The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 18, 1910, Image 3
J V". ' f - -if '-.' . v A M V f .j . '-4- -v.j ': T H K j DA I L Y N Ml A I X A N V K$i- '- tx '- m- :. V'-. - sff- Vl n tl. A. V .iitWt Mp Oliver Theatre , k TONIGHT AT 8: 15 GEOr1GEr(BUSY IZZY) "SIDNEY In "THE JOY RIDER" . , -Prices 35c o $1.00-- - - - Ww.. Thurs. and Thur. Mai Oct. 1920 "MV CINDERELLA Q I R L" . Mat, 25c to $1.00 Night, 50c, to $1.50 Lincoln ""miBswttp r ORPHEUM itaSS ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Week Starting Monday, Oct. 17th THOMAS J. RYAN- RICHFIELD CO. ' ANff 7 OTHER' rilG. ACTS M'as.i15o and 25c .Evenings 15c, 25c, 35o arid 50c Simmons the Printer .PRINTING 'Engraving m fc Embossing Ahto2319 ' . t 317 So. 12tfi The-First Trust and -Savings Bank A pEKf cent Interest a ' :$1 open an account " 189 BcAith lltb Btroot, If IT'S PRIMJRYOU WANT ;.- . ,800 Us Boforo- Ordering Elsowhoro . ...Prbgrairfs,Menus A'nnounce r 'mente, Stationery. Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. .128-180 No ,14th St. - - - - " . SPGIAL CUSSES FOR UNI MEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE UTILI 0 ' iVfARiArt 8Tl)DrE8. ' Afternoon and Evening, Classes In Ing, Penmahthlp 'At NebVae ka' ; School of Business. IcxpeMicc; oryiJNiVERiiTY neK The -Nebraska School of Business, ..located In . tho Hall Bros. .. building,' .1519 O street, iav organizing special .afternoon and .evening 'classes at con venient hours for university studonU sL who wish, to study either shorthand, fLu typewriting,' .bookkeeping' or penman- ship," Tho .evening classes meet three .evenings each wookJfonday, WoA nosday and,, "Fr'Idajv University stu doht&,niay arrango for any number of hours per week that they may wish to "take and the. rates for tuition will bo vcryreasonablo. The Instruction Is ,iven py k t'eacheVs of Jong expert encb and;recbgnlzedabllity. v,;Mriv Glenn O; Taylor, B. a!, LL. B., : speaking from his own experience, sayS; "I Have no he'sitatibn In say ing that I -believe tho freshman in col- lego makes a .mis take, .if he does not; avail himself of tho bppprtunU ty 6t studying shorthand and typewriting. The student who has . a lcnowieugo of shorthand has not only a very rapid. means of taking ' notes 'from class work to be used later as references In preparation for; roviows and' . examinations, but also has. a knowledge irhlclk. kay be readl-. , 1 turned. into money during his spare hour&'and vocatldnsi Moreover, suctt '-Jmmmmmmm.4 ' .ibbbbbbbbW BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBS v -student, when ma couege course is ; ' rilshed. Is' assured immediate employi ,hiBtIitt the. commercial world!." ' . i-' -. --. -. . .... - .. , Mr. Fraiik qatee, a student of tnt N.r" B,iirhQ held a position' -with ti)i B. ft M 4. In this city 'last year, 1 now paying bis way through Northwestern', 1 dSKVn fc JUVUHBUMI, TVJtn OIB HBOtlMIIB U ism, iw-riti.. w . i . , . : .Any waiyersity students 'interested la thes. special caBteg'are-tevit U call1 at t'-solMwl akiobUIa ferthef HcallrttsVool Si'ohtail ftirtbef .partkalerB. vTlw sckfel, U6eW;: 8 tr' -fmmf !. ON THE CAMPUS Don Cameron's Cafe, 110 So. 12th. ' s Notice. " , , Tbpso interested in track athlotlcs report aktho gymnasium-Tuesday ,'0c tbber 18, at 11 o'clock. ' Cnpin Bros., Florists, 127 8outh Thirteenth street. Noltce. Those interested in basketball re port at the gymnasium Tuesday, Oc tober 18 at 4 o'clock. . . ' Jtalph Murphy, '07, is visiting at the Phi Kappa Psi house. Notice. An important meeting of. tho sopho moro class will bo hold" today 'fri Me moroal' ball at 11; 80. Commltteo ap pointments will bo made and tho elec tion of minor class officers held. Green's Sanitary Harbor Shop, 120 No. 11th. - ' " , Notice. Tho Forestry Club -will meet to nighfTn N2 at 7:30. This will bo tho second meeting of the school year. Tho program will bo as follows: "A Year, in Wisconsin Ltimbjdrjng," J, FL Buol; ''Stato Work In Ohio.' L. H. Douglas. Try a. lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. ' ' Delta Delta Delta sorority held a houso party Friday evening at the chaptcr-houserlG22 S street. Hlltner Bros., Florists, 118 So. 12th St. Phones Auto 1894, Bell 330. Choice roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. Wo solicit tho university trade. tf FURNISHER AND HATTER 1325 O STREET , Students who enjoy shooting may be interested to know that tho new Rem ington' pump gun Is the invention of a former student of engineering at the university, Mr. J.D. Pedersoii. 1322 n street , BpTH phones J, C. WOOD & CO, " OLDEST LARGEST BEST Cleaners and Dyers Havo your clothes pressed at Web er's Suitorium, Eleventh and O. tf The Sigma Chi fraternity enter tained at a house party Saturday night. , r . "" ' Any mako of typewriter with golden oak typewriter table, ?6 for ,8 months. -Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. tf . , Miss Ruth Jnckaway,-1010,. will en tertain at a 1 o'clock, luncheon , for Miss Marie Talbot Friday; ' . ,' ' George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street. Printer.8;rCalllng Cards, In vites' and Programs. ", r Tho Y..M. C. A. and YVW; CA'. held a joint par,ty 'Saturday eyening, which 'ifSV largely attended. R. FY CnrUs, 1912, had charge" of the affair. frtfr f . . . 1 . . -, . M ' Jf SHQfr ' ;' v.kA .ij & ' ,'-r:'.i- MLK -i. AiMHtaMMMMMMMMUl JK I ufcifc ii 1 1 1 Classified Column . LoBt Ladles' gold watch,, botwocri O street and the campus, bqtween 0 andal oclock, Friday;. Reward for return to Nobraskan office. ' 1G-Ct Ranted Stude'ntBto work fori board. Royal Hotel. 17-31 Wanted A: tfait on table for board,. 511 No. 16th. AUto 1821, Boll 868. . . lG-3t for RefitT For Rent-pri 0 large siinshiny room, downstairs; sfzo 14x15; modern: $15 per month. 1328 T at , tt3T Ttor'RenHfw6'm6dVor ro6mB, ono 0x12, other 15xi8 only SiO per month .for'BUite. '1328 Tb. ' . l7-3t Boird ;ACttib Knapp; 1227 G, st'rcot, $4.00 the tyeok.1 Meal tickets,' G.OO. Extra Money for 8"tu'dont& Wo want an ambitious studorit to roprd sent America's leading magazine ol outdoor sports. This is & great oppor tunity to mnko money without Inter fering with studies. AddresB Dept. S., National Sportsman, 75 Federal St., Boston, MasB. " , 1 - ' ' ' ii Educational. - lioarn Wireless and- II. It Tologra phy. Shortage of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ox tenslvo "wireless' developments. Wo operate under direct supervision of telegraph officials and posit I vols; iIaco all students, Wlftn qualified. Wrlto for catalogue. Nat'l .Telegraph' Inst, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Mompbls, Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, Port land, Oro. tf SWcftTEKS Nock -and G&at Jersey modiuifi afa'd heavy weight, all colors. Prices $0.50 to $1.50; iHon.'Johb P. Hartman of Benttle ' m ft ' 'Washington, a clasBmadto of Profes. sors Caldwell and FoBsler anH Dr. tWblfe; spoht d few days in 'the cJty. We Gem ariy tliiiig : from the claintkst Phiffon to the hpay jes,t pint or Overcoat, no w is the ime ' $6 rents any" make- of typewriter with .stond for three months, Rent applied Jf mqjchlno Is purdhascd Llhj coin Typewriter, .Exchange," 122 No. ilth. Richards' Block.' You pass our store ovory1 day, tf 'Ralph Goad, 1911-was called, to Om aha' last week on account of tho serp oas -Illness; of his father, John F. Goad, who' died Saturday, " Mr. Coad was orio of -tho leading Qmaha banks and n" plpneer of "VVyomlng and Nebraska. ' . , . Miss Laura Belle Pfelffpr of th'o Eujopean history department spent tho summer Jn 'Europe; In study and travel. ; Miss Pfeiffer completes her work-of gathering material tot her Doctor's thesis, which Jjhe began the previous summer in Paris. Sho spe'nl two months .trayoliag through Gbr many antt Switzerland. .?"-" - T ' " '' ' 1 KINtiCOLE ;. Cat'sthejnahieoUhe .NJSW-JGast; - V" J ; ... ;yery;hjffh, brad-to"o Ton TifH. ni -.. T::i.i.-. Bklt IVaX' 0lf itl Unftrtn : V w.m. " -j. . tF Lmsv ,.!! S.5t 'I"!.". ;; v i 2MO.stf4A K 1 .t4j.v lyw. -.. . t-r HOST ROUND NEARLY OVER TENNIS TOIIRNMBNt TUhNS OUT THIRTY-TWO MEN. OUTLOOK fOR A (RACK TEAM ONLY TWO MATCHES PLAYED FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Three Courts Susy All the Time Courts In. Excellent Condition- Good Freshman Material. . ,4 - Willi the first round at Ihti toimlti tournament of the tThlvorsity of Nc ibraska almost played off, tho rhoro experienced players nro nblo, to n cer tain extent, deal out tho "dopo'' on tho winners. With tho oxilrntian of tho second round, which" In all proba bility will take place by this evening, tho exact men who will compoiso the University tennis squad will bo known. The Bquad of bight men, which nro to be determined by tho present tour namont, will be the plnyorB from whom tho 'varsity team will bo picked next spring. This will ellmlnato tho necessity of having a tournament noxt sprlhgr but ddoB notT howdvbr, place, tho squad in a poeltlbn of im munity from all futnro attacks. After tho riblbcilorf of tho team, It itt 1111" derstood that every challenge must bo accepted by thtf sqiind menibors. ThlB Is oniya moans to' nn ond of hhvihg NbbfaBka wbil roriresoritod In tho Kansas tournament; also In the Minnesota and WlsconBlh tournn' mentSf If such are playod. If the men who nr"e at present "doped" to be vic torious clo.wln.thore will be very llttio possibility of a- challenge. Thtt con ditional phase of-tbo squad member ship, theroforo, was Insortod merely so that it might b.o applied to- Scud der, Smlthr or any other man of 'var sity material who might happen o comb to tho University. ; .j 1 " Weaverltnii Works Out, - R Weavorllng, manager of the ten nis cliib and the' only member of last year's 'varsity,. team who roturhed to tho University, "worked 6rit" yester-, day for the first time during tho pres ent tournament. Ho played u godd game, and, so' far as' court gOBsip Is concerned, will recontlnuo his work on the 'varsity1 team, in tho 1911 mebi. , Tho 'dopo" on he dthef favorites Iff not concentrated e'n'o'ugh' to warrant! giving tho honors, to any tyvo players, dud to the fact that most of tho con teBXants nro. freshmen In tho Unlver) sity. Pierce 1b s'h6l?lng up remarks ably wbllV and 'is, slated for a hrd match with- Gjoodbody,,, another mtin yvaa ib- snowing gooa lorm. i no win ner of tlils matcH1 will mbet Weaver ling In thd, round bef6ro; tho B'emlr finals, that is, adbumlng that Veaver-ling- is successful lii bis initial" r6Undr Goblb won bis match easily ,r npd Is backed by many Sourt as" a likely candidate for the tiquad.' Oster iaut, secretary and treasurer of thq tennis association, 1s in great fdrm. swinging his Lawfords with a telling fprcq, which makes him a formldablo playor" in the third liectioji of the slate. Andrews defeated Istrykor kj)Cfitty match at tho beginning of tho jfounament, and showed a few strokes that bid fair to play havoc with a few of the other squad seek- crs. 'Only Two Matches. For several reasons the tournament slowed up yesterday, there being qnfy' two matches played off. ' i. Hargf ave! beat 'Farriam, 6-3, '6-1, in a match wnicn ine winner naa an uis own way, and Kokjer biat Tompspn in the second roupd" of the tburhament, $-i, 0.. '11 theflrst f outfa matohes must be plaVed by Saturday nlgh& The Nfthraaki rAtirta are' Ik a bet- ier cdniitldn-no than they ever, hie1 been in thehistbty of the Jhatltlori: LastyiUi' ;jt9 tSe;flr -tim'e ; n 'irn'Wrka' USa 'ltfrl Trt lW'fir rk fklii iiflMK a" tlilrrl.Wrf', waj. lkli Mt.t,.iid opd' .bacluitopg pl -W-- TlU lasirrlelbtf dT'tW. cb';is this yW ihy iii Ue-srtsVW,t'Bel'b )ffV wWrei' ifwM -Wtkirte in 'dUsinde Witiie ;A'il4tieDo4i, '.. ..... i J i w .. ,- . .' r fm r yX HSSSiaa -cv jtu .. .. S fr, . t i. . L-Lwi.4f l- It ,'.f'.;' , V .. HT wM L mm aummlimM - -tfixi Gloves Are Pretty Prtii.fe. nerit V'V ' but you,ll iihd' otifs woiiK Wo' U 'the latest thing v V j a big Btddk to select fr6m. ' 'A44r PopulafWiffifli flJiish effeciir Reindoer,arid Arabian Mocha , in all shades $1',50 to $2.00. ' ' " Don'tforgotyduraiiklea, i ?; t3 We've tlio boat flilk-l'ioieiW: J'ti;' Double spun silk HBJe-ldbJci' nearly as good half thoprieV; H' u tv uuui - , '. --!(. l.ri MAOE&& DEEMER. X$M IIo9 O Street 5B VsBllBBBMBBBBmfJ $2.50 Shoe Store and the Original Elect ric Shoe Repair Factory 142lNo 12th St. ! 4 UNIVERSITY JEWELEK & OPTJCMH C. A- Tucker JEWtLER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 p STREET, YELLOW FITftMT VevrfatreMfc Solicited MR, GEORGE SIDNEY Busy Izzy' Who Comes to the t Ton l - Vi' k rr r : - S.I .A. : MnHisMuercal Faw 1 fwi;! RIDE" .T . .. , m f, f r ,'fci-lir- Otyi4 mmmmUkMMf'i ,T--:".7T-r . VMawaBK. niiTa PreiiltateWeiweNef;,1iML'fri 1m yesier'aay'v e,ieistl ! iMrkirtel - r . .-': -a .' i -'-' t ':jBi A SJflW J,,- , ,'iil ' istwiier d-IHf i IM OfystflB lesitB'see -art rtiBi I termor tUJ ill! i BSiiitnui it Mr i Warthoii vaMaaaiWHBaaHMBiMpaHPPMiasaBiHH- tTfitorawiim' cut, -u b i n v? e- - tw. - - v r j , fffjsWr iJ ,vl . 2J ' x - m-j-iiv. 1 ;. ', r 'SS ( .. " . lvWBr :Vit- . . , '-, J.i.V v j i. . y '1-4,tjtiip. 1 1 & 1 1 . j- 1 ' j; ?rtt ,.,, . ' 'iv. ,y 1 '"' tut 1 Niii -iv.' ,f i arfpw A Tcrri- - " ' J . (f 1 f A" " v - tjifT "j j. ... :? ..: .. - "f'; tfWs1 !- v. Wfc. f r: ll -, h- .' . .r t.i. j , 1 ? U , I.7' .... - J'1 "'V .. j L l ' &.. r.-.;-. .' ' III. . . - r. -(1 .-". ' n."3 if ' ' V '.- .'-' '.. ft. s ;i- r. .' . .. Ivrwti i'.' ? ". j i? t. ." r s ,JW.1