The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1910, Image 4
- -i y i , 1 DAILY NZB&AIKAN x -; - TH ' fit. Mr I . V 1 V.' h Mf ' r y A !V v. r , v ' ' t J . )-V '' K '7 - , University cAthletics - ' - ssetZa i ... lHff .Minnesota. 'TDrrWiniRmi-lootball-protogc8-worc treated to a. light practlco whon tho University ot Mlnnosota squad roporl od ' for the liftornoon workout on Northrup. Oeld yoBtordny. Llttlo evi dence bl soreness or InjurloB from tho 49-0 vlofory over Amos Inst Saturday we shown, And tho ortornoon prnc tie wj&Jgona through with a. snap which' showe'd much liriprovomont gfeauejJTfrom tho contost with tho Iowa farmers. No scrlmmago was Irt dulged In, but Slg Harris' toam was scheduled to lino up against tho reg ulars late "this nftornoon. Evidently tho Gophor conch 1b do termlriedf that his pupils shall havo a geoA foundation for tho gamo thoyt are playing; tho rudimontB of football were again drilled into tho momhors of 'the first squad in tho nftornoon practice. Kicking, passing and falling on tha ball, charging and body check ing occupied tho major part of tho time. Fifty-yard dashes woro usod to a ? great oxtcnt, tho nlon boTng sonl down, tho. flold,..iu throo squadB, thor oEdsSaadi. tackles,, the contor trio and the bacllfe. Vanatrum, McQovorn; ICnoJtrjYouhg" and "Bromley aro show ing Up woll. The Minnesota alumni aro showing up in good shnpo to aid in tho nftor noon practlcos on Northrup Hold. 'Paige; "Bobblo" Marshall, Earl Luco, as fell as Tom Shovlln, tho famouB Yale end of 1900, gavo Dr. Williams considerable nBslatanco last ovonlng. Marshall worked particularly hard on .Pleating and Frank, thoso two play ers having! demonstrated somo benoflt from his ' teaching last wool: in the "Amos gamp. Practlco waa secret yestorday, and very fow spectators woro proBont, only a few momhors of tho university fac ulty bolng permitted to pass tho nr . mory guards. Minneapolis journal. . . , . Kansas. (Bocauso a numhor of players on the wooks brokon training. Coach Ken- nody Taosday'nnnouncod that ho will placo tho mon on their honor to oboy all ot tho regulations from now on. A court Including the two sonlor coaches I and throo. ot tho oldoBt players hnB boon organized to try all offenders. Last wcolc Kennedy wnsvcompollod to ', suspend two ot tho players from prac tlco for breaking training. Slnco that tlm&itiltee .dovclopod that sovoraVoth- vors havo refused to abide by tho rules. One 'was caught at a party a fow Why Pay More? $15 will bitty you-ar-suit or overcoat as good as - the est. Snappy and wp-to-date including the famous Kirschbaum make. Headquarters for all hinds of ' furnishings A V' 1! 1419 O Palace Clothing Co nights ago, and tho act culminated In thoorganlzatlon ot tho tribunal. Tho Jayhnwkors havo no training tablo thtB fall, and tho nbsenco seems to tompt thorn to bronk rules of training other than dloL Konnedy also an nounced tonight that, beginning tomor row, no furthor Bocrot prnctlcos will bo hofd until Intor-ln tho season. West Point. West Point 1b counting on Qunrton back Doan's too to scoro against Yale Saturday and possibly to bring vic tory. Tho llttlo fellow is bplng drilled ovory day on drop kicking ntuCu put ting thorn ovor tho bar from tho thlr-ty-flvo-yard lino with encouraging reg ularity. Tho cadots also find comfort In tho fact that thoy boat Tufts by a largor scoro than Yalo did. In tho hotting,. howovor, tho cadots aro demanding two to ono. Tho demand for Boats is tho largost ovor mado upon West Point authorities, 2, GOO ttcketB having boon Bent to Yalo alone. Yale. Tho cry of tho Ynlo coaches for moro woight In tho rush lino Is tho biggest Burprlso of tho Yalo season. It was expected that tho now rules would put a promium on speed, rather than woight, but tho placing of Green- ,ough and Young, each of whom weigh 23G pounds, at the guard positions, shows that Coach Coy and Coach San ford, tho latter of whom Is paying par ticular attention to the lino, boliovo that weight is still a primo requisite. A hard game' Is expected at West Point Saturday and tho ontlro squad will bo taken along. A gamo of four sovcn-mlnuto periods was played with the strong froBhman team today. Princeton. iFootball practlco of unlvorBltyilold Wednesday was open only to under- grnduatos. Scrlmmago work was re Buraod, tho first team scoring two touchdowns against tho scrubs In tho practlco gamo. Botoro tho gamo two lines of forwards wbro given hard practlco in blocking and passing through. Coach Roper Baved four oi tho first string mon, not allowing Pendleton, Duff, Dunlap or White to tako part In tho gamo, and McCormlck was only sont In for the last period. Tho feature of tho practlco was Cap tain Eddlo Hart's work. Ho gulled oft somo of tho flneBt lino breaking soon on tho field thlB season. Hart scored both touchdowns on plungoB Street VSBSBSBSBSBSBSBBSHLtlfWaU JBBBBBBBY BBBBBBJAm BBBSBSB BBBSBSK' SHE; 3j BBBBBBBjBjBKduL!vBBBBzJ',,u past tho subBtltuto forwards for gains of ton yardB. In tho first period tho varsity carried tlio ball by consistent gains half tho length of tho field, only to bo thrown back on two plays that proved flxzles. Sparks and Hart brought tho leather back to within striking distance whon tho varsity noxt got pooacBBlon .of it. Sparks' work in forming Interference . wn8 wonderful. WHAT'8 BECOME 0 8UMMER7 Well, what's becomo o' summor? Wo was goln' right along f With ovory day a glad ono with tho sunshine an' tho song, An' horo all of a sudden tho air don't fool tho Bamc An' yondor In the thicket tho wood- blno turns to flame, An no ono bvor dreamed It! Wo was gayly movln' on When, flrstrthlng that wo noticed tho summertlmo was gone! Tho hazo swings up tho valley; It climbs across tho hill; Tho blrdB aro flying southward, an' ovorythlng is still; Thoro's somo kind of a shiver that gets you now and then, An' warns you that old wlntor-tlme Is comin 'round ngaln But who would ever thought it? Why, Summer went away Boforo wo really knew it she was horo just yesterday. Well, what's becomo o' summor? Wo was settln' In the sun fenjoyln' all the goodness an that minute It was donor A something come an' whispered, an' something came an' stood Out yonder where the sumac turns red, against th' wood, An' summer up an' left us, an' novor said good-bye Exceptln' that th' flowers aro echoin' her sigh, Walter D. Nesblt, in Chicago Evening Post Had Cut the Time. Wife You don't lovo me near so much as you used to. Husband Why do you say that? Wife Before we were married It took you a wholo hour to say good night and now when you leave you can kiss mo and catch a train all in less than four minutes.'' His Mistake. "John," aBks the wife, I'have you got your umbrella cover?'1 "Suro'nswers tho capable hnw band. "See, I'vo got It on the thing." "Crazy I, Look what you've done. You'vo alrnoBt ruined my new hobble Bklrt.M Life. v fa Lomios rubber, has Jumped 18 cents a pound. v rlt Is hard to keep rubber within bounds. CAPTAIN- - selected because of his ability ,as- lead-. er he knows every point of the game to perfection. Tlie Mayer Bros. Coat - Sweaters for Uni Men and Uni Young Women were selected because they lead all others in ' style and workmanship. selected because we know them to be right in every detail. Young Men's Sweater Coats ' $1.25 to $8.00 Young Womens Coat Sweaters $3.00 to,$7.00 "X MAYER HeadtoFoot 1 For Good Lunches Try MILLEFT& PAINE'S TEA ROOM Light Breakfast, 8:00 to 9;30-A. M. . Luncheon, 11 :00 A. ML to 2:00 P. M. Afternoon Tea until 6:00 P. M. Excellent Menu Well Cooked IN XHJE J3ASE7VUSJ&LX The University of Nebraska Y.M.CA- EMPLOYMENT BUREAU WANTS STUDENTS to do watch and jewelry work to run small job printing press to work Monday mornings for laundry, steady ' to handle agencies for different college proposit- ions'. v. - Office "A.; Work Oolled For and Delivered Vliricisor Opon Saturday Night All Night Suits Cleaned and Prased $1 .25 Auto 4728 , BROS. Clothiers Food Moderate Prices Y. M. C. A. Rooms Students Work a Specialty", ultoritjm WOLFE & YOUNG Pressed 500 . . BUF22?i ..- -2-f V i $A S V A iwwiy.' t r ( o it ! 'H m m V i I t i c . .. ' X if A 'S--r4 . -I S u. ,' T 1 , , -;n IT, ; v ' L . X . ..'.. Luu. - K : . A ' . - H J . i 1 "r ' ! i I ir- -- -1. ' ' ' ' -"ft