Lsr .,. ": .-V 'A : .'.V y. v f. t,4n ;' At ft i rr . 7 . vO " 5-via ii J 'fx: , .. - TV ,"n-J rT 11 ,' J.' IkiA. V,. JT'-rhJJ :T Vol. Xi No. 19 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, ,HURSDAY, OCTOfcER 20,M10. Price 5 Csnts. CI, V- $fS i MEETING ' W V 1 vt ' , TODAYS GIRL'S MASS I- i v j. r i . r ' k i -f , iiL'Uex TL. BBB? SORORITY ASKS FOR BERTHS i " . t '' QIRLS'MAY GO TO KAN8A8 IN A SPECIAL CAR. tttS READY fOR DfliVER COLD WEATHER PUTS NEW LtiFE ". INTO CORNHUSKER8, t. ...It ".. ' I Baiketbali , team Is in Need of Poach An All Round Man -"larDtalrtd.. J One of tho loading sororities has no . tiflecl Manager Eager of tho athloc department that its members, a ma jority o'tihem at least, want a apodal car for tho Kansas-Nebraska football game to. bp played at L-awrenco No- yepajbe'yS. The sorority does not want Its name given out as circumstances "mayarlso which would prevent car . ryln out the "plan . Manager Eager urges that every student .who can possibly do so jac comfcKnSrrthjp team on thorip, to Law rence. "While hd-TdilroadB have ro . fuse'd faai. special rates,. thp.nati' Bgcjr doe not want to see Nebraska outdone by Kansas. Last year Kan sas -sent up ono of tho largest delega , lions of rooters they have over sent And there' were no special railroad rktoaV T- Gifting Ready" for Denver. Tho Cornliuskera aro putting In som hard work getting ready for tho gamo with, Denver Tho Mountaineers' come Saturday for tho next big gamo on Nebraska's schedule: Wlththo ex7 copUon bfElllpt whoso place at guard lirbo filled by Harmon, the line-up wlllf probably bo the samo as tlioioqe used, in the. MlnneBp.tagame., Elliott, who carao out of the Minnesota gamo with a broken collar bono, will prob ably be out fojrthc. remainder of the seaBoni Harmon is playing, a good gamp ftndjthp sllne will, bb Utylo weak; oned hy Ellfott's Iobs, although ho was conedded to bo the best man of, the, iw.? $ . - . ; " ; Weat Jjer Is Improving. From1 'avOfobtball jstandpbint the weather ilklck'lngupj Although yes tardav) wVs cold enough, td'bpuncom fortable fPf hVJfow "spectators and sporting fedljrayhe gathered; to watch,H.thBj,p'ractice, It 'was just about right W th fobtball tnarir -Their wofc. ;fn.,tbi6ugh'' with' fyap and ginger yhity could -not be arpujed wheni6 weather was so excBssiyely warm. 'Iirtne cebl spell continues un- til gfouflday an. advance of ;a few degree would improve It the 'Denver gamo wlil;1be an Improvement on tfioso that haVetjne befbre". Ceach -4yants Better' Offense. Cpacli. Oole ,1b pounding away at of fenslie felay and la- spending most of his tlmsfrining the team 'In 'running wlU 'th'baijl and putting 'uj 'better lnte'rteiencV Tho, new shift P7 R creation ot rKlng" Colo's, and a uum- -berT of QtieV new fdrmatlpna aVe.all loqkfngjiJbard, the Improvempnt of .the Cprauskers orrensivo piay. On 'tier defease Nebraafta is strong. Thti llafisust. fi8 good as last year's HsW, Tbe: Nebraslsans' not daly Itopft tlMBj. an agalB, Ihevheavv line Wuijtes' of Minnesota fast' gatur day, tmt iTertple. Collins and gkqnka stopp -jlmn plays by tearing holes U -tke- liae and r"brakinK up loterfer- &. ; a.. fcrf-vF n w -! .-"yvff WW. 1T' I If v-i v T- , i , 1. IV 4i m ' ' a i It.-iftywr fmtMvZwSmk tbTs year ! I -aftylng a.; letter(,gaMa this year .A good time Ben.asHre ro au .1 IkaVlMt oye;seC-pttt:iBwke;at last year. So far, neither sido of the question has put up much proof, of Its contention, and Denver's strongth, or lack thereof, is much a matter of conjecture. . . Job Open, for 8omeone.' . . No coach has yet been selected for the basketball tdam. Practico has commenced and a decision must bo made soph If the coming season is to bo a successful one. An all round man (s wanted for the. place as coach a man who can put u; a winning basketball team and who can also take a hand in helping get the track men in shapd. ' It is not known whether Hewitt, last year's basketball coach, will bo back this fall or not.. RECITAL BY MR3. KNAPP. Convocation Today at the Temple Au ditorium. The, program for tho next convoca tion will bo a violin recital by Mrs. Sllenco Dnles-Knapp, and Is as'fol; lows: Air , ....Mattheaon Walzer. '. .Hegar . , -'- Humorcsko. i L ""W ' i Mlf L'egende. . . ; . ..... -. . . .-.. . . .Slnding , Mazurka. . . . ...."...7 .Zarzyskij Miss Louise Zumwinkel at tho piano. This program will bo given at the Temple- auditorium, Thursday at 11 a. m. TO PLAN FOR OLYMPICS. U. Freshman Committee Will Meet at 11 a. in.. Today. Chairman Purdy of tho freshman Olympics committee has called a meet ing to bo, hold at vll o'clock today In the,'Tempio. Plana for tho class scrap, events'toibe'hold onOctober 29. The freshmen wore late In getting started, but expect to put up list of entries which will give tho. sophomores a busy time. Tho commutes members' aro: Purdy, Epperson, Bock, Nouse, Danlol son and Mltchle. CLA8SE8WELL ATTENDED. T7 nvtr C. A. Bible Study Division , Have to Be Limited. Tho Bll)le study classes ot theiinl yerslty Y. IVI, p. A., which cbmmonccd, this week,' are bdTng' well attended by the .Btudente, many, of tnp classes Tiaving'to iilaco a limitation on regis trations. Profesibr(Urowholl, who Is conducting a class in tho' "Life of Christ" cpurse,-has' been swamped with registrations and has limited the Ciuhb io uny. oixiceu pmer .uuiRuor classes 'in Bible 'study will bp started this week ln different parts' of the city. -r. i. - MEETING OF O.ERMAN CLUB. flew Members of Organization to Be Elected Tonight. : The, German club. (Deutscho Gescl ligo Vereln) yJU hol& ono ot tho most Important meetings of the year tonight at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. FranK; ipinsch,, 3pS North Treaty fourth street t v The. membership p? the 'club3 ( il Ited to thirty, and only, twenty-two old members are iback Iischopi: This leaves eight iw mbatVers to be elect d frpm'therecomiJiended list Issued by the prpfespfi'Of the department Only those students taking German 7- or a higher course are, eligible. Ey- to ber'fseiit Tftt Wl a . "W'HK'. .A goott time as fieeH-aw aMMred to all PLANS., ARE NOW G0MPLE1E n MOVEMENT. HAS BEEN OFFICIAL LY ANNOUNCED. . STUDENT PASTOR WILL BE IN (IIARCt . : T - ', METHOD OR HELPING STUDENTS DIFFERENT IN THIS CASE. Manse to Be Secured Near the Un'lyer slty for Rev. p. Rr Leland, Wjiere He. May Be Visited by All. Tho plans for Iho Presbyterian church of Nobraska In regard to tho establishment of a fund for university students who deed financial aid havo now been officially announced. The movement, which rocolved the' sanc tion of tho Presbyterian synod a short tlmo ago and which was "published Tuesday, has now been definitely launched. Tho details of tho move ment, as given by Rov.Dean R, Lor land, aro Ss follows: " t Various plans havo been employed In largo universities of the mTddlo west for tho last six or eight years In un effort to meet tho religious needs-fp of tho students of tho respective unl versltios. Theso needs havo been in tofproted in different ways' and tho plan of work adopted, in' accordance with tho interpretation., " -":-Som Havi Qullee. - v, At spmo stato , universities and. school centers the dEhdrainStlons have adopted guild houses, such as the Bushnell guild of tho Cengregatlpnal church'Of LInboln. 'In other university centers u unlvorslty church has been orectcdr This plan waB adoptdd tft the Catholic church in tho University Jit Wisconsin a!hd in several churches at tho Unlvorslty of Illinois. But in most universities tho Presby terian church has approved the plan of -Installing a university pastor "for tho Presbyterian students, whose, spe cific duty is to personal advisor and 'friend, offering an opportunity for helping the student Jn his religious needs and counseling him In matters touching his1 future work. In order to carry out this' moypmont, Iho First Presbyterian, church, ot 'Lin-, coin 'about a, year' ago palled Rov. Dean Loland to dpvolpp his kind, of-. work at Nebraska. It was generally expect ed that tbo whole Presbytorlamoaurcb of tho statp would sooner or later de sire to havjoshare In executing this work. Tho Expectations .came true, and at a recent meeting of the .synod at Beatrco, whlch closed Monday QYemng, -an associaiion. was iormeu, called tho Presbyterian Association of the University of Nebraska, with the following nUrpqM In view;, , M , Th Purpose.,. "The association Is organized tp con serve and develop tho religious life of the Presbyterian students pt the state italverslty through pastpral counsel and oversight, and by, cp-operaipn with the board pt education wlthla the university itself to "supply, thqsj pp, portunltles of religious instruction worship, and practical. Christian ser vice, which is, admitted by all f Hrnjsh thnecessarf Jjmfh' la fall tmi' V ucatkan-Uf.y ' . -. ,.: In the organization' ef ths asaoelaj tlon, the affairs, will ba conducted by an executive loouacllot wyen men Lawranee; lf.. lmj. or h v iM 'mwnrmmr: terlan; chre,vJaepn,lr;':Frtd. Mason pwatinMtr, enura y&jufki ;. f , jna.-niaewejBa. 3tar'J! MU Warren Swltzlor of Omahaand hev. Dr. Leon Young of Beatrice. - A manso for "tho .university pastor Rev. Dr. Dean It. Loland, will bo se cured near the university .campus, wJjlchJsllntendeiLniJJtjti i agulltllipuit or dormitory, but-a homp whoro stu dents will bewolcqmed at all times thus carrying put tho Idea of tho unl verslty pastorate' .for tho students 6i a particular dcnbminallpn. No part of tho' funds,' howovor, that may bo collocted i be usd for any othbr purppso than that' of th6 needs sary expenses to conduct tho work. OLYMPICS MEETINQ TODAYS Committee Will Outline Llt of Class Scrap Even tip. r E. H. Hahno, chairman ot tho Olyrn pics commltteo, lias called a mcoting pt tbpi sonloVahd Junior commitlco-. inon for this morning. .The mooting will bo heid in U100 at, 11:30 o'clock. Plans for tho coming class scrap Will bo outlined at that' timo. It is re ported thai a number of important changes will bo madd in tho list of ovents as ruu off 'las'f year. FACULTY MEN'S DINNER. t0 Be He!d the Lnye Ho, Tonight at 6; 30. Tbo Unlvorslty Faculty Men's club will bold a dinner .Thursdajr' evening at G:30 o'clock at the Llndblii As plans for. Jhe.iextensi'dnjpf 'tne'r ctub will bo discussed. -every Member la - V .,l-t5 .1 'J1, urged, to po proeoni. iiotoro puis year tqo maco; oi meoung wasino ijincoin and tho tliho at "7 o'clock. Mombors aro requested td ploaso fajco note of tho chango in b6th tlmb and placed. - V ', . v GIRLS' MASS MEETING: To Ertcdurage Interest In Athletics Among ce-tas. ; Tho fobbait rally whieU "has "been scheduled for Thursday, morning jistt 11:3.0; has Veen charigotf io a girls' mass 'mectlngr Thls-changp-has-fcfeen made so that the Interests 'of the Jint vbrsity women In. athletics maybe Wakened. A special'seofron has been reserved in tho grandstand for the university 'girls , holding general ad mission tickets, and efforts 'will bo mado to get more of Che co-eds to-pur-chase the. tickets, which "will admit university students and faculty mem Iiara in fill iha nthlAtlr nvntita tt iha year. The meeting Will' be In charge of the Black Masquethttfoclety 61 senior girls. " - ' v FOOTBALL M. EN PTHSIR HONOR Kanae flayers Adept New System. U Keep, Training Rules. Tho "honor yste,a1t,fTasri'',be adopted by the Kansas coaches in re gard o the football gw.. Coach Kennedy announced taat a eomraittee of three compoaed et Pete Hel), Am- monand Captain hwritke only three "K" m.ep on tWesnad.liad beea appointed a's a -sort ot .surveillance coafrnJUse to se hat the members of tketeani bye;th trials ml, Hf irsrate jthf aejeei?f Ahf squad that If they were rjKrted and found gallty M danelBg, heater-gp-leg, srapklBg,. sayig p lat afalgaj or yoaUrt tr(liiHie7;rutfs jn aay wy tkey wel( Unasked to tarn i their Mlta. Th eoaek sW ta aeora lag: ". " , ; f. Vjw," A "It Is hard to .tretB peeeriy wltk eitt-a traJBlKlahU'',Myilatitf 'ft;tftViWi SftkCw1" ftfC .JM,sbJ4 fAKES A SHOT AT DAHLMAN RICHARD L. METCALFE SPEAKS BEFORE, Y, M. C. A. couKtr opthjnm;his SIWCI; SAYS DAHLMAN WAS NOMINATED BY ''WET" REPUBLICANS. Has Put JhnHi Questlbni to Lawyer or the State Which Have Net ' Been Answered as Yet. ' - . Richard h, Metcalfe, assoclato editor of the Commoner; spoke last night bp. fore the members of the university Y. M. C. A. at their .regular mld-week meeting; at the request, of tho associ ation, oa the subject of "County Op tion," Mr. Metcalfe criticised the-action of 'the democratic party in opposing the county option question. Ho also stat ed that if the democratic party Is tp be a whiskey party, that bo didn't Want to come back Into the democratic !f oid. in hls (tal of. abou't an . hour. W. Metcalfe state that'tyot .repuhftc? ans nominated Dahlman undor boor 'standards, , ; ' , . JHrt Wetcalfe saldjn part: "i"Haye asked a large numbprbt lawyer all over the stato three ques- .. .4i ; '. j.. i ,. ' llpns., ana sq, iar.i nayo not recojveu ,; -?) o " SfLtis't aptory "answer. These- quesV ' ' ' tions are as ioiiowb: lv "1., Is It true that tho saloon is a lie? T v '. V ' " . "2. Is vlt true" tiiat ifeoplp outside tbo' cities boar the liabilities of the i , i w ,t ..... . "3, po men have a right to oxpross their opinion of 'their liabilities' ' "I have' found that orio 'wot" county coniaiuiuii& oineru una iucbu uiuot bear the ftabtljtleV But tho only's lutidn to tills . problem Is statowide" prohibition But' this Is too groat a stop' at the present time. The people who p'roTess favoritism to county opt Hon attacfe thV saloon first The so'lu- tlon Is not here; It Is in the men .who favor the saloon. '" ' ?T "However, jf Relievo that if pah, man Is elected that a movement for stateiwid prohibition will be sta-ted at ohpe. I:know"ef organlzatldns ia this state which are such that only ' this one thing could result At Grand Island there. Is a bartenders' uWn. that la the worst of any I ever expert enced.. !Dalman i all right personally, but hif BlicleVarp wrong. He was -nominated efrepubH?aps HHdr beer-standards. The democratic party, apprevgs '.the. tight p'cloek clesing laWj but with Dablman la 'B)cV will be repndlated. .' "Taffa is 'the worst campaign f nave 6ver expetlenced. It has beeps; a persona campaign, and every aeoraing the nptrs are full of ckargen, and counter charges,' Tbs ls,tkt r'eanlt of 'peQal interests' wnUfc nav;b imtjap, M .means tnedestruetien -of the ,deratic party. 'I Jeel hat It thedm.eeratip;rtyvtS'to,b. a .nrbls- key party,-, then; Idoaj want ya 'eoate tudeple to fee 'ii;w9r r rlyHHway(-;v;-!?ff ?lfPJSff ; . uve mBr. , ,rnv v;f,vr,.mvm- r,. Heie. sad tan om;Htii, tyffiMffiimii 4'. T. IJfWH m'yi iffPBjMu- Jm nw ei ywf'iHktr;a pt f:wwwyw .s wvtw:? W.- T,!n'v ' t.iW"t TfBBsjeaj IBP ha their true- nsK.N r4 "' n '( V'1-'.' .- ' w ' hi -7 1-J .n ' V 'V V m ? i ' rt' U- 'm : li' J 4 , 1flt t . .A. J'.-,