THE DAILY. KEBRASKAN Mr- i- t 1 V a ' f Sit is U I , THE DAILY NEBRASK.AN . TJia pnorEivrlr ok THE UNlVEnaiTY OP NMDUAfllCA, Lincoln', NobroaUn. Putitlnhed by TUB 8TUD10NT PUBLICATION DOA,U EDITORIAL STAFF. l3dltor. ...... ...... c. J. i.oiu) AmooIiUo Kd!toV......T. J. HAIW1UVK ABaoclAto Bdjtor '..A, II. DINSMOH12 "; BUSINESS STAFF. Manager ,'..,.,,.. 0. C. icmnoo A'BBlBtont Manager V. C. IIA.SC'AL.I. Circulator ..,.,.........C. 11UCUANAN " i in i i i i i "Eclltb'rISI and Duslrleit Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDO. Poitofflee, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCniPTipN PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR .' ,' ' lnyabe In Advance. ''V-. - Single Coplea, B Cents Each. Telephone! Auto 1888. ' Nl&ht Phonei AUto 1888; Auto 2683; x, .. Bell 1123. ', 'INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo clinr 'for.'at the Tiitn of 10 contu tho Inearth cd on ,iorevery' fifteen wordfl or fraction there of. Faculty Jiotlceu and University bul letins will gladly bo jnibllBhcd free. vHhtored , a,t tho pcmtoftlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as nocoml-clnnn mull mutter, Under the Act of CongrcHfl of Marclr 3, . 1878.". ABWrtlBmenti f0P the want column hotild be left at the business office, bnso- ment, Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and B.p. m; ( " Cash must accompany nil orders for nd- . vertlilnoi at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen ,Wor or fraction thereof the first 'Insertion,; three Insertions twenty-five 'cents; five Insertions forty cents. OCTOBER G, 11)10. " TUo Syracuao football team out ' played tbo Yalo team, but waa beaten . by ajscoro of 12 to C, euyB tho Syrn ciiie' Dally Orange. Hard luck, Or (ingoltctf, you certainly dcflervo all the , " sympathy, you enn got, but wouldn't that hoadlino of Yalo, "Outnlnyed by 1 Varsity, Wins 12 to 0," lmvo looked ' "bettor,. SyracuBo Defeated After n Gruolll'ng Battlo"? t Sbmo of Nebrnaka'a freshmen wll'. . have to havo honorH thrust ujiou thorn "' unless a candldato cntcrB tho Hold within tho next few days. Tho clast election Is scheduled for noxt Thurs- $2.50 Hats day, Wako up, freshmen, nud tako a littlo interest in class affairs. Who Will bo your first president? LOCKED DOORS. Tbo, practlco of locking- clnss room .doors Is bocomlng prevalent among many classes. Tho system may bo nil right from certain standpoints, but It has vory evident disadvantages. A first hour class, particularly for stu dontB who llvo over town, Is often hard to mnko. While there 1b no excuse for continued tardiness on tho part of qhy student, It seems rather unjust to havo a student loso tho benefit or n class and rccolco an absent mark at tho samo tlmo because tho street cars woro dolnycd or other unprevcntable things have happened. If a student Is habitually -late, have him conditioned in the subject or else dropped from tho class. It Is hard to believe that tho late College of Agriculture UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NEW TERM STARTS NOVEMBER 1, 1910 Registration at the State Farm Starting October 31, 1910 n:oo'A. M. Musical entranco of ono or two studontB Into a class room bo disturbs the work of tho claBB that jt becomcB necesBiirj to bo unjUBt to earnest studontB and compel them to Iobo tho bonoflt of n class when they are actually prevent ed from reaching It. - Minnesota Dally. FOOTBALL' RALLY? Twlco a week tho university Is to havo a half hour set apart for convo cation. Onco a week this period Is, used for tho address of n notable man upon a subjoct of common Intcrost. Tho other half hour in tho week la used ob a rulo for a musical program. Arrangements woro mado to hold a football rally Thursday. When plans wero nearly completed, It was found that tho dato would have to bo changed to Friday, and then at B o'clock. Why not Thursday? Sim ply bpcauso a musical program was scheduled for that hour. It later do volopB that Thursday cannot be used for football rallies at all. If the uni versity Btudent8 dcslro to arouse a lit tlo enthusiasm they must wait untlj Friday at 5 o'clock In the afternoon. Pencil Curl Rims, Telescope Browns, Greys, Tans and Black This is a Real One! Sad, sad world. Has tho university become so bound up in musical af fairs that a convocation program of this naturo cannot bo postponed for a football rally? Tho men and women of the univer sity want to know why they cannot havo football rallies at 11 o'clock on an occasional Thursday. Football season lasts but a short time. Every man and every woman In this Institu tion with life enough to come to this school is interested In football. Mu sical programs can be held later In the year, when tho football season Is over. Tho students want but one Thurs day In two during tho football season, and sometimes not that often. The ask each other, nnd It Is a fair ques tion, "What Ib convocation?" Is it an assembly of students or Is It an enter tainment of a few who happen to bo Program MEMORIAL HALL Interested In whatever" line' of program that may bo offered?" University BtudcntB demand fair play. Any ono can seo that 11 o'clock on an occasional Thursday Is tho best hour for arousing enthusiasm in uni versity affairs as well as unlverslt) spirit. At that tlmo all the studontf have a free half hour and' nearly all aro on tho campus. Friday at 5 o'clock is worthless. At that tlmo u hard day's work has been accom plished by all the men and women. Not enough enthusiasm could be aroused to wake up tho living, to say nothing of the dead. Let something bo Btarted. We need real spirit here. Let it como in full force and lot us work together. Fac ulty members and students, this is a placo for roal llvo peoplo. Wo want live peoplo who boost for Nebraska and help those who try to boost. Let us know why a few musical programs can not bo postponed for a short time bccnuBo tho men and women of thin Institution want to come out and bn somebody with a purpose tho cultiva tlon of university spirit at tho. right tlmo. BUDD 1415 O ST. Glee Club Notice. Professor Klrkpatrick deslros to meet tho following men nt 7 p. m Thursday, school of music: First Tenors Fracklton. Wickland. Guldlngor. Graham. Gallagher. Second Tenors 8tarrctt. Plorce. Ilonline. Davis. Slater. Cromwell. Rosenbaum. Sturmer. Baritone Wicks. Fair. Clark. Munson. Hall.- Berry. Wherry. Lionberger. Janes. Second Bass Warner. ' Ross. HpMasters. Keith. Barnes. Tho above mon must not consider that they havo "cinchod" places In the club. However, they will begin work at once, on a competitive basis. If they fall to make good In proper time, other men will bo found to take their places. H. W. SLATER, 8-2t President. COMING EVENTS Convocation. Convocation. Convocation, Thursday, 11 o'clock, Memorial hall, musical program. Organizations. - Palladian society will meet Friday evening. Athletic .board meets Thursday at 11 o'clock In Dr. Clapp's onicc Convocation, Thursday, 11 o'clock, Memorial hall. Social. Fraternal rushing season closes Monday at noon. Friday, October 7, church recep tions to University students. Organizations. Union Literary society meets Fri day evening. Class Elections. Junior election, Thursday, October 6th. Sophomore election, Tuesday, Octo ber 11th. Athletics. Saturday, October 8, football, Ne braska vs. South Dakota, at Lincoln. W. D. Hunter, '95, is now stationed at Dallas, Texas, as agent of the U. S bureau of entlmology, department of agriculture, Washington, D. C. Work Called For and Dolivoro.l Studonts Work a Specialty Windsor Sultorium Opon Saturday Night All Night WOLFE & YOUNG Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.25 Pressed 50c Auio 4728 Bell F2292 The University of Nebraska Y.M.C.A. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU WANTS Asst. circulator for Rag, 9 to 10 a. m. daily. An experienced printer and press feeder A man to tend furnace on 25th street A man to work in Library from 3 to 4 p. m. Men who need work The co-operation of University Students Office For Lunches Put Up for Parties, also Ice Cream and College Ices, and Fruit Punches Call at THE FOLSOM, 1307 O St. BOTH PHONES FRATERNITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET Typewriters ALL MAKES SOLD OR RENTED Rent applied on purchase price. Two year written guar antee wTth every machine sold. Distributers New Model, L. C. Smith & Bros, visiable. Call or write jor catalogue and special price list. . , Auto Phone-20'80. Bell Jhone 1299. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. , . 143 So. 13th St., Lincoln, Ncbr. JnaEMfcUs ,i BiL "- " A" Simple Difference in Clothes Ever nrtice the difference clothes make in' a man'e ap pearance. It isnt the amount of mon ey hut the . kind .of clothes you huy. If it's a Kensington or L System suit you're safe. The dash and color of the College man is in L System clothe 8. They're made for College men. Not extreme butdist'n?tivo At prices for all, $18. U0 to $30.00. MAGEE & DEEMER nop O Street Y. M. C. A. Rooms & SORORITIES AUTO 3220 BELL 234 T E3 '-' v y Mm I m .ifi ' '; f V ' ( -J V rs-5fcH V 'X'.v j ' n v . :-.rvL- ! ft ..": !!. ' X'i. , k .1 nl ". ' SI . '-V v .."..i'.--- S-B... .-rtESai m ' s