:y ??f ,; ib-. V YiI iwmw 'WYttWiKr "Ll FPrar; , . - - Jl THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V; W " ? SMEEN MEUBE PICKED UNIVERSITY DEBATE 8QUAD TO GET TO WORK MONDAY. t MWHM . hi mi , lln.ii,!.... .lTi'liiw.H M- if - Directory of Advertiser, The feitewng merchants and busi ness men of Lincoln are anxious to serve the University students. By -placing their advertisements In the co.lumna 9f; the Dally Nebraskan they show that' they" want your trade. And you may be sure that the morchant who Is willing to make a little effort to get your patronage Is the one who Is going 'to' treat you honestly and iconsTaeHrtSlynn attempting to Keep It. 89 yOjU-pas well as the Nebras kan w) profit by trading with these people: ,, Ftlvjfi'Fiuatit& Savings - - - 'Folsom BBBrribps BOOK STORES Co-op. Unlvoralty CIGARS -J Club Houso COe-McKonna CLEANERS J. C. Wood & Co. Wobor's 8utt6rlum - Windsor Sullorlum " CLOTHINQ 'Farquhar Magoo & Doomor t Mayor Proa. 'Pnlaco Clothing Co. Spolpr & Slnion Armstrong Clothing Co. 'COAL Whltabroast CONFECTIONERY Llnctilrf, Candy Kitchen DRY GOODS MUlor & Pnlno Rudgo & Ouonzol DRaaisTs Rlggs r ENQRAVETtS Cornell ' FURNISHINGS Bijdi Fulk " ' Magoo &, Deomor Mayor Bros Pa'laco Clothing Co. Rudgo & Gucnzol Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clothing Co. HATTSRS , boW"'" ,; Fulk . Armstrong Clothing Co. Magoo & Deomor Mayor Bros. Pa'laco Clothing Co. Rudgo fi: Quonzol Sn'olor & Simon JEWELjBRS Hillott Tucker '" LAUNDRIES ' ' 1 Evans OPTICIANS, Snoan """ '' Shoa POOL 'HALL , Saratoga PRINTERS . Simmons Vin Tlno RESTAURANTS -BostorvLunch Camorpn's v Y) M. C..A. Spa Miller & Paine , Horpolsholraor'a SHOES' ' Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd"' r- Me BSdtety Maybr'Broa.i ' . '' Miner .Tlne ' . VsC. ' Yatea French. ' Wharton's r v Skirt 'Store TAILORS ftllott'lBreta. THEATRES V temn :' 'i Xlacblh Typewriter Exchange TRY-OUTS ARE HELD SATURDAY BIX LINCOLNITE8 SELECTED TWO FROM BEATRICE. Omaha Unrepresented on the Squad Team to Be Selected from 7 hese Men. For periods of sex on minutes each tvunly-sl men spoke Saturday In Memorial hall, presenting arguments roTMlimils tttrtnatlveor ncgntivo side of the "closed shop" question as they happened to be chosen at the se lection of side for the tr-outs Thursday The subject which will bo debated 'this year will be one submit ted by Minnesota last spring and which wst. accepted by all the schools which wore members of the Central Debating League. Minnesota, Iowa. Wisconsin, Illinois and Nebraska are the Institutions which haro membership in thin or ganization, and on a set dato two teams from each university debate, one team speaking on the home plat form uhd 0110 at n foreign school. All teams debate on the same evening. Tho question which was chosen is "Resolved, that tho "movement of or gnnized labor for the closed shop should receive the support of public opinion." The Judges. Tho intercollegiate debating honors for tho yoar at tho university were awardod Saturday by Prof. H. W. Caldwell, Pi of. E. B. Connnt and Prof. G. O. Virtue, who acted 'as Judgos at the selection of the sixteon memborB of the debating squad. The work in this Hue being rewnrded with credit in rhetoric 22. From tho members of this seminary course, Nebraska's eight representa tives In tho Central Debating League will bo picked for the contests with tho University of Wisconsin hero at Lincoln und tho University of Illinois at Urbana. Of the sixteen honors, six wont tc Lincoln men, two to graduates of tho Beatrlco high sclroolrnnd tho rest wore scattering. For tho first time In sovoral years Omaha will not ho rep resented at tho squad redoubtable According to an announcement of Prof. Fogg, the work of tho course will bo organized Monday, when the membors will begin to systematically grind out evldonco to hurl at Wiscon sin and Illinois. The Squad. Tho membors of tho squad who won places In tho competition Saturday are as follows: Thomas G. Andrews, law '12, Lin coln; William L. Bates, '1& Lincoln; Clarence L. Clark, '12, Lincoln; Horace B. English, '13, Lincoln; Geo N. Foster, law '11, Sterling; Ralph W.. Garrett, '12, Madison; Ralph E. Hall dorsoiit '12, Lincoln; Georgo R. Marin, 13, Ord; Byrne C. MarcellUBr'llr Lin coln; Arthur M. Oberfelder, '11, Sid ney; Clifford F. PhllllpB '13, Boa trlco; Anan R. Raymond, '11, Fair mont; Clifford R. Rein, '13, Loup 1 City; David M. Rogers, '12, Randolph; Walter A. Vasey, law '12, Beatrice; Joseph T. Votava, law '11, Edholm. Tho final try-out for tho fall de bating teams was hold at tho Univer sity of Illinois Friday night. Tho fol lowing men succeeded In placing: J. C. Soarlo, JT V. Stevenson R. J. Rob inson, C. M. Walter, L. A. Zoarlng and J. C. O'Connor. .These men will compose tho teams which- will meet Nebraska at Urbana and Minnesota at Minneapolis. Adopts Squad System. Tho TJijIvoraUy of Minnesota, ac cording! t,o tho Minnesota Dally, has flfinntfld tnn sound Bvstom or clioosimn donating teams. , By this plan the per- sonnol of tho Intercollegiate teams selected 'after the men 'of tho squad . . ....... a. At novA nnnn rnnron aa in rnnir nnwnra ... -. -W- . of Investigation and ?effddtlyo oral dis cussion. - .. ' The 8lxteen Men, ' -I Thomas O. Andrews, Irw 1912,' of ml sMPir.'lKrSi ' 1 ' 9ftlW 1 fts8g&s Lincoln, 1b a graduate of the Perry. Ia high school, being president of tho alumni association of that school. He has been president of tho Stu dents' Debating club, and was on tho reshman debating team which won from tho sophomore team last year.J Ho was nwnrded tho Pound prize for excellency In scholarship in 1909-1910. William LaVorno Bates, 1912, on 1 three debate teams at the Lincoln high school, from which ho was grad uated in 1909, nnd he was on tho freshman team which won from tho sophomores and Benlors In the Inter clasB debate In 1909. Hd was elected oreFldent of tho junior class last week. Ho Is a member of Delta Up- tion fnueinity. Claronco L. Clark, 1912. for throe "ars wob on tho Lincoln high school toam, and won tho championship of tio school In 1908. 'Ho made tho do nating squad at the university In his nphomoro year, and was a member of the freshman team that captured tho -juhb championship dobato in 1909. Horace B. English, 1910, waB grad uated from tho Lincoln high school In 1909 with valedictory honors. Ho was an alternate several times on the high school debating team and was a speaking member of the team three years, In two debates which Lincoln, von. LnBt yoar he was alternate on Nebraska's team which debated tho University of Iowa at Iowa City. Ho Is one of tho organlzors of the Plat form club. The last week In October he will take the Rhodes scholarship examinations. George N. Foster, 1910, law 1911, is a graduate of the Sterling high school und of -the-Peru-normal. For three years ho represented Peru In dobato with Kansas nnd Missouri normals and wlih Campbell college. He was a member of tho Nebraska team that debated Iowa at Iowa City last year. Ralph W. Garrett, 1912, of Madi son, waB altornate on tho sophomoro team In 1909, and spoke on tho sopho njoro team last7ear. Ho Is a member of Alpha Theta Chl fraternity. Ralph E. Halldorson, 1912, of Lin coln, was on the sophomoro team last year. 4 Georgo Russell Mann, 1913, of Ord, wop tho central Nebraska teachers' association's debate In 1904, and rep resented the Ord high school In tho Interscholastlc debate at Lincoln In 1904 and again in 1905, winning flrBt honors In 1905. Ho has taken part In Is twelve high school debates, and 1 taught achool three years befqro ho I Anfniinil IIia iinlvnpattv In 10AO TI j. , w wcu umhv.u..j ... vVv, 4iu mado tho squad in his freshman year Byrne C Marcollus, 1911, comes from Wisconsin, put 1b r now a resi dent of Lincoln. Heis a graduate of r CAPTAIN selected because of his ability as a lead er he knows every point of the game to perfection. The Mayer Bros. Coat Sweaters for Uni Men and Uni Young Women were selected because they lead all others in style and workmanship. selected because we know them to be right in every detail. Young Men' 8 Sweater Coats $1.25 to $8.00 Young Womens' Coat Sweaters $3.00 to $7.00 MAYER Head'toFoot tho Brock, Nob., high school, and In 1908 of tho Peru state normal school. Ho haB taught at the Crete high school for two years and came to tho unlvoralty last year when ho won J membership on the squad and was ap- pointed altornate on tho team that mot Minnesota. Arthur M. Oborfelder, 1911, was graduated from tho Sidney high school in 1907. In 1906 ho won a prize for . . t. .!. . . . ,' mnn oratory In tho state contest; In 1908 1909 ho was on the sophomoro team; and in 1909-1910 he was on the junior team that won tho championship on Phi Beta Kappa day. Ho was presi dent of the junior class last year, and is a momber of the Innocents and of Phi Alpha Tau. Clifford F. Phillips, 1913, was on six debate teams from Beatrice high school and was orator of his class. Anan R. Ttaymond, 1911, recently elected president of his class, was a member of tho team that captured the clasB championship last year. He Is senior managing editor -of tho "Corn huskor and a member of Phi Alpha Tau. Clifford ,L. Rein, 1913, was graduat ed from tho Loup City. high school-In 1909. There ho won a scholarship For Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and - - Fruit Punches. Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St BOTH PHONES r The University of Nebraska Y.M.CA. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU WANTS STUDENTS to do watch and jewelry work to run small job printing press to work Monday mornings for laundry, steady to handle 'agencies for different college proposit-ions. Office i , BROS. Clothiers entitling him to free admission to sev eral denominational colleges. Ho rep resented Loup City for two years In interscholastlc debating. Ho won.- a place on the squad In his freshman year. David H. Rogers, 1912, of Randolph, Nob., was valedictorian of his class at high school and won a place on the freshman debating team which won .the class championship of tho untvor- lli. , innoinnn tt it. sity for 1908-1909. He was on the squad his freshman year. Walter R. Vasey, law 1911, comes from Beatrlco, which high school he represented on four dobato teamB, and also at tho ' Southeastern Nebraska Teachers' Association debating con test. He was class orator and took high rank in scholarship. Last year ho was a member of tho sophomoro debating team. Joseph T. Votava, 1910, law 1911, of Edholm, Is a graduate of the Fremont normal school, whore he won tho Tri bune oratorical contest In 1904. Ho waB-a-tnembor of the university de bating squad in 190C-1907 and debated with Wisconsin at Madison in 1908; and with Minnesota at Lincoln last December. He Is a momber of phi Alpha Tau and Phi Delta Phi. ?"- Y. -M. C. A. Room wv J u s. - ...! tt to -' . . w - " J 1 vT, St-? 2-' '-.u - rm . j"S V h.vi. -.. . - (. jM VJ v- r A ,' e i ..