The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 18, 1910, Image 1
Vl&r . M M3 ''fr'rt. ss . V jmr -k ': t .. 'I "IV . ' ' -VJ X. Vol: X. No. 17 UNIVERStTYiOF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1910. Price 5 Cents. ftbe mebtashaft : '??.. . (J. M ? (fj .n -m GOPHERS JAKE CQRNHUSKERS' MEASURE G E 21 TO 0 McGOVERN HANGS UP 11, WHILE ROSENWALD ADDS 10 Pickering Supplies 5 More and Morill Makes 1 Captain .Temple, O. Frank and Collins Star for ""Nenraska in the Contest Nebraska loBt to Minnesota in a football game played Saturday at Min noapollsby a score of 27 to 0. Slln nosota itad tho game bottled up and laid away from thb vory start and tho CornhUBkera nover had a chanco. Minnesota had a wdndorful back leld. McGovernr Stevens, Johnston and Roscnwald played a perfect game, and with a powerful lino iff front of thorn pounded through Nobraska lino at Omaha IaBf yqar -If anything, ho surpassed it. Timo and again ho dart ed through tho lino or around the onds for long runs. Tho Cornhuskcrs could not stop him, for oven whqn tackled ho bad a wiggling, squirming run which noarly always tore him loose.- ; - - orn, Pickering. Goals from touch down Morrill. Goals from Held Mc Govern 2. Referee Endsloy, Pruduo. Umpire Mumma, West Point. 'Field judge Holdnoss, Lohlgh, Head linos man- Haddon, Michigan. Timo of quartors Fifteon minutes. Tho Cornhuskcrs will meet Denvor on Nebraska flold Saturday, Octobor 22. Denver has a strong toam this year and "a good game is looked for. So far no Donver "dopo" has drifted this direction, but tho Mountaineers, -will likely bo heard from this week. Scrimmage work will coramonco again today, and Conch Cole will com monco getting his team in slfapo for tho garao next Saturday. Tho prac tice Inst night consisted of Bigual work alone, and the team did not go into scrimmage. No Rates to Kansas. Manager Eager urges that ovory Btudeni who can go to Lawronco for tho Kansas garao. Ho makes tills an nouncement now because tho rail roads havo rotused to grant special Temple, O. Frank and Collins. For tho Cornhuskers, Tempio, Owen Frnnlc nnd Tallinn worn fhn Vnnn u-lin and around the ends- for gain altar Ljr JQy miQ hmd Qf thoir religious as well ns scholastic re qulremonts. Rev. Leland In Charge, llov. Dean 11. Loland, who will bo tho chlof oxecutivo.iu clinVgo of tho bonoflt fund, is vory popular among tho unlvorslty studonts. Having boon activoly engaged about Lincoln as the hond of tho educational committee he has gained much promlubnco among tlfo studonts, and, by his association with thorn, has been placod In an ex collont position. to know tho no'eds of tho different Nebraskans, and can ad minister to thorn accordingly. Dr. Richard C. Hughes of Madison. Wisconsin, 1b in Lincoln now visiting Dr. Leland and investigating the plans to bo employed by tho Presby- torinns in thoir work among 'Nobrnskt students. Dr. Hughes is the Hold soo lotary of tho national, board of educa tion nnd has had a groat deal of ox perienco with university studonts. He also attended tho Prosbytorian synod at Deatrico. OB. H. H. EVERETT RESIGNS INSTRUCTOR IN MEDICAL. COL LEGE ASKS TO GO.- CAME AS 'A SURPRISE W ALL gain. Cornhuskers Fight Bravely. Ono thing can bo said for tho Corn huskers :altbpugh beaten in tho first quarter, they did not glvo up, but camo back at their opponents .with jrrlt and stubbornness, fighting every , inch of 'tho. way. 'Minnesota scored in tho first quar ter almost "before tho Nobraska root- Bm' .sKLv Hk LLLLLL.1 1 Blf R .Hfew Bp- mM IV wBmWBjVBjBjbbbTb- r i . jnIHIflBH ppa , yPppppppp' ppppppPKr ppBBF IBpM33ri SpMpK Kv BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiSBBBBBBBBBBBBHf. Bk 3Sbbbbbbbbbbbbb9RmSbbbbbbbbbbbS' ACTION UNEXPECTED NOTHING bONE ON MATTER SO FAR. fio Notice Given by Dr. Everett Re garding the Matter Until Hie V: Request Wat Piled. v CAPT, "JACK" TEMPLE; The Cornhueker Tackle Who Fought to the Finish. .' rrhad time to realize that tho ad begun. With a whirlwind attack, e GopkSra carried, the ball down the' aid nnd Hunt McGovorn across thd Ail. . . . . w. . i. mine for a toucnuown. rnreo ioucu- downs -with ono kicked goal marked up before tho end of the first fifteenmlnutes ,Pt glsgi - 'f . The Cornhuskera: rallied la;, the seer Tond quarter, and bad it not been for 4 f amble by Warner on Nebraska's Iwenty-flvo yard Jlno would have held the Gopher" without a acore. . jMeG0Tern; repeated hie performance braskans watching the game. Tomplo held up his side of tho lino and fro quontly broke up offensive plays Owen Frank played Ills usual brilliant game in breaking up interference and blocking attomptod ond runs. Collins several times broko through tho min nesota lino and pulled" down a runner before ho could got started. Minnesota had a decided advantage in tho oxchango of punts, McGocern and Pickering kicked bettfcr than Frank and the Gophers, as a, rule mdd,e srreator calns on roturnlhK'nunts. 'Nebraska could not gnin through the lino Minnesota put up and .could mako only a fow gains around tho ends. 'Minnesota may liavo had a strong toam last year, but tho ono this year Is said to bo tho strongest tho insti tution has over had. Tho Gopher lino surprised even. tho Minnesotans. They liad "oxpocted'a strong beckfleld, but had "been dubious regarding thoir lino. Tho first "fow minutes of play, dis-1 polled all doubt. . Elliott Hurt Only one accident of any conse quence happened to mar tho game. Elliott, left guard for tho Cornhusk ers, was thrown hard In tho last fow minutes of play and was carried off tho field with a broken collar bono. Ho may bo out of tho game tho re mainder of thoeaBon. If Elliott lute to stay out of tho gamo tho Nobraska lino' will loso ono of its strongest men. Nebraska tried tho foward pass only a fow times, Tmt made sovoral of Hie biggest gains on this play. Robinson, McGovorn and Rosenward featured in the forward passes made by Minne sota. ,' In tho -first quarter. Minnesota piled' ud 16" points and added five more to tho number In tho socohd"qunrtorr-Iir tho last two quartors, it tho score may bo taken as a standard, 'Nebraska played a far .bettor gamo than In the first two quartors. Minnesota failed to mako"" a touchdown after tho first half, and tho remaining six points were mado by McGovorn on two drop kicks, ono in each quarter of tho last half. The Ljne-up. ". Tho llno-up; . , ' Nebraska. , - MInnosota. Chaunor.,, . . . . , L. E;..... . v.PIckerIng Shohka. . , ... . v L. T. . . .'..,, .Walker rates for tho gamo and it will bo noc essary for all who go to pay full faro. No rates woro granted last year and Kansas sent an unusually largo dele gation. 'Manager Eager does not liko to think tho 'Nebraska delegation will bo smaller than tho ono sent up here from Kansas. Fraternities .or sorori ties desiring to charteV Pullmans may do so by ongaging eighteen berths. Plans are being pushed to run a special to meet tho Jayhawkors. WILL M. MAUPlN TO 8PEAK. STUDENTS ARE TO BE AIDED PRE8BYTERIAN SYNOD WILL 8ET ASIDE 5 PER CENT - t Dcputy Labor Commissioner to Ad dress Debaters. Mr. Will M;; Maupln, deputy labor commissioner for, Nobraska, will ad' dross tho members of rtiotorlc 22 this morning nt 7:15 o'clock at U107D on tho'closcd vs. tho open shop. This is tho question which tho teams dobating Wisconsin at Lincoln nnd Illinois nt Urbann will discuss. NEBRA8KAN AN INVENTOR. REV. DEAN R. LELAND IS IN CHARGE 8TATE CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONS TO FURTHER MOVEMENT. Complete Plans to Be Announced at a Later Day-r-Worthy Men and " Women Will Be Assisted. Harry D. Pqdelsak, 1894 Gains Fame by His Work, Tho Farm, Implement .Nows of July 28,tli. contains ardescription of ono of itho fine now Boif'b'lhddrs built by tho John Deero company. This new binder 1b tho Invention of Mr; Harry D. Podolsak a graduate ffom the en gineering department with 'tho class of 1804. Mr. Podelsak has had wide oxpcrlenco as a designer and experi mental export with thojlnternatlonnl Harvestor company. Dr. II, II. Evorott, professor in tho medical collogo, yesterday rdslgnod his position as a membpr of tho fac ulty ot.the university. ; ThlB action camo as a comploto sur prlso to studonts and faculty mombors' as well. Dr.Evorett has been con noctod with tho faculty of the medical collego. -for-somo. timo,. and ihojoason for his resignation is unknown. No statement. , , When asked abqut this, action Mon, day evening Dr. Everett stated that ho, had nothing to say at the prpsont.Umc, about the matter. No (urthe'r Information cb.uld bo ,8 cured regarding ho resignation of Drv Everott Faculty members and'stu-, dents havo, no Information on the ac tion of Dr. Evorott. M Notice. . , Football rally Thursday, Octobor 20; at 11;30 In Memorial -hall. Eyorybody out. ATHLETIC8 TAKE FIRST. ' That all students of tho Unlvorslty of Nebraska, who havo previously manifested a desiro to "mako good" but havo been financially hampered, will now receive a;hoarlng and prob ably financial assistance, is a fact re cently attested by tho Prosbytorian synod- ut Beatrice. This assembly de creed that five per cent of tho state contributions of the Presbyterian churchos of Nebraska bo apportioned aB n fund to be used exclusively In the' Interest of university studonts who aro conscientiously trying to ac quire a ' higher education, but who havo not financial means to back their offorts.. Movement Planned. A movement of this naturo has been on-fbotrfoira long time, probably in stigated by tfio apparent necolsity for such a fund.' Attempts havo been fre quently mado to dotormlno-a means of assisting studonts along money lines With Bonder In the Box, Cubs Held to . Three Hits. v Tho first of tho world sorles base ball games botween the Philadelphia and Chicago Nationals resulted in a victory for tho former. Overall STart- "od tho gamo for tho Cubs, but was taken out and replaced by Mclntyro. Thb scorV: f ' i R.H.K, Chicago ...... 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 01 3 1 Philadelphia ...0 2 1 0 0 0 .01 4 v Ba'ttorles Overall, Mclntyro Kllng; Bender and Thomas. T 1 nnd Y. W. CLASSES START WORK Sections Organized and Registrations v -Almost Complete.. Tho first session for tho University of Nebraska Y. W. C. A. Bible study classes starts tonight With thb classes fairly1 organized and the regis trations almost 'completed, tho Y, W. wlthoiit Inflicting heavy interest re- c. A. officials announce that they hayb qulremonts. The action of tho PreB- every indication for a yery profitable byterian church, whlcli has developed season In Bible study work. '''- 'mffiw ' bbbbW. ibbk: lBBBBBBBBBBBHiBBBBB BBBBDKa!1) BSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSm BSSep ' "lBBBBBBBBKBK SBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBDHBj -.BBhBe B1111111111BBBI&sV9pJpmm bbbbbbbbibW .BBBBBBBBBBBHSlBKIxSf "IfeBBBBBBBBBIrrPBuBuBu!. BBBBBBLBV tBBBBBBLVf 'bbbB bbHL' LBBBBBLV BBBBBLBW BBBBLBV BBBBBBBhT aBBBBBBLlBaBpSLL-1 Blllllin ILBBBBppHIIbBBBBBBBpK' Elliott, t. . , ,ru LG. v... ( ,-, i .Bromley Harmon -'" Collins, , C Morrill Hornborgor.,.. It. G, ......,. Smith Temple ,.. R.B. .........Young Lofgren. ,.".,, r, It, B. ;..'.,. ,-L. Frank Warner, . i , .a,.,tQ.. v ... .Jcaovern O. Frank , . L. H Rbsenwald B, Frank.. t It'H. Stevens Minor ' h much Interest among fHo university students, Is tho first successful at tempt to, actually apportion money Tor student use only. ' Tho plan of the Presbyterians will be announced in detail at a later date. The t five, jper cent contribution fund haying been secured, it will -be the duty of the Rev. Dean R. Leland of Lincoln to see; that it is pifiperly ex pended among tho worthy students. It Is thought that a double benefit will at least be derived from this appor tionment, namely not only that it wljl materially aid well meaning stur dents, but also that it will provide numerous ways aad devices for organ- Rathbomo...,., F.-B, ,V.,..JokMto Itlng the large numbej of ualverslty ToHchdowns-r-Ttosenwald', 2, McGor stutlests' la Llscok aad 'attendlag to A vory unique llttlo pamphleUhas recently been issued by the associa tion which contains; in part, a class schedule of the course. All members who have not yet "enrolled in any ofj the classes and do not know the pre scribed courses, are requested to pro cure ono of, these "Did You Know' booklets. a The course in "The Life of Christ' by Miss Carrie: K. .Schultz, and; the course in 'rfhe Leadipg Ideas brjtke Gospel' by -Rev.-Deaa RllJelirad, stsrtti'lstt.alKk the fomer'at BHo'i, the latter 7 to S, The course ia 'he Life of Paul.'.'-by TtfWlpIerle TkbmasT has received very few Tfgistratioas; and lU'orsltIorjl so far vmcer- t , . www, ' J" . OWEN FRANK, Cornhusker Half Who Did the teetlni " "for Nebraska. ' " - , ADD TO PRIZE LIST. Fat Catle Return from Kansas .City pfewwtiwi wmn ntwwwww 'The fat cattle exhibited ey the de jsartset of aslBMil hasbaWdry attie Aaterloaa Royal sHoef mSytf-kt KawMut1:'. pity arrlrrfd is. LiMcolJfiterayV"if the; show; which J meit'tb the Ohleea ' Jateniatiosat Live tock sfcow'the Kilrerelty exhlhit .took r Scet frlsee, oM'.seooai, eiie. third sM 'eeie fort.h ' Thew cattle are, e4d la th4 J4tif feetees -at the- ilTeaHy fwpa f i' '.. ' s- -ft' . '--, -. v'r vf3 St, Y C nV 1'' J., -fi y '0 H- .'!-' ' r. i