! ;TT flTfT'VrrT JHvii .,' "Hr i ' ,-W- - f ' - . , t -..'StaSTt- '!J'i i.! . - a , Vol X. No. 12 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1910. r- Price 5 Cents. -a, V JL- , !" "-A- IRefcraskari xlbe 2att D t T. -a ' k L t .v. ei f ' m ri,f COYOTES PUT UP GOOD GAME Jorry, but a llttlo thing llko that did not worry Warner. Tho result was . that Wnrnor was ordered from tho NEBRA8KA WIN8 FROM 80UTH flcld- ul to tUG tlmo of h,B beu,B so DAKOTA 12 TO 9 ignomlnlouBly chased off tho grounds ..." ho had played, a wonderful gamo at quarter, displaying n generalship seen HAVE A GOOD LIKE In few quarter bucks with even longer (ORNIIUSKERS COLLIN8 AND 8HONKA TEAR BIQ HOLES IN DEFEN8E. FEAR ANOTHER DARK HORSE MURMURINGS OF "MACHINE POLL TIC8" IN LAW 8CHOOL. Minnesota Gamo Comes Next, With Nebraska Standing a Better Show Than Ever. SATURDAY'S FOOTBALL GAME8. Nebraska, 12; South Dakota, 9. Omaha High, 50; Harlan High, 0, Navy, 0; Rutgers, 0. Yale, 12; Holy Cross, 0. Harvard, 21; Williams, 0. Princeton, 12; New York, 0. Brown, 0; Colgate, 0. Wabash, 3; Purdue, 0. West Polne, 24; Tufts, 0. Kentucky, 11; North Carolina, 0. Missouri, 0; Rolla, 0. Ohio, 23; Cincinnati, 0. Marquette, 32; Monmouth, 0. Michigan, 3; Case, 3. Syracuse, 6; Rochester, 0. Pennsylvania, 38; West Virginia, 0. Indians, 6; Chicago, 0. Shurtllff,12; Washington, 6. Minnesota, 49; Ames, 0. Northwestern, 10; Iowa, 0. Cornell, 0; Oberlin, 0. Amherst, 3; Wesleyan, 0. Bowdoln, 23; New Hampshire, 0. Dartmouth, 18; Colby, 0. Kansas, 9; St. Mary's, 5. West Dcs Dolnes High, 12; Lin coin High, 12. Notre Dame, 48; Olivet, 0. Wisconsin, 6; Lawrence, 0. Back and 'forth, from ouo end of tho field to tho other, fighting every Inch of tho way, Nebraska and South Dakota Saturday played on of the prettiest games of football over aeon on Lincoln grounds. Nebraska won, 12 to 9, with a little advantngo In weight and a considerably stronger lino. The Coyotes proved beyond the shadow of a doubt "that tholr scoro against Minnesota was not a moro acqldont What tlcy lackod on the lino they moro than made up for In tho back field, and it was on long end runs that South Dakota's biggest gains wero mado. Tho Cornhuskers earned everything they got and considerably they failed to goL experience than his. Owen Prank was Blurted from nan to quarter, Rathbono wont to half and Seidell, tho now candidate for full, was given a try-out. Seidell, whllo he was not put to a very sovero test, having fow chances to show what ho could do, played a steady, consistent game. Sei dell was later rellevd by Gibson, whoso punt mado him famous. Owen rFank was at his best, both In running the ends and breaking up end runs for South Dakota. Prank has a terrible tackle and if ho has a reasonable chance at his man, It Is a ton to one that tho man will drop llko a tall weed hit with a scythe. Minnesota Comes Next. From now until Saturday night Ne braska rooters will think nlong but one Hue several hundred souls with but a slnglo thought which thought "Tls tho outcomo of the Minnesota game. That Nebraska has a good chance of winning everyone will concede. Whllo the respective showings made with South Dakota will tend to give Minne sota more or loss advantage, still tho Cornhuskers feel that things look brighter than they have been for a long tlmo. A comparison shows that Nebraska has a line which is just as strong as Minnesota's that is, If tho games which havo been played so far may be takon aB a fair sample of what Ne braska may expect Minnesota does seem to havo the advantage In the back Hold, but with onds like Cha'uner and Lofgren and halves llko the two Franks to smash Intorforence, this ad vantage Is not of so great Importanco. It has not yet been decided defi nitely who will bo taken along, asido from tho regular members of tho team. It Is probtfblo that among tho number will be Seidell, who has been showing up well at full, and Russell, an end. Strenuous Work This Week. Today and tomorrow and perhaps Thursday tho varsity will be put through some strenuous work. Tho freshmon squad havo turned out somo fast niqn, and ir tho varsity goes against tho pick of tho squad for scrimmage work It will at least bo as good an exhibition as tho ono ten days ago. On October 29, when Doano plays Nebraska at Lincoln, the Lincoln high school team will play the Omaha high VERY QUEER ELECTION SCHEDULES QUIET CAMPAIGN HAS BECOME A WARM SQUABBLE. but such comploto mystery shroud 3 tho actions of tho laws that the names of tho men and prospects for tho meeting tomorrow would not bo given out by any classmen. When np proached they simply said that "things will bo doing In tho morning." The freshman laws will moot at 11 o'clock In U309, It Is reported, to olect officers. Freshman Laws Will Meet at 11 Sbphomore Class Elects at 11:30 a. m. a. m. ILLU8TRATED LECTURE. Tho freBhman la'.y. class will meet UiIr morning at 11 o'clock to olect of ficers. Tills announcement, which was mado only yesterday, has aroused a groat deul of lntorest among poli ticians of tho sophomore claHs, who are looking for a dark horse to bo brought into tho second year election today. Tho froBhmon of the law col- logo are classed as sophomores In class elections. It is on account of this fact that politicians aro expecting the laws to nominate a black horso for tho second year election today. Tho law meeting coming at 11 o'clock and the sophomore election scheduled at 11:30 a. m., make It very easy for the laws to put a cundldato In tho field at tho last minute, and it Is gen erally reported they expect to do so. Tho sophomore meeting will not be without excitement. Hot Campaigning for Sears. When tho friends of Carroll Sears, tho announced candidate, learned late yesterday about tho plan of the laws, they sent scouts out Into tho field to lino up votes for their candidate. A friend of Scars said last night that his candidate could not be elected unless his friends camo to the meeting en- masse to cast their votos. The cam paign has not been an exciting one, llttlo real vote soliciting having to be dono, nnd tho classmen will havo to come out to voto without personal in vitation from politicians. Tho activ ity of tho laws, however, has changed a quiet campaign Into a rustling polla- lcal squabble. Interest in the sopho more eolctlon Is at a high point this morning. Friends of tho 'announced candidate are working to save him from defeat at tho hands of thoblack horse. Scars Is a graduate of Omaha high Bchool, a member of Phi Kappa Professor Swezey to Lecture on 8cl entitle 8ubject. Convocation hour UiIb morning will bo devoted to nn Illustrated Htero optlcon lecturo by Prof. G. D. Swozoy of tho astronomy dopartment. Ho will speak on tho subject "Tho Erup tion of Krnkotoa." This lecture is ono of a scientific nature and of con siderable Importance to scientists. GREEKS GET SEVENTY-FOUR NINE FRATERNITIES ANNUONCE NEW PLEDGES. RUSHING SEASIN CLOSED MONDAY.. PHI GAMMA DELTA HAS LARG EST LI8T OF MEM1ER8. Alpha Theta Chi, Beta Theta Pi .and 8lgma Nu Do Not An nounce Pledges. A' BIBLE CLA88E8 TO 8TART. Y. M. C. A. Girls to Meet October 17 for First Work. Tho first of tho series of Bible study classos to be hold this year will be hold Monday, October 17. Thoy will bo continued during tho year at regular Intervals. The load ers for .the noon meetings will be as follows: Monday Miss Blanch Eads. Wednesday Miss Schultz. Thursday 'Miss Hazel Vlbbard. Friday Miss Florenco Davis. A now feature In tho noon meetings this year Is that tho mcotlngs on Tues day and Thursday will bo held at 11:30 a. m. at tho closo of chapel hour. Tho other meetings of tho week will be held at 11: CO. HARVARD OUTCLA88E8 WILLIAMS Nebraska's lino was llko tho pro verbial stone wall; not onco during h , , Th d ubl header will tho entire game did tho Coyotes suc:. o6 put on fv tho prIco of ono admla. ceed Jn .breaking,- through for a sub- 8l0IIt'thc, hgh Bchool gamo to bo stantial gain. South 'Dakota's lino played botoro tho Nebraska-Doano was weaker and Nobraaka mado good Tho LJnColn high school prora- gainBjm lino, plunges. .... i808'to havo another team this year .CoyoteslSaTn on End Runs Uko tho ono last year. In the gamo; South Dakota mado .big gains Saturday against tho West Des' around the onds. Tho back field was -Moines high school terfra tho Lincoln In tho gamo from -tho' word go,carry-j lads played a clovergdme, Bcor'lrig Ing the ball for long runs, with -almost twelve points In" tho last quarter of Psl fraternity and was last season a member of tho football team of tho class of 1913. He Is a forestry stu dent and has boon active In class politics. perfect interference. Channor and Lofgren played a good gamo, notwith standing tho several long ondfuhB; made by South Dakota, and tlmo? and again broko up Interference that' savod big gains aud porhnps touch downs. CoftlnB" and Shonka, co,nter and .tackle, were tho stars of tho line. Tlmo after tlmo Collins broko through tho" lino and blocked plays play and tlolng the scoro. Varsity-Freshman Game. It Is likely that .tho varsity-fresh mail game will be played on Novem ber 19, tho only open date of tho season. Considerable Interest has been shown In. tho proposed contest arid If It Is played It will undoubtedly attract attention and draw a crowd. Tho girls' section of tho grandstand has mado quite a hit At the South. for a loss of ground for his-opponents. Daliotft mo ,t M crowded almoBt milt OttiK rtn1fnH .1IH .:.. 1.1 M 4. ..- 1 " . ug ?" "" i'" uumuw.uiit0l,tg capacity. mm. ana no suumuu 10 ioar notes ai will. Shonka toro through tho line in. tacaamo way, oroaKiug.up imenor Ice and dropping tho man in his tracks -almost tho moment luKrocolved '-"'' ... hall ? VUU UMMt Warner Ordered Out. . Jorry Warner got In bad with the referee by telling Smith, tho husky South Dakota full back, "whoro to head '!." .Smith would make' two" of "Another thing which might, bo men tioned on tho South Dakota game Js that the rooting was of tho boat. The center of tho bleachora was ono mass of 'megaphones, and what was le'ft un done In tho Peru game In tho way of noise was moro Chan mado up for in the game last aSturday. Fred Crltesi '09,'- Sigma, Nu, entered achppl. . , "; has Kruse Will Not Run. Frank Kruso of Lincoln yesterday announced that he would not permit his name to bo used in tho race for honors In tho freshman class. Ho has been prominently mentioned by Lin coln high school graduates as a likely candidate for tho first yoar presidency, but yesterday assured a. Nobraskan reporter that he would under no cir cumstances announco himself as a candidate. Kruso was a member of the Lincoln high school football team last season. Ho was prominent In the affairs of his school. William Gilmore of Nebraska City, Leonard Purdy . of Beatrice, and Charles Epporson of" Clay Conter aro the throe men who aro In tho race for tho freshman presidential honprs. Gilmore has not formally announced; his .candidacy, but his friends itayo placed him .in thro race arid asked tho Nobraskan reporter to make known bis candidacy and state that they would "give him the royal support which ho deserves." Tho freshman election will probably be h61d Thursday morning. It 'will bo In charge of President Verno Bates of the Jun(or class. At a mee'tlng this morning tho freshman law class will organize and elect officers for the first semester Several aspirants' were reported to be secretly asking for votes yesterday, Crimson Line Is Invincible, Smother ing Williams' Backs. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard had llt tlo trouble In disposing of Williams by 21 to 0 Saturday on tho Stadium grid iron. Tho visitors, though completely outclassed for throe periods, came baclc strong in the final session and outplayed tho string of strong subs that the Crimson outfit had flooded the gridiron with. Tho regular Har vard with tho exception of Corbott, who 1b still on tho sick list, started tho gamo and remained Intact during tho first two periods. Thoy played fast ahd hard. Tholr lino was simply in vincible. Tho big forwards continual ly broko through tho lighter Williams' line and either smothered or smashed up tho enemy's formations or blocked their kicks. Harvard essayed six for- Tho Tho annual rushing season for tho frotornltlcB of tho University of No braska camo to a closo at t.wolva o'clock yostorday noon. With Its cli max camo tho announcement of many pledgos who will affiliate with tho Q rook lottor 'organizations. Tho frntornity rushing soason of this yoar, being undor tho Jdontlcal supervision and regulations which pre vailed Inst year, covored a porlod o" ton dnyn. Beginning with yosterday , noon, no rushco will bo permitted' to ' bo entertained in tho chaptor hou3o, without tho chaptor house, or In the interest of any fratornlty lator than 0 p. m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wod nosdays nnd Thursdays of each woek. Rushing Strenuous. It Is generally recognized about tho university that moro strenuous rush ing on tho part of the fraternities has novor been so ovldonced at Nebraska, either boforo or after tho adoption of tho oxlstlng interfratornity council regulations. Since Friday night, Sop tombor 30, all the splendor that could bo muBtorod by any of tho Greek lot tor organizations has been brought forward as "conclusive proof" or "con vincing argument" for tho Inspection of tho freshmen, Houbo parties, smokers and picnics havo boon tho three favorlto means of entertaining, which, combined with tho production and reproduction of numbers of tho fraternity galaxy of stars, havo left many freshmen In a bewildering situation. The highest numbor of pledgos an nounced up to date is eleven, claimed by Phi Gamma Delta. Naturally, many of tho pledgeB have not boon announced yet, whllo three fraterni ties, Alpha Theta Chi, Chi Theta PI, and ,Slgma Nu, havo mado no an nouncements whatsoever. ward passes and landed in four. visitors got away with soven winners but of ton attempts. Harvard was penalized threo times and Williams once. Scoro; Harvard, 21; Wlijlams, 0. Touchdowns, Morrison, Grauatorn, Wilth'lngton. Goals from touchdowns, Withlngtpn 3, Field goal 1, Referee, Bendleton of Bowdoln; umpire, Bur leigh of.Exetor;. field Judge, Loo of Lehigh; linesman, Tufts of Brown. Time, four tort-minute periods. YALE REQUIRES VETERAN8. Holy Cross Proves. -Strong and Re quires Effort! to Defeat NoW'Haven Conn.Played almost off her feet, Yalo was Saturday forced, to place all her star football men in the lineup to win from Holy Cross by 12 to 0, Ell opened the gamo with substitutes, because of the reputed weakness of the Worcester boys. "To wards the ond, however, Yalo was compelled to take out her lesser lights and nlaco her beat men in tho gamo to win. Captain Daly, Kllpatrlck, Francis and Baker had to, be called In to save the day for' the blue. Yale showed her .luck byrf scoring ono touchdown. In the last minute of play The Yale line Wag weak -and the Mas Sachtieetta boys tore great holes la IL The List. The list of fraternity pledgos an nounced aro as follows: Alpha Tau Omega Alfred C. -Kennedy, Omaha; Chandler Trlmblo, Om aha; H. S. Gay, Omaha; Ben Horn by, Valentine; Charles R. Jacksn, , Wyinoro; Arthur Allen, Hastings; Mario Hazllk, Cedar Rapids, la.; John, . L. Cutrlght, Lincoln. Alpha Theta Chi Pledges not. -announced. Beta Theja, PI Pledges not an- . nounced. Delta, Tau Delta Carl Nagle, Om aha: Allyn Moser. Omaha; W. B. Hal- . ley, Valentino; Oscar Reynolds, Seat tle, Wash.; Blalno Ballah, Cambridge; Earl Chenowyth, Lincoln; .Stanley Guenzel, .Lincoln. (Delta Upsllon Leon Nelson, Om aha; Fremont Mitcho, ,Llncoln;. Ros well Haskell, Wagner, S. D,; Clayton,. Andrews, Bt Paul; Early Young, He bron; Richard Thompson, West "Point; Frank WJllsey, Blair; Arthur Davis, Lincoln. - Kappa Sigma Clark Joary, Lincoln; Earl Brennon, Lincoln; Leon Hlnes,v Benkloman; Harry Roaser, Arapahoe; Harold -Krause, Albion; Lynn flick--man, Aurora. Phi Delta Theta Jean Cain, Falls , Cl(y; David'ReavIs, Falls City; Frank Turple, North Platte; Will BuanFreX mpnt; John Andrews, Fremont; tXlrk', Lee, Fremont;. XVMetalfe,"LiQcol Joseph Fitzgerald, .Kearney; Caarle qoatimmA oa Face I ,,s ',, '?.-,'$ v V . & if. J. V,'- rl 7. V a '4 . Ml , i J i vl ' '- l, -V Br ,- ; "V V 'a j - fciJ 'a h ' H' ( ... J'"' 1 1 ..- - V-v. kH lX?x ?f. X -i'. "' ... "!?" J . - w ' ' .J.- ,', '. .,7. . .t. ; .r. - M.-i . rt. v -4 Zl( -, , , :i- - v .. H..-.. tS " - , -" Yt- .-. (V fc. a Vr. CLJ E"V