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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1910)
, .; s'.".j', IfcV- rr w -tf .' Ta:1 ijHjryiy.itT'tfott--w.ritfr ri . ., ( "-.- lw-TVHi MjM.M-.-?(f --,. " !' " "1 4 .'V . -Jl .. ', - r- ., -3 -- y.t , $,. V .ft-- tAT-.V - . r it, -. .. WFIsfil ' - 0 . v"vy ,. .". ' ! V i, . i ". ,,. ',-i &' ' ; ;."i' ' ". J t& il JjTl.J.i,JrX. ---?$. A4 ftbe aife Ut" flIWw ,.. . V.V ; V JL- . - 'tf Ik' V. I. - W' ?fc ' SV, . Lifted' VoU X. , iNo. 18 GIRL'S f RESHIES CLEAN UP SCRUBS 'Mr " FIRST YEAR SQUAD SHOWS RLEN-i TY GOOD MATERIAL. EIRASKA NEEDS BETTER OFFENSE pENVERPLAYS NEBRASKA HERE ON SATURDAY. Mountaineers Have the Best Team -, ym ' They Have Had for 8ome Time. . " Nebraska's froaknian. team Is bring-, jlng out more good football material i,lhan any first year sjiuad tho .unLvcr- i .sity has had In tho last flyo. years. In a short game yesterday afternoon , ..;wlth the second team of tho varsity' aauad tho frc'Bhmon scored .thrco' itouchdowns while tho regulars were 7 " l -.nblpto make only ono. At least four of tho 'freshmen can1 bo safely picked for noxt yoar'a var sity squad, .with chances -good, In jifavor of their landing places on tho ltam: Mulligan, quarter; ,Pturdy andj jNouso.iha.lvcs; -Wpavqr, .fullback. t (was thjs jckflold which helped tho' Welshmen' iplayr ;rjngs .around iifi ;Hqr,ubBpf .tho varsity squad. Tho varsity had a good workout yesterday, and nono of tho men aro' .suffering from Jnjurles recolvcd In tho lnneB,b.ta game. Most o.f them camo! iomo badly bruised and tired out, but .all nrc .aow baclt In form. Elliott Is Out. Elliott will prqbabljr (be out of tho. -gamo for tho romalndor of tho season. ;'ln Elliott the team loses one of the strongest llnoraen on the .squad, but .with :thet substitution of Harmon, who jhaB snown up In remarkably good form, tho lino as a whole w.lil not bo; matorlaliyoakenod., r, Coach Colo spent a great deal of tlmo yesterday In working out now offenslvo ,plays. As -far as defense' goes, another hard gamo. or two w.ljl put oh ,tho cflnlBliIng .touches, but ithe CornhuBkors need moro aggressive plays, and snappier work carrying the, ball and running Interference. C.A number of now'formatlpns ai$ be ing vtrled out, which the coach thinks will; jilecldcdly Improve the" work of -rthQXJornhuskors for the remaining ' games; of the season. Tho Minnesota gamo showed up every w,eak .spot iOn. tho tam,'ibo)h In qffonso" acT defense, and 'Ing" Colo know jiottqr than ho did before just where, more atten tion Is .needed. I Denver Here Nxt. pojiivpr comes -next 3a,tuViay with a toam iwhlohjls said to be far stropgor than '-tho team of last year. In tho game- this season wifh Marquett,, Denver played the strong -Marquette. team a. tJo, 0 to 0U . In .spite of. their overwhelming de featiatjMlnneapolis, tho CornEuskers aro -far from discouraged. They put up , a ? stronger gamo than -.Nebraska has over played against tho j3opb.ers and, It y?as tho unusually powerful, ag-: gregSjtiqB wnicm uoacn .wMiiamsnas ptoducd rathor than any, weakness on 'Nebraska's part that lost tho gamp. yhqn Denveiv comes next Saturday the Oormhuskers vHl bo even, stronger tkan.when they went against Miqno aoiba. It was, a good experience, for the teamr ,if jthey did lose.'fot itjiowid thatitaey will ..always fight to tho fin i8a,iDr Jose. Eighteen sCates and, two, foreign centriB aVe repreeentedamongtthe vstudeaU who. are-taking 4Ue oxwirse ofered in tb school of jouraalism la p? CiMjrciU7,r, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WgDNESpAY, OCTOBER 19 1910. MASS -" WITHHELD. GRADES MAY BE Rhetoric Department Thinks Over a. New Scheme. It is planned by the rhotorlc depart ment to ceaso grading themes when; they arc roturnod to studonts, merely taking tho grado down on tho ofllco record. If this is "uono a student will havd no way of knowing what his the mo grado is excoptlng from the, abundanco or scarcity of corrections; on IiIb papor. The announcement that' such action might bo taken was not; received with much enthusiasm by the; rhetoric students who havo themes to write. NEW BOTANICAL 8PECIMEN8. Tropical Collection Received by Bot any Department. Tho botany department has rocolved, a collodion of jraro specimens from; tho tropics. AH the rarost of the trop ical plants are represented In this valuable collection. Tho plants are iiv thirty-flvo jars. Thoy wiU bo used' for class domonstrnTIbn, and" students w;lo .desiro itp study thom wjU bo per ml.tted to do ..pp. Nutmegs, allspicor iXjocoa tbeans, coQqanjits, brpad frult and coffoo berries aro represented. Tho cocoa beans are In tho pod. Some .big .red bananaB alsp pcqupy a ,pla.ce! among the specimens- of valuo. Some rare specimens of baBidla lichens, which grow only in tho tropics, ure considered vory valuable. Tho collpc tlon was mado by Harlan II, York of tho' department of botany at Johns' tHopklns university, and was pur chased early In tho fall by Dr. Bessoy. NEBRA8KAN PROMOTED. Made Head of His Department at State College of Washington. The Evergreen, tho student publlca- tlon of tho State Collogo of Washing ton, tells of- tho promotion of a No- ibraska man asfoliows: "Mr. R. C. AshbyNjamo to us from thb University "dt Nebraska last spring to assist in tho superintending of-collcgcruxtenBlon work. Tliough be haB been .connected wITh this col lego but u few months, he hal shown pbJUty beyond his years1 and all who have como In contact with Mr. Ashby speak Milghly of , his work. Tho par ticular phase In which no Is most Interested is animal Husbandry. "Recognition of Mr.. Ashby'a Bor vices, has been made by tho board of .regents. 'He has been mado head .of .his department, , beginning October 1, And is now known 'as superintendent of insUtutea and extension- work. , "Tho extension work is a compara tively new .feature, jrtilch has mot within very hearty repeptipn through: outtho state. Twplve demonstration farms havo been established, six In 'western Washington and six in, east ern Washington. .The former are lo cated at Perndale, ifptholl, East Boat- tie, Adna, Chehalis and, Vancouver. .Tho east side statjpna are located at Sixprong, St. Andrews, Wajla .ialla, Rosalia, Pullman and .Kettle 'Falls, ffhsenrms areoTperated by the own ers under the superriffon of the col lege authorities for' demonstrating the best and most un-torctate methods of farming along jwnjo one particular line, " f "Farmers' institutes have pilg year boon ppndycted vupon a very system atlp .basis, witirspecial Te'fereeefi)'t6 careful Instruction, ia .the partleular lines of iairlctrtUre Mlch are :t adapted to Che commualtlea whre the litrttw are.keW." MEETING SEARS 1NDSJUT PLUMS SOPHOMORE PRESIDENT MAKES APPOINTMENTS.- ELECT. MINOR (LASS OFFICERS 8ECOND YEAR CLA88MEN HOLD 8EC0ND MEETING OF YEAR. MaryRobblns Elected Secretary, Har- grave Treasurer 'and Ruby 8ergeant-at-Arms. Tho sophomores aro proparlng ,for tho Olympics. At a .mooting yestorday tho committee which was appolntodj less than a week, ago mado Its first report. Tho second year aro not plan-.1 ning for dofent Clifford Phillips is chairman of tho committee. Ho stat ed yesterday that it was not hi in tention to go-about begging for mom-; bers of tho class to become onthusl- astic enough to got into tho try-outs for places on tho boxing or wrestling teams. Ho said in part: "Last year! wo had to ask evory individual; this year it should not bo necessary tc make personal .entreaties for .pvpry; man to takopartjn thoscrjp. Thpso! who entered last spring, certainly know thatit Is up sopho-( mqresntorbirioyal jtpfliijBlrcfl:8a.M " " J Minor Officers Elected. The minor officers woro .'elected ntj the meeting yesterday morning. This; completes tho second year oloction for this semester. Tho officers pr tho class aro as follows: Carroll Sears, president. Vorno Andrews, vico-prosldont, T Mary ilobbins, secretary. Mark Hargravo, troasurdr. Glen Ituby, sorgoant-at-arras", All of thoeo officers woro elocted without opposition. Both' Sears and A..1..1.. .....r tlA.A1 1..... fTl t9rt ri n .. nuuiona uviu viuuiuu iuni i uuguuj t rije othor ofilcors woro elected yes terday. Committees Appointed. President Soars handed out .plunis In tho way of class athletic board ap pointments, managerships for class teams and committee appointments. Harold Mulligan, a Beatrice man, was appointed manager of thoyzlass foot ball team, Tho managership of thp basketball five fell on tho shoulders of Ray,KUlian of Wphoo. Vorpp Andrews of Lincoln' is. to bp tho chairman of tho sophpnaoro bop, and Temple Rob inson of Waterloo is tho man chosen 'for master of ceremonies. ,A nieoting of tho hop committee, has been called for next Thursday morn ing"at 11:3d. iThe list of appointments as read yestorday by Presldpnt Sears Is as tpJ lows,: Manager of class football -Harold Mulligan. ' Manager of, class basketball Ray Kalian." Members ojt thb ihterclass athletic board Clayton Radcliffe, 'Arthur A .Mayand; WHUara' Llnetrum, Sophomore h)p obmmltteerYerne Andrews, chairman; Temple Robin sos; master of ceremonies; Frank-gehwake, Mark Hargrave, Arch Blnsmore, Bur tPn Hill, Uorda'gcott, JeMle; Reed .and Ruth "McDonald; JCplor,' comMlttee Coe Buehaaan,' chairman; 'Dean McJ3riwv and 'Ralph, xey. , -, - OlywplcsAmHtr-OF. Fhilllpe, clialraiaa; .H. B. Coitw, CF, O, Clark. Klena Whltcomb, Brwia .Say r, Pawl Harrington, WarreaRoaaas, Sam Car., rlet ad Rtietili ;., ", THURSDAY PROFESSOR HOHLFELD SPEAKf University of Wisconsin Man Ad dresses Small Audience Tuesday. Professor . 11, 'uohiqlfl. tiead oi tho department of Qerniamcs of tilt University of WiBcohsm, Bpoko I us. night to u small audionco in ttio TuTii ple auditorium. Professor Hohlfoiu dlscusBcd tlio subjpet of "luiprcsioiiL of Modern Germany." IHo pointed ou; many features of tho European iiatloi. that uro in advance of similar thlug in America, and ho also diBcuBsed -tlit lifo and opportunities of tho kulsor'b omplro. THURSDAY CONVOCATION. Violin Reoltal by Mrs. Silence Dales Knapp. the program for tho ,noxt convoca tion wTliTbe a violin recital by Mrs. Silonco Daios.-Knnpp. and .is as fol-, lows: Air , MuttlJOson Walzor. ,. . . ,,.;. 7 ,K 1 ,'.. '. r. ',", . Hegar HumorcBKo. , . , L'egonde. .. .... ,,.. ,., ....,., ,. Binding JMazur.ka. ... . , Zarzyski; Miss Loulso Zumwlnkol at tho nqp. this prpgram win ue given at the Temple auditorium Thijrsday at li, a. m. - ' i VMP 8TOLE xHE,sl$XE? Tennis Tpur.ney Stops Whep Score bbard'TurriaUpvMfesfng, " Owing to nn examplp of light flngersj play in the annual tennls-tournaihentj of .tho Univorsity o.f.,,Npbraska hac beon temporarily susponded.. Som tlmo botweon .Saturday night. .. an Monday morning, ascertain contriving' Individual decided that hp, or shehadj moro Urgent uso for tho tpnnisr slate than did the .ournamont officials and' club members, lthas disappeared.'' Tho" manager of .the club nnppunceu;, that a new slate,. would .lip! madp ftij onco and that play of tho second round would probably -bo resumed today. Only two matches rqmaln to bo played In, tho first round. The doflnito re- sujts ,of tthe second round matches, aireauy played will bo announced j as soon asthb new slate is established; MALONE TO KEEP, POLE,' Police Appropriate Fraternity Coat Rack for Owri Use. The stolen barber polo wnlch. for four or vflvo years graced the vestibule of a Lincoln fraternity house-in the capacity of a coat""raby, 'is now servs ing a similar urposo Inahe private ofneo of Chief James Ialoqe. 'The pole was taken- last sprjug in a raid on a fraternity house, tho polico reaching the conclusion- that a healthy harbsr symbpi had no real business in the, place and correctly guessing that It had been ,got through way."UUare artful and 'slippery handed. The owner ,jvas never found and when Tile hew offices 'at police headquarters were flxfed up th" pole .was, agaia put on duty as fc coat rack, wkere it stands In alMts.tensorlal red'Site.aad feme glory. The pollqe of Wicklta gathered a a bunch oftten Falrmoaat cofeffe sta dents last Saturday evening for cele: bratlBg top kiiaribasly over a Tootball yietoryh ,After nsarckiat arcwad en the, streets for seme tlwetkey kaa stpi)pdtlB fwMt of a taeateraadvpfCH 4Iee jBfeJeeted -tb; 'The ijde jreeol- lseii Avals, ih el1ee;AfcWMlyttie- Hfc - t' W tj Price 5 Csnttv V.,-' BASKETBALL MEN ARE it 'M TWENTV-FJ VE FLAYERS ANSWiR to irmnr.pA.i&. TWO mm MEN WILL IE IWK .ahi V BUNCH OF VARSITY CANDJDATjtS I rtrtta .&rkftjiaiin WWU.JW,,.!..,, ,,, . j.t ijirer mv ". Pract! ce In the Armory from 4 on Tuesdays a,nd Thursdays. to a;;:4:5 . Basketball lias taken its' placo in tho list of uniyersity actyitics, At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon twonty-flvo ' mon were put In suits for tho, first workout 'of thj sessoh. . .. Captain Hutchinson, HUtnor, Schmidt and Amberson wero tho four "N" men who put In an appearance. Amborson is working o;t In thp cross country squad this year and .may ,no.t play baekotbajl., Schmidt says ho will not be able to"play. Hutchlnsqn and Hiltnor will both bo back in tlio gamo. Among the candidates on tho ..var sity ijvo .are TVako, Swanson, Krtig, . " Kidcjo Garrjer, Kiliian, Andijps, Llndstrom and Folding. Wake was a substltuto .last year.' Kiddoo, Krug and Swanson were on tho sophomoro team last 7pftr.-nnd Carrier, Klliian, Andrews and Llndstrom wero on tho rreahjnan team,' So'BUhch-oV ;CarfdftfateT ',"T ith "tiroso men trying for places there Is a good prospect for a win-riing-leam. In splto of tho fact that Pprry, Wood and Potrasok wont out last yoar, it is. believed that tho, aspir ants for 'the- team this year wlllbo moro than able to replace those who have gone. 1 Dr. Clapp-made a short talk tb .all, basketball men soon after" thoy as sembled yeBtor'day, giving somp good advice as to training, and practice Thp main thing,, ho" said, is training. At a man wants to keep in shape for baskotball-hermuBt observe oven more , rigid training . rules than a ''football man. Basketball, while it may not call for so . groat physical .strength, ro- -quires greater powers of endurance and bettor ind. ' " ' ; - . ' Practice Hours Are Set (Tho armory -wijl be turned pvor to basketball-' men botween , 4 and 5 o'clock pri Tuesdays and 'Thursdays and C and 6, o'clock on Fridays. Ar rangements will also be .made for oyttning practice Dr. Clapp will also try to make it possible 'for ibasketealL piiyifs to use tho gyni pheae.ver It I would not .seriously interfere with other gym work. - The freshman squad showed up well ' ,fprtheflst,day. A majpry of those whj,camesoutwero first jrearaswi, llenVaTrreatjalllatertfted'ia baskftballiare urged to put oa,a,gy suit and work out. There is lots' ,ef' .room forv everyone and all fhaye vaa eqaalchaace. ATHLETICS WIN THE. SECOND. : . Cue Leee ,erW IfrleeGamt by , - vPkll4WWa W;tai:.se4tw f of & .wotW's haMloMlila' faerie"' ,--' 9 to 3. CeMkuhttlsirw tkele- tuSjf the am. , xstr,:!) f1 tpv ThMore; i r Ckleaao . ;. . . ,10 iJJlilS J irt,-.Jii,-;' W , f Pkll4li ..IBMAtiu O attertea; ciiiite aWssL mtme aai.Xikue: Thllaislsei .. 'Hi" "1 - .' '' ijr.iwrtnaia My. -' 4 i... . , 4r --c '-.'. 'M ! 14 L (, ft" f-U 1 M As i-n ffit'. jv.l' v0; :. -rv, mit t r. ,. j ' "". rn .$ ftjJ& 'r-fy "XJtfl 6 ViTM .,"CjI 1 n 'w , ' rvi; A -. 't . .0t Ml ' .s? ". -4-1 n raj -: - v?Afl - r 'V "N V -i 1 Kim ! f' i'.-N -c 'ft- i tti a-' V ... T ., , yi, li-u-J:1 ' t " -V ,K. "-',& u v "- 'i I 4 4 yt .: 4, . i"S, TF" - .w..- i- i- r.. .'" i r- :T ,Sfl ! . J A, - - .