".t.-., "k. VJ "- ' , 1 it r' ' 4. ' ' r A ..'- 1 'r (.1 r. V hiv ''V.-'M'" ,':W: THE DAILY NEBRASKA . . t '.?. tl.f Tt & 4 m " ' r , ' u I t- Wb n ' . ,,v sar fr v t ' a V V" I itriE DAILVNEBRASKAN THH , tiimi UNIVB11 Lined! rlopjR mnrr ma m n k ' t TY OP P NEBRASKA, raskn; PttbliMt'ed by THHJ BTUDMNT PUBLICATION BOARD JlJItor . EDtOIAL STAFF. . i ft ...i .t in . .C. Ji LOUD MftBHKlnr Bttft-. Q. T. LIDDELL Asaeolate Kdltorr..,...T. J. IIAROIUVI3 Associate' aitor,. . i .A. II. DINBMOhB '-,, BUSINESS STAFF. Maaaferui.-.. ,...0. C. KIDDOO AwriBUuU iiUW-.;.t...V. C. IIAHCALL CIreultln Mahaer..C. C. BUCHANAN ,. tiUtlr.l( ftuslntu orric BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION reiisTB, itittetf A, .Lincoln, orricoj BLDQ. Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK, $2.00 PER VEAR Advance. Infc4e CmIii, S Centa Eac ' Telshnel Auto 1868. Nliht Phenta-rAuto ,1886 Auto 2683) b tll 1123. for INDIVIDUAL NOTICES Will bo charged r at the rate of 40. cents tho Insertion for every fifteen. w6rds or frnotlon thoro M.njrMjHty, notice ana university am letlns .will gladly be published froo. 1 ' !,r Trr' ' ' ' . Bntered at the poatofllco at Lincoln. Nebraska. . second-class mall matter, under .the Act of Congrcaa of March 3. CONVOCATION , TODAY Prof. H. B. Alexander ,jtTlie Making of Reference Bocks" "j k Called For and Delivered Studon Work a Specialty Oiion SaturdayNlgnUll Night WOLFE & YOUNG . Sulfa Cleaned and Prewed &1 .25 Pressed 5 00 Auto 4728 MEMORIAL HALL 3 A. M. a'.fmr'ahil 1 -m,. or feet 'fcAaVeHlsemenfca .for tho want column bus men office, bate bulldlna. between 10 between 2 p. m. ana s aiTiBj c . j. 7tf aeh mUet aecemesny all ordera for ad vaVtjtlht; at the rate of ten cents fbr each fifteen were er fraction thereof the first foieertjertk t(jree Insertions twentyflva wtajftva Insertions forty cents. OCTOBER 25, 1910. taring the football gamo Suturday, pver.axclteraent on "tho part of tho crowd of, spectator cauaod thorn to starbto ' awing the , bleachers. This 'jstrtTcture. Is but a temporary ono, and great care should bo takon or nnother action of this kind may caiiBo Its col lapser It 1b not. strong at tho best, 1 and" when the whdlo thing will swing frqm ten to 'twelve Inches It Is time that the, occupants started to vacate. , ' wy- It Is ono of tho customs of this insti tution to show tho football toam that their efforts aro appreciated. - Day aftor day thoy work away perfecting nlayB .and formations, as well as learn ing their Blgnals, in their efforts to win victories for old Nebraska. You can show your appreciation of 'their offorts by attending tho games and cheering tho gridiron heroes on to vic tory, but your presence at tho Corn huskor banquet Is needed more than at any of the games. Bo sure and savo this ono night of tho wholo year out for tho furtherance of Nebraska Bplrlt and Nebraska athletics. Como pre pared to pay homago to tho Missouri Valley champions, and show ovory member of tho team that thoy are part of tho school that is needed first, for tho honor of tho Scarlot and Croam; second, for tho fdmo thoy bring to tho university; third, for tho memories that thoy will keep of old Nebraska, and fourth, for tho develop ment of NobraBka splrltthc spirit I that works, fights and wins. hpg-growlng campaign through these states. During tho campaign, of this special In Iowa, tho train covered 1,415 miles, and meetings wore held'in 136 towns. Arrangements havo been made to visit Nebraska .from October 24 to 27. MEDICAL 80CIETY ELECTION. 'Theiirbotlng Saturday was good, but itcouia uo improved a great uoai more'. Itmust bo admitted that ovory- "tliilB;: was comlngour way and that Denver had but Uttlo chance of scor- lng,but' .nevertheless wo should appre- KOMEN8KY CLUB MEETS. Bohemian Students Assemble for a Fortnightly Meeting. Tho Komonsky club, numbering date the efforts of tho playors onough about fifty Bohemian studonts, waB on to cheer with ra wholo heart or not at tortainod by tho Misses Julia and r11. vHalf-heartcd rooting counts for naught. Let us boo if wo enn do hot ter next time;, . Who the spectator was that started Emma Krisl at their home Saturday evening. Tho guests wero given a morry Hallowo'on reception. A gob lin greeted them at tho door and a witch waB at hand to recelvo thorn. Organization of "Medics" Gets Ready for the Work of the Year. Tho Medical Society of the Univer sity of Nebraska met Friday evening and elected tho following ofheers: Prosldent, Arthur L. Smith of .Dun- lap, Iowa. Vice-president, Blaine A. Young of Malvern, Iowa. Secretary, James B. Williams of Wood River, Nebraska. ' Treasurer, Miss Bessie Mason' of Beaver City, Nebraska. This Boclety is an organization to mombership of which all students in the college of medlclno taking regular medical work are eligible, and the nlm of which is to promote social inter course among its members, as well as to secure speakers who will bo able to address the members on topics of gen eral Interest which do not fall within tho scope of any prescribed courses. Tho society has been in existence slnco tho years when only preparatory medical work was given In tho unlvor vlty, though It has recently not been active. A committee on revision of tho constitution was appointed. The number of regular medical students in iw.TU.'lr - v Shoes! Those now $4.00 and $5.00 grades in samples and cancelled (prices at - $2.50 - BUDD 1415 O STREET UPSTAIRS ) a JittVe bit St. trouble in tho bleachers Saturday ia notknown. Whoevor he jyaB. he, should have I been accompanied ;to the gate and'-put off tho grounds. A . t cowardly ktUc.othis kind for no.ap ' parent reason jjhquld. not bo tolerated 'njbng tkEiuofhody. Whether ho v'li a iludeSt :or. .not, tho university men', sfel'd &ave taften tlrer matter Into their owh .haaj In defense of ono of the aWgeiii'bpdapd shown the party who acted ao Crudely that his pres- 1, ."." vV--'' 'ii I'll n .- " once outBide the- athletic Held was more deslted than It was Inside. .-". .& Tho regulation black cats, jack-o'-lanterns and witches wero present In full force. Tho fortune telling mid Hal lowe'en gameB afforded an abundance of merriment. Tho club gave Its regular program of readings, talks, and nmsical num bers. Fifteen now members were added to tho roll. Plans were laid for a participation In tho coming County Fair. At its noxt fortnightly meeting the club will bo entertained by the ladloB of "The Komonsky House," 310 South 26th Btreet, Lincoln, Including those from tho first year of tho six-year combined courso onward, all of whom aro eligible to membership in the society, Is 115, and from this number, under the leadership of the efficient officers elected, will no doubt bo recruited an actlvoorganlza tlon, of great valuo to tho members themselves and also to the college in which they are registered. . Elmer Hills, 1909, was a' campus vIb-itor-Saturday. Mr. Hills is principal of tho public, Bchools at.Talrbury, Nob. ; ." 5 -v- I '.ftl "ft r 'ii lover of athletics at tho unWer- jstfy has luid acahco to bo satisfied .with iliji lateVesHji tjtiJB line of unlver .Bity activtie this, jfall. Football of !COura8lB .the cenjter of Interest, but 'iMHio nVni'a.r.Mitvfrv full trAGk. and j VMUo, vty vvir, -" -"7-- jf-''. 'Tl)akstbstt added, to jt,. thd season's '.Sf " . nrn-nofltB ar that "'Nebraska , has entered upon a new era for bettor ath- k,t"Ln - ' vieiiua. "BREAKFAST BACON SPECIAL." &:. 4'1 1j f f TV,' ' JFi i rt . "Hi Crowley the Denver right half, cer tainly .deserves all the praise that h4 can get. Calling signals, for his plays, as well as acting as captain of the , Ministers," the plucky llttlo Moun, , talneer showed, that bp has ithj right spirit lp. fighting to, the end for his f school, althpiigh they were losing. A Sc.Bumber' of tijmeB he had to aBkfoV .ni? out, but nevertheless he camja back Tlth a. veflgoance which caused tlie rooters to rise. In their seats, for fear that he wQUldget away from, sonio pf the XJornhuskers and carry tho ball across the Noliraska goal. Better Hog Raising to Be Preached in Nebraska. The "Breakfast Bacon Special," first originated In Iowa, Is now crossing tho state borders into Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Minnesota, nnd llkowlso arousing much enthusiasm among the hog raisers. This special was first termed the, Iowa Bettor Hog 'Train, after which l was popularly docked the "Breakfast .Bacon Special' The train consists of seven cars, provided by the Itock Island lines for tho ex clusive use of experts, who travel through tho state lecturing and dem onstrating concerning the feed, care, shelter, g.q'4. management of hogs. j The special, in. fifs object, corre sponds to the "Better Seed Wheat" special recently r,un through Oklaho- ma., Tfce movement was flrBt prompt ed by the" alarming shortage of hogs at 8l of the chief packing centers, during 1909 and 1910 agricultural department of, the Rock- Island lines, with the coK)perauon-?or the agricultural colleges of jowa, Kan COMING EVENTS" The Cornhusker banquet, which cornea December 2, should.be patron- nieLJw iyery oaan in the ualveralty,! sas. Nebraska1 and Mlssourift started a All University orQanizatlohs aro re quested to .send in announcements which they desire to have published. Classes.' Freshman class will meet in Memo rial hall this, morning at 11:30. Tho sophomoro class will meet in Memorial hall Thursduy morning at 11:30. Tho freshman, class will meet Jn tho Teniplo ' auditorium Thursday morning at 11:30. y Organization's. r Tho Engineering society W'H ,meet WcdneBda'y evening In "M; E.206 at 7:80. , ' ; -. Tho Pershing . "Rifios wilincet Thursday evening In the armory at 7:1.5. . " Tho Hawkeyb club-will meet Saturn rrh-fnra h-,ihiy'vnlni. AAaw-ww mwi f ,j AttllitlCS. h Football game, Dpano, vs. 'Nebras ka. AVbietk) Seld. Saturday, pctober ,2f,;atvJ! p. n. . BellF2292 MM For Lunches Put TJp for. Particsi also Ice Cream and College Iees and Fruit Punches Call at, THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St. BOTH PHONES EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS GeShif aT-'Rt&a Tho nlverslty of Nebrafcka urges all young people, who can, to tako a four-year high school courso and prepare to enter college Bdrae, however, cannot spend tho time required by tho high school and college courses. For tho benefit of thoBC, tho University estab lished, a number of years ago, tho SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE School of Agriculture which admits thoso who hnvo completed t The Country Schools Courses given in Practical Agriculture, including Agronomy, Agri cultural Botany and Chemistry, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Domes tic Science, Farm Machinery, Farm Management, Farm Veterinary Practice, Horticulture and the general branches. Registration nt the University Farm, starting October 31, 1910. NEW TERM STARTS NOVEMBER .1, 1910 For information address A. E. Da'vlsson, Principal, Tho Uni versity Farm, Lincoln, Nebraska. .(if 9WMn t. mi I MHa.9 LsKv fti CwnUsm. PH- 9 sHsKsm. ttsVvV Tf ok - i 9lJS p V qC " Nay "L V XilsssM cfCWw '' . nI'' I ll1 Is "Easy Street To The Man Who Wears The REGAL Cushion-Sole Shoe Many to-called "Ct8hion-SoleM shoe have some defect the Regal Cushion-Sole Shoe is perfect tVi every detail, ' Built on a scientifically shaped last, Vilh ' 1 '. !tYr-iE,JU -L..--1 Lit- . pure uuudi wool reit cusmon uincr- ' r I ' tl V " sole that never loses its springy lality, 'Uppers of selected, Black King Kid. . : wonr'""'" . wwmW1iw) ?,, TAn,f If you have tender feet, come to our sipre for a pair of these shoes. and end your foot-frcwble goo SPEIER&SIMONi if, a s 4- . CORNER TENTH AND Q STREETS ' AT.. ' -v' . i . , ' t .$ -L. ...a- ''V r -. i-.' JK1 ' -,-.u, J - .Sf. r-r.u.sf .i. ." 'a . f i. ". j .'" . . i '." rlt."fv . i- ' ",' " . r ' . -. '. V i . .. i .. . - M j'-" - . "-. , .-. . A.3P '. S.'Vs rs k ,- ' fw. x .'!.- . s. i -' at. 'i" V ;. ' . tj'. 4, -, i 1 si -.V V . ,u