5. H-' ' " ' iftWsw"' - "' t t'. '- 'X ,4. iini it mi V THE DAILY HKBRASKAN mvtmrtM ?.. V1 h &' o 'i tA y IK I r. .y Directory of Advertisers Tha fallowing merchants and bual- neis man f Lincoln are anxious to etrve the University students. By plaolni their advertisements In the ' olumns, f the Dally Nebratkan they shew tiat they want your trade. And yeu may be- sure that the merchant vvha la willing to make a little effort to et. yeur patronage Is the one who , la going to treat you honestly and enBjejerately in attempting to keep "it,-"to" you as well as the Nebraa kanwlll profit by trading with these Mp1fJr. FiratfTrust & Savings .? . DAKBRIBg Folsom BXRBBltSHOPS - Green's . BOOK STORES ' 2JWVV ' -.. KOhlveralty CIGAR3 ' Club Houao r. Cole-MoKenna ' VOLBANBRS J. 0. Wood & Co. . Weber's Sultorlum - Windsor Sultorlum VOLOTHINff ' Farqunar LMagoo. & Deomor , ' ''Mayer Bros. - Palace Clothing Co. 'Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. COAL Whltobroast ' CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS Miller & Palno Rudgo & Quonzol ', DRUGGISTS ' , Itfggs ENGRAVERS Cornell j FURNISHINGS Budd Fulk Mageo & Doomor I Mayer Bros. - Palaco Clothing Co. . Rudge & Guontol .. Speler & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. ' HATTBBs' ' Bad'd Fulk: Armstrong Clothing Co. Magee 4b Deomor . Mayor Bros. . Palaco Clothing Co. Rudge & Guensel Speler & Simon JEWELBRS ' Hallett 1 Tucker. LAUNDRIES , "Evans .- ov- " OPTICIANS " Shean, . ' vvi -. POOL HALL ; Saratoga . " PRINTERS '. Simmons ,;. ' Van Tfne RESTAURANTS s Boston Lunch Cameron's -Y. M. C. A. Spa Miller & PalneA Herpolshelmer" SHOES Armstrong Clothing 09. Budd ' ' i-j Men's, Bootery Mayer Bros. Miller & Paine Yates French Wharton's ft " SKIRTS . Skirt Store TAILORS ; V -'Elliott Btof, THEATRES Oliver '! '" Orpheum TYPEWRITER ' .incoln 'Typewriter Exchange' ,. B. F; Swanson Co, TEAM MENKES 171 POUNDS CORNHU8KER8 LINE TIPS THE 80ALE8 AT 180. fOITBALL RALLY THURSDAY II A. N. BAND TO BE THERE EAGER AND COLE TO 8PEAK. Saturday's Games 8howed Kansas and Ames Not In the Best of Form. Nobraska will moot Minnesota on Saturday with a toam avoraging 171 pounds. The back Hold .Is llght with an average of 1GC, whllo tho lino looms up with 180. Following are tho wolghts: Chaun or, ljJl; Shonka, 201; Elliott, 188; ColllnB, 177; Hornborgor, 107; Tomplo, 181; Fofgron, 1C0; Warner, 166; O. Frank, 166; Rathbono, 168; E. Frank, 161; Minor, 162. Tho following Minnesota line-up was used In tho Mlnnosotd'Ames game and will probably bo but llttlo changed In tho Nobraska gamo: Pickering, loft ond; Walker, loft tacklo; Bromley, loft guard; Morroll, contor; Robinson, right guard; Young, right tacklo; Frank, right end; McGovorn, quartor back; Rosonwalk, loft half; Stovons, right half; Johnston, full back. Yesterday for about fifteen min utes tho Cdrnhuskora wont through ono of tho hardest scrlmmago prac tices thoy have had against tho pick of tho froshmon. Tho rogulars did not havo an easy time with the first year team and whllo they mado big gains ono after anothor It was far from a walkaway. It Is probable that anothor afternoon of scrlmmago will bo gono through with today. Football Rally Thursday. At 11 o'clock Thursday morning a football rally will bo hold In Memor ial' hall where all tho "rally enthusi asm" which Nobraska rooters have so far been unable to .get rid of, will bo turned loose. Tho rally will bo In reality tho first Installment ot tho .send-off tho toam Is to receive upon Its doparturo for Min neapolis. The university band will bo present to help along tho big nolso. Coach Colo, Manager Eager and a number of tho football playors are scheduled for Speeches. Expect Large Attendance. It Is scarcely necessary to say that the toam and Its closest supporters are looking for a largo attendance. After all that hoe boon said and done about football rallies, and since this one waa finally secured, there Is little foar of a lack of attendants. The other Installment of the send- off will be given at the station Thurs dny ovonlng when the team bqards a train for Minneapolis. Every rooter who cannot go with the team In per son Is urged to join tho crowd at the dopot,-buy a ticket and go In spirit. Games Show Weaknesses. The football contests of Saturday in which Nebraska la vltally.lnterested showed a remarkable weakness on the part of two of tho futuro opponents ot the Cornhuskers and an equally re markable strength on tho part of one. Ames was overwhelmed by tho powerful attack of tho Minnesota Gophers, a 49 to 0 score being hand ed up. Kansas was held to a close score by St. Mary's, a minor Kansas school, tho Jayhawkors being only able to scord nino points whllo their op ponents earned a touchdown. Newspaper reports of tho two gameB all comment on tho weakness and lack of knowledge of tho game showed by the first year men who make up seven each of the Ames and Kansas teams. The Kansas backfleld seems to have shown good form 'Saturday, but theft line was weak. Ames, looked 'forward io as a stiff contest, failed to" show anything, the only redeeming feature of the Aggies' work being their abili ty to brace and hold the Gophers down a Utile In the last half. Another star player has been added to the freshmen squad. This is. Earl Krouse, formerly of Beatrice high. Krouse, Purdy, the other fresliman half, and Mulligan, the quarter; are all from the same high school and give. the freshmen a backfleld which Is i i Bm?ll HbkjStT .KiaVLm. BbBbBbBbV . " Bn'wBBrZ'Sl BBBBBBBBBBT JBBfllBSSHl SBSSSSSSSSSSSSSBVt ' TBBBBSSJr -BBBBBBBBBr w.BBEBk'' BbbbbHbjMHSm BbbbbbBSRibEIj BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSasSSJpBaB5yj bkbbbbbbbbVbbBBT &Kl 3 3 bKbbI .BBbbbhbmBBsbBBW. bbbbbbSbbWbbbbbHbi- BBBBBBBSBBBBBBBB&Bfcih bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW. UBeor'"'o working together. Krouse mado a very good showing on his first night, proving himself a nervy line buckor, especially difficult to tacklo. Ho weighs about 170 pounds. Ho is looked on as excellent material for 1911. Colo put In a largo share of his time Monday night, coaching Seidell, the full-back find of last week. Seidell is a willing follow, but has much to learn of tho gamo. Tho coach thinks that nothing can stop him it he once gets on to how to uso his marvelous line bucking power. Ho is picking up tho signals, and may bo available In case of necessity next Saturday. NORTH WE8TERN PILE8 UP IOWA. Purple Retrieves Its Defeat of Last Week by Victor Over Hawkeyes. jmcago, i wortnwestorn "came. back" this afternoon. After a humllat lng defeat tho woek before by a sec ond rate team In which the purple players gave a wretched exhibition of overy department of tho gamo, the Evanston men put up a fast and pow erful gamo that Iowa found it Impos sible to overcome and the purple won 10 to 5. It was the first time that North western ever defeated the Hawkeyes at football. In the other two games played by the two Institutions, the old gold and black wone the first, played at Evanston thirteen years ago. Just a decade ago tho two teams mot at Rock Island Tn a Thanksgiving-day contest, which was a tie, 15 to 16. MI880URI CAPTAIN OUT. Thatcher Has a ad Knee and Will Be Unable to Enter Game. Columbia, Mo. That Captain Frank B. Thatcher ot tho Missouri university football team will not5bo able to get into tho game against Iowa Saturday is tho statement mado hero by Dr. D. F. Luby, tho Missouri trainer. Thatch er has had a bad knee and' injured it again In the Monmouth game. Luby says he will bo out of tho game for two weeks and possible three. This would keep him out of tho Ames con test also and possibly tho Oklahoma game, but tho rootors think that ho will be in shapo to play by tho tlmo ot tho Ames game, which will bo played here October 22. The loss of Thatcher in tho Iowa game will weaken the Missouri lino a great deal. With the exception of Johnson, at tacklo, the line possltlons will be filled by Craig, a sophomore. Craig weighs about 175 pounds and Is a Bhlfty play er, but he lacks Thatcher's aggressiveness. CAPTAIN ' ' . i selected because of his ability as a lead er he knows every point of the game to perfection. The Mayer Bros. Coat Sweaters for Uni Men and Uni Young Women were selected because they lead all others in style and workmanship. selected because we know them to be right in every detail. Young Men' Sweater Coats $1.25 to $8.00 Young Womens Coat Sweater $3.00 to $7.00 MAYER Head-to-Foot LINCOLN HIGH GAME. Local Team to Meet Hastings on the Nebraska Field. The first homo gamo of the local high school football team will be played on tho university athletic field, Hastings high school being tho oppon ents. Tho showing mado by Lincoln Saturday when by a'senBatlonal burst of speed thoy scored twelve points In tho last quarter against West Des Moines high school and tied up the score, has aroused a great deal of In terest among tho followers of the local school. Coach Nichols and Cap tain WoBtover are working with the high school boys and expect to have them In much better shapo for Hast ings than they wore for West Dob Moines. Colorado. Tho University of Colorado football team has beon trying only ono change in formation In the lino as a result of tho now rules. It Is to have tho center pass the ball sideways Instead of through hlB legs, as custom has always mado him do it. Coach Folsom has been trying the scheme off and on ever since the Forr Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call ait THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St BOTH PHONES The University of Nebraska Y. M. C A. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU WANTS STUDENTS to do watch and jewelry work to run small job printing prets to work Monday mornings tf or laundry, steady to handle agencies for ions. Office , :UJt's $4f t,mi$r;; BROS. Clothiers' 't season opened, but ho has Anally come to tho conclusion that it will not work effectively. Not that it is not a safo way to pass tho ball from the center to tho backs, but it docB not prove to give tho contor enough defense of his opponent after tho ball is passed. Tho ball can bo moro ac curately passed to tho backfleld the new way, but the contor cannot sim ultaneously plungo Into the lino with out turning half way around. It is found that ho could easily be toppled over by the opposing center whllo off lifs guard. The center now has to judgo his distance to the backs much ltko ho did in the previous gamo wtion ho was throwing the ball for a punt or a place kick. Folsom says it will take a steady man in tho center of the line to placo tho ball in in the hands of the backs. Tho Colorado quarterback will play back of tho backs-throughout tho season except In cases where the situation domands he play as middleman. President Northrop of Minnesota has taken action to abolish tho gambl ing alleged to be going on in -oigar stores about the university campus. different college prpposit- Y. M. C. A. Rooms -f ,V Jr 4 v "i -, fen "f ' . w r. ', .t