The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1910, Image 2
.' , i 9 . I xZd " .f " THE D AIL KlBlAjXAIC JV V . - .v- I- Vf fe--r' fc Pi k hf w 'f I T . x r.. v V- x - :l i. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WW PROPBItTY OF this UNivanwTy op Nebraska, Llneeln, Nebraska. ,. Published by TH10 BTUtMNTjPUBfaICATION llOAllri KDITORIAL STAFF. Hdltor-r-.Tn-iTTTnr-,v.i-r.C. J L.UKU Managing SdltorWi. .O.VT.ILlDnKLb vrouuiie .erunur, . m, hi j(umurnj Boolftte. -Edltoc. . .uA-JJJlIfiSMauw BUSINESS STAFF. Manager' wi . r.'f . . ' . . -. . 0. ,.C. K1UDOO Aiulstant Manager V. O. HABCAIJi Clr6uhitIonManagor..C. C. BUCHANAN . v- Edlterlat and Builnesa Office! BAMMKNT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. PottafMt, station A, Lincoln, Neb. t . S '' r " Til ;' L SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER VEAR - Payable In Advance. 4 ' -!i Slntk Coplet) ft Cents Each '' VTltli0ni AUtO 1888. Night Phonei Auto 1S88r Auto 2683 A Bell 1123. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo, charged for at the rata of 10 contH tlio Innortlon for every fifteen wonlB or fraction there of., .Fapulty qotlcoa and University bul letins "Willi gladly bo published free. Entered kVlho poutofneo at Lincoln, Nebraska, as sccondclnsn mall matter, under the Aot.of CongrosB of March 3, Advartlsements for tho want column should lie left at the business office, base ment Administration bulldlno. between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m : .Cash nrust accompany nil orders for ad vertlslno, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen 'vvdrs or fraction thereof the first Insertion;, .three Insertions twentyflve een'tsl five Insertion forty cents. OCTOBER 14, 1910. A rally that was a rally, this was tbe 'sentiment oxprcBBed on tho cam- lTfaTTy6fftorday noon. & ' Has nnVono soon anything .of tho 'man that said Nebraska was not going to havo a football team this year? At -Princeton thoy havo been hav ing 'troublo ovor conflicting dates. -J Several evehts oC importance have 'beenschodulcd for the same evening. 'Try the calendar system -wo use at ""Nebraska, It works fine. Wo saw tho bravest man in the "'world yesterday, no walked across, thai campus apparently unaware that -he attracted any atentlon. But he did. For, on hid manly hend ho woro & straw'ihat. Minnesota rooters hold a rally to day r to .arouB0 tho entbuslasm of tho teamamd Jtssupporters. Tho Minne sota Dally says that the game with Nebraska, is considered tho turning polrityoit ' tho Benson. Perhaps when the Cornhttskers got through with the 1-f r ' , GfbphcrB .it may be more than a turn ibg point., Nobrarika hopes that It will bo n 'jmemorial occnBlon for ovory CornhuBker rooter who went with the team. .-.,.,. T ,, .WHY? , Not ajl'ag or, a bit of bunting of any .Kind was displayed from any of tho university buildings Wednesday in honor df Columbus day. Tho formujl latlonQf . a movonlent or this kind should receive, tho support of the uni versity, at least, nmongtho Btudents. A small pevcontago of tho men and women on tjio camnua kijow that n - day ,of greatJmportance in a historical way was passing. Last year on ono of thogrcnt national holidays not a flag was even raised) oyer University hall. Wouldn't It bo better to show a little appreciation ottbose things. Tho jmlverslty stands for true citizenship anda degroo. of patriotism. Univer sity; spirit is a gwat, actor in the cnl vtivatIon, of patriotism. Another holl day Is coming .Boon, Let "Old-Glory" ,float from tho staff on the tower on University-hall. ' : THERE ARE OTHERS. X "Fussing?' may be-all rlgljt In Its pjaoe, But ther are 'places whero It .isthot appropriate. Jf,Tho TftUy Northwestern has- tho right Idea when- It says editorially: ! Nowadays, when Manley, )Vard, or Johnson, of any of. tho others, are ., carrying tho ball it riM;onouhLtp Blckex4ihein U. think that uptthero In Ladies Shoes 4JJM Si". v FULL DETAILS OF THE GAME PUBLISHED SATURDAY AFTERNOON J IS " Minnesota tho grandstand 'men' aro commenting upon them, perhaps languidly, to their girl companions. Sonio say, Jl cheei hard enough oven if It am taking a girl But when tho toam, down thero on the gridiron, tenso for tho fight, looks up at tho grandstand to be thrilled and norved by a solid mass of encoring fellows, instead they see a gay 'and charming sceno of fluttering ribbons nnd vivacious small taTk 'fussers and co-eds.' "Tills doesn't moan that wo don't want tho girls. But thoy can conic alono or Jn parties consisting of glrlo alone. Tho Ideal Northwestern girt Bhould scorn an invitation to go to a game, and should toll tho man.who asked her, to go with tho otfior fellows and ho a man, and that she would tako care of horself.!' FIRST BULLETIN OUT; Scientific Work In Agriculture Devel oped In Philippines. Dr. Bcsscy has received tho first bullotln of tho college of agriculture of tho Unlvorsity of tho Philippines. A new era has dawned in tho Philip pines. Farming has rcacbod'tho stage in th6 iBlnndB whoro tho organization of a collego for tho study of scientific agrlculturo has becomo expedient. The University of tho Philippines was au thorized by tho United States congress in an act passed Juno 18, 1908. Thin enactment authorized tho governor general of tho Philippines "to estab lish in the city of Manila, or at the point ho may deem most expedient, a unlvorsity which shall bo known us tho 'Unlvorsity of the Philippines,' tho same being organized as a corporation 1000 pairs of $5 and $4.00 shoes just in. under that name.R A"hoard of regentB was prdvided, defining tho responsi bilities and duties of tho members. . Tho university Is composed of three collcgC8, the collego of agriculture, the colloge of veterinary science, and' the school of flue' arts. Tho agricultural school Is located near the village of Los Banos, tho school of fine arts in tho city of Manila, and tho college of veterinary sclouce will be opened dur ing the winter--of 1010-il- Fifty.flve students attended the collego of agri culture during its first term, 1009-10. Juno 25, 1910, was observed as Arbor day at the collego. Read all about Saturday's football game In the Daily Nebraskan Extra. TENNI8 TOURNEY 18 ON. Contestants Are TRinning Out and Winners Are Picked. The annual tenniB tournament for the University of Nebraska is now speeding -full forco. The scoro board which ijt first' looked bo formidable to tho contestants has already begun to narrow down to the, ''doped" and "picked" 'winners. Some of the en trios, which wero Jate In arriving have been added, to tho board.- This in spires rsomo of tho lucky amateurs with a possibility of, xomalnlng, In tho gamo Just a "Httio bit longer." Tho tnaJtohea as played today aro as ollowa: Wako defeated ,Bunting, T'" 4l.; Thompson dof dated, Hornby C-3, m is ri- " s .,, , ,-. x . k - " ' Ma ' i -3 . . - Extia! Extea! 4rJ fti f t , t vs. Nebraska &; Oborfoldor defeated Harmon,, 0-2, 8-6; Floucry defeated Haggart, 10-8, 6-0; Hiltnor defeated Cusack, 75, 6-3; Kakjer defeated McConnell, 61, 8-6; Andrews defeated Btryker, 61, 64. Y. M. C. A. GETS 540 MEMBER8. Solicitors Are Confident that Sixty More Can Be Secured. Tho Y. M. C. A., after tho last mem bership feo has been recorded, offici ally announced tho campaign results at 540. With at least sixty last year members who held off from tho .cam-, paign solicitors, but who will undoubt edly join tho association presently, tho managers aro confident that at least GOO will bo reached by tho "end of tho week. In vrew of the fact that another membership campaign will be "pulled off? lator, in tho year, although It will be of much shorter duration and probably of tho contest typo, Sec retary Der Kinderen still' asserts that the 1910-U goal of 1,000.1s not unat tainable. -FACULTY LADIE8 ELECT. Flrat Meeting of the Year Held Wed nesday Afternoon. The first meeting of tho faculty ladies' club was held Wednesday af ternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Avery, 200 Washington street. The .follow ing officers were elected: Mrs. Avery, president; Mrs. Wolcptt, first vice president; Mrs. Brenke, second vice president; Mrs. Fosslcr, 'third vice president; Mrs. Almy, cecrotary-treas-urer. The mon of tho faculty enjoyed a buffet lunch with tho ladies at the close of tho session at 5:30. 3.50 budd Notice. Tho Engineering society will hold a smoker tonight at the Delta UpBllon house, 1305 R street. All students in tho engineering collego are urged to attend, Read all about Saturday's football game in the Daily Nebraskan Extra. COMING EVENTS All University organizations are re quested to send in announcements which they desire to have published. Social. Tho X M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. will hold a Joint social Saturday, Oc tober 15, in tho Templo. Tho third university girls' ten will bo held Friday in. tho girls' rest room, MomorIal"hall. Athletics, f University tennis' tournamont com mences today. Entries to be made at once. Football, Nebraska vs. Mlunesotn, at Minneapolis, Saturday, October 15.. Organizations. Tho,PalIadI'an Literary society will meet tonight In tho Temple.. t Tjio XJnJon Litqrary society will. meet tonight, in tho Temple. The Jegnor society will meet s Sat urday bight, In the Temple. k. . Class Elections.-. . Senior election will boheld at G;3fT Friday aftorrfoon In U:lu0, EXCLUSIVE AGENCY HUYLERS & HUDSON'S FINE CHOCOLATES AND BON B0NS '-I? ; i ' wm wm .wit jm J ML JJ - rgifTTii'i,'""" efit c&r7v Typewriters ALL MAKES SOLD OR RENTED . : Rent applied on purchase price. ITwo year written guar- antee with every machine sold. 'Distributers New. Model, L. . C. Smith & Eros, visiable. Call or write for catalogue and special price list . " Auto Phone 2080. Bell Phone 1299. B. -F. SWANSON CO.. Inc; 143 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Nebr. '- . FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. GlvrUs a Trial S AT IS F A C Tl O N GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 The nlverslty of Nobrntka urges alf young people," who can,' to" take a four-year high school course nnd prepare to enter college. Some, howovep, cannot Bpend the time required by tho high school and college courses. For iho benefit of these, the UrilvorBity estab lished, a numbor of years ago, tho SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE School of Agriculture which admits thoso who have completed The Country Schools Courses given In Practical Agriculture, Includirig-Agronomy, Agri cultural Botany and Chemistry, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Dome tic Science, Farm Machinery, Farm Management, Farm Veterinary Practice, Horticulture and the general branches. Registration at the University Farm, starting October 31, 1910,. NEW TERM STARTS NOVEMBER 1. 1910 I For information address -A. B. Davlsson, Principal, The Uni versity Farm, Lincoln, Nebraska. jfitfi. mum a nCi ImSm irT HE R ra.U Sm "KORNDOG'SkOE shoe. The Regal "Korndoc" Last is a, genuine foot-form shape that give the toes plenty of room.' In addition to correct orthopedic shape, this shoe bift a distihet'rve and pleasing style; '. "'., i Come to our store and see the Regal "Korndoc Slip it on m J iluum how easy, it feels on your foot Itx famous Regal quality ituyres loaf itniw ? .51 hulk Corner tfilU -, V .' vi, : tiii rrMk - mwm z-"j t- I f . .. j & ' . n i. Best Shoe Ever Made For Men Who Walk Stand a Great Deal E G A L Pobcernntnail-carrien, railroad inen, vyatchraen and , businew men; everywhere are enthusiastic about ihW , fe 51MON Un1 C Zimia r v... v ..v-fc, ,,, -Allr L -Vu -l . fl U ' ' :i 7 A! h 'J 4 . .,tiilMai''i T i. Hi HJ hM.rf t;- i y tin' w- SrtVM ." . -.j " - , , I'.i'Il. ' f,V, f V-t TT r -,.... L". v tv v .-, : , J ' ' Vk . -V I.' .. I - .. j T J fl iW I