V' y t- THI DAILY NIBRAIIAK ii'di ;c ? h h 1 . Directory of Advertisers The following merchant and busl neii men of Lincoln .are. anxious to serve the University students." By placing their advertisements In the columns ef the Dally Nebraekan they how that they want your trade. And you may be sure that the merqhant who la willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who la going to treat you honestly and considerately In attempting to keep It. 80 you as well as the Nebras ka n will profit by trading with these people: BANKS First Trust & Savings U 1 BAKERIES FolBom BARBER SHOPS , j . r Oreon's BObK. STORES Co-op. ' '"University -t ' CIGARS "Club Houso CoIo-McKonna CLEANERS J..O. Wood & Co. jWobor'a Sultorlum "Windsor Sultorlum CLOTHING, Farquhar k Magoo & Doomor Jayer Bros. -1 Palaco Clothing Co. ' t Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL , Whltobroast CONFECTIONERY ' Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS Mller & Palno Rudgo & Guonzol DRUGGISTS -Rlgg8 BNGRAyERS ' -. Cornell ' 1 FURNISHINGS Budd. - Fulk 1 1 Magoo & Doomor Mayor Bros. Palaco (Clothing CoL - ' -Rudgo & 'Guonzol- """" 4 Spelor & Simon ' Armstrong Clothing Co. hatters' Budd Fulk " Armstrong Clothing Co. .MageoM;& Deomor Mayor Bros. Palaco, Clothing Co. iludgo-eVGuonzol Spolor & Simon JEWELERS Hallett . Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans ' j OPTICIANS ..; T . Shean ;,r POOLcHALLjW Saratoga PRINTERS ' Simmons . Van Tine - - -Vr '- - RESTAURANTS - Boston Lunch Cameron's ' Y..M. C. A. Spa ! ,. Miller & Paine Herpolshelmer's I SHOES , Armstrong Clothing Co. fBudd . . -' r Men's Bbotery '' " Mayer Bros."" r- Miller & Paine " T ''"".' "V Yfltes French . ' ' Wharton's ' ' f ' " ; SKIRTS Skirt Stpre' TAILORS ,. Elliott Bros. THEATRES , Oliver .'sS. ' 1: Orpheum , J YPHWRITERS1" I ," Lincoln Typewriter Exchange - H, If. Bwanson Co,. . ' ' University Kansas. - The Jay hawker football -team wa? strongthonod Tuosday by tho addition of two now players. , Ono Is a big lino man from Minneapolis, Kan. Ho weighs an oven 200 pounds and an swors to tho suggestive namo of Jim Blados. Kennedy worked him out this afternoon, and believes thoro Is prom iso that tho now man may bo depend ed upon to stop up somo of tho lino holes whon ho loarnB tho now game Blades was in school four years ago, but loft tho following spring and did not return until this fall. Tho socond man is Carl Hicks, a fast basoball player of last year's freshman squad. Hicks is a baokflold man and promises to mako good If ho can porsuado tho eligibility committeo that ho should ontor tho gamo. It Is said, however, that ho lacks enough crodltB to clalm a position on tho varsity squad. Tho Jayhawkors engaged in a free-for-all practlco gamo with tho Haskell Indians Tuesday afternoon. It was froo for all In that ovory man who has appoarod on McCookflold In apythlng that looked like a football suit this fall was given a chance to get In tho gamo. Tho first flvo minutes of play resembled a real game, K. U. scoring a touchdown. From that timo on, how- over, tho suds wero cauea in, ana tholn porformanco began looking like a marathon raco for tho Indians. Novltt, tho redskin quartorback, at ono tlmo got away for sixty yards and a touchdown and at another tlmo ran nqarly as far, but stepped out of bounds on tho way. Tho final score gavo Haskoll 11 and K U. 5 points. Michigan. Tho Michigan toam Is to bo pitied. Not for tho showing they made against Caso Saturday when they wore hold to a tlo scoro, but becauao of tho work that this showing will bring upon themselves. Tho tlo will tlo tho men moro good than anything olso that could .have happened. This is tho general opinion around tho campus and Is nlso tho opinion of Coach Yost. Last season Michigan mot defeat at tho hands of "Shorty" Longman's Notro Damo elovon and it was this loss to which many attributed tho splendid showing mado by tho men of Yost In tho Pennsylvania and Minne sota games. It brought but tho fight ing qualltloB and stirred them up till thoro was practically nothing that would stop thorn till they had victory within their grasp. That Is what tho results of tho game Is expected to do In tho Wolverine camp thlBfall. Yost Is bo worked up ovor the reBult that tho men will bo worked as they never would havo been In practlco and thoro will not bo a moment when .they are on Ferry field that the coach will not havo them working at their hardest and when they got a lot up In this work tho 1910 football season for Michigan will bo history. Pennsylvania. Danny Hutchinson, star quarterback and mainstay of tho University of Pennsylvania football squad, Tuesday was notified by tho faculty that ho would not bo allowed to play football until ho had attained tho necessary standard In his studies. Throughout last season Hutchinson played with eight conditions hanging ovor his head. It is Understood that ho had. promised the faculty these conditions would bo made up during tho winter, months. This ..promise was not kept, and yesterday when tho fac ulty ascertained that there was no chance of the conditions being re- moyed by Hutchinson through appli cation to his studies they summarily dealt a death blow .to .the Pennsyl vania football team by ordering him ifrom the tralnlnpEable. -' " . , Princeton.,. Princeton closed the gates on foot ball practice Monday, holding the flrstJ secret session of -the season, JNow the preliminary part of the Tigers' schedule "iosver, time will be spent cAthletics on developing a roportolro of players, Monday's -practtcowas mainly a drill torJMtbo linemen. Two sots of forwards wore llnod up, and tho men wore given a long practlco In blocking and breaking through. Although only ono man was incapacitated for work by 'Saturday's gamo, thero wero sovoral changos from tho line-up that3 started tho gamo against Now York univer sity. f t 1 . Yale. Convinced that tho tlmo has como for the Yalo team "to' show some thing," tho coaches will try tho Blue harder than over this weok. Tfeoro Is no concealing tho fact that Coach Coy and his aBBistants aro disappoint ed ovor tho showing made up to dato, and aro reading with apprehension jtho glowing accounts that como from Cam brldgo. Horotoforo green material has been ploaded in oxcuso of low scores, and tho fact that Syracuse was ablo to Bcoro on he Blue twice. But tho squad hah been practicing nearly a month now and tho old excuse will no longer suffice. The fact that Woat Point was able to boat Tufts' by a big ger scoro than Yalo mado against this Httlo team Has aroused the coaches to tho necessity of hard work, and Yale"flold will bo the-busIeBt-placo-in Connecticut this week. ( Harvard. Harvard's football practlco Monday afternoon was secret and tight. Sev eral of tho players reported bunged up after the Williams set-to- and did not play. Ted iFrothlngham's injured knee will keep him out for a few days, and Bush, substitute tackle,- was an other who stayed off the field, after tho knocks of the Williams game. However, Campbell, tho halfback Twhq has been out of the practice a week, returned to the firing line. Ham Cor bett has developed more bplls Tho ono on his hand healed all right', but now he is following Jn the footsteps of Jdb. Ho has tione scarcely Any work for a week! F. Leslie, 6he of the lino men, rested tqday. Haughton was in coaching togs for- tho first tlmo In several days. JooNourse,; center on the 3,008 team, joined the coaching staff, and took the pivot men In hand for Instruction. t There was a. special drill for the ends and backs, worklng blocking and breaking- through, a slg- 1mm 9bbbbbbB HbS-1 BBBBBBBBBP BBBBBBBHbN rl Sl nal drill botwoon .teams of first-string men, but no scrlmmageV West Point. Cadot J. 1. Wlor was elected" for this year's fodtball captain at a moot ing hold Monday by thoso cadots who havoldn tboif lottor "A" IS football, and according to tho rules of tho ath lotlo association aro tho only ones al lowed to voto on tho selection of a captain. Only 'ono voto was cast, and Wlor was unanimously elected cap tain. Wier hails .from Illinois, nnd. Is. a member of the first class-and has beon prominent In football ovor since his entrance. Ho plays right guard and by critics Is classed among tho top notchors who havo and aro still play ing that position. Tho coaches aro moro than pleased with the showing tho mon made In tho gamo last Satur day and only signals and practlco in getting down under punts was given tho toam. Hyatt, last year's quarter back, camo out after being laid off with a sprained anklo since the first wook of practlco. Denver. Football Interest also centers In a meeting of tho Rocky mountain fac- CAPTAIN -selected because of his ability as a lead er he knows every point of the game to perfection. The Mayer Bros. Coat Sweaters for Uni Men and Uni Young Women were selected because they lead all others in style and workmanship. selected because we know them to be right in every detail. Young Men's Sweater Coats $1.25 to $8.00 Young Womens' Coat Sweaters $3.00 to $7.00 MAYER Head-td-Foot For Lunches Put Up for .Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and ' Fruit Punches Call at - THE FOLSOM, 1 307 O St. .BOTH PHONES & The University ,of Nebraska, EMPLOYMENT BUREAU WANTS STUDENTS to do watch and jewelry work to run f mall job printing 'press ' y to work Monday mornings for laundry, steady to. handle agencies for different college proposit Office ulty conference, which will take i?latee at tho University club today. Not only "will the eligibility of certain players on the various 1 college teams bo decided, but it will be determined what steps to tako regarding tho Den vor-Marquetto Bome As has been published, Denver University has asked Marquetto to call off 'the con test. This the Wisconsin hoys flatly refused to do. As Denver -has entered into a contract with Marquotto, there Is nothing to do but play tho" game on October 15. There Is a likelihood that Denver v University will bo notified that If it plays the game It must sover. Its rela tions with tho conference. Colorado College and the University of Colorado-have already-gono-on. 'record as opposing this gamo on tho grounds that Marquetto has no eligibility rules. The Smaller One. Many stories aro told of "Tom" Reed's sudden flashes of wit, as for Instance- '-when Miss Reed struck the earth .instead of tho golf ball, and he said, '.'Hit tho other ball, Kltty."--Portland (Mo.) Express. BROS. Clothiers h ' Y. M. C. A. Rooms a P '-,-j 'MM &;-' UK V ..j: -n: '& :.4 , W 1, tf ; r. ' '. ?. w ".,r V d IU-, v V i 'v'-' j1 ;-.fv. " . $- -n- ---- it u - I ' tv V 4? H 3. 'X "Wi lWt&."Kfr &-l rn; SrtuU-j Mx xf; Jatrfrr- . '.r: w.-JL t! BSSi-..-1 'wa