- M It f . f J -t( &f TBI DAILY IfEIRASIAN K -' ls javti. js t). aaallfe m .Hbbf.v w"ifcTjTl'" 'V !-- Oliver Theatre TODAYiraO TONIGHT, 115 lis The Si Wist Ddws Nlght, 7o to 25o Mt. BOo anel 2iSc TuesdayNioht, bcLiS UMOUBMWSr ) i ,S ADVANCED VAUDVILLE MTMUTK Weak Starting Mwday, Oct:.10tK TUB.riur m vuiini 4Vh,Dlv1nV,4tjMry,, ,. r AND 7 OTHERrBlQ ACTS . Matt. 15c and '25c U.-..!. Evtnjnts 15c, 25c, 35o and 50c Simmons the Printer Xngring Embossing '. ?AutM3lt ;317 S. 12th r 1 : m. I'' ) T w ;-''.. a : Savinra Rank. . - -.it .S . t '. r'r "i T? i r. fl CENT INTEEiT tti,-,:.gPI!i. -i- YOU' WAKT ;Sr th" Before Ordering Elsewhere . Programs, Menus, A.nnounce . ments, Stationery,. Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St. . AN OPPORTUNITY T$TXkE UTfLI -TAHIAN STUDIES. 4 Afternoon and Evening Classes" In snortnana, BooKKeeping, Typewrit Ing, Penmanahlp At Nebras- ka School ef Bualneea. WwWf Of UNIVERSITY MW "w" The Nebraska. School of Business, jlocated'Ia the Hall Bros, building, 1519 0 street, Js" organizing special 'afternoon and evening classes at con- yenlent. hours fo'r university students . who -wish 16 study either shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping or penman jshlp. The evening classes meet three evenings each week Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. University stu 'denta may arrange for any number of hours per week that they may wish 'to take, and the rates for tuition will jjbe very reasonable. The Instruction Is given by teachers of lbng expert enco'and recognized ability. Mr. Glenn O. "Taylor, B A., LL. B., (Speaking ' from his own experience, fiays:' "I havo.no hesitation in say Ung that I' believe the freshman In col lege makes a mis take If he does not avail himself of the opportuni ty of studying shorthand! f and typewriting. The student who has a knowledge of shorthand has not only 'a very rapid means ot taking notes -from class work to ha Hand llkter as references l'n'preparatioa for reviews and examinations, but also has a knowledge which may be readi ly turned, into money during his spare jspn'ra and vacations. Moreover, such student, when his' college course Is jfjnlsbed, is assured immediate employ iment; la the commercial world." (&Mr. Frank' Oates, a student of the N. 8. B., who -held a position with the f B. Jb M. in this city last year, j now jSaying his way through Northwestern, ikt Svanstoa, with his snofthand and 4vtvsrplttncr 'V, ' Anymnlverslty siudens interested U thew special' claws are invjted te all at the school ani obtain farther particulars. The schoolls located oa SO street i the Hsll Bros, salMlsg, rjjsist et 'f Ue F, 4uM. haak. J'f.st es.t'ef Ue F, 4uM. sank. jQeo; Sidney to "THE JOY .WIDER'? stinrMfintytfy 'fcinaVrty. jam nRPHFITM ..- j "! " .B ic nri't miiirriiiA tf Wt .. . j I fafLfKIIH la SPECIAL CLASSES FOR UNI HEH tk. Br ON THE CAMPUS Don Cameron Cafe, lit go. 12th. Fajtf Rivett, ex.. 1912, waa.a recent campus, visitor. Capln Bros., Florists,' 127 South Thirtoonthriitteet ' V Ke-V rLa.rv:erne'McDavitt lQHhas Tegis- wrea xor wore again. .Ralph, JMurphy, 07,.J vlsltlngjrt, the Phi Kappa Pal house1. 'CliffordPhluips;' 1913?;has pledged Delta Chi. Green's Sanitary 'Barber 'Shop, 120 No. 11th. RAD ALU XbOUT,,THEBQ GAME IN THE, DAILYNEBRA8KAN EXTRA. PUBLISHED AT THE CLOSE OF THE GAME. . ''Try a lunch' atiihe t. M. C. A. Spa, 13th and P streets. i - READ ALL ABOUT THE BIQ jaA'Me'iN EAiL'NfcfRViyKAN tT;nAv j PUBLISHED AT THE CLOSE Of THE QAME. 1 ayeour-c;toUi?Hedt-WiK era Sultorlum, Eletenth and O. tf r;In'the HoIghborhoodVof thirty' men' accompiinjedv "the footiall "team to Minaeaolis. ' Any piake'of tyewritw wltirbldea oak typewriter table, J6 forv8.moaths. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. tf ' v ' vXi . ,. c.;M RVAD "ALL'' UABOUT TH E GAME IN THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN ;EXTRA,. PUBLISHED AT CLOSE OF THE "GAME. THE F B L K FURNISHEfl AND HAHER heavy weight, all colors. Prices $6. 60 1325 O STREET to $1.60. Dean Richards -of the engineering college, accompanied tho football team to 'Minneapolis as tho faculty momber.,of tho athletic -board.5"' Js; , 1322 n street both phones J. C. WOOD & CO. OLDEST LARGEST BEST Cleaners and Dyers READ ALL ABOUT THE BIQ QAME IN THE' DAILY NEBRASKAN EXTRA. PUBLISHED AT THE CLOSE OF THE QAME. - . Robert Thompson of Denver la vis iting at-the Alpha The ta-Chi house.. Professor Virtue of the political economy department spoke .before tho debating squad last evening. t Roy V. Pepperberg, M. A. 1907, is confined to his home in south Lincoln by a severe strain in his leg. , - 1 George Bros., 218 South Thirteenth street, Printers. Calling Cards, in vites and Programs. ' . Helen Sawyer, 1913, Is doing dem onstrating work In domestic science at Holdrego this week. THE- Expert ReMlrinjt. , I 4-,..V 9. ' I W ,s .Vv. !---------------- - - - - Classified Column ' Advertisements for this eolumh should 6e left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., er.betwsen 2.pu. m.and5.-j.lm'. . J . . Want ads' will positively net be In serted unless paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion 'for every fifteen ' werds er fraction "there of for the first Insertion; three' Inser tions 25 cents five Insertions 40 cents. LostLadies' gold Watch, between1 O street and the campus, between 9 and 1 o'clock; .Friday. Reward for return to Nebraakan office. 16-3t Wanted A girl to wait, on -table for board. 511 No. 16th. Auto 1821, Bell 8W.' l5-3 For Sale .Cheapo-Best banjo and guitar In the state!' Call evenings, 1' Weber block. I43t 'Foi Rent - For 'ReatrLarge; sansblny,""modern rooms, only 'eighV dollars a' month, at 1328 T. Phone A 8273. 14-3t ' . , f f Board At the-Knapp 1227 O street,. 84.00 ther' '.week. Oleat tickets; '85.00,' 14-6t -Educatfenali M Learn Wireless and R. R, Telegram phy. Shortage -of fully 10,000 operate fers on 'account ef -7-hour rtawJand'-exi tedilve'iwlrelessdevelopaMmts; Wi operate? under' direct .RapervlstoB oi! telegraph opTctalsaaa tKltively,place all students, when quallied. Wrjite for catalogue. -Nat'l Telegraph-last, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, Pprt land, Ore. tf 4 . 7. ? SWEATERS !Neck and tloat Jersey, medium and . Tho Innocents and 'Black; Masques are to be guests of "Mrs. Avery and Miss Ensign at- a ? dinner, party this evening. . We clean anything from the ?aiM?? e h iest Suit or Overcoat, nowis t Ht& ti m Frd- Hpnter, 1905, was in.LInfcoln last week and attended the South Da kota, game. " ,r READ ALL ABOUT THE BIQ QAMJE IN THE DAILY, NEBRASKAN EXTRA. PUBLISHED "AT THE CLOSE, OF THE GAME. r j -Si rT ,;'v The , Engineering society held a smoker last night' at the Delta-UpsUotf house. " fa rents "any "make of' typewriter wlth; .stand tor? three months. Rent applied! if machine is purchased. Lin-' colnA Typewriter Exclange, 122 No. -11th. ..Richards block. Ton pass our store every day, tf 4READ ALL ABOUT THE BIQ QAME IN TFfE DAIY NEBRASKAN EXTRA. FUBLISHED 'ATTHIK CLOSE OF THE GAME., Ant3lopesB v Just arrived, the most popular high toe last, guaawtal lace and -buttoB S.ge - .- Traijnrtp The-Tan DriU jSHsee just arrived, t hrpa4hih toe4f7.i.. . "seBaaeBaaBi' YATES - FRENCH $ . t , fMjs r rtv a . ROTH - '. wTT Z" , J U '" BV I . - - - - - - - - - i - - sUaaiiiaiaBsMaaaaM NEW MAGAZINE RACK. i Valuables-Additions H the-Bttanlsal Library. Dr. 'Walker who'. has charge of the botany library;, has just antpuseed the installation of. a 'new magaslne rack in the department- library A-Tais rack la equipped with, pigeon holes enough , to hold, oyer one .hundred cur rent magazines. .There are atjthe present, time sixty-one botanical - and sclentlfla magaslnes on (file. n this case. Most of the publications are Issued v.moathly. Tho periodicals which are considered of the ost;impQn?b(rOlirCrWRet portance have been, placed in tho top pigeon i holes, v so that they .may be e.aslly.mhosen -iby the studont whols In search of the latest and, most re liable - references . on botanical , topics. BOtANV DKRARTMENT SWAMPED Students' sjaxt Year to, e,Advied to Rtltr(fer,0thsr. Courses. , DrrBessey anapuncoditohls botany claaseB, yesterdarishat'ttere were at the preienttlme twenty per tcent more students' In beginning botany than ever before. Ho said that the enrollment had reached) the-ilmltr An Increase next -year equal to that of this fall would-swamp" the 'department entirely. The laboratory limit for any 6ne week, is threerhundred'and weighty five. A twenty per- cent Increase next fall wquld mako necessary the en largement of the present ''laboratories to a capacity of nearly a dozen 'new .students for ..each., work .period. It oajd also, require 'another assistant for" each crowded session. On the "whole', ;Dr. Bessey advise tho students to urgo thereshmeri sext year to tako some other.-course. Something mus be . debe to dispopu? larlzo the botany course. The groat increase in numbers each year is said to 'bo due-to the quality ofxtho course provided 'by Dr. Be'ssoy, who Is one of the 'foremost botanists 3fthe day. Tho department of botany has steadily growhmnder :hls direction. , i r if J READ ALL ABOUT THE BIQ GAME IN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN EXTRA. nUBLltHED' 2AT Tyfe CLOSE OF THE QAME STATION A HAS MANY LETTERi Students Mai) Is Held Until Address of Consignee Is Learned. w lreat quantities' ,of malWettersr papers, Mstfcards. circulars -and even' valuable . iackageSVsre,' accumulating. at Station A, the University post office. Doubtless a goodly number of students who have fceeh looking for "that (Jetter.!rq;n- home" v or" "the Ithngs 'I forgot wnen I'left .would be .enabled to, solve .the mystery by applying atthe' 'general delivery win dow at Station A. . The 'hew studehjswhb Uepdth universuy ,ior we nrst time, are not to bo "located by -means of the city or student-directories, and therefore the postal authorities have no, .small Job oil their-bands whenthey attempt to discover the destination of several hundred: letters which are .addressed only "Station A." . Students ' whowgaye -. eae ' address when'they registered "and .then moved to tho .other side of the city on 'the day 'following can hardly 'expect -the records Jn.tho Registrar's office or the, postofrice to he' accurate.' Bach stu dents 'are required to notify the Reg istrar and the postofflce authorities at Station. A. of their, change of resi dence, -Lincoln. r poataJauthefitle have 'some talrigjlke1 six' to, 'yen thousand of students to keep track of each school year. v r r " ' r s y - " For LuneKes !BixG also Icecream and FruifeunehHs CM1 at -. A " TbTsT'Bj? BVrfl w'aTBB&'iST lilL rwi-JWivi ' "Sk Ui.Ii f f j ''! "I; 1- v' -f tf -, 5 ;, 'i , i Vb i "t) V II ft l .Hurrjrm.ti - v Vfc; .. ", " J afSTCK-k ' rT'v""'T3B) ' -.ir ' 'Y Ypii WojriH"Nc?cl to Mr . .; to Cover In. a ?t6rm they'll YtUriL ...l- lil.. X.ZJI. r -v- WUIOIT J1KO S.UUK. ' ' -rEquiilly.gQpd Atou drfi paradeV t ' ' You'll f findnotliinv fliriei' than our longyhlackp for the swellest, affair. ., , No lack in warmth 'either. fThey J re,- the, .rnpst vferyioe-4 ablei coats we ye.eyor 'sold. tffPrices .to:iBtiib vou- il2,ftO. - 4 '"W AAQhM ' - '"'.' -if.l i.'3 winm-inno- a,(..rkt3unn ,,-' 4iS,l": ,-,T.r-.-i.TT Ai?l n aasasaBSMfc 'flsBaV -VaBBaaaaaaaHsmX flDBaaaaaaaaH Ui rftHVarSlall n DjHUSSBEfJf 'SaaaaBSa9r Hiif olshiiNiir'f "Gafi ; 7D4oec41-J0 te.ljfe c'Siicfer'5i30 )o7t30 &Ot ALSO CAFETERMN STYLE Wi WtflM with M It SfriB I0i ;, aV i. .".', - -- ';- iV-h c Vi,,,rj t ns $2.50 Shoe Store nd tht r Original Elect ric Sho) Repair Factory 142 No. 12th St. t UNIVEMSITY JEWELER OPTICIAN C- A-Tucker JEWELER S. S.Shean -- OPTICIAN r f ' '-'ham iitirpr urt t AuiiraaiiT .' AU9 I'disccik 'icu-Uff, rstsi tsvr fatrfMie SoWcltR" , iBw; In season. Doyoakaow - "any plaWwhere you can get as ; QUICK SERVICE asyotfcanlatournewatore? Ko seed of being crowded. linln Candy JTVllSwlICll S. W. Cesrfr L jt . .W"! v.1 , . VI. - 0pfoTy41ttMcs, College Ices a J - . PUHNV; "Ma WafttiO . v. ' r Hot Drinks and4 i- f Jtw-.? fTusasi r 1307 . l ' aaav iafSaal 's: V 1 .lflS 'ilB& -. SBwaT 1,,k1BBb1 ssVbWmssI - - -?lm tikliY v'-uiJiiBBaaal .tsaaaaal jEirr.: "m Ll M. .4J . K . !.- '5 wrBr y&, yt t, lKJk i . r'-' : .'.vm ' - .", A' .A 'ft-.- ' Jk'4 .y .; ,': ' -o i: -W'" 'U smm -ajtTK, Aht w n,.,' kW'f i f-Wi ' j'Tj' . Wi w ' 4 JipJ ".) 1 . , rAt 1 J 1 ;, .A I W -M H-',, rrrf " j J., I i 3 ""il i -1 5 a ' ' 1; ) j