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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1910)
w. ' v - Jtof f ' T t t i? t - ; j 7 THK DAILY M1BEAIKAX '", . , - ,v e? TPP v 4 V 1 1 i -41 K fe f " U 4 i ir V 4 'C J3 ' ? Nt. I' J '.v,r a".Y frn ttll r ' r f'M"" V -V . 'v- . j h-5 iW .y.4,, V IJ'-X' 1 w ) '. J If jft--fiwf . V it.", ? t . f J'' fcr a.--.- - THE DAILY NEBiUSKAN u-: S Z J , -TWIT FMOl'HWTY OF' THE UNIVHRilTY OV NHDftA8KA, PtiUUhcd by .Tira'lTUUKNT-JFUDLICATtON HOAD v y.KOlTOrtlAU STAFF. ' Kdltof.V'-.. A. ..!..., C. J. LORD MRHmriMflMltor,.r......O. T. LIDDKLL Asseolatr IMltorr. ,, .TVrS -HAHOnWH Awoelfite lMltor., A. H. DINSMORE . BUSINESS STAFF, r . Manager i.Mc.V ,..... Q. C, KIDDOO AwtotAjit lRHnK6r.M.V.'0. HASCALL. Cl.'UJHtlh MflnK(ir..C. C. BUCHANAN , r i,i-' , ,i i, i i I. t .' .Mlttfrlsl and Butlnott Office t ASKMKNT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. MPtstttflte,! Station At Lincoln, Nfcb. SUM0Wljn"lON PRICE, 2.00 PKR YEAR f J" '. Payable In Advance iltnita CqpIO, 6 Cents Each. , SW. ViYelephonei-Auto 1888, Niiht Phsnt AUtO 1B88J AUtO KOtWJ .. Bell 1123. iNbivibuAL Notices will bo charged Jor .ntjUht :WUo or 10 punts tbo liujartlon . for 'every fifteen words or f motion thoro ,bf. Faculty, notices and Unlvoralty bul lot(nH?wlll -gladly, bo published frco. 'Entered at' tho poatofllco nt Ll'hcoln, mull .muUqr., under the Act of CoiiKrovs of March 8, 14 1 k 'AdVerllaementf fbr the want column ahould'be left at the butlnen office, bate ment'!'AlmJnUtratlon bulldlno, between 10 ant.vand 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and XaiK mut accompany all ordera for ad vertising at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen wore or fraction thereof the first , ihWtienf hree Insertions twentyflve - cents five Insertions fortyxentsi, ...-v., i ,,,. r : 1 , ,' ' OOTODER 18, 1910. -I.OwJhfl to circumstances which arose the Dally Nebraa(an extra for Satur day was carfcellc'd. Promises had been made by both city dallies that no tx tra weuld be published. Early Satur day' afternoon both papers announced extra editions. When .the result of the game was announced one dally . withheld Its extra the other was pub 1 1 Shed.--On account of having as com petitors the city papers the Nebraskan ' 'extra was cancelled at 2 o'clock Satur- "' day afternoon. Talk about nerve. Tho sophomores cWtalhly have It. Thoy will elect of cors today, bofore the juniors have "vnad-a chance to "Bnoak un' k Tho ki?oll of football for 1910 is al- ' ready hoard in tho distance. Fall track, fall .tennis, croBs-country run- slng and baskot ball appear and make ttemselvc's, acquainted. Tho numerous . kinds of fall athletics may bo taken as . an excuse' to abollBh football entirely, tho first thing tvo know. "' , Reports Kao It that Illinois beat Chi cago Saturday, UVc aro sorry for 4'Chl,!' but w.o altio feel lik.o extending tbe glad hand, to Illinois. However, the CorahuskorB are grinding away to win fprenBlc honors from Illinois Dc- t. FOR MEN Budd'$ advice is liways be dePended uPn' bi" $1-50 Per .ctustit is tried out beforehand. I Me a sock, u K n n y i v hat you are lookln f or' Mercerized Li$,i' and yu !fi J J; U II L I cannot wear out six pairs in less than six months. 1 4 1 5 - 0 - o T . "camber".'4 'Eerhaps we can, revenge '-!' i a . ' i ' ni.i i that'S-'to d. deqa,t for you, Chicago ." NortlwiiteVn has adopted Uhls slo rtoj WVU'-pt hpoblor skirts on Chi cago. Frhaps w,hon Johnnie Mc- Govora, .adds -a new fall hat, to" North waatent'' ..contribution, Stagg ' will -want tcha,Bje football Jp a "ring- arounu-ine-roiiy. Seven kuVdr;audon,t8 bado the "team Gob aptf4;Not even seventeen ra.'aaeml9jedto fkomo them back. A "worthy tribute, to, thesofforts of the men attempting ".uphold the honor of the university pa, tho gridiron. Don't, ', try to explain. It.lp evident mat a large percenvago oi ia enwouw u suffering 'from something besides too -mucu tmuiUBiaem, -, The football game Saturday wob an example of -bj?t one thlng. That Is tkat Chicago conference ooT15all Ja .kead; ,pf Iwoiiri Valley football. yt tkla, ahout Jier la hard; to say., , sNaikA.rf,eBtrd upon this great fpa'teat at; true Nebraska, .ipn. Tey ' fQUghrvallaVtlK ani'los fSTimt amy. wa cam p. Mlnnesotaba .t beat team, and the' best team 'win. j x-rwp ui ivuiv aiiuuiu wui uuy '"'rT"""" r v . ( "l-'i-,"W- . --r -fH?r ,-y vr '"-tf-i- nl"WSBflfflWS1"nirriTnff"WBEB3BniffiS?g'r'ii i' ' flr,ii'il'fSlr-J -'"SlSSgSBBtaM'3y.,i""'.yy'7. TUESDAY ' 'J H6ii.J6hirPi mmomkL hall boon ao largo. Porh'dps this might, rliavo happened and that might have happonod, But tho Nebraska game with Minnesota will go down In his tory as a defeat for tho CornhuskorB. Ton oars from now tbo scoro wftl not havo changed, but tho cause and' effect will havot.pas8od nway, aa a dream Nebraska students .should bo truo Ne braska men tho samo as the football horoos woro and never say die. Stand up for all thero Is In tho sohool. Lib tie things like this Is what count In tho ling run. It Is up to tho men and women of tho unlvoralty to rally around ono of thCbestttonms tha Ne braska over had, and support it. Cheer for them, yJll for them, do any thing that .will show tho twenty-five men of the football Bquad, that tho student -body Is with thorn heart and soul. For tho sake of 'all that you wish to hold dear as momorles of Ne braska spirit -novcr lot tbo football team return to Lincoln wlthdut a re semblanco of welcome whon they have mot dofoat on a forolgn gridiron. TEQNER 80CIETV MEETS. Organization of Swedish 8tudents Hold Second Meeting. Tho Togner Society met Saturday evening for the second time this sem ester. Tho attendance showed a healthy Increase over tbo previous mooting. Tho speaker of the evening was Prof. Carl C. Engberg, who in fluont Swedish spoke on tbo urgency .of studying Swedish. . Prof. Engberg ex pressed tbo bopo tbat many might tako advantage of thq opportunities presented by tho Togner Society, also that a goodly numbor might Boizo-tho opportunity to tako tho Swedish courseB offered In tho. university, Further numbers on tho program wero piano solos by Miss Leonora I Lane; a recitation by Mr. Joseph I ii.-i- ,. .." o...Jlu i n AlexlB, instructor ip Swedish, and folk songs sung by tho Boclety. FUNKHOUSER FUNERAL. Former Member of Class of 1913 is Burled Irt Chlcaqo. Tho jjqdy of Robert O..Funkhousor, who died ,nt Princeton last Wednes day, arrived in Lincoln Sunday at' 7:05 a. m. The body was accompanied by Dr. Louis Funkhouaer of St. LouIb and & Bister, Funeral services wore hold at Holy Trinity Episcopal church. Deceased was a crosB;bearer at this church. when at home, and he waa fbufled'ln his robe.v Following the services the body whb taken to Chicago, where Interment was held -In Rose JIU1 cemetery. The class of 1914 at .Princeton adopl- t ed the following' resolutions: -. , Forasmuch as it hath pleased God in. his all-wise- pfovldonceto' remove from- ui pur 'beloved classmate.,, and irleBd,rRob4rFunkhou8erV and ;WereM ovrjcwss in ni unumeiy death kafuJ(F'd a.CTeat arid keenly lesvea, ni we, pe ciasa or jyn. xj to4ht family our deepest sym-- patny in meir grci nurfujir un uv ijl ?rJH1r ' x,s . , , i-,.t n , rt t ' Ti -..A tXZiit. jnlBa rt ilinbn ruitnlil. (WBUiycU lUfll MXfium y eniqw.,v..i ii A. M. v . . - iM.:;X .r .Ar(L :?s :v H ' V taf , Jit SS -' - ft'-". tlons bo printed in tho Dally Prince tonlan. (S,lghcd) A. DALL, III., Prcsl'doa't. H. B. WALLER, Vlco-Prosident. W. O. DUKE, Secretary. , For tho laBB, COMING EVENTS All University organizations are re quested to send In announcements which they desire to have published. Convocation. Convocation, Tuesday, 11 o'clock, Memorial hall. Hon. J. P. Hartman of; Seattle, Washington, will .be thtf Bpeaker. At convocation Thursday, October 20, there will bo a big football rally. Organizations. Dramatic club try-outs will bo-held Thursday, October 20. Lecture. Prof. A. R. Hohlfold, head of tho department of Germanics In the Uni versity of Wisconsin, will lecture In the University Temple Twelfth and R' streets, Tuesday evening, October 18, at 8:00 o'clock. His subjectjs, "Impressions of Modern Germany." Clashes , Tho sophomore class will meet at 11:30 TOday In Memorial hall. Athletics. Football, Denver vs. Nebraska, Sat urday, October 22, Traj:k team men will meet at 11 o'clock this morning In tho gym- .naelum. Basketball mon will meet at I o'clock today In tho gymnaoium. 1913 TO MEET. Second Year Class to Eject Minor Officers. At a, meeting of tho sophomore class j tbiB morning Im Memorial hall, the mjnor ofllcers will be eleoted and com mittee appointments announced by President Sears. A, "report? will bo heard from the Olympics committee. Thocommltteo aro anxious that all men who are Intending to bo candi dates for the wrestling and boxing- contests begin training, without delay. There will bo some Important business to transact regarding tho approaching Olympics. Sophomores are planning for an organization which thoy bopo will prove a stone Avail to tho freaV men, ' CHEMISTS TO MEET.. . ,, Nebraska Section to Assemble Satur day, October 22. The Bixty-fi'rst, regular meeting of the Nebraska, section of tbo American Chemistry Society will bo hold In the chemistry lecture room Saturday, Oc-J toner zz, at 8 p. ra Dr. C, F, Crowley .Wil.spoak. His subject Is, "A Co'n, ixitmi of tbo Natural Resources of Ne- lH:Pryh TEbae.of the rmvmv v- .unw'vBi Hartman ,-.:.ri -.' visi.-r-t - sj- -w-s - -v - . i.i-. vijjajijiiijsssj T.'.t ;T ,i'rz.f L 'L-TriAti.iti iii ifti..wiJMfa!aBMhJailMSWSBSlSMSMSlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSM Work Called Fbr and DeUverod ' SttadeteJvtofkBpeciaUy , ' ; tfitodaor Siiltorliim OpoVriitnntay Night All Nlghi WOLFE & YOUNG. Soiu Cieanedlncl Preseed $12 ' PrbeedCOc Auto472o ; , r '-. ;, BcllF2292 For' Cunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream, and (College Ices, and ' Fruit Punches Call at 1 THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St BOTH FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmMmmmmm Ws Want Your Coal Ordsrs. Give Us a Trial Ordsr. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 . BELL 234 T y pA ALL MAKES SOLD OR RENTEP, Rent applied on purchase price. ITwo year.wr'itten jniar- antee with every machine sold. Distributers New' Model, 3L m C. Smithy Bros, visiable. Call or write fbr catalogue and " special price list , , .. Auto Phone 2080. Bell Phone 1299. B. F. SWANSON CO., I&c. H3Sp. 13th St., Lincoln, Nebr. ' EXCLUSIVE HUYLER'S & FINE CHOCOLATES SW " W mm V. J . IV tf m WmJMMA2LKKL2XABBKKE.ZZA Tho nlverslty of Nehrntka urges all young people', who can, to, take a four-year high school courso anO prepare to .enter college, Some, however, cannot spend the tlmo required by tho high, chaol' and college courses. For tho. lioneflt of these, the Unlvorsjtyi OBtab llBhed, a numbor of years ago, tho ''-.', 8GHOOL OP AGRICULTURE Jj School of which admits tlibsfa who havo completed ' .. THeCouiitry Schools , Courses gfven In' PractlcaL Agriculture, includlnggronomyi. Agri cultural Botany and Chemistry', Animal Husbandry, Dairyings Domes tic "8clcnce Farm Machinery, Farm Management, Farm Veterinary Practice, Horticulture and the general branches. . Registration at the University Farm, starting October .31. .1910, : MEW TERM STARTS NOVEMBER 1, 1910 'For information address A. versuy jfarm, Lincoln, NourasKa. TEMP trfc THEATltE r&l a p; m. RHONES ? ' ' . r UMm .-j iri t & r -s- i -vv, AGENCY ' HUDSON'S AND BON B0NS Agnculturje rr. ? t - V - J E. Davissdh, Principal,'' The rtjiil- '':?. y r f ' Irln- v , . fi TUESDAY s to 'C "" "V l' " ' ftmRVr'fe'-iA .-W-'. ittCM':'. ?'l Mm, m l"' i. . '-r' Hohlbera- -'. x.- - -& 1fetl -8 :v s4 - ' A i ." . --J", " 'H H: 1 1 , 1 -$ AMI I 1- n i' X ' l Ji "' I r i I '' A. I I- ? I u ' r.Vf.. i - U a -'i II t . , r I I