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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1910)
-Vsifrirs',T r,'vf . ,i f v " m t THX DJLILY NZBRAftKAK aaj k " , ? v -. I: J M' I l V v 'vk. Direfctory of . Advertisers ' Th f9ljwlpi' merchants and busi ness mtn f Lincoln are anxious to erv thi University students.- By plaolnfl thlr advertisements In the columnar the Dally Nebraskan they show that. they want your trade. And you-, may be sure tjjat the merchant whoisyylljlna to make a little effort to get yo&r patronage is the one who Is Qolnoilto treat you honestly and considerately. In attempting to keep .It So y'u as well as the Nebras kan-Mlfjffoflt by trading with these 'people:.. ;banks ' K. ' Flrfttoriiit & Savings Folsorawi BARDER SHOPS Green's -;. , CapltaiiHoiol B.OOKJSTOIUPS ; -Oo-op.- '.- ' 't -University jol.EiCNERS . V 6.--Wood & Co. jWebor's- Sultorlum .." Windsor Sultorlum CLOTHING Farquhar -. Magoo & Doomor Mayor Bros. ; Palace Clothing Co. - -Spolor & Simon ... i- Armstrong Clothing Co. -m "flOAt. . - t-hltobroat , Hutchlns & Hyatt 0 CONFECTIONERY tdpcolh Candy Kltchon DRY GOODS Mlllor & Paino Rudgo. & Guonzol DRUGGISTS RlggB ENGRAVERS Cornell FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mngoo & Doomor ,f - i;. i 1 U. Jri- .! Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Rudgo &. Guonzol I:. - Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTERS ' ..I Budd '' ,':V v.- ' - Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co. Mageo & Doomor Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. "M ' Rudgo & Guonzol Spoler '& Simon rj1' JEWELERS " P?. Hallott . , . Tucker . ,;; . , " . 4, EvanB l -. , OPTICIANS i PHOTOGRAPHERS ,' 'r Do Gaston &'Houck .'' . PRINTERS ?,-; ' i ' Simmons .. s Van Tin 7 .r RESTAURANTS -v, Boston Lunch": Cameron's ' -Y. M. O. A. Spa xt .-. . Miller & Paine; h . Horpolshelmer'ir i ' TYPEWRITERS jt , " - Lincoln Typowrlor Exchange ' - B. P. SwansbnCe. '" ,.SHOES ' ' ' V ArnBtrong Clothing Co. T Budd ' . v Men's Bootory Mayer Bros. .'A v Yates Frenck Wharton's mrrnma . V , : " 'Wts ' , oxvxxvxo v lVj. r skirt Store . TAILORS;' .'."V ' Elliott Bros. Ludwlg THEATRES va iU Oliver " 't Orpheum, 'i .GETTING HEADY. University ef Iowa Practicing for Pur dueAlexander Will Play. Iowa City, la. A honvy scrlmmago was tho ordor of tho ovening Wodnos day In tho practice" of tho Hawkoyc toam In preparation for tho gamo next Saturday witti Purdue In VloW'of thtf fact that tho Indiana team did not havo a gamo last Saturday It is ox poctcd that thoy will bo In primo con dition for tho Saturday contest in Iowa City. Accordingly, Coach Haw loy will sparo no efforts this weok to whip tho Iowa toam Into condition for tho contest. Tho addition of Aloxan dor, tho big colored tncklo who was not takon to Missouri on account of tho color fooling In that school, will again bo In tho gamo with PurdUo, and in his old position at tacklo "whoro ho will materially strengthen tho Hawkoyo lino. Wooks, who has boon playing at guard and at end, was not on tho field last ovening, having been called homo by tho death of his mother. Howovor, ho Is expected to return tho latter part of tho week and will prpbably bo In Saturday's gamo. L CHANGE DEFEN8E. Yost Will Not Continue to Use Cap tain Benbrook. Ann Arbor, Mich. It is moro than likely that Michigan will use an en tirely dlfforent dofonslvo formation from now on. BonWooks' work ob dofonslvo quarterback has not been entirely satisfactory at any tlmo, and lib haB mado numerous errors whllo playing that position. Those who aro most familiar with tho workings of tho toam will not bo at all surprised if Benbrook returns to his position at left guard on both offense and de fonBQ from now on. Who will play Ioobo behind tho lino when Michigan's opponent's are In possession of tho ball Is a big question. Sovoral men aro available for tho placo, and It is Ukoly that "Edmunds or Conklin will bo given an opportunity to show what they can do. CHANCELLOR ENTERTAINS. Pathological Club Will Dine at His Home This Evening. Chancellor Avory will entertain the Pathological club of tho university at dinner at hlB residence this evening. In addition to tho Lincoln members of tho club there will bo several guests from tho Omaha branch of the medical college Marquette Wins. Marquotto defeated St. BMary' Wednesday byjo. score of 15 to 0. The gamo was foatureless. An ovening courBO In magazine writing will bo ono of tho subjects of fered thlB year by tho University of Chicago through university collogo. Tho course is devised to meet tho needs 6f those who 'desire to enter upon writing for magazines or Jour nals as a profession, and will em brace drill In tho writing of rqvlews, editorials and special articles, but will not cover Instructions In "short story" writing. v. . Interclass and lnterdepartmcnt rowing at Pennsylvania Mb boosted wltlT tho aim of turning out a win ning varsity crow for Poughkeepslo next summer. Thocoaches have tho following to say on the subject: "This short month of practice In tho fall 'will "bo invaluable to men who havo never rowed boforo and. who expect to report for the varsity or freshman crews In February." A replica of tho cast 'of tho portal of tho great temple, of Baal Shamln at Slab, belonging to tho collection of casta mado by tho Princeton Archaeological-Expedition to Srrla in 1904-05, has Just been completed and Is now being boxed for shipment to The Kaiser v Frederick musoUm in Berlin, ThrS Is a gift of the Princeton scien tists to the. noted museum. A . Michigan's football prospects havo received a serious setback as a result of tho first serious accident of the sea son. Harrington was carrying the ball from his position, halfback, and after dashing off right tackle for a" substan I "vFTI ROOTERS I eBBBlaBd LLMai"LaVAt BBBBBLaT 1 LBBBBBftJ flBk Ttt. 'i.JbbbwV bbBbbVbbVKV' b1bHv&jP7v:xbw HHPBHEuBa 2SbbbV BBmi-'- aBBBBBfe'MBBBBBBBBBJt V i tial gain ho was tackled in such a way ns to break a small bone In his right leg just nbovo the ankle. Hbb Anderson, who visited the Y. W. C. A. yestorday and dollvored sev eral Interesting lectures, camedirect ly from tho lnnd of tho Eskimos. She has been stationed for tho past few years oh the St. Lawrence islands of tho Bering sea, and was In a position to carry on a very extensive investi gation of Eskimo manners and cus toms. Miss Schultz, general secretary of tho'Y. W. C. A., callB special attention to tho Bible study class now being conducted by Miss Fnnnio Drake on "Stuulos In New Testamont Charac ters." A great deal of Interest hnB been aroused by the girls In an effort to "boom" this class, It being consid ered pno jot tho best .opportunities open to the members of the associa tion to do Blblo study work. (Providing tho weather Is -favorable, the Y. W. C. A. picnic breakfast which wob Blated for Saturday morn ing will ba pulled off according to schedule. Every new member Is urged to attend, and old feirls may attend on tho condition that they'Tetoh" a now member. Tho Navy football squad has re turned to Annapolis after, a summer cruise In European waters and are In excellent condition as a result of tho hard work and healthy conditions, Tho coac'lies believe that nover before ha"B the season been begun with such favorable prospects. .Preliminary registration Hgures In dicating that tho. total enrollment for the year at the University, of Wiscon sin will .exceed 5,500 havo JUBt been mado Public. Tho number 'enrolled when the 'computation waB made was 3,869 This is an lhcreaso of 12 per cent over tho s&mo period a year ago. Minnesota, and Dakota colleges baye agreed to allow, tholr ball players I ttf play professional ball during the summer months without losing their athletic standing.'' Harvard has begun Its 275th year with an enrollment of .5,000 students. Yale Is 210. years old and has re ceived gifts nmouutlng to ?2,398,29J during tho last year. Tho freshman medical class at the University of Iowa numbers only twenty-four 'students, duo to the -now requirement of two years collegiate Work. Get Megaphones at Mayei Bros. iot Saturday's Game For Good Lunches Try MILLER & PAINE'S TEA ROOM Light Breakfast, 8:00 to 9:30 A. M. Luncheon, J 1 ;00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. r. Afternoon Excellent Well Cooked j Moderate Prices I , y " ' ."'' .- IN THE BASEMENt For Lunches Put Up for Partieis, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSQM, 1307 O St BOTH PHONES Work Called r and Delivered Students Work a Specialty Windsor Suiioriurn Open Saturday Night All Night Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.25 Auto 4728 -J . " ' Tho 'Dally Prlncetonlan announces that It la-the only college paper re ceiving Associated Press news. s. k s V- Tea until 6:00 P. M. Menu Food7 r WOLFE & VOUNG Pressed 50 o BellF2292 The' University of Indiana recordsj the largoBt freshman class in Its hls;' torythe number being 346, .'', . f : a hi yf-, t iA 74 Fll - J W 71 r ' t ii 1 h : 1 A k ;u JM fi '. -i ot -m y ! 'I X j m 'W3 'j . i y y i ' -' ,. f .f .n