? - . , " K. t;V" "to . '.' - r r' X ', mm:'"' v " ' SLv ' : t TH25 DAILY KXBRASKAK r.vi'1, - b V R" - i . '. if ha f If I-' '., ,. V 4 ?i". I tr l- 1 r V 4 v'(fe n i t J a. , , J. " 1 - (1 t ft ( i -, PLAN FOR H BIG SCRAP "' QohMntiacl ;from Pngo.l I'll. 'vr mores and freshmen havo boon soloct- ed and ars,at work lining uj? mon for thr arfojuff "coMesTi; "Tlo 6ntIF? supervlBlpRoa tho ovontful day la in charge of upper clasffmon. Tho h Olympics will be hold on tho morning 'of gllufda, -Ootobor 29, 'at 0 o'clock probably oa-tbp athTotlp Hold. - -ismi 'Changes. Thens t wJU probably bo uomo changes (U. the lineup of events this -year a'nd'U tho number of Bcoros to be .awarded for tho various contests. There was somo dissatisfaction ox pressed . last year by students whq thought, tlut1 too much depended upon Whlch,;cVs w5?n; ,tho froe-for-all, "bat tle royal." Tho ovonts laBt yoar con sisted, ofi ,a "Marathon run of about .threeymllei "'rrom somo point at tho 'rid'1 of 'W stiftet car lino to tho cam pus, ' ls ,tugdf-war; throo Wrestling yrnVtchesJ three boxing contests, and last of all tho big froo-for-all class -rusk,- Tke yral ,f un canio whon last yoar thtw Classes startod from 'olthor end of the football Hold in a mad rush .togeUpossesBion of a piece of ..can fc vas, about ; ton foot square, which was in the center- oft tho" Hold, guarded by five stalwart warriors" of each of tho olassesrpmallnches "of moh "fought to keep each other away from tho cen ter of activity, 'the' canvas. Ono man could ho soehyhblding an opponent xlown and at the samo timo trying to Jtrlp anothon Tho .dust ?htch JfllJed ;the' air fairly choked Bomo of tho con ytestaifts. but -thoy, scrapped on., Slug ging or hitting of any kind was barred and evory man was on his honor as a Nobraskan to play tho gamo fairly and squardly. Liko a' whirlpool in tho ocean, the4 canvas moved back and forth, but was suddenly ruBhod across tho goal line and tho freshmon had loon "defeated", and could not woar clasB caps. It was a roal battle, and whon tho dust had cloarod away- ovory man' know that thoro had boon some thing doing, and what was moro, that ho had been in tho light. Sophomores Anxious. Tho class of 1013 Which as n' fresh man class mot defeat, Is dotormtned this yoar It will cbrao out tho victor. Tho first yoar classmen promlso that they will glvo 'tho second year stu dents a good scrap and that tho soph omores will know that thoy had an opponent, whon tho battlo ls.ovor. In three of 'tho .eaatora colleges and at Nebraska Wesloyan university tho freshmen havo this season cleaned up tho second year moh. Nobraska stu dents aro wondering if tho' class oT 1914 will come out on top Octobor 29. READ ALL ABOUT THE BIG GAME IN THE DAILY NEBRABKAN EXTRA. PUBLI8HED AT THE CL08E OF THE QAME. MINNE80TA IS READY. Gophers Anticipated a Battle Royal In "' -u Today's Game. Minneapolis, Minn. This afternoon tho Minnesota oloven went through but a slight warming up, followed by a long talk by Dr. Williams. From end to end thoro is not an apparent weakness in tho' maroon and gold line and tho back field, based on its show ing so far this season, stands un equalled In tho country. Tho -followers aro confident that tho team will bo , returned victorious over tho ln-t Vadipg forces from tho valloy,. but thoso who aro wont, to not, lot their loynltr best tholr -judgmontrfool that thoro Is to bo n ibattlo royal on to morrow and that tho outcome is In groat doubt - Tho chances aro, that conditions will play an important. part-in tho contest, and, if tho Cornhuskors havo tho edgo In this rospect on tho Gophers then tho Colo army is Ukoly to bo roturnod tho victors. Tho Nobraska team Is quartered at tho West hotel and tho lobby Is being constantly thronged with thoso intorestod to catch a look at tho Nebraska giants. ElVory man oh tho squad is reported as being in tho best of Bhapo and fit for a long and gruelling struggle. Tho mombors of tho oldvon, though not outspoken, show by their cbtivor sntion that they fall to ttio whore Minnesota has, anything on thonvand appear confident of moro than an ovon chance of winning. Colo had nothing moro, to say othor than tho toam camo up to play football and would glvo tho best that thoy had, but ho appoared to bollovo it was good oridugh to win. Ono of tho largest crowds that has over witnessed a game with tho Cornhuskors will bo on hand and ' extra 'seats are bolng erectqd this afternoon to handle tho overflow. READ ALL ABOUT THE BIG GAME-IN THE. DAILY NEBRA8KAN EXTRA. PUBLI8HED AT THE CLOSE OF THE GAME. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLER'S & HUDSON'S r '.; ;. ''' ' it " rn AND BON SONS i . ' : j If jW m M-M-EJj-mMKBmmmmmKKmmmBkmmmmA WH TypewH teca.;; tLi Ii :: .- - r. ALL MAKES SOLD OR KEMfcD -l. . . "Rinf. ftnnlipd on nitrnhftflft riricp. lTwflvear written bAiar- i antee with every ipachine soldi Distributers' Ne.w Modelr;L. C. Smith & Bros. viBiable., Gall or write for cata.logueand i 1 special price list. i . ', ,4 i!i'-'.;v:"(j Atito Phone 2080. ' & JBell. Phone .19. B. F. SWANSON.GOInc., 143 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Nfjr, ; Vg ii mUk, '' ,' '' " , FRATERNITIES & OUKUIflllCO ST We Want Your Coal Orders. GifeJJta Trial prdtr. 1i SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: ; WHITEBREAST 1106 0 STREET :'';i 'w - . ' vr, 'w v IITft A AAA "." n i - AUIU QUO P.nMPANY fp ap I'ravB . ' vr, 'w v7? l'.'l " , i VJ 'm'js . 214: jTt-v T" r g,l BIG GAME - There is a Big" Clothes Game on today. Not only today, but every day, and you are taking part in it. If you want to score, the surest way is to wear , 3 -,." Hart Schaflner & Mar x m i ' . . " all wool clothes. These clothes have won the penn ant in" the Good Clothes Game for years. There are no better nor more classy clothes made than the onesuwe are showing, especially in our Young Men's Models, where you will find- the newest style ideas, the hew color effects and many handsome new patterns. We sell these clothes to the wise ones. If you Want something different, something real classy come in and let us show you. Suits and Overcoats $10 to $40 ..' - r. Our style, supremacy applies to other things to wear as well asrcldthes. -?ti i- , r-f ' ' Tff '. i'-i i. H i 'frrt , . ti.n- ,aar aa, 4.aai aaa1 aai aaa Kaaat aaaL aai laai aav aai aaa .aair aaWaf aaaaf'-aiWi MufliaaB riMaV .aF aaVa -'Baaar aaaaaaaHi 'aaw. tmmmmmmm ivi "" ' ' ' if . " -'' mr m " BBBBBlBBBBBBBBjV 45rtSy vvU CI jHi v-. GOOD CLOTIIeS TODAY WM ' . - , . , flaw fSl ' . a " -- f j' HI LjMrJUrt BcUffncr A M" ,.1 ' IIM ill ij ill "B,l! tip' Co. otni S v01 , W., lli v'V-,- ;..) .'- JbV y.'tii rP ' ... v.. 71 V: ..'