The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 05, 1910, Image 1

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3)ail Iftebtaefcan
Vol. X. No. 8
Frlce S Cents.
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Some Vacancies to Be Filled Appli
cations for Regimental Adjutant
Will Be Received at Once.
With the close of tho first week,
and n fair start into tho second, tlie
nltltary department of tho University
of Nebraska 1b rapidly gaining a sure
footing upon which to base its organ
ization. Tho first work is always noc
cssarlly interrupted by individual
shifts, granted reprieves, and general
uncertainty of action among the offi
cers, but with this completed concen
tration upon tho regular preparatory
routine is the order of tho day.
Signal Detachment.
Probably tho newest feature en
countered in the 1910-11 military sci
enco administration is tho formation
of a signal detachment. This forma
tlon, although not so significant in it
BOlf, Is intended to bo tho deciding
factor In tho acquirement of a signal
corps for Nebraska university. Ino
Officials of tho department maintain
that tho necessity of securing a. sig
nal corps has for a long time been ap
parent, and that tho lack of such a
detachment almost produced a failure
In some of the problems executed at
camp last year.
Tho creation of Buch a corps must
come officially from the United States
war department. It has been prophe-sled.-thoreforo,
that tho establishment
Of a signal detachment, tho functions
of which will bo similar to tho signal
corps, wlU demonstrate to tho war de
partment the necessity of a corps.
Four Privates and a Sergeant.
Tho signal detachment will bo com
posed of four privates, under tho com
mand of a sergeant,
There will bo no
commissioned officers in this depart
ment because of Its unofficial origin.
Tho duties of tho detachmont, as
outllnod by Colonel Kramer, will bo
to rpcelva Instruction and training In
tho manipulation of tho heliograph, tel
egraph, "wig wags," and, if possible,
tho wlrolesB telegraph. Competency
-along such lines will consequently bo
a prerequisite to all privates desiring
enrollment in tho detachment. An
Improvised method of communication
"was lost year established by an "1m-
provisod" signal corps during some of
tho moro complicated problems, but it
proved very Inefficient because of tho
raw recruits In tho detachment.
Change In Dress.
; The various modifications In the
cadets' dress, which wore propoBod at
tho beginning of tho year, havovnow
' become compulsory. They consist,
chiefly, In tho abandonment of leg
gings aB a dress requirement, except
during tho week at camp; the estab
lishment of white collars instead of
tho scarfs; and tho addition of white
gloves. Tho primary" cauBe of all of
thoso modifications Is uniformity of
Tho vacancies for tho year, with tho
exception of one, are not ready for of
ficial announcement. Tho failure of
R, W. Patterson Jto return to the uni
versity loaves the position of regl-
A -mental, captain adjutant vacant Ap-
-jfis ' plications for this office aro now bo-
nrWK iciiviiuui uvwiiu poihuauio ui
PWmpanieB B and M aro also still to
be filled. Outside of the second sor-
.goants, no non-commissioned officers
JfFfvflW bo appointed until next week.
"Aii cauots aro to appear in iuu uni
form Nov. 1. Until that timo do
merits in dress will bo suspended.
' During the meantime, the scarlet and
cream alcove bands' will bo substituted
on all commissioned officers' uniforms
In place of tho old "so-called" scarlet
and cream. Tho distinct difference In
tho two braids Ib that tho new one
will foaturo tho red InBtead of the
cream color.
McCook Man Wins Out in Junior
Law Class.
W. M. Sommervillo of McCook wat
ycBterday elected president of tlu
Junior law class by a big majority
HIb opponent, F. H. Mizora of Dca
trice, was defeated by a decisive vote.
Sommervillo is a member of Delta Tau
Delta fraternity, and generally popu
lar among not only tho law student
of his class, but among the members
of other colleges.
Political Organization Chooses Lead
ers for the Year.
At a meeting of the Democratic
club of tho university Tuesday oven
ing tho following officers for the year
wore chosen:
0. S. Gllmore, chairman.
W. C. Weiss, vice-prosidont. .
C. L. Rein, secretary.
J. Rohn, treasurer.
0. L. Jones, sergeant-nt-arms".
Tho members of the executive com
mltteo woro also appointed. Thoso ou
tho committee aro as follows: S. F
Mutz, chairman; Mullen, Orlswell
Jones and Votava.
Politics were not discussed at this
meeting. However, it was deemed ad
visablo to hold a meeting of tho club
tho latter part of this week or tho fore
part of next week at the Lincoln hotel
and listen to an address by one of the
candidates on the state ticket from the
democratic party.
Changes In Scholarship Fraternity for
the Present Year.
For a good many yearB tho require
ments for graduation from tho Univer
sity of Nebraska and for oleetion to
phi Beta Kappa differed moro or less
widely. For several years a large
number of tho best students failed of
election becauso they had failed to
mak0 their courses broad enough to
satisfy tho Phi Beta Kappa domands.
In 1909 and 1910 tho requiromente
were so nearly tho same that but two
or three people who had sufficiently
high Krados fo be considered for Phi
Botat Kappa wero found to have failed
to make tho necessary courses. II
uaa- uocn hoped that soon Phi Bota
Kappa might bo ablo to adopt the
graduation standard as its own, but
the change from seven to six out of
eight groups required for graduation
mado this impossible, and at its last
meeting tho chapter adopted tho fol
lowing as its standard, for the clasM
of 1911:
To bo eligible for .election to Phi
Beta Kappa memberB of the class of
1911 must have completed tho Blx out
of eight groups of subjects required
for graduation complete and without
substitution, ono of tho six being the
classics or the exact science group.
Phi Beta Kappa stands for broad as
well as high scholarship, and it has
been a strong Influence In the' broad
ening of requirements In, tho Univer
sity of "Nebraska. ,
While the standard .for 1911 1b
slightly lower than that beld for 1909
and 1910 it was felt desirable to keep
it as near to tho graduation require
ments aB possible and that to require
tho classics or mathematics as ono of
the six groups completed would make
It essentially as high as heretofore.
By a rocont ruling of tho faculty
any Indiana student declaring himself
eliglblo for ipter-cqlleglato athletlcB
who knows himself to be ineligible
will be. dropped from the university
rollB. , . ,
OF 143 TO 104.
Sears Has a Qulot Campaign Amont
8ophomorcs No One Is Out
Among Freshmen.
A. R. Raymond dofoated F. C. Stur
mer in tho raco for tho presidency ol
tho sonlor class, tho election boin.
hold yesterday morning in Momorlal
hall. Raymond was given the honor J
of wielding tho gavel at sonlor meet
lngs after ono of tho most aggressive
and oxclting campaigns in years. Stur
mer proved to bo an honornblo op
ponont in every way, and was tho first
man to congratulato tho now prosl
dent. Two hundred and forty sovon
ballots wero cast,. of which Raymond
received a majority of thirty-nine
votes. When all of tho votes had
boon counted yesterday, tho black
board displayed tho following figures:
A. R. Raymond 143
C. F. Sturmor 104
Raymond is a mombor of Phi Alpha
Tau, Union Literary society and of
tho Platform club.
Hahne Presides.
B. H. Hahne, retiring president, pre
sided over tho meeting.
Raymond whs nominated by H. W.
Fairmont Man Who Was Elected Pres
ident of the Class of 1911.
Coulter, who when ho arose spoko
only a few words, as follows : "Mr.
President, I desire .to nominate a man
who has beon prominent in dobntlng
and military circles, Mr. Raymond.'
Thoro was a good round of npplausc.
Yalo Holland, In nominating Stur
mer, made a very eloquent speech.
He Bald at the opening of his speech,
"I nominate Charles Sturmer." Those
words wero followed by great ap
plause, especially from tho sections of
seats occupied by tho engineers, who
woro almost solidly supporting Stur
mor. Holland went on to explain tho
fitness of his candidate in a. most
forceful manner. Ho told how Stur
mer lias worked hard for tho class and
for the school over since ho first came
to tho university, how he was one of
tho organizers of thovclass, and last
of all he spoko of how loyal ho has
beon to tho football team. '"
Votes Run Close.
While the ballotB wore being count
ed there was no small amount of inter
est shown, for it seemed that the
names of tho two candidates came al
most alternately. Ono senior who
started to keep track of the voto said
after tho meeting that .ho gave it up
because of the quick alternation ot
names'. Ho said that bo tried to koop
track of the vote, but it was lrapos'
slblo for him to work so rapidly. For
tho first half of the counting, votes
wero registered almost alternately for
tho two candidates and it was plainly
seen that whichever man won would
not have a big lead.
Returns showed tho two men to be
running nearly together until abou
tho middle of the count, wen Ray
mond began to gain steadily. Inter
est was Intense while the ballots were
beings counted, it was the same sort
of excitement which bus porvndod tho
campus air Blnco tho day on which
Sturmor took tho fiold against Ray
mond. It was declared by all to bo n
cleanly fought hb well as a strenuous
Juniors to Elect.
Tomorrow at 11:30 a. m. in Memo
rial hall, tho juniors will assomblo t
select a president for tho first sem
ester. Verno DateB scorns to have n
clear Hold. As yot no other candidate
has announced himself. It la nevoi
too lato for n "dark horso" to broalt
loose but such an occurrenco is not
looked for at this timo. Jupior load
ers stato frankly that Dates will hav
no opposition, and that it Ib possible
that ho will bo given a unnnimow
oleetion, should no other man oppose
Batos camo to Lincoln from Lodge
Polo, Nebraska, whero his parents live
to enter tho Lincoln high school. H
completed his courso thoro in Icse
than four years, ontoring tho univer
sity Immediately. Ho was a momboi
of that famous freshman toatn which
won tho championship in tho Inter
clasB debates in 1009. Ho has beon
active in class and school affairs. He
Is a member of Dolta Upsilon frator
nlty and of tho "Vikings."
Carrol Sears still has tho clear track
in tho sophomoro class. No freshman
has beon ablo to stir up enough cour
ago to announco his candidacy. Fresh
men who oxpoct to entor tho raco for
first yoar honors will bo In tho game
soon, for tho election will probably be
called for Thursday of next week.
First yoar candidates may ho hoard
from almo&t any minuto.
Unexpected Rumor Starts Late Tues
day Night.
Lato Tuesday night tho rumor start
ed that Fromont Michlo of Lincoln
was a candidate for tfio presidency ol
tho freshman class. Michlo could noi
bo located and the rumor was not con
It is understood that ho has secured
tho support of tho Lincoln momberc
of tho class of 1914 arid IB pushing his
campaign. Ho was one of tho leadorb
in tho Lincoln high school, nnd while
thoro made a reputation as an athlete.
Elects George T. Llddell Managing
Editor of Nebraskan.
At a meeting of tho students' pub
lication board TueBday afternoon in
Purchasing Agent Clark's offlco, Geo.
T. Llddell of Lincoln was elected man
aging editor of the Dally Nebraskan
for tho present semester. Tho elec
tion of Llddell was to All tho vacancy
In that position caused by tho non-return
of T. Q. Edgecombe. At a moot
Ing of tho board last spring Edge
combo was elected managing editor,
but having secured a position on one
of tho papers in tho southern section
of tho state ho did not enter the uni
versity this fall. m
The board also approved tho present
editorial staff of the Nebraskan, Sec
rotary Clark and Professor Stout wore
appointed as a committee to secure a
uniform voucher for tho uso ot the
business management of tbo Daily- Ne
braskan,. tho Cornhuskor, and the Blue
Tho Gorman department is very de
sirous of having a good representation-
of university men from the, de
partment in the German parade next
Thursday. The-intontion Is to bavo
them march behind the float cqatain
inga bunch of pur fair co-edr, as a
guard of honor. v All men who wish
to enter tho parade will please leave
.their names, with Professor Tossler,
Participants are excused from .after-
booh classes.
Girls' Section In Center of Grandstand
Is Meeting With Favor
Among Co-Eds.
South Dakota is next, In splto of
tho fact that tho northerners put up a
stlffor gamo against Minnesota than
uny ono looked for,' they will not run
up against a soft snap whon thoy
tacklo tho Cornhuskors next Satur
day. After tho first gamo played with
tho Peru Normal team, played laBt
Saturday with such disastrous results
for tho Normalltes, "King" Colo has
been ablo to pick tho weak spots and
thlB weok ho will spend his timo rem
edying points wherein tho Cornhusk
ors foil short In tho Initial gamo.
Thackaberry and Coffey Fast.
Thackaborry, quarter, and Coffey.
loft half, who starred in tho gamo
agalnBt Nebraska horo last yoar, aro
back this yoar fastor than over. Both
wero In tho gamo with Minnesota, and
it wbb owing to their fast work bohlnd'
tho lino that 'the strong Minnesota
team was hold to tho scoro of 17 to 0.
South Dakota also has a promising
bunch of now men.
Following is tho line-up used by
South Dakota against Mlrinesota, and
which will probably bo llttlo changed
in (be gamo horo: Saundors, left end;
Barrett, loft tacklo; Potts, left guard;
Rlnehart, centor; Downing, rlg'ni' ''
guard; Brown, right tackle Christ,
right end; Thackaborry, quarter;. Cof
foy, loft half; Shocks, right half; Mor
gan, full.
Ernie Frank a Wonder.
Ernlo Frnnk is proving quito a won
der, and hlB big brother will havo to
keop awfully busy If ho wants to stay
In tho procession. Ernlo is rapidly Im
proving, and a few weeks' moro work
will put him in shape for a hard sea
son. Last night in practice ho startled
tho crowd by gottlng past tho scrubs
for a touchdown on tho kickoff.
Manager Eager is pleased with the
way his university glrlB' section idea
is talffng hold. Situated as It is In the
center of tho reserved section, afford- .
ing tho best seats possible,' It has at
tracted a good deal of attention among
the university girls. Whllo tho num
ber who mado uso of It at tho Peru,
gamo was not largo, it was largo
enough to show tho man ago r that his
scheme will bo a success.
The coach bastardly decided 'upon '
his lino-up for tho South Dakota game,
although It Is thought It will bo little
.changed from tho liric-up used against
What the effect of tho new rules
will be in the real hard games of tho
season is still more or leBs a matter
of conjecture. Most of the .games 'so,
far played by the leading college
teams havo been mprely preliminary
games, with tho harder ones yet to
However, this much is certain: The
Cornhuskers havo demonstrated, their
adaptability in tho way of changing
along with the rules committee, and if
'the rules committee is satisfied "King"
Colo thinks ho can be satisfied too.
Special Notice.
AH members of the Students? .De
bating club are urged to be preeeat
at-rtho first meeting of the club, to
be hold at 8 o'clock Wednesday evea-
Ing, October 6. Important business
la to be transacted, so come oat and, ,
bring your fellow members.
, H. B. plXON,
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