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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1910)
B9P9SSB r - ..," ;; .,-r,, r , -T .,' ' ! 7' m iiim,i i. i. .i.i fn, THE DAtXY mCBRAIKAN "U --- - 4..i'-TaBff?fff'v:N7 - ( (Trr L ;- K ft; 1 Vn i? it r. , . j. -THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THM PROPERTY OP TUB UNIVUKIMY OF NEBRASKA, Llncol Nebranka, Published by , TIIEJ 8TUDBNT PUDMCATION BdAItD IDITOHIAL STAFF. Kdltor .'....,,,,,,,,,,,., ,,.C. J. LORD -Managing Mltort-.-.i-.t-.O. T, L.IDDELL Ateoolatfl dltor...(...T, J HAltOIUVK Associate KdUor.,.k...A. II, DINSMORB BUSINESS STAFF. Manager .....,,., a. O. KIDDOO Assistant Manager V. C. HASCAL.L Circulation Manager,, C. C. DUCIIANAN Krilterlftl and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. "PeitafflM, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Simla COplei, 5 Cent Each. JelephbneLAuto 1888. onei Auto 1888 Auto 2683 Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo charged for at the rate of, 10 coiUb tho Insertion for every fifteen- words or fraction there of;. .Faculty riotlcca and Unlvoralty bul letins vlll gladly' bo publlnhed frco. . Entered at the pontonico at Lincoln, Nebraska, aa flocond-clnns mull mutter, under tho Act of Congrons of March 3, 187P. s Advertisements for the want column should be left at the business office, base nient-Administration building, botween JO a. ,ni,and12'm or betwoen 2 p. m. and 5 p-m. Cash' must accompany all orders for ad vertising, at the rate of ten cents for each 'fifteen wort or fraction thereof the first Insertion) threo Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. ' , ' ' dCTOBUK 21, 1910. Last yonr Kansas Hont a largo dele gation o'f rootorB to Nebraska to wit dobb tho annual gridiron contest. Lcl .us,roclprocnte. Tho action of tho Lincoln churches In Booking to aid tho Btudonts has been heartily commended. Many of. tho mpn.aml women of tho university need' It and. tho institution as a whole is bouofltcd. vWhy not lmvo a Men's Union at No-brtTska?- Minnesota, Illinois, Wiscon sin and Chicago have them. Califor nia has also beqn added to tho list of I wostorn Institutions. Why not No- braBka? Although this chnngo In tho weather may bo music to tho ears of tho var sity , football team, It cortainly has wrecked havoc on tho fall tennis tournament. Vltli tho piny of tho sec- SWEATER COATS ond round postponed for two days bo cause ,of tho; unfprtunato disappear .anco of. tho tournament Blato, tho bad club's bad luck. A NAME. Tho university athletic Hold needs n name. ,;Wp Should not refer to the grldfrori fythQ "athlotlc field" or tho "drill ground? Kansas has tholr Mc Cook; flel'd, "Jlnnosota their Northrop flplf Chcfgba1iTaTBlrairTle1uT-and "VViBconsiri 'Camp Randell. Nebraska -field-v(fta-all-rlf ht-for-tho former grid iron, but a:.;iew pamo should bo usod r i -A PoDul Clothes Shop 7 Qualify, New and Correct ISfyles, every garment solB poizectfy fitted by expert tailors , andpziegs always, as low as the values will permit. These aze lie reasons wky this store s popular xmih so many careful 3jt?ssei s. ' ' ' Ti F r''-h' i ne npme or Good Clothes AftMORY Olympics sF$dll$ V 8 O'CLOCK to deBlgnato tho athletic field which was nddod to tho university laBt year. Put on your thinking enps, students, nnd lot us hnvo your sugges- tiono. Tho Dally Nobrasknn will con duct n voting conteBt or anything of this nature to dotormlno a namo which will bo pleaBlng to the studonts. Let us hear from each and ovory one. What have YOU to suggest? WHAT 18 THE USE? It Is tho. Biuno old story. The stu dent body In a certain degreo cannot bo honest. First, It Ib "cribbing," then it is naturally appropriating articles, and finally it comes to plain stealing. People with light Angora aro always found when a largo number of pcoplo got together. In a unlvoralty whoro things aro Blightly dlfforcnt from tho outsido world, thoro should bo nothing of this kind. Howovor, only the honcBty of tho student body jmnXstop it. Mistakes often -occur, such as taking some one's bookB or mixing lints and caps, but neverthe less when things aro taken from over coats, and note books turn up missing and-nothlng ls-lott-liu the.placc. .of tho appropriated article, then something mil8t bo done. Stmlont opinion Ib tho only punishment that can be put upon tho guilty parties, and this should bo severe onough should these pooplo bo discovered to force them to leave school. WHAT ARE WE HERE FOR7 What aro wo hero for? Surely for NIFTY, NOBBY, MLL fffVUb 1415 O STREET improvement. And if wo do not leave tho university much improved wo have failed in whrft wo sot out to accom .pllshOpportunltle for improvement are forced upon us while wo are stu dents, and ho who makes tho most of theso opportunitlesTB best rewarded. But oven beforo wo can take upour work, ahd strive for earnestly to do our duty after these noblo reflections, comes a freshman or even a senior, Baying: "Bosh! I am here because J was sent by a fond parent who knew not what else to do with me." 'Even so, tho parent looks-for you to return to him improved, and "better flt'to take ar Men's a..,-"- .wt m m h m m m m m m t AKUUH A K TgNIGHT V, i. 8 .j, up man's work. And if you return unfit, you hnvo failed; betrayed a trust. Another may say, "I nm hero for a good time," and many other answers may Ub given to this question. An swer It nB you will, tho fact remains that wo are hero,. and with tho splen did opportunities offered, wo are un doubtedly foolish unless we do some thing roally worth while. Dally Mis sourinn. COMING EVENTS All University organizations are re quested to send in announcements which they desire to have published. Organizations. -The Catholic 'Students' club will glvo a reception Friday ovoning in the Knights of Columbus hall. Tho Agricultural club will moot Sat urday for olection of ofllcors. Union Literary sociotl will moot Fri day ovoning in Union hall of tho Tom plo building. An alumni program will bo givon. Tho slxty-flrat regular meeting pf tho Nobraskn. section of the American ChemiBtry Bocioty will be held in the chemistry lecture room Saturday, Oc tobor 22, at 8 p. m. Rd( C. F. Crowley will speak. H1b subject Ib, "A Con tract of tho Natural Resources of Nc braBka Compared with Those of the Pacific CoaBt States." $2.50 BUDD Athletics. Football, Denver vs. Nebraska, Sat urday, October 22. Special reserved seats for tho unl vorBlty women nt tho gamo Saturday. All university girlB moot at the real room in Memorial hall at. 2: 30 o'clock to attend tho gamo in a body. Notice. AH engineers desiring to go with their fellow students fo the Oruheum are requested to see any of the fol lowing committee: C. J. pubTle; QrC; Montgomory, F. Horning, L. F. Teaton, P. W. Clancy. i : , . THE REASONS WANTED ME WANT every college boy to come and look at our $15.00 suits, overcoats and craven ettes. They fit5Xhey hold their shapes They are cut in. the latest fashio"h. They are made by A. B. Kirschbaum Co., America's leading clothes builders. Palace Clothing Co, 1419 O St LINCOLN SANITARIUM PLUNGE The Great Salt Water Swimming Pool 14th and MStreets Special Parties Arranged For HOURS: Ladies, Mornings Excopt"l3undnyB, Gontlomon, Afternoons , and Evenings. . Lndies and Gontlemon, Monday and Friday Evohinga EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & FINE CHOCOLATES REG Wet-Proof Shoes L For Men and Women These are the mot satisfactory wet-iveauSer shoes you have ever worn. They have a rubberjinmg between thb welt and the sole. Also a rubber lining on theJni. side of the welt seam, and another rubber lining onlhe bottom of the inner-sole. As a result, you are assured of dry feet in wet weather and v this not only means comfort, but also health. ", We want to show you these Regal Wet ProofShoes at our store and have you try them on. $506 ($ or il.ih,i oz: 2&htih cyrTSlcra fjj Stirn of- . m 1LL CORNER TENTH AND 1 1 .ji .-!- .'- t : -S-, Y..- ' ' ' , :?$ ... -V'' . ,,.;r- -. JX "T V ' ((.. ..h HUDSON'S AND BON BONS ' W -iJ A L -i !mfw 4 mil wk - IvW ,7l :-1 4W I Wi 1 t ', mm i Nil lit ' 11 i - '"' 1 I u- mA x D j m5mM, ml' mt oiivivo :$m O STREETS 4-.F! .tit -rffi :l A ' . .. ? y - ' 1 Is ,-v f:cMS Wt-T s-?l&. -, t1! I- 'nJt? -.t-'--.' "r- ,''-.. r- : . - ,wwsJF&t- rtf .i.:" ' " . . ? MBMBMMliMMMMBBBMMBMMMIfcMMMBfcsiMBMBBBMiMBMBB -fr ""TUf '' '" -ii"n 1 iiiiiim - - ... . , r ',! UTL .Y - t . t . . - j r .-