincoln and Omaha high school teamn. The first game will be called at 2 o'clock, -or as soon thereafter as the annual class scrap is finished. Everyone who can make a noise with his vocal organs is urged to at tend the game and help make tho rooting a little moro presentable. At the Denver game tho rooting was the best of the Benson, but there Is still room for improvement. The now yell, which was tried for the first time last week makes a big addition to tho list. While it bears a strong resemblance to tho famous .Tayhawker "Rock Chalk" yell, it is enough unlike it so tho. two will not be confused when the Cornhuskers visit Lawrence next week. And This from Kansas. 'If the storios from Lawrence are all to be believed, Coach Kennedy was never up ngainat such a streak of luck in his life. Tommy Johnson is given . jcredit for a sprained, or broken, wrist. For several days the coach has been "shifting his men from one position, ' apparently unable to decide upon a line-up. Some of this tho Cornhuskers be lieve. But thoy think that when the Nebraska-Kansas game is called next week thQ Jayhawker8 will bo in ns good condition as at any time during the season. " As far as Nebraska's condition is concerned, no one is particularly wor ried. Tho Cornhuskers are in good shape and are improving all tho time, despite announcements that the team Is playing ragged ball. And the chances are ten to ono that the Kan Bans think the announcements are "bear dope" anyway. Easy Practice Today. Tho ComhuskerB will not go through any very strenuous work to- "day. The practice will, probably be nothings moro than a warming up run ning signals. Joach Cole has- several new forma tions under his bat for tho especial benefit of Kansas. Doano will not be privileged .to Bee what tho Cornhusk ers can do In the way of new tricks unless thoy show that they are en titled to Buch recognition. For, as the coaoh determinedly remarked, "Wo must botjt Doano." The now plays have been worked . out for the improvement of the Corn , buskers' offensivo play. As tho team demonstrated both in tho Minnesota gam'o and the Dqnver game, its de fensive work Is as good as could do desired, but offense is still tho strong point of Uj'q coach's instruction. The additional plays are expected to greatly ImproVo tho 'Nebraskana' form. Girls' Section a Go. Tho university girls' section of the , grandstand had found favor among? Athe co-eds. At the Denver game the lection was filled. With an able cheer leader, backed,. m by jin enthusiastic section, the grandstand made nearly as good a showing as the. bleachers. While tomorrow's &une may not bo ono of tho most Important pn tho schedule, every student who enn do so Is nBked to attend. Every loynl stu dent realizes that hp sliould attend a small game as well as a big one If he IntendB to really help support Mb team. But, be that as it may, "We must beat Doane." ELECT A BOARD MEMBER. Ralph C. Sweeley Defeats Burton S. Hill for Publication Board. Ralph C. Sweeley was elected a member of tho student publication board from the sophomore clasB at a meeting yesterday, defeating Burton S. Hill by a small majority. At tho meeting, which wns principally a class rally, Chairman Phillips of tho class Olympics committee gave a brief out line of the work his committee lias been doing for the big event to come off Saturday. LECTURES COMMENCE MONDAY. Professor Grummann Will Speak In Omaha Public Library. Professor Grummann will give the r DENVER TRYING TO first of a series of fifteen Omaha ex tension lectures In the Omaha public library Monday at 4 p. m. The series will includo fifteen double lectures, ono to be held each week. The first hour Monday will bo devoted to a discussion of "Main Currents in Gor man Literature," and the second hour to "Interpretations of Modern Drama." Professor Grummann has already se jjured Jorjy people for tho lectures. PH'dTO OF A PIONEER. Dean Bessey Has Secured a "Portrait of Prof. Samuel Aughey. Dean Bessey has secured a Bmall portrait of Prof. Samuel Aughey, Ph. D., L. L. D Avho was one of the early profesBors in tho ynlverslty of Ne braska. ProfesBor Aughoy taught at Nebraska until 3883. lie .was profes Bor of natural history, also teaching Greek and blojpgy when he was called upon' to do so. , Dr. Bessey says that Aughoy, judged hy the sjtanda'rd of todayt might not bo a great teacher, but that Judged by the standards of thirty years ago he made a -highly creditable showing Ho taught tho first botany, classes at Nebraska, and In JJJ75 published, the first catalogue of Nebraska flowers, Tho hook was entitled "Flora of Ne braska.!' Although full of Ideas which aro now put of date, the book is valu able because of its relation to early .history. The photograph of Professor Aughey, will be .kept In tho records of .the botany department, f m JUL m - ,Yi' "-' 'Mi-'fV&Sm PLANS NEARLY COMPLETED CHANCELLOR AVERY AND DR. CONDRA A8KED TO ATTEND. TWO OFFICIALS HAYE BEEN SELECTED ADOPT RULE8 FOR "HOG-TYING" CONTEST IN OLYMPICS. 1 . K Three Out of Five to Bo Bound En tries Not Announced Twelve Men on Each Tug-of-War Team. Chancellor Avery will bo' asked to attend the Olympics and it Is hoped that ho will give a shoit talk. Dr Condra, who Is considered the father of the Olympics idea, will bo tho re and Ib expected to liven tilings up with a speech. An attempt will bo made to dovelop, through the clasB light, a' better and bigger school spirit. The presence' of Nebraska's popular chan cellor and of Dr. Condra Is especialij doBired by both classes. Plans Compete. Plans for the Olympics aro now corn- GO THROUGH NEBRASKA'S LINE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22. ploted. Geo. M. Plnneo, physical di rector of the Lincoln Y. M. C. A., yes terday received letters from two men whom he had invited to Judge tho wrestling and hdxing contests. Both men accepted the invitation. The com mittee in charge asked Mr. Plnneo to select tho official Judges for these events, as it is especially necessary to have experienced men, also men who will Judge the contests fairly. 11 was thought best to have professional officials from outside of tho school, and it is with this end in' view that these men have been asked to come to in coin Saturday. J. Trultt Maxwell, physical director of the Omaha Y. M. C, A., will reforee the boxing matches, and W. A. Kerns, the physical dlrec- ) I -rrT9 MHiTGiHriris b JL XI & JL jr iX Xk M 0 4L A BANQUET I I I I I I l I I l I December 3 !- ! tor of tho Y, .M. ( A, at Fremont, wll: rbfereu the wrestling bouts. .Mr. Pin ueo will also bo presont if possible. A Humorous Event. Tho "hog.tylng" contest is expected o bo ono of tho moBt laughable fea tures of tho meet. Five men of the Bophomcro claBB will endoavor to tic up threo of tho freshmen. At the Banie time tile frcBhmen live will endeavor to defend themselves nnd tie up three of the sophomore quintet. The eon tost is something now at Nebraska. Neither class has as yet announcod tho list or entries. Tho "hog-tylng" contest will bo pulled off in front ol tho grandstand, Tho rulca governing lio event aro as follows'. 1. Five men selected from each clasB and properly entered will participate. 2. Each man will be provided with twelve feet of quarter-inch rope. !!. Tho first tide which succeeds in tying threo men of thcothor sldo will bo entitled to the 15 points. 4. No time limit is set for the event but the referee may pronounce .a man "dead" after ho has been t!cd 'fairly. A "dead" man may not be loosed by lils fellows. 5. No kicking, slugging, "or rough play will be permitted. Any sldo In dulging in any .form of rough play will forfeit the entire 1G polnta. Twelve on Team. The tug of war teaniB will bo com posed of twelve men. Three pulls will be made, the best two out of three to win tho event. Fifteen points will be given to tho winners of this contest. W. R. Powers will be In charge of the ltug-of-war. DEBATE CLUB MEETS. First Discussion Held Under Newr- ganizatlon. Tho first meeting of tho Students' Debating club' was hold Wednesday evening in UJOG. Tho question under discussion was, "Resolved, That tho United States navy . should be sub- I stantlally increased oyer Kb present state of efilcloncy." Tho aflrmatlvo wns represented by II. TS. Dlxoji and J. W. Jpnes, The negatiyo side of. tho questt9n was de bated by A. M, Haro and HI, Weseen. The decision was rendered unanimous ly In fayor of tho negative. In the ab sence of tho president, T, G. Andrews, tho meeting wns in chnrgo of B. E. Williams. e Students at the University of Colo rado aro compelIed,-to sign a 'pledge that they will not engage In hazing "Slow suicide, moral and physical," Is the way Professor Baker of the University 'of Colorado characterizes the use of tobacco. 4 FINAL DEBATE TRYOOIS TODAY DEBATE TEAMS TO BE SELECTED, THIS. EVENING. ' EIGHT MEN ARC T8 BE CHOSEN WI8CON8IN AND-ILLINOI8 TO BE THE OPPONENT8. Selections from Members of the Squad Faculty Members to Judge the Arguments. Tho second try-out dobato for tho Boloctlon of tho mombors of tho teams" which will ropresent Nebraska In the two annual contests of tho Central Debating Leaguo hiJDecembor will be hold thls ovonlng In MoniorTariialT from 7 until 0 o'clock. In this con test tho competitors will bo tho six teen members of rhetoric 22, tho in' tercolloglato dobato sominary, who wore picked at tho open competition threo weeks ago by Prof. H. M. Cald well, P.rof. E. B Conant and Prof. G. - " O. Virtue. The Question. , Tho "cIosed"Apon" Bhop question, Avlll bo tho subject dobatod tho qucs tlon for tho Intercollegiate battles with tho Unlvorslty of Wisconsin at " Lincoln nnd with tho University of Illinois nt Urbana. Each speakor will, as in tho first preliminary, liavo sovon minuted, ox copting tho first afilrraatlvo Bpoakor, Who will have Jlvo and three, TJie 'order of speaking was docjded by lot xt tho meeting of tho Bquad yostcrday afternoon. Several of tho men havo changed sides Blnco tho first try-out. "Tho order' ,of speaking will bd, as follows: The Speakers. Affirmative. A. M. Oborfolder, '11, Sidney, D. M. Rogors, '12, Randolph. W. A. Vasoy, law '12, Beatrice.. . R. E. Halldorsen, law '12, Lincoln. T. GK Andrews, law '12, Lincoln.. a J ' ,- J. T. Vbtava, Jaw '11, Edholm. 5Tf , 4 n t -tii. mo ft. i a . B. C. Mnrcellus, '11, Llncolu. H. B. OSnglisb, '13, Lincoln, R. Wr Garrett, '12, Madlaon. . y 'Negative. A. R, Raymond, '11, Fairmont. H. B,' English, '13, Lincoln, r G. R. Mann, '13, Ord. " ' G. N. Foster, law '11, Sterling. G. R. Rein, '13, Loup City. C. F. Phillips, '13, Beatrice. W. L. BateB, '12, Lincoln, The Judges, whd will bo numbers, of tho faculty, will go Into conference at' tho close of the .debate. CARNIVAL 18 ON, Lincoln Ad" Club to Entertain Omaha. Club Tonight. The carnival of tho Lincoln Ad club, is to be hold at the Auditorium dur Ing the evenings of October 27,. 28, 29, Friday nigfit will bo Omaha night. At this time 200 members of tho Omaha Ad club and their ladles will arrive In Lincoln at 8 p. m. over the Rock Island. The local club will meet .at 17; 30 In the Auditorium, where the I parade to the station, led by a. band and company F of tho N. N. G., will be formed. It Is desired that all Lin coin people turn out to welcome the t Omaha crowd and help entertain them at the carnival. The program will be opened by atwenty minute sketch by, the De Soto-quartet. A contortion, act t will be a bier feature, as well as the " Village View Debating ,CIub, a Mcl$- ,' '' face sketch. Dancing wJH be engage ;f . In from 10 to 11:30 p. m T , -r ' , c tJ A burglar recerltlv Jbrpke Into the v' Alpha Chi sorority house at DePauy, ,,tf The girls rallied on ih.e second floor and, repulsed 'the iavader with a fusty -lade-of shoes just as he was mount!! v t1i otnlt-wAiw. . i-t- r" --.......,,. , ma i - it t. . ' w 1 r o-3 T If A iS ', ;.i ffl ( ftf . . t t-r4. '