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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1910)
V "" .-vs. THI DAILY KiaftAIKAK r v- ' L T& rf 4 tu i iv i ,l Oliver Theatre 1 Tonight, tat and Sat. Matinee AsTheSiiHWintDiwn Night, 76c to 25c Mat. 60c and 25c . 1 . i , . Tuesday Night, Oct. 18 Geo. Sidney In "THE JOY RIDER" .WedTTKur. and Thur..Mat. Oct. 19-20 Win. Norrls in "My .Cinderella Girl" incouf ""wwair ftsr " ORPHEUM .1 KiirttKiM inviuncn uiiinuiiic WMUTK tut Week Starting Monday, Oct. 10th THE FIVE OLYMPIERB In Diving Statuary AND 7 OTHER BIG ACT8 Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15 25c, 35c and 60c Simmons tKe Printer PRINTING Engraving I Embossing Auto. 2319 317 So. 12th The First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST A $1 opens an account " d larBouttfiitirstf if- it's PRINTING Y0UWANT Sdo Vb Before Ordoring Elsowhoro - " Programs, Menus, Announce ments,,. Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-180 No 14th St. SPEGIAL GLASSES FOR UNI MEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE UTILI TARIAN STUDIES. 1 Afternoon and Evening .Classes in 8horthand, Bookkeeping, Typewrit ingt Penmanship At Nebras- ka School of Business. EXPERIENCE Of UNIVERSITY MEN The Nebraska School of Business, located in tho Hall Bros, . building, 151b O street, is organizing Special afternoon and evening classes at con venient hours for university students who wish to study olthor shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping or penman ship. Tho ovonlng classes moot threo evenings each week Monday, Wed nesday nbd Friday. University stu dents may arrange for any number of hours per weok that they may wish to take, and tho rates for tuition will bo vory reasonable. Tho Instruction Is given by teachers, of long experi ence and recognized ability. Mr. Glenn O. Taylor, B. A., LL. B., speaking from his own experience says: "I have no hesitation In say ing that I beliovo the freshman in col lege makes a mis take it ho does not avail himself of tho opportune ty of studying shorthand and typewriting. The 'Btudont whorhas a knowlodgo ' of shorthand has not only a very rapid means of taking notes from class work to be used later as references in preparation for rovJews and examinations, but also has a knowledge which may bo readi ly turned Into money during his spare hours and vacations, Moreover, Buch student, whon his collego course Is finished, Is assured Immediate employ ment, Jn tliejcommorclal world.""'' Mr. Vrank Oates, a student of tho N. S. B., who hold a position with tho B. & M. In this city last year, is now p'aying his way through Northwestern, at Evanston, with his shorthand and typewriting. -' . v Any university students interested -in these special classes are Invited to call at the school and obtain iurtnot particulars, The school is located on O Btroet In the Ball Bros, building, Just east of tho F, Jb to. bank. " - ON THE CAMPUS Don Cameron's Cafe, 110 So. 12th, Clinton B. Underwood, 1014. of St. Paul, Neb., haa'plcdgod Delta UpBllon. Read ,al about Saturday's football game in the Daily Nebraekan Extra.' Capln Bros., Florists, 127 South Thlrtoonth Btroot. Ralph Murphy, '07, is visiting at tho Phi Kappa Pel house. Read all about Saturday's football game In the Dally Nebraekan Extra. -, Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. "' G. W. White, '09,. visited Nebraska yesterday en routo from South Da kota to a point In southern Nobraska. Read all about Saturday's football game In tho Dally Nebraekan' Extra. Try a lunch at the Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P stroots. 4 Earl Mnllory, e'x-1911rhas been vis itlng at tho Alpha Tau Omega boiiBC the pasttwo weoks. Read all about Saturday's football game In the Dally Nebraekan Extra. "i Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, Elovcnth and O. il Tegnor society will hold a social meeting Saturday evening, Science hall, Temple, 8:00 sharp. Everybody welcome. . Read all about Saturday's football game in the Dally Nebraekan Extra. THE NEW "N.", WATCH FQBSOc. $1.00 AND $2.50. NEW "UNI" 'HAT PINS NEW "UNI" SPOONS ' All the New Things All the Time HALLETT, Uni Jeweler Established 1871 There's a Reason. Kirscbbaura Bults have the class. Fall styleB, $15, $18, $20., Special salo on overcoats and hats. Palaco Cloth ing Co., 1419 O Btroet. 1322 N street . both phones J. C. WOOD & CO. OLDEST LARGEST BEST Cleaners and Dyers A. M. Yeast, '13, left Lincoln yes terday to attend his brother's wed ding at Fromont, Nob. Any make of typewriter with goldon oak typewriter table, $6 for 3 months. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. tf Tho PlaCform club held an openlng mcotlng and -reception In the music hall of the Temple InBt night at 8 o'clock: " -' - - Read all about Saturday's fbotbal I flamo in the Daily Nebraskan Extra. George BroB. 218 South Thlrtoonth Btroet, Printers. Calling Cards, ;In vltos and Programs. . : 'Fred Burr and "Hone" Wollor have been visiting at1 the Delta Upsllon house tho past week. , s v JFhFhUf Repairing a you want it - - V SHOE- Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. arid 5 p. m. ""Want ads .will, positively not be In serted unt'ess-paid In. advance, at the. rate of 10 'cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion j three Inser tions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. Wanted A girl to wait on table for board. 511 No. 10th. Auto 1821, Bell 868. 16-3t Wanted Oirl to wait on table fori board. 511 No. 16th. Auto 1821, Boll 868. lG-lt For Salo Cheap Best banjo and guitar in tho state. Call evenings, 1' Wober block. 14-3t Fbr Rent. For Ront Largo, sunshiny, modern rooms, only olght dollars a month, at 1328 T. Phono A 3273. 14-3t y - Board At tho'Knapp, 1227 O Btreot, $4.00 tho week. Meal tickets, $5.00. 14-Gt Educational. Learn,. Wlreloss and R. R. Tocogra phy. Shortage of fully 10,000 operat ors on account of 7-hour law and ex tensive "wireless' developments. Wo operate under direct supervision of telegraph officials and positively placo all students, whm qualified. Wrlto for catalogue Nat'l Tolograph Inst, Cincinnati, , Phllad,olphlal.MMompihIs, Davoriport, la., Columbia, 87 C, Port land, Ore. tf "Baldheadeo! men are not sensi tive," says Professor Tate. But the bald spots are, In fly time. IH3 O Street Mrs. Avery and MIbb Ensign havo issued invitations for a dinner party, Saturday evening. The mombers of the Innocents and Black MasQUo aro to be the guestB. We clean anything from the intieat Ohiffon to the heav- iest Suit or Overcoat, now is the t fM e $6 rents any make of typewriter with stand for threo monthB. Ront applied If machine is purchased. Lin coln Typewriter Exchange, 122 No. 11th. Richards block. You pass our qtoxe every day. tf A joint Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. party will bo held tomorrow evening at tho Templo building at 81 o'clock? All university students are Invited. W. A. Jones, '10, has opened an of fice at Philip, So. Dak., where ho .has a posIton as deputy state 'surveyor For tho past summer ho has been, working In his fathorls lumber yard at Nowlln, So. Dak. Fears nave' been expressed that the -weather bureau has mislaid the warm wave flag. Girls dbn'tjbe bashful j Bring $3. 00 down and ; Buytjie nobbiest pair of J Shoee in town at i ,. . 1 I -YATES - FRENCH CO. "a. 1220 6 StrMt -Directory of Advertisers The following merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln are anxious to serve the University students. By placing their advertisements In the columns of the Daljy Nebraekan they show" thaflhey want your" tratfeTAh"d you may be sure that the "merchant who la willing to make" a little' effort to get your patronage la the one who Is going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. So you as well as the Nebrae kan will profit by trading with their people: BANKS i First Trust & Savings if BAKBRlESv Folsom BARBER -8HOPB Greon's . BOOK STORES Co-op. "t University j CIGAR3 Club Houso Colo-McKonna CLEANERS J. C. Wood & Co. Weber's Sultorlum Windsor Sultorlum CLOTHING Farquhar ' '" Magoo & Doomor Mayor Bros. ' ' Palaco Clothing Co. Spolor & Sjmon Armstrongblothlng Co. COAL t j , ,, , $ Whitobroast ' CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kltchon. DRY GOODS Miller & Paltfo Rudgo & Guonzol " DRUGGISTS V Rlgga ENGRAVERS Cornell rT FURNISHINGS ' v Budd Fulk ; Mageo & Deemor flayer Bros, Palaco Clothing Co". Rudgo & Guonzol Spolor & Simon Armstro'ng Clothing Co. HATTERS Budd Fulk Armstrong Clothing Co. Mageo & Deemor Mayer Broil 0 Palace Clothing Co. Rudgo & Guonzol Speler & Simon JEWELERS' "'.'. - .- 1 Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans ' OPTICIANS Shean POOL HALL' Saratoga PRINTERS Simmons ; r" M .i-'VSt! U ra Van Tine RESTAURANTS'" Boston Lunch Cameron's , fyiffij il ..w Y. M. C. A. Spa Miller & Paine Herpoishelmer's - . V." TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewrltei .Exchange B.-'F. Swanson Co. HJ For Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Qream .and, College Ices, anbl ?? Fruit Ppnches Cjajl at" ' THE JEOLSOMf 1 3C& COSti V v1 P JW m KsV ffCi v ""JfU'V-. iZ if V i' t Lets Get Out Heads, I ci ' ' l , together t. SM& Wo wnut you to know why wo $t'akQ. our, repijtnti orison KeneiDgton Clothes. . Its because we know. $ They're made onjy b'y jbhe best tailors we can find. They're made only of fabribi ': approved, . - . l i lfIv Tho Kensington labial 4 proof of qualjtyow personal guarantee tp you. $20,Q0 to $40.00. tt MAOEE & DEEMElR nop O Street aazti UttliBW7j H5 vtitft: i U "! I Hiriolshtimir's afe 1 "- -. f ,r h Dinsef 11)30 to 1i30 .. , , ri Suppcf 5t30 to 7i30 sU ALSO 0IFETEBIIN STIFLE Ht falli wild Miylf.Synqi 10 -T' , $2.50 Shoe Store and the Original Elect ricShoc Repair Factory: it pt 142 No. i2tibij5t . i UNIVERSITY JEWELER& OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker V JEWELER S. S. Shean , , OPTICIAN i 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yovr Patronage Solicited i JH'Ot Drinks are nbVin soaon. Do yon know any placb xfhiixo yo" cun Bofc nBT QUICK SERVICE as you ca-n fat our now stdrert No need of being crowded. Lincoln Cancty v:.uAM 4th & o visitcnen, s. w. cwr r & l ,'H 1 Wiairthon ?, 7riJt-r. ii'rzir -. M r iiQij,. 1 tHrtSW5 "1 TV 3UiJ; y 'i II k tf v ;,. Jf ' fe" r sr,1! p 3 V A 4 ' -.1 'J 1 . iT XLa'H'f' .' JJ .. :- 1 y 1 --j i 'n -rtr- M W "1, V i t j 'S' V r I f M "s-f.. 1 M 5 11' it-5 J. J V -I,' r. V y , V . i . (or 1 f. n H ,' r 1 s C f rf V t "i ''J - 'T! . .;r rffl .,'" :'CT 't, i -2C -T ri ,.' r1 . " f - " - ' -S. . . Htm . . -M.J'"' -.f l V,, 1,t ' ", k, w "4" t f es , ' o S 1 , i