Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1910)
;Fwcn ??" y. ': ti THI DAXIiT XXBJtAIKAN 1 " . i. kSsVSBBBsW 4t n& , iftf 15 W& , f- I W- J t V L4 Oliver Theatre " TONIGHT AT 8:15 'Tht Man of the Hour' 4 Prices 25c to $1.50 8atTMat. and Night, Oct. 22 Lyman Twins In "J H E PRIZE W I Nt N E- R 8" ", Mon., "The Flower of tho Ranch'! LINCOLN MteW,?') " ORPHEUM BUnTO ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Week Starting Monday, Oct. 17th THOMAB J. RYAN- . RICHFIELD CO. AND 7 OTHER BIQ ACT8 Mats. 1Bo and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Simmons the Printer PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 2319 317 So. 12th The First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST $1 opena an account 180 South 11th Stroot. if 'T's PRIHTiNG Y0U ANT Soo Us Boforo Ordering Elsowhoro Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No.l4$hSt. SPECIAL CLASSES FOR UNI MEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE UTILI TARIAN 8TUDIE8. Afternoon .and Evening Classes -in Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typewrit ing, Penmanship At Nebras ka 8chool of Business. EXPERIENCE Of UNIVERSITY MEIt Tho Nebraska School of Business, located in tho Hall Bros, building, 1519 O street, is organizing special afternoon and evening classes at con venient hours for university studonts who wish to study either shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping or .penman ship. Tho evening classes meet three ovenlngs each week Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. University stu dents may arrangb for any number of hours por week that they may wish to take, and tho rates for tuition will bo yery reasonable. Tho Instruction is given by teachers of long experi ence and recognized ability. Mr. Glenn O. Taylor, B. A., LL. B., speaking from his own oxperlonce, says: "I have no hesitation In Bay ing that I bollove the freshman in col lego makes a mis take if . ho does not avail himself of tho opportuni ty of studying shorthand and typewriting. Tho a knowledge of shortnanci Has not ply a very rapid means of. taking notes from class work to bo used later as references In preparation for reviews and examinations, but also has a knowledge which may bo readi My turned intonioney during- hlB'sprire hours and vacations. Moreover, such, student, when his college course is - .ti 3r V finished, is assured immediate employ- Mr. Frank Oatee, a stpdent of tho N. B. B., who held a .position with tho B. & M. in this city last year, is nqw paying his way through Northwestern, at Evanston, with his shorthand and typewriting. , Any university students interested in these special classes are invited to calf at the schopl and obtain further particulars. .The 'school is located on O street in the Hall Bros, bulldlag, just east of the F. 4b M.. basic, ON THE CAMPUS Don Camoron'a Cafe, 119 So. 12th. . Tho Delta Chi' fraternity will hold a house partyiomorrow night. Caplu BroB., Florists, 127 South Thirteenth stroot. The Templo high Bchool will hold a reception and dance tonight at tho Temple. ' Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. v The Knppa Alpha Theta sprdrlty will hold u hbUBe party Saturday even ing. Try a lunch at tho Yr-MrC. A. Spa, 13th and P,streots. J The Capital 'Hotel Barber. Shop, 11th and P. . Havo your clotheB preBBod at Web er's Suitorium, Eleventh, and O. tf The Beta Theta PI fraternity enter tains at a house party tomorrow even ing. Georgo Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, In vites and Programs. . m ' The .Agricultural club will hold" a meeting at the Temple attheir regular mooting place. - .. Tho Phi Kappa Psi fraternity will hold a dance at tho Temple tomorrow night. E. P. Schram, law 1911, has recently arrived in Lincoln from'ashlngton. Mr., Schrnm wa sengaged .during the summer In work for tho government. Bid BEN- will get yoji up j, , f. Cap't sloop when it starts to ring Fino finish lasting- perfect time EstabHshca.187! HALLETTS Tonight Chancellor Avery will en tertain tho members of. tho Patho logical club at-hls residence. Several members lot the medical college will come from Omaha to-be in attendance. 1322 N street both phones We ciejm anything from tlie J. C. WOOD & CO."? 0niffn t0 the llGav OLDEST LARGEST BEST Cleahers-and Dyers HUtner Bros., Florists, lh So. 12th St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice rosos, carnations and chrysanthemums. Wo solicit the university trade. tf The Kappa Alpha Theta sorority will entertain the freshmen sorority girls of tho university at an afternoon party'Saturday. r ?6 rents any make of typewriter with stand for three' months. Rent applied if machine Is purchased. Lin- finln f,.TriAWftf aw T1vtTlnicrA 100 XTi student who has I- .. '! . ... , ? ' ' o i, nTUth. Richards brock. You pass our store every day. tf - Notice.1 Junior football men meet near south sldo of library building Friday at 11 a. m. 1, " - ' H. B. PEARSE, Manager. z SHOE- "A Expert Repairing. theN Classified Column Advertisements for this column, should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p.m. "Want ads win positively not be' In serted unless paid In advance, at the r.ate of 10 'cents per insertion for every fifteen words' or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. -t loItT -m Found Small woman's purse, con taining receipt from schoolgf music. Owner may obtain same at tho "Rag" ofllco by paying for this ad. 18-3t Educational." Learn Wireloss and R. R. Tologra phy. Shortago of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ex tenslvo "wireloss developments. Wo oporato under diroct supervision of telegraph officials and positively place all studonts, when qualified. Wrlto for catalogue Nat'l Telegraph Inst., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, Davonport, la., Columbia, S. C, Port land, Ore. tf Samuel Cotner, law 1911, has reg istered again for his law work. Dur ing the summer ho worked on a Bill ings paper. Tho entirely redecorated hall In the new Wilkinson block, Sixteenth and O, is now rented only for qollogo and other select dancing parties. For dates bcq Rccs Wilkinson, li22 North Eleventh. Auto 1217. tf Notice. Tho Catholic students will givo a reception tonight in tho Knights of ColumbiiB hall (Brownell block). Freshmen aro especially invited. - piece $2.50 Uni Jeweler IM3 O Street "Dad" Elliott, international Y. M. C. A. secretary, will bo in Lincoln Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. Elliott deliv ered several lectures last year boforo tho mon of tho university.' iest Suit or Overcoat, now is the time Notice. All freshmen are urged to attend the big Olympic rally tonight in the armory. Tho wrestlers and boxers will meet in their preliminary-rmatche? 'atthlBIme. Everybody who is In terested in theBo sports aro requested to report to the committee any time today at the Temple building (Y. M, C. A. robins). Tho committee la as follow Purdy, Epperson, Beck, Dan ielson, Mltchie and Knouso. LEONARD PURDY, Chairman. Notice. Tho Mathematical' Seminary will meet Friday, October 21, at 4:30 in M302. - Professor Brenke will talk on tho subject, "Tho Transformation of Power Series ' H. F. JOHNSON, . Secretary. jy&r if you want High Heels take a squint at our - Giinuietal apd Patent $4.50 .YATE?-FRENCH CO. 1220 O 3tret ' '&M& !Zmm!mmmim!mi!mmmmmm!TZ The Dawn of a New Idea In Clothes "Kensington" means a now era for tho man who cares. It meanes march ant- tailor work without tho old timo wasting and money-wasting. One try-on and you're through. But you'll have true satis- laction a suit that's perfect in fit, distinctive in fabric, faultless in stylo. . The "Kensington" labol is proof of it. $20.00 to $40.00. MAGEE & DEEJYIER 1109 O Street Warthon's $2.50 Shoe Store and the Original Elect ric Shoe Repair Factory 142 No. 12th Sj. CAPITAL COAL IT'S J "MONEY SAVER" HUTCHINS 8c HYATT CO. 1040 O ST. BOTH PHONES WHO'S LUDWIG? 1028 O STREET FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES W Want Your Coal Orders. Oivt lit a Trial Ordir. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1109 0 STREET UT0 3221 BELL 234 Typewriters ALL MAKES SOLD OR RENTED ; Rent applied on purchase price. ITwo-year written guar antee, with every machine sold; Distributers New Moclel, L. C. Smith & Bros, visiable, Call or write for catalogue and', special price list. "Auto Phone 208Q. ' - Bell Phone 1299. ; B. F. SWANSQN CO., Iflcr H3 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Ncbr. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Photoeraphs m tha c &' V" 12 r 6 O auto'bwi i & re fctw Iri samo Do yon kitew an v plac wkere yon. can get fl ,' QUICK SERVICE m yon caa'at our bow store? Ke need of being crowded, i Lincoln Candy Kitchen s. W. Crmr UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker v JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT. Your Patronage Solicited CENTRAL MTIOMbBMK (2th and O Streets P. Ii. HALL, Prenldont F. H. JOHNSON, yico-prwldont I1IDMAN C. POX, Cnsnlar W. W. IIACKNBY, JR., Amit. Caeh. m m Herpolsheimer's Cafe Dinner JJj30 to 1:30 OKt ' Supper 5t30 to 730 L OC ALSO CIFETERIIH STYLE Htl Wlls with MapU Syrup lOo Most UpKlafid S t t Hot Drinks Jp '-ri" -i ,' ' . M T WmA ' - ' , V, - ! ft? -. ' , I" f ' ", S i.JL" J I .- ?. t 1. V4Si t -?- i Tisfy'-i Hi . m.' .; j T I ' ' f r lj. v i 'r jiv ; t b liy i 1 1 'f '-S. V Al iVj 'tfra J . ' J if . if Is '',. l ' V A,. t. M r. -.;.. - r '- v . v1v a .' z - t,'- V. ' M 4vA t't ' " t -t r !". V ..r j j 52LU" . 0' X , .' :) xv!! . -