4 - V W! m, ( s . 1 if tTbe 3)ail flebraeftan VT " , Vol. X. No. 11 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1910. Price 5 Cents. K' 1: ( ) v Lit I COYOTES ARE HERE TODAY NEBRA8KA V8. 80UTH DAKOTA AT 3:30 P. M. EVERY MAN Y 003D CONDITION THE DAK0TAN8' 8TRENGJH ESTI MATED FROM GOPHER GAME. Rooters Are Asked to Occupy ' r Rooters', Section and Make Up for Last Week. the Nebraska Position 8o. Dakota Chauner L. T C. Coffee Bhonka L. T Barrett Elliott L. G Lyons Collins C ., Potts Hornberger R. G Downing Temple R. T Brown Lofgren R. E Saunders Warner. .Q. B P. Coffee E. Frank L. H Thackaberry O. Frank R. H Shuks Rathbone F. B Smith Today at 3:30 tho Cornhuskers will moot tho Coyotes on Nebraska field for tho second football gamo of tho season. Every man who will go into the game today la In tho best of condi tion. So far none of tho rosulnrs have been Injured In tho slightest, al though somo of tho scr.lmmago work this week has been hot and heavy. Coach Colo put his squad through an easy afternoon yesterday, satisfied with tho result of his work since last week. While nothing Is known of South Dakota's strength "this year, tho root orB aro basing their estimate on tho result of tho Minnesota gamo, South Dakota 0, Minnesota 17, and aro ex pecting tho Dakotans to put up a real football game. Both In signal practlco and scrim mage tho Nebraskans look fine. Tho now rules aro becoming more and more familiar as time goes on and the now formations go through with a precision that Is beautiful to Beo. Today's gamo will seo tho first trial of a new scheme of Identification. Each player has a largo white number on his back which can bo seen from ono end of tho field to the other. Following are the players by num ber: 1, Chauner; 2, Skdnlm; 3, El liott; 4, Collins; 5, Hornberger; 6, Temple; 7, Lorgron; 8, Warner; 9, O. Frank; 10, Rathbone; 11, E. Frank; 12, Minor; 13, Sturmor. Those are all tho numbers that have been given out. The list of 'varsity candidates who have been given tho signals to date, aside from tho names already given, Is "as follows: Buol, guard; Froltag, guard and center; Stelk, guard; An derson, end; Balderson, end; Gutbor let, guard and tackle; Russell, end; Seidell, full; Sturmer, tackle; Has call, quarter; Gibson, full; Harmon, guard; Minor, end and quarter; El well, half; Ray, guard. Colo is pleased at tho showing made by Seidell, who has not been In tho game before this year. Ho pluys a good game at full and may bo given a chance today to show what he can do. The cheer loaders want to see ovory Btudent of tho University who likes good rooting perched up o'n a bench In tho rooters', section to make up for tho rooting that was not done last Saturday. The rooting last week was not all it might have been and a fc bo'tor showing is desired for today. fV TTrtlvnrRltv elrln are Invited to make v ... " " . ... U80 of tho girls' rest room m Me morial hall during thoT afternoon be fore tho gamo. It will bo open until a few minutes before tho gamo starts so that any girl deciding to go at. tho last minute will And a lady member of tho faculty at tho rcBt room to act as chnperono. Tho letter received from South Da kota gave very meager Information, 4-tolllng absolutely nothing of tho team excepting tho names of tho playors. It gavo no weights and no nameB aside from tho eleven men who were expected to start the game. TRY0UT8 TODAY. Debaters to Discuss the Question of Closed 8hop. Twenty-six contestants for places on tho debato squad aro already en tered for tho preliminaries to bo hold today.- Four additional men have en tered since tho last list was published IMFiIBBBbIQiHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBki. & I jus c ' tL. .BBK BBBBBBBBBBBBk- mik I 46" . -A iSA. wmEBBBB jufe4 h . ' j ft, .&sv'fyyPVxfTC?j9GIBm ' ' 1 ", & liK JBBBBBPBPBBWrYv'VH 0 s?QkBBBBBfiVVBBBBBBBBCi. Tfc. " "Sv. 7K -- ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' - W. F. CHAUNER The Scrappy Little End Who Knows How to Receive Passes W. A. VaBoy, Law, '11, Beatrlco, E. P. Snyder, '13, Council Bluffs; J. W. Jones, Jr., Law, 12, McCook; I. J. An drews, Law, '12, Lincoln. Tho ques tion Is, "Resolved, That tho movement of organized labor for tho closed shop deserv-eo tho -support of public opinion." Eleven men will argue for tho closed shop and fifteen will speak agalnBt It. Tho debates will bo held today In Memorial hall, from 9:15 to 11:30 In tho morning and from 1 to 2 ihlB after noon, and are open to the public. Tho speeches will be limited to seven min utes each. Tho Judges will bo mem bers of the faculty. CHANGE IN MEETINGS. Student's Debating Club to Assemble on Wednesday. A business meeting of tho students debating club was held last Wednes day evening to formulate plans for the coming year. Tho meeting was called to order by President Andrews. A committee was appointed last year to recommend certain changes in the constitution. As chairman of thlB com- jmitteo, H. E. Dixon made his report. It was decided to hold meetings here after on Wednesday evening at eight o'clock. Tho next meeting will bo hold In U 10G on October 12. All In terested in promoting tho debating work aro urged to como. Tho students of Clark Qollego will form a good government club, named after the late President Carroll D. Wright. The club is to discuss ques tions of government, working largely through committees, which will make elaborate reports. THE FAESHMENjREAK LOOSE THREE CANDIDATES. 8TART THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE. PURDY. EPPERSON AND 01LMORE TWO ENGINEERING 8TUDENT8 dPPOSE AN ACADEMIC. Interest In the Sophomore Class Cen ters In Olympics No Candi dates Opposo Sears. "CharlcB Epperson, a young man from Clay Center, Is out for the presi dency of tho 'frcBhles.' Active part In high school last year, has good knowledge of law, bright fellow, good moral character." Tho nbovo brief was handed to a No braskan reporter yesterday by an en terprising young freshman, who sum moned up courage enough to bring tho slip of paper down to tho editor ial rooms. Ho loft orders for tho No braskan man to "wrlto this out as you seo t," and went on his way rojoic ing.- Epperson is a six year law stu dent, who is at this tlmo registered In tho science and arts college. Ho was prominent in his high school at Clay Center. 'The Candidates Out. Two engineering students are now in tho raco for tho first year, honors. Three candidates camo, out, all In ono day, after an extended political drouth. Leonard Purdy of Beatrice, and William Gilmoro of Nebraska City aro tho two engineering men who Jumped into tho flro yesterday. Tho engineering students will bo split up for the flrBt timo..Whlch man will re ceive tho endorsement of tho first year shop men? This seems .to be tho vi tal question of the hour. Both men aro said to be popular with tho class men from their towns, but neither candidate Has boasted of what ho ex pects to do when tho counting day dawns. - - Purdy Some Athlete. Leonard Purdy of Beatrice, Nob., was tho first man of the three to have his name circulated about the qampus. He is n .graduato of Beatrice high school where ho played football for the full number of years allotted to a high school player. Ho is a strong man' in athletics, being the star of the froEhman team 'and tho hepo of the 9rst year men In their fight for the class championship this, year. Purdy 1b tho promising man, who may be seen any evening giving tho regulars a big scaro out on tho Hold. Ills friends claim that ho will mako a good race. Nebraska City Man Announced. William P. Gilmoro of Nebraska City, Is tho other man who camo down in tho storm of presidential as pirants yesterday. Gilmoro 1b nn ox Pom man and a graduate of NobrftH ka Cty hgh school. Ho was promnent as a debater and athloto at Nebraska City. Last season Gilmoro was chosdn half-back on tho all-Nebraska foot ball team, which tho NcbraBkan re porter has beon informed wob careful ly picked, B. M. Chorrington bolng ono of tho committee. Gilmoro 1b an engineering student. Ho entered tho university at tho opening of this bo mostor. Ho has a goodly following. No Opposition. Sears still lias his own way In tho Bophoraoro class, but overy day now rumors break forth regarding some now possibility. Several men nro known to bo considering entering tho racoi but It is genorally bollovcd that Sears will have tho whole-hearted sup port of tho classmen, ClaBs harmony will bo preserved at all odds, because of tho nearness of tho Olympics, tho annunl class scrap with tho freshmen. Tho class of 1013 wero dofeated last year and are de termined to work togother this year with a hard fight in sight. No doflnito plans, however, can bo laid until aftor tho election, when a committee will bo appointed to engineer tho cam paign. Politics in tho Bophomoro class aro almost at a standstill. Sears, however, will undoubtedly bo tho choice of the class, unless Bomo ex ceptionally promising black chargor should como In at a handicap on tho homo stretch. POLITICAL NOTICE. The University Republican club will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the Republican County Central Committee room in the Llndell hotel on M street. Election of officers, and speeches by candidates. All Repub licans como out. OWEN FRANK A Nebraska "Whirl-wind" All by Himself Hsi- BBBXBBYiSBs&?4 'fSBBBBBBSA BBBflBBBBjBBSVX f ja-SBBBBBBB HHQS'BMBBBBBBBtf LLLLLLLHsQNLkFwT t isbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 KIH LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbC -1 JBBBBBBBfliBvuk MI VtS) .M iBBBRHi Tft-flr "BBBBBBBBMP&WtflSnnill A BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbEi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Hc A BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW j BBBBBBBBbV BBPI bS! ' eLJ' JBHBBBBJBBHftH7BBKf ' BJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjRTir i'"B5f! GAS MAY BE PRODUCED TE3T8 BEING MADE ON 8HALE DEP08IT8 NEAR FAIRBURY. OFFICIAL REPORT IS BEINO MAM THE GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT WORKING ON THE PROILEM. May Mean a Big "Boam" for State of Nebraska Exaot Data Is Not Available. Tho University of NobraBka geo logical department is at prosont per forming somo very valuablo tests upon Bhalo dopoBlts dlBcovorcd near Pnlr-biiry, Nebraska. A d6tailcd Bum mary of this Investigation will short ly bo subject to publication, but until such n report rocolvos a warrantablo sclontlflc verification, no official ro markB will bo -mado. During tho lattor part of last Au gust, bituminous shales from GraneoB formntlon, nenr Falrbury, t wero re ported to Nebraska Unlvorslty au thorities to bo gas producing. Ac cordingly, Prof. N. A. Bongston, un der tho dlroctlon of. Professor Condra of tho geological department, visited tho scono of probablo action for tho oxcIubIvo purrqao of Btudying tho de posits and collecting a roprdBontatlvo numbor of samples. . A Critical Test. Slnco that date, thoso samplos havo been undorgolng a critical tost Tho first supposition that tho shales wero gas producing was oaslly verified. Tho second characteristic that tho gas contained illuminating qualities was llkowlso duly proved. Farther than this, howevor, tho authorities will only conjocturo. Upon tho ono nil-Important fact that tho shalos may bo capablo of producing a sufficient quantity of gns to guarantoo it good commercial possibilities, tho scien tists In chargo of tho investigation rofuso to commit thomBolvos. Tho department Justifies their non committal attitude by tho following issued statement: "Somo of tho shale samplos in question yielded fairly good rosults, but no oxact data Is availablo bo cauBo of tho Insufficient numbor of tests performed up to this tlmo. If posBlblo, nn officially verified roport will bo given to tho press In a fow days." Located Near Falrbury. Tho doposits under discussion aro located about six miles north of Falr bury. It njny bo assured that lntenso Intorost and excitement Is provnlent among Falrbury citizens pending tho sclontlflc, analysis which is being ap plied to their shale samples. Tho pubJ1iiftion of. exact data that these deposits do contain commercial qual ities will evidently bo a "boom" to their city. The stock In tho gas-to-be In tho shale territory Is very fluctuat ing, though, for various "sclontlflc" reports havo been issued; oho to tho effect that experiments showed a re sult of 10,500 cubic feet of gas to tho ton of shale. If such a condition roally existed, tho possessor ' of the deposits could easily claim a fortune t 1 t T wp t p f r r NOTICE. ' ' " . All University students' are re- $ $ quekfed to correct their ad- dresses at the Registrar's office at once. This Is Important, and all the men and women of the . University are expected to1-do this. The University directory Is made up from the addresses In the office, and the Y. M. CVA. desires that' the directory bt oar. rect ft; " - Jil f t i ,.'i .M i f , - '" ' -q' A4r 8-gJ HK jltekW'Vi- &iiai ..