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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1910)
fi &, J' (),, tiiTnli'lillirrl'ii'ill "i" ' v f if " 'V -V 3 Vol XT No. 16 3 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, 'LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 19107 Prfo! 5.Cnt T f . A 1 irtebraefian - c K L.MHHHSI1 k( V pom pro oame. will be played today a . :.v- i y AT MINNEAPOLIS. ' ff&iffiSi OACH mPqmiiammm fTn stroots. Tho plays will bo described ancLglvon to tho crowd by; megaphone! Bulletins will bo posted. 'Tho Dally Nobraskan will publish an extra 'Which will bo Hold 'on tho Btroota at tho closo of Iho gamo. Full (totalis of tho groat gridiron contest vw 3 CONFIDENCE COLE IN EVERY'PL'AYER. Nebraska Is Conceded to Have the x lest Chance It Has Had In Years. Year. 1900. . a 1901.... 1002. . . . FORMER SCORES. .. kS .:v.. ..12 20 0 6 ' 0 - Nebraskawlll -meet;iMinne80U on tho Minneapolis Hold this afternoon with a'botWr chance ofVlrihlrigfthah tho team Has had for years. Every man ia in good condition, and when tho team trots out on tho Hold It will be the 'best fighting machTnb tho uni versity- has .over put out. Just beforo the team left they were given ja demonstration of enthusiasm such,. ''ha. tho- university has soldom seen. " It Bhowod that every student of thO' university Is behind tho team. The expression of loyalty had tho of; SENIOR COMMITTEES NAMED MINOR OFFICERS IN CLASS OF 1911 CH08E.NJYESTERDAY, . PUBLICATION BOARD ELECTION M. - j w- C. A. BENNETT DEFEATS A. HARE IN CLOSE CONTEST. ' pmfmmammBgmtmgfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgm aaLLHsHflsMBaSKfcy M'fJeS ? ot&SIW &?& i iiiSiiiV"J..IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHB9WlKi v .MHHPmUI .HHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHf 4kMli.llllllllllllHPHi.lllll..lllinBHIiaK riKjSlaiB..i S "HONES1' RATHBONE The Cornhuskeri?Fullback Who Will Tear 'Em "lip Today onK ........ V n 905 . 0 l90Bnr'.T?. . . . .'.'v, 0 - 907,. ..,.., 6, 9o8:.:v..:.Vj..:,.i:. :::.... o lonft n - mania .LAa a k ' r r - m v7f k .- I i vms nwlift iaAjw itt. Afc 1910. ...Buy an Extra ,- -r4 j - nwrniteit , 16 35 13 8 ,0 rU Hmf if ir -" Wld' -n J1H THE LINE-UP. a . .! ' ufl): '.! t - i i i Nebraska. Minnesota. Chaunef i y . . JL; E, , . .-, .', ; Flpkerlng Temple LT. Walker . . II-. . L.' Q Bromley feslUn C. '...Morrell Hornberger. . . . R. Q i Robinson -hpnka'v ,.h$ B. T. ,v .Young Lofgren.....'... R. E. .."........Frank WaVnepI .J,y '? Q MeGovern Alnor ,'IJ.. f.f R,. H'. , . . ,.'. ,Stevene Rathbone...... F.B. .'.......Johnston I '. '-: A COMPARISON.- t i - - , . . fecjtof,'ln8tllilnglnto oyerjr .football man a dtermlnation to do or die. u " "King" Colo, whllo ho'would not como out with a flat prediction of vl&i tory, aispiayea a connaenco in nis Weiss andr Coulter to Have Charge of the Senior Promenade leven - Other Committees Appointed. At a mooting pf fho sonlor class Friday afternoon . In TJiOO, mlnoV dC fleers for theTsomoBtor,,we!ro' olooted. Tho only conteat was in tho election of a mombor to tho student publica tion boardr , Tho opposing candidates wore A. M. "Haro aniSnc. ,A. Bennett Bennett win ning by a majority of threo votcB, the ballot standing 30 to 27. Tho other officers woro ejected as follows: Kathryn Willis, vico-Tresi-dfint', Brota Bills, secretary;' P,aul .PiorceV treasurer. Appointment of Committees. ." Following tho election. President Raymond announced that he had ap pointed tho following committees for tho present semester: Manager CJlastf Football RVG. Cofi'df 'Managor ClasB Basketball-T. Z. Zacpck. Olympics B. H. Hahno, chairman; W. J. Lompko, W. p. Powell, C, O. Rost, E. D. Trump. Cap and Gown Alice Humpo, chal man; ireno Hendricks, Frank Dickin son, JobbIo Biles, Hazel Rowland. InterclasB Athletics B. M. Cher rington, chairman; W. AMllek, T. Z. Zaceck. Commencement Orator J..T, Vota va, chairman; O. N. Foster, Emma Outhouso, A. M, Thompson, C. J. Lord, Martin, Goodiellow. Sonlor PlayB, C. Marcollus, chair man; Margaret Gutherlo, Julia Nagl', Florence Whittior, Howard Plasters, E. S. Munson, 'Allco Iverson, Alice McCullough. i , I ' Pins-rH.E. Dixon, chairman; Ivan McKilllp, Harry Ball, W( p. Forman, Florence Tlnkhttm, P. J. JEIalldorsen, O. 3. Gilmofe. j . w - Finance A. "M. Harochalrman; R. E. Rico, F. E. Rhode. Senior Masquerade O. F. Walter, chairman; Kathryn lyillis, V. B. Krauso, V. C. Hascall, V. B. Smith, H. F. Wundor, F. O. Sturmor, Mabol Sal mon. t Senior -Hop Harold Noblo, chain man; Earl Loo, master of coromonlos; Alfa Warton, K. I. JYodorlck, D, D. BoU,, JtB. BfalhMercia Stout. h. Sonlor Breakfast Howard Plastorsj chairman; Horbert Frd W. T. Wolv lngton, Mab.ol JOavlsGrajJo Richaros, Lloyd Kipllngor, Sonlor Promenade Walter Weiss, chairman; Harroll C. Coultor, master of coromonlos; Carl Rphman, L. C. Hummoll, J. ErLawronco,.A. M. Obor- folder, Guy Rood, Esthor Huntor, Flor onco Dutton, Marlon Whltmoro, Fenria Beolpr. LINCOLN HIGH PLAYS HASTINGS Lep Mann, Lincoln's Star, Will Call Hie Own Signals.1 Lincoln high school will clash with Lincoln claims one of tho fast est teams of . ho'r football history, PLAN FOrr BIG SCRAP FRESHMEN AND- OPHOMOrtEi PREPArtE FORbLYMPICt. 1" aASS CAPS. TO? BE TflE TMWIY - i SOME CHANGE rMAV MADE .IN THE EV.ENT LltT.' ? v.. Sophomores Declare iHai -They V T 1 A . " . . " TC Revenge the Defeat of Last . , J,YaiwUg Battle-Reyal. A N ' t 'K ' ' i , " .A. Arrangements are way afor 001 flght known' asVtae, "Olymp icB.'t -This is the organWtrctaWcom tost, wh'lchv at Nebraslci takes (h place of the old-timo color fights'- and can rushes, The "Olymplosf are sin gularly3Nebraska.I(Iea,orJglnatlng Jn tho mindof Jr. Condra. , Tho or ganized class fight wbloh is given this - - - i i - -, m.v IMHmmmmmWmmfflMmwmm miW5iw ' iiNTriiiiiiiiiiiii-rTimiiBiB Vv . 1909. ibp. i ,V ; XJ?&. '.T. . , . . , Magop le. ;Vv r. -LfT?' .V. .V'.r.Temple 1910. i Chauner "Tempi tlllott.... ....'.. L. G. '. vVolcott Collins..!.-.,.... C. ...... ;.iShenka ornhiror. . . . R.G. ', ..Evvlng Shonka. ...... R. T. ,,....... Hartal Lof iren R. E. ...... .Johnson Warrfer. ,. . . . t Q1 ....... Ttentle b. Frank .'..?!!-. L, H. .n Hleltxer Minor.' . , M. H ' P- Frank tathbone..i f F.p Rathbone I'L 1 HuHailna7 At Ka Ulnnunla rvntBaf I7. ' I rVT-f" "" " ""- .-.. ' 'i J t -1-VJ t 1 V.lf wju D4.receiTa hi xubiucoiu uwiyi "mehwhlch'-'tbld more'-than-wordsrIn tho-few-speecheB made by the foot ball, men at tho .two .enthusiastic ral lies ovory ono expressed 'Confidence in himself and In his team. AndVon- Xidence Is one of the' essentials. Injuries Are Unimportant (Rathbo'ne has an arm that; Is easily injured, tout it is in good condition at present Ernest Frank lias a' bad, wrist and Harry, Minor is, still both ered slightly by his 'bruised shoulder. Elliott has had a weak knee all eea'- son. sThoso Injuries are alL of a minor character and "are not apt to handicap play unless by some unfortunate acci dent the former nurts should fie again injured. - s TheBiba aro',,ali in' fair condition., Rnssfll haa a knee which has been bothering him a little, butthe rest aref free from lnjurTes.-Seldell Is the least prepared of 'all the back subs and the most apt to be used because of his ripping possibilities in - hlttiag the line. He will be drilled- on signals until thas contest, and, constantly Coached in 'tho finer points of play, Harmon, Sturraer, Ray, Gibson, El well and, Freitag are all la perfect trim and ready to giya a good' ao-' count of themselves should the xi genclea of play make their, presence " j JOHNNIE" M'GOVERN Minnesota's Whfrlwlnd 'Quarter Who Has an Accurate Booting Toe , . i i i r fi 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 ' n ' ijllIsMlil i "r ' ri - -,--,---j-r---n mmmumuUf&,m.WmmW MPaLBKPHs AmWm.WLwLm ":?mm IPIsIsHfHI mWmmuBlmmKMmmmmmmmTlklmWSS. BLVaPBsViaSL A. LLLLH WZ.mmuWmWlkmWmT&!WSm&M aS"-i fr jR bkBflst M WmW. BRmV&ft?vJaW&& HHPaSSH WSsKVWllmmWlkmmMIKSMwSlk Um&mBk vtiVMmmmmmmmmW&Bmrmi jtVtflUKkmMnmmK HBJBHHU&"BBBBHpjkBr$SBSHBSR r KtmummmS&mtWmumummumummYkWSmBLi wvMBSfHf0BJlPJIPJ9BSJ5gBJ laaiaBaMHBiiiMMiiHiiJii' f LYLR J9HNSTO Captain of the oVtatrs, Who "the Ceftt !k H JHMkera.HaVe, Sean feinted tf Wateh white the Hastings dopostor has it that tho boys from the Capital City may meet a drubbing today at the hands of their team. The Hastings team weighs 162 pounds to the man, jwhllo-the-Lincoin-,Doys .are not able to tip tho scale for quite so large an amount Lincoln will undoubtedly run up against a worthy opponent when, at three o'clock today, the referee blows' h4&, whistle and signals for the"TcIck-offrI will" be the Tfrst home game this season for the Lin coin boys. Leslie Mann, the, famous star of the Lincoln 'boys, will run he team to day. This will be the first time that Mann has been permitted to plan for his own runs, and some sensational work may be looked for. pick West, over, a brother of the great Corn husker player and coach, John West- over,,.! the captain of the' Liacoln team. Coach Nichols' boys' will pre sent a good problem' today for the out-state ladsjlo solve. "Hastings has been putting "up a lively game this season. The -game will be- oalledat 3 q'clock. jr ; ' A NEW YELL7 v V This' yell wlll be Ne.' f, and wll herafter to tfen as sue: ' '8" ,N 1-raV- RAS-K A , Neliraeka, Nearaaka; Nekraaka Hwrrahl ; - 1 Nebraska la Juit t be spelled ' et and eWlaliy thMM MA TjhW yell. "Nefcraefca" three. tm and yell, -HHrrskr- w . ' , r , Greek name and. has been- pulled off at Nebraska for two years, Is a well regulated llgbt .It' is' a supervised scrap, but by no means a tame affair. Shirts which go Into tho fray .In & wholly good condition come out dirty , and fit only for the rag bag. It if a1 real scrap. Every man who has takek part in the" two organized engage ments has had his fill of class fights; Flrat'Started Here. The Olympics Verb ursnalflitutei at Nebraska' two years ago aa a sub stitute for the fist fight on the cam-" pus. In past years it bad beea the annual custom of the sophomore class to attack th first freshman meeting . and afterward kidnap the first year. president - The freshmen, reseatiat; such actions, would start something at a time when .the sophomores -were wearing their best; clothes.? This caused ao'lltila trouble for .thess who, hadWhave their clothing refalred and their eyes and nosea doctored up. if May Wear Cass. ! The orgaaleed scrap is bow aa aa-. Baal latitat W at Neiraska, It has prsVed' itself alllstlact sapeeea, Ta1 wlaaers 1 'UeKeoatt arsajrarssd: the) right 'to wear jO 9 ri the sarraatyearj'.walls the aeeatbr) of' tie teeta dasstars waraed btastV otlisr staasssaoi'to appear la aaaairal, asldgear, .at leaat aot api. tka 'ea. ' . ' ' . t "," ?' lJ, j' 4Tba referea fcaa- aot y'aaamaiE poUUd, bit wlU'lU aamW eaa, aea;t Tm&tfOU eoaimhiae otaaW- iffy iii s y I ,!, , star iierii roonn, mvapta a m i- 7 ' t?& r : ' r ' "- fe- . "!.. n r .jfnu.., S'Wj t . ff