-:.-. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN w " m Jk I-V '.71 ' suttMLS - Oliver Theatre TODAY 2:30 AND 8:15 THE WIZARD OF WISEAND Mat. fiOo and 25c. Night 25c to 75c. THUR8DAY, OCTOBER 13. LEW DOCKSTADER And his 20th Century Minstrels Oct. 14-15. "As the Bun Wont Down." I lUPni I) MATINI-ES (Bxcrpf Manday) a:3o LIHuULn BVUNINCIS AT HI30 t ORPHEUM BUSHR ADVANCED VAUDVILLE Week Starting Monday, Oct. 3d. FRANK 8TAFF0RD & CO. AND 7 OTHER BIG ACT8 Mats. 15c and 25c Evenings 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Simmons the Printer PRINTING Engraving Embossing Auto. 2319 317 So. 12th The First Trust and Savings Bank A PER CENT INTEREST $i opens an account 183 South 11th Street. IF IT'S PRIMTIMRYOU WANT 8ee Us Boforo Ordering Elsewhere Programs, Menus, Announce ments, Stationery, Booklets VANTINE PRINTING CO. 128-1 no No 14th. St. SPECIALGLASSES FOR UNI MEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE UTILI TARIAN STUDIES. Afternoon and Evening Classes In Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typewrit. Jng, Penmanship At Nebras ka School of Business. EXPERIENCE OF UNIVERSITY MEN ' Tho Nebraska School of Business, located In tho Hall Bros, building, 1519 O street, is organizing special afternoon and evening classes at con venient hours for university students who wish to study either shorthand, typewrlUng, bookkeeping or penman ship. The evening classes meet three evenings each wefck Monday Wed nesday and Friday. University stu dents may arrange for any number of hours per week that they may wish to lake, and the rates for tuition will be very reasonable. Tho instruction is given by teachers of long experi ence nnd recognized ability. Wr. Glenn O. Taylork B. A., LL. B., speaking from his qwn experience, says: "I have- no hesitation in say ing that I bellovo the freshman In col lege makes a mis take if he does not avail himself of tho 'opportuni ty of studying shorthand and typewriting. The student who has a knowledge of shorthand has not only n very rapid means of taking notes from class work to be used later as references In preparation, for roviews and examinations, but also has a knowledge which may bo readi ly turned into money .during his spare hours and vacations. Moreover, such student, when his college courso is finished, is assured immediate employ ment in tho commercial world," Mr. Frank Gates, a. student of tho N, 8. B., who held a position with the B. & M. in this city last year, la now paying his way through Northwestern, iC'f WlPtfnnornn with lila onnrrriotifl nnrl hj?v .:w" ""- ytvnewniinir. Ariy university students interested in these special classes are Invited to call nt tho Bchool and obtain furthei :;( particulars. Tho school is located on 6 street in the Hall Bros, building, Just east of the F. & M. bank ON THE CAMPUS Don Cameron's Gate, 119 So. 12th. An In tor fraternity bowling league has been organized at Wisconsin. Capln Bros., Florists, Thirteenth street. 127 South Captain Thatcher of Missouri ie suffering from a sprained knee. He expects to got into the garao in a few days. Green's Sanitary Barbor Shop, 120 No. 11th. Bob Fuclk, last year's quarter at Wisconsin, has a brother trying for the team who gives promlso of be coming as much of a star as "Bob" himself. Havo your clothes pressed at Web er's Suitorlum, Eleventh and O. tf Tho debating league at I. 8. T. C. has the samo financial propositions to wrestlo with as have somo of the leagues in other schools. Tho school ma'ms are desirous of extending their forensic Ablations to includo another lntercolleglato debate. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. 8pa. 13th and P streets. Tho girls of the I. B. T. C. are now required to wear uniform gymnasium suits. The idea of uniformity in dress, whether it be for girls' gymnasium work or for "prep" drill is becoming quito universal. George BroB.. 218 South Thirteenth street. Printers. Calling Cards, In- vlteB and Programs. A courso in tho conservation of re- FULK FURNISHER AND HATTER 1 325 O STREET sources Is offered'' at tho University of Michigan. The -courso Involves six years of study resulting in the degree of Master of Conservation Engineer ing. 1322 N STREET both phones J. C. WOOD & CO. OLDEST LARGEST LEST Cleaners and Dyers Invitations havo been sent to. Uni versity students for an "at homo" by Trinity M. E. church. UUb evening from $ to 10 o'clock at tho church edifice, Sixteenth and A streets. The invitations specify that the reception is lor upper classmen as well as fresh men. Any mako of typewriter with golden oak .typewriter table, $6 for 3 months. Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. tf Tho students of the University of Missouri now have tho opportunity of "splashing in the Y. M. c7 A. pool, which was opened for the Urst time this fall. Tho pool Is open every day from 1:30 until 10 o'clock p. ra. Twenty-five cents is charged for five swlmB. $6 rents any make of typewriter with stand for three months. Rent applied if.machine Is purchased. Lin THE" SHOE- ' Repaiaing as you went it coin Typowrltor Exchange," 122 No llth. Richards block. You pass oui storo every day. It Tho young pcop!o of tho First Chris tian church nro leaving nothing un done to provide entertainment for the two to three hundred students that are expected to attond their annual reception Friday evening. Tho re ception will bo hold at tho church, Fourteenth and M Btrcets, and as In tho past, a cordial Invitation Is ex tended to all strangers as well as stu Mrs. H- H. Weeler, Mrs. C. L. HaM, Miss Camillo Hall and Miss Margaret Wheeler entertained at luncheon at noon yesterday In honor of Mrs. Ed win Hlnkley Barbour and her daugh ter, Miss Eleanoro Barbour. This Is one of a number of functions given for Miss Barbour, ono of tho brides elect of tho Reason. Tho luncheon was given at 12 o'clock at tho Hall resi dence, 1528 K street. At tho request of passengers living on tho Randolph and North Twenty fifth Btreo lines ,these lines will oper ato only to O iAeet without crossing. Tho cemetery car, leaving tho post offlco at two minutes after the hour and every fifteen minutes thereafter, 2, 17, 32 dnd 47, will transfer to tho Randolph street car going out, mak ing connections at Twenty-flfth nnd O streets. Passengers for tho North Twenty-flfth street lino will connect with tho Btato farm cars, leaving tho postofflco on tho hour, 15, 30 and 45 minutes after tho hour, .making con nections at Twenty-flfth and O streets. "Wo clip tho following from tho "Phllliplan," puollBhed at Phillips And ovcr Academy: "All fellows who would Hko to go to Lawrence tomorrow to sing at the jail are asked to take the oar which leaves the top of tho hill at eight o'clock." Come and See our new Soft Hats rnd Caps that ypu would be pleased to wear and know that you were wearing the right thing. Schlldmlllcr, a former Princeton end and All-American end in 1908, is coach ing tho Oregon Agricultural College team this fall. He played at Andover before entering Princeton. We clean anything from the intiest Chiffon to the heav. lest Suit or Overcoat, now is the time University of Missouri freshmen aro compelled to carry the suit cases of tho uppcrclassmen as they arrive on tho train. Cornell Sun. Basketball candidates have already reported for practice at Cornell. Coach Coogan ia in chargo. Tho women of the University of Minnesota have started a campaign to secure tho right of voting in the ath letic association elections. Northwestern University has adopt ed the rule that henceforth no stu dent in tho college of liberal arts shall become a member of a frater nity until he has secured from the dean a statement certifying that lie has been regularly enrolled for at least one semester and that during that time he has mado at least ten credit hours.. Get an 'F- Fr H'. BOOT foz your next tramp ' YATES-FRENCH CO. 122b O Street Classified Column Advertisements for this column should be left at tho business office, basement Administration building, be tweon 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Want ads will positively not be In serted unlets paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first insertion; three Inser tlons 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. Found Fountain pen. Owner may havo samo by Identifying nt "Rag" offlco and paying for this ad. 7-3t LoBt An O. H. S. '09 clasB pin on Q or R street, east of school. Re ward If returned to this offlco 7-31 Lost $10 bill, botwoon 12th and 13th on R Btreot, last week. Finder pleaso return to NebruaRan offlco. 9-lt Educational. iui-u Yvueiutib and K. it. Telugru phy. Sbortago of fully 10,000 opera t ors on nccount of 7-hour law and ex tensive "wireless' developments. Wr oporato under direct supervision o telegraph officials and positively place all students, when qualified. Wrltr for catalogue. Nat'l Telegraph Inst. Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Mompblp Dnvenport, la., Columbia, 8. C Port land, Qro. tf UNIVERSITY ATHLETICS Drake. Coach Griffith gave his football squad ono of tho "hardest work-outs Monday night they havo had this sea son, Jn preparation for tho gamo with Illinois next Saturday. Fiercer worji on the part of tho en tire team is the slogan of Griffith after the showing made against Dob Moines college last Saturday, and Mon day night he pointed out to tho men tho necessity of playing tho gamo at all times. The likely and unlikely candidates aro still being treated alike by Grif fith and be has given no intimation whatever of his selections for tho first squad. Two more of last year's olovon, Joined tho squadxzflflflirfzxflflfffllofn; Jones and McCroIght, both ends. Joined the squad last night, which will give a lot of valuable material for tho line. Cornell. Wlillo football practice at Cornoll Monday afternoon was light, the coaches giving tho men a rest after Saturday's strenuous gnmo, tho teams put.in threo. hours of Individual coach ing. Dan Reed was Impresaed by the poor tackling of tho forwards In Sat urday's gamo and today sot them at tho tackling dummy, fgr an hour's drill. Munk. Austin, Hale, Cham paign, Carman, Zellor and Freldonrlch were sent against tho dummy, boforo which tho coaches bad stretched a rope about waist high. Tho men hod to run under this rope, or a hake handle in the hands of Reed, boforo they could mako tholr tackles.' The coaches expect to teach tho men to tackle JuBt low onough by this device. The backs .were drilled at tho forward pass, both over and outsldo tho lino of scrimmage. Illinois. "Illinois" must sfiow better to beat Chicago." That was Jimmy Ash more's statement after tho IlTinl eleven bad taken hla men from James Milllken University into camp in Sat urday's game by a 13-0 tune. Ash moro was sincere. Ho is an Illlnl grad hlmBolf, and is rated as the best" first baseman that ever helped to win a baseball game for "G" Huff et al. The Milllken coach is . certainly right' about Chicago's chances. Illi nois, put up Just bout the classiest exhibition of consistent fumbling that a coll.ego football team has ever shown. It was a signal for a demon stration when one of "tho backs caught a punt cleanly. Like as not the. mon were a bit unnerved, in that Captain Butzer, Twist, Oliver and Merrlman were, not in the game, but neverthe less most of the players were vet erans. Illinois is loaded with them thls-year. - , A O. (ttfiilSl. v, . " '-.Ktr.'x : : i-': .. , . :.:W. .'a vWi' &?& VO' A A Triumph Arch to Kens ington Clothes Would bo built if triumphs todny were rewi r led as of old. They're a triumph of expert tailoring the result of endless vn telling. "Kensington" is our nnmd for tho beM clothes wi-can buy,' your guaranteo of perfect satisfaction. A sic tho men who carp about their clothes. They'll answer "Konsing ton." $20.00 to $40.00. MAGEE & DEEMER nop O Street AvyilvVkkHi KLLLLLLBSfi Herpolsheimer's Cafe i- Dinner JluOto Ji30 AEA r Supper itlO to7i30 UU ALS0 1 CAFETERIAS STYLE Hot Wif iMwith Maplt SyrufflOo Warthon's $2.50 Shoe Store and the Original Elect- -mmmm . -w -mm "X. jm nc Shoe Jep air Factory 142SNo. 12th!St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Yovr Pctronagc Solicited Hot Drinks! are now in season Do yon know any place whero you cun get asj QUICK SERVICE ! as you can 'at onr new store? NoJ need of being -crowded. L Lincoln Candy S IVltChen S. W, Cereer At Chicago university tho members of tho different classes try to outdo each other in fantastic costumes when they attend ono of .the big athletjc car jnlvals. ,Tho class which makes the "beat" showing receives a large ban ner. Politics is- a mooted questioa at other colleges than minors. The Daily iowan says: "The liberal arts collego has become ode -vast' political camp. From tho' freshmen;, who are just beginning to wake up, to the sen iors, who have been campaigning tor; .some time, politics is pow ta question, which rivals football in interast." 6 o v ,-.v LO- .m-k l. f ',f , iw, ' v . Htf - '.& -; -si! J! -ii y, . i"i vf t.ii '; :. M i 'a ".r? n m;V m .i 'j.Ja '.! rf .-.'., .J s- -t -K , -v.. "JP v ' W?-.